Ragnarök - Twilight of the Gods - Æsir Victory

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Ragnarök - Twilight of the Gods - Æsir Victory

Post by Unagi »

Ragnarök - Twilight of the Gods


"Snow fell on the four quarters of the world; icy winds blew from every side; the sun and the moon were hidden by storms. It was the Fimbul Winter: no spring came and no summer; no autumn brought harvest or fruit, and winter grew into winter again.

There was three years' winter. The first called the
Winter of Winds: storms blew and snows drove down and frosts were mighty. The children of men might hardly keep alive in that dread winter.

The second winter was called the
Winter of the Sword: those who were left alive amongst men robbed and slew for what was left to feed on; brother fell on brother and slew him, and over all the world there were mighty battles.

And the third winter was called the
Winter of the Wolf."


~ The Children of Odin


The Jötnar
The Jötnar were spirits of nature with the strength of gods, they were giants. The first living being formed out of chaos was a Jötunn named Ymir, a giant of absolutely unimaginable size. Ymir was eventually slain by a young Æsir named Odin.

It is said Ymir's body became the earth and his blood, the sea.

The descendants of Ymir are everywhere. They include frost giants, dragons, hideous monsters of all manners, and even a vast majority of the Æsir Gods themselves.

A Jötunn could be the girl next door or a serpent that circles the earth... and shape shifting wasn't out of the question either.

The Æsir & Vanir
In the very earliest of ages, the Vanir were the gods of nature, fertility, and prosperity; while the Æsir were the gods of man, fertility, and prosperity. The Æsir were often at odds with the Vanir, for the will of man was often opposing the will of nature, and vice versa.

Eventually a final war was waged, and it was this ancient war that would mark the end of the Vanir Gods as a tribe. The few that did remain, remained as trophies of war to the Æsir.

Over time, these captured Vanir would be absorbed into the Æsir culture and considered part of the Æsir tribe.

The Vanir, however, would always consider themselves Vanir.

The Jötnar vs. The Æsir
The paths of the Jötnar and the Æsir intersected constantly and collided quite often. Although times were often good, if not great, between them; their destinies were betrayed by their constant conflicts. The last calm between them was forever shattered when the Jötunn, Loki, tricked the blind Æsir god, Hod, to kill his own brother Baldr, Baldr the god of peace and joy.

For this, the Æsir captured Loki and locked him deep underground, he was bound by the entrails of one of his offspring.

And there Loki would remain, forever tortured by a venomous snake until his fate, Ragnarök, would set him free.

It was all part of the prophecy...

Ragnarök began with the Fimbulvetr, an uninterrupted winter of three years.

The great wolves Skoll and Hati, who spent most of their lives chasing Sol and Mani (the sun and the moon), did finally catch their prey.

Asgard, the great land of the gods, is covered in the blood from their kill.

Midgard, the land of man, suffers massive earthquakes that topple trees and crash mountains.

Fenrir, the great wolf, breaks his magic bonds.

Hel's vast undead armies begin to leave her underworld realm, Niflheim.

All fetters are broken and Loki the trickster is freed.

And so, the end will begin.

The end of man, the end of days, and the end of gods and giants.

Last edited by Unagi on Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:46 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Unagi »

The Roles

The Jötnar

Loki is the capricious Giant Lord of Mischief destined to lead the Jötnar in the battle of Ragnarök. Through the ages, Loki's history with the gods of Æsir ranged from clever collaborator to murderous trickster. For it was Loki that guided the hand that killed the great god of peace and joy, Baldr, the beloved son of Odin and Frigga. It was Loki who would remain bound and tortured for ages for the deed, tortured until the Winter of the Wolf.
  • Loki has the ability to learn the Role of one living player each night.
  • If visited by any number of ravens, Loki will kill one of them.
    Loki will know that he was visited by Odin's raven(s).
  • Loki will learn if he was fully investigated by Sigrun, but will not learn who Sigrun is.
  • Loki will scan as Einherjar to Sigrun.
  • While it should be a group decision, the final say on night-target will be chosen by the following hierarchy: Loki, Hel, then Fenrir

Hel is the daughter of Loki and absolute ruler of the netherworld. Often described as being simultaneously fierce and downcast, Hel has a connection to the dead that avails her knowledge that is unmatched by any other.
  • As long as Hel is in play, the Jötnar will learn the exact role of their night kill.
  • Hel has the ability to scan one dead player each night, and learn the exact role of that player.
  • If visited by any number of ravens, Hel will kill one of them.
    Hel will know that she was visited by Odin's raven(s).
  • Hel will learn if she was fully investigated by Sigrun, but will not learn who Sigrun is.
  • If Soul-bound, Hel will not die if her Soul-mate is killed.
    However, if Hel is killed, her Soul-mate will still die.
  • While it should be a group decision, the final say on night-target will be chosen by the following hierarchy: Loki, Hel, then Fenrir
  • Hel has the Passive ability to allow herself and her team-mates the Active ability to "Cast their Votes as if Einherjar" see Einherjar and/or The Rules for details.

Fenrir is the son of Loki and greatly feared by all gods. Fenrir, the giant wolf, was prophesized to destroy the world and this troubled the Æsir. After many failed attempts, the Æsir finally managed to bind this epic wolf. Although fate protected Fenrir from physical harm, he was bound tight with dwarven magic in an effort to delay the inevitable... Ragnarök. And now this monstrous wolf was again on the prowl. No, Fenrir will not die easily.
  • Fenrir will be allowed to select one other player to join him in death, if Fenrir is killed by day vote or Soul-bound death.
  • If Fenrir is killed by Thor, Fenrir will not be allowed to select one other player to join him in death.
  • If visited by any number of ravens, Fenrir will kill all of them, he cannot control it.
    Fenrir will know that he was visited by Odin's raven(s).
  • Fenrir will learn if he was fully investigated by Sigrun, but will not learn who Sigrun is.
  • While it should be a group decision, the final say on night-target will be chosen by the following hierarchy: Loki, Hel, then Fenrir

The Æsir

Odin is the God of Wisdom, War, Victory and the Hunt (to name but a few). All prophecies speak of his doom at Ragnarök, but his role there is absolutely critical. Odin's Einherjar and Valkyries will prove essential in the days to come. Two ravens, Huginn and Muninn (Thought and Memory), are with Odin at all times and provide him with insight and knowledge.
  • Each night Odin will send out his ravens, Huginn and Muninn, to investigate any one living player (the ravens travel as a pair, to one target).
    The returning raven(s) will report Jötunn, Æsir, Vanir, Valkyrie, or Einherjar. hint: If no ravens return, the target was Jötunn.
  • Odin can continue to search each night as long as one raven is still alive.

Frigga is the wife of Odin and Protector of Warriors. Their families, and often the warrior themselves, would pray to Frigga for protection on the battlefield. It was Frigga's blind son, Hod, that was tricked by Loki to strike his own brother, Baldr, down. And it was Frigga's suggestion to chain Loki beneath the surface of the earth, bound with the guts of his own son, Nari, and eternally tortured. Yes, there is some unfinished business between Frigga and Loki.
  • Each Night Frigga can grant protection to any one player for whom protection has been requested through prayer.
  • Frigga can only grant protection to players for whom protection has been requested through prayer.
  • The prayers for protection will be PMed to the game moderator and passed on to Frigga. The prayers for protection must come during the "Day" before the "Night" where Frigga will grant protection.
  • Prayers will be relayed to Frigga in the following format: "Player X prays that Player Y is protected" where Player X may equal Player Y, but does not need to.
  • The same player may not be protected consecutively, and Frigga may not protect herself.

Thor is the son of Odin and God of Strength and Storms. Thor's weapon is the mighty hammer Mjöllnir, one of a few weapons the Giants fear. Although Thor is a bit slow witted when compared to Odin or Loki, he is a practical god whose solutions to problems are usually swift and effective.
  • Thor may not use his hammer on the first day.
  • During the day cycle, once per game, Thor can use his hammer to kill another player. This does not take the place of the day's vote, and must be submitted by PM to the game moderator before the day's vote has reached a majority or the day's hard deadline is reached.

Heimdall is the Guardian of the Bifrost bridge, the bridge that links the realm of the gods, Asgard, to the realm of man, Midgard. His senses are so acute that he can hear the grass grow and he can see to the end of the world. His great senses helped him glean great knowledge about each of his fellow gods and indeed many of the Jötnar.
  • Heimdall may submit the name of any dead player once per night and learn the exact role of that player.

The Valkyries (Choosers of the Slain)
The Valkyries are shield maidens that serve Odin. Before Ragnarök, the Valkyries were responsible for choosing the victors in the battles waged by man. It was also the Valkyries job to select from the fallen, the bravest and most honorable warriors to join Odin's Einherjar. At Ragnarök, the Valkyries would finally join in the battle and fight shoulder to shoulder with their chosen warriors.

Sigrun is known as the Master of the Mysteries of Victory
  • After investing two (2) nights observing the same player, Sigrun will learn if her target is truly Einherjar or not. (Will be told "Einherjar" or "Not Einherjar")
  • She may stop investigating one player at any time and begin on another. She may also return where she had left off on an incomplete investigation.
  • Loki, being the true master of illusion, will read as Einherjar to Sigrun.

Sigrdrifa is known as the Driver of Victory
  • As a totally selfless servant to Odin, Sigrdrifa may force herself to be the night-target, any night but the first night.
  • Sigrdrifa may pray for protection, but the request alone will make her second guess her own courage, and she will be unable to sacrifice herself that night.

The Einherjar (The One Army)
The greatest warriors of all time, it is truly in their hands that rest the fate of man.

These fallen warriors were selected over the ages to join the ranks of Odin's One Army of champions, the Einherjar.

While the gods will play a large role in the battle of Ragnarök, it is the performance of these men that will tip the scales for or against mankind.
When an Einherjar lays a mortal blow against any enemy, the body will die with the Divine Light of Valhalla in their eyes.
If the body had fought for Good, the light will be blue. If the body had fought for Evil, the light will be red.
It should be noted that Hel has the ability to force a corpse to give off such a light, she only needs for any Jötunn to land a mortal blow.

Six (6) Champions
  • If any Einherjar votes for the day's Lynch target, the day's Lynch is No Longer Blind, and GOOD/EVIL results will be shared.
  • Note: If Hel is alive, she gives her team the ability to "Cast their Votes as if Einherjar", and to also "un-blind" the Lynch.

The Vanir

Freyja is the principle fertility Goddess, Freyja is the wild woman among the deities. She is in fact not an Æsir at all, and is actually of a sub-class of Gods called the Vanir. She is skilled at the shamanic form of ecstatic, consciousness altering magic called seidhr, and will often use this skill for reasons of her own.
  • At the start of the game, Freyja will select any two players (not herself) and bind their souls into one. These two players along with Freyja compose The Vanir team. The Vanir team has it's own Victory Conditions (see The Rules for details)
  • Freyja will win with either an Æsir Victory or a Vanir Victory.
  • The two Soul-bound players will be told that they are Soul-bound and the name of their Soul-mate, but these two players may not communicate privately.
  • The two Soul-bound players will not know who Freyja is.
  • The two Soul-bound players' votes are not restricted, but if one of the Soul-bound should die - the other player will also parish, be it day or night
  • Frigga's protection will save a person from night attack, but will not save a person from dying with their Soul-mate
Last edited by Unagi on Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:02 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Unagi »

The Rules

Private Messaging / Forum Posts:
Only the Jötnar are allowed to PM each other, and may do so at any time. A private forum will be created.
All other players may only PM the game Moderator.

Text sent to players by the Moderator may not be copied and/or shared with other players at any time.

Gentleman's Rule of No Edits (i.e. Edit at your own peril, it's your fellow players you need to satisfy)
Edits to "Game Vote Tally" posts are allowed, as long as the posts contain no 'commentary'.

Days and Nights:
With the recent deaths of Sol and Mani, Ragnarok was truly the end of days.

However, thankfully our Valley of Mist has it's own cycle that will take the place of the rising and setting sun.
The mists themselves ebb and flow with a rhythm the predates the sun and the moon.

During the flow, the mists are blown thin and visibility is increased greatly. Everyone's camps are within sight of each other.
During the still, the mists linger and begin to not only murk the air, but to fog thoughts and senses as well.

It is during the flow that our players will meet together and begin to debate who among them should be slain as Jötnar.
It is during the still that our players will recede back to their personal camps to try best to protect themselves.

Players may still use the terms Day and Night to describe these two extremes, and are encouraged to do so.

Progression of Time:
The game will begin during a Still (Night).

Days will be given a hard deadline in Real Life days.

Day 1: 4 Real Life days
Day 2: 5 Real Life days
Day 3: 5 Real Life days
Day 4: 4 Real Life days
Day 5+: 3 Real Life days

All nights will have a hard deadline of 2 Real Life days.

The pool of "Real Life days" will not include Weekends. Play may continue, but it wont count toward 'the clock'.

The Moderator reserves the right to not include additional "Real Life days", such as "Real Life Holidays", should the need arise.

Game Sequencing:
First Night Only:
Freyja will select 2 players to Soul-bind.
Both Soul-bound players will be told they were Soul-bound, and who their Soul-mate is, but not who Freyja is.
Reminder: Soul-mates may not speak to each other privately, they may only speak in the game forum like everyone else.

Night Play Boilerplate:
Frigga, which prayer will you answer...
Loki, which player will you investigate...
Hel, which dead player will you investigate...
Odin, where would you like to send your ravens...
Heimdall, which dead player will you investigate...
Sigrun, which player will you investigate...
Sigrdrifa, will you sacrifice yourself tonight...
The Jötnar, who will you kill...

All Night Play orders must be in before the hard deadline, or forfeit.

Night Sequence of Resolution:
Frigga's protection is applied (or not)
Sigrdrifa sacrifices herself (or not)
If Sigrdrifa does not sacrifice, and Frigga has not protected the night-target, the Jötunn's night-target is slain.
Protected targets will not die.
If Sigrdrifa does sacrifice, Sigrdrifa's death will replace the death of the night-target. The night-target will be ignorant of the thwarted attack.

Top of the Morning:
Results are sent to all relevant parties...
The recently dead are welcomed to the underworld.
The Jötnar learn the Role of their kill, if Hel is still alive.
The Jötnar learn if any of them were visited by ravens.
The Jötnar learn if they were fully investigated by Sigrun, but not who Sigrun is.
Heimdall learns the Role of the dead player he investigated.
Hel learns the Role of the dead player she investigated.
Loki learns the Role of the player he investigated.
Odin learns the results of his raven's trip.
Sigrun will learn the Einherjar status of her target, if this is the 2nd investigation.

Day Play Boilerplate:
Thor, will you use your hammer today?
Players send a PM to the Moderator today to submit a prayer for protection tonight.
the fine print:
  • Prayers must be submitted before the vote reaches a majority, or before the hard deadline for the day. Which ever comes first.
    Prayers may not be 'called back' or canceled, all prayers are final.

Each day players will be able to place a vote for the player they feel is most likely Jötnar.

Only votes (and withdraws) cast with the   tag are official.

A valid vote (a vote for a living player) will count as an automatic withdraw of a previous vote.
Joke votes will not automatically withdraw a previous vote.
Self votes will not count, nor automatically withdraw a previous vote.
Nicknames / Short-names for players will be accepted as official.

A majority vote will close voting.
If the Day ends without a majority reached, the player with the most votes against them will be the winner
If the Day ends in a tie, the player that reached, and held their vote count first will be the winner

Majority, plurality, first to tie.

Victory Conditions
The Jötunn Victory: A Jötunn victory will occur when ever the number of Jötunn players outnumber or equal the number of non-Jötunn players.
The Æsir Victory: An Æsir victory will occur when all Jötunn players are eliminated.
The Vanir Victory: A Vanir victory will occur if the Soul-Bound players are still alive when one of the above conditions is also met. 


  •  A Vanir Victory trumps all other victories. 

The Soul-Bound and Freyja
At the start of the game, Freyja creates a 'third' team (the Vanir Team), a team with an alternate path to victory.
This team is NOT a standard team - there will be no private communication available to the Vanir team.
The Soul-bound will know who eachother are, by name only.
The Soul-bound will not know the role of their Soul-mate.
The Soul-bound will not know who Freyja is.
The Soul-bound players' votes are not restricted, but if one of the Soul-bound should die - the other player will also parish, be it day or night.
Frigga's protection will save a person from night attack, but will not save a person from dying with their Soul-mate
A Vanir Victory (see above) will trump any other victory achieved.

  •  Freyja will win with either an Æsir Victory or a Vanir Victory.
    The Soul-bound will not win if their natural team (Æsir / Jötunn) wins, but they themselves are dead - they are commited to the Vanir Victory.
    If Hel is one of the soul-bound, there is no such thing as a Vanir Victory, as the Vanir Team is tainted.
    If this is the case: the remainder of the tainted Vanir Team are actually realigned with their original natural Victory Condition, but they they do not know it.


The Results of a Lynch

Lynching by default is blind.

Lynching will be UN-Blind when/if either of the two below conditions are met: 

  •  1) There is at least one Einherjar on the Lynchee's vote list. (Player A was Lynched, and an Einherjar voted for Player A)
    2) One of the Jötnar are on the Lynchee's vote list, and declared (via PM to the Moderator, before Voting is Closed) their vote is "Cast as an Einherjar" * see below 


Hel, has a Passive ability that will give herself and her team-mates the Active ability to "Cast a Vote as an Einherjar"

The Action taken by the specific Jötnar (Loki, Hel, or Fenrir), will be in the form of a PM to the Moderator to "Cast my Vote as an Einherjar" - any time before Vote Close.

A default vote made by the Jötnar (one made without a PM to make it Einherjaresque) would be counted as "a Jötunn" and will do nothing to change the default of "Blind Lynching".

note: extra day deaths (Fenrir's target, Thor's target, and/or a Soul-mate) will always be blind. 

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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Unagi »

Cheat Sheet:

Bad Guys: (Jötnar / Jötunn) = (Giants / Giant)
Loki (Evil Seer)
Hel (Evil Coroner)
Fenrir (Zerker)

Good Guys: (Æsir,Vanir / Valkyries / Einherjar) = (Gods / Shield Maidens / Warriors) (with the Gods)
Odin (Good Seer)
Frigga (Protector)
Thor (Shooter)
Heimdall (Good Coroner)
Freyja (Cupido)
Sigrun (Detective)
Sigrdrifa (Sacrificial)
Einherjar 1
Einherjar 2
Einherjar 3
Einherjar 4
Einherjar 5
Einherjar 6

1. Austin
2. theohall
3. stessier
4. tru1cy
5. Remus West
6. Arcanis
7. Chaosraven
8. Mr Bubbles
9. Scoop20906
10. pürge
11. Isgrimnur
12. Krægor
13. Grundbegriff
14. Lassr
15. Mikagami
16. Brendan
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Austin »

Heh. I keep meaning to take a break but in.
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Unagi »


I was just getting this on the table.

I'm not sure if it's actually next or not (I think there are a couple that may be up). We can discuss it in the Waiting List thread.

But, your hat's in the ring now. :twisted:
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Unagi »

oops, quoted instead of edited.... :?

I often have the opposite problem. :doh:
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Austin »

Unagi wrote:hint: If no ravens return, the target was Jötunn.
If you sent two and no return the target was Fenrir specifically correct? Kind of neat that finding the zerk is nice but loses you your power. He can find two baddies before losing his power, so finding a couple proven innocents before nailing the second baddy is actually better than a quick twofer. And if you find the zerk, better to find him as the second baddie.
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Unagi »

Austin wrote:
Unagi wrote:hint: If no ravens return, the target was Jötunn.
If you sent two and no return the target was Fenrir specifically correct?
That's correct.
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Unagi »

Unaustin wrote:oops, quoted instead of edited.... :?

I often have the opposite problem. :doh:
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by theohall »

Gotta practice, so whenever this starts .... in. :)
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by stessier »


Now I have to figure out how to do all the special characters. :?

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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by stessier »

A few questions from my second read through -

1. Exactly how do the prayers work? Does the Mod pass on the actual text of the PM or does Frigga just get a list of players who asked for protection?

If it is just a list, then only the powered players should pray to Frigga the first night. She would then know all the Specials plus any wolves who might have prayed.

If it is the actual PM's, why wouldn't everyone tell Frigga their role?

Seems like it might set the game up for an early mass outing with Frigga directing traffic.

2. 2 RL days are way too long for Night (imho). I really liked Scoop's 25 hr deadline. If you sign up, you should be able to check in once a day. And since the final decision for the bad guys comes down to one person anyway, it shouldn't be a problem.
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by mipe »

I can be IN, but if any way possible, don't start until January, or just don't have the time between Christmas and New year not counting on the days..
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Unagi »

stessier wrote:1. Exactly how do the prayers work? Does the Mod pass on the actual text of the PM or does Frigga just get a list of players who asked for protection?

If it is just a list, then only the powered players should pray to Frigga the first night. She would then know all the Specials plus any wolves who might have prayed.
If it is the actual PM's, why wouldn't everyone tell Frigga their role?
Seems like it might set the game up for an early mass outing with Frigga directing traffic.
The plan was for it to be a list of players that she could protect.

I'd be curious to hear peoples opinions on that too.

I totally understand that what it in effect does is set Frigga up with what will most likely be the list of (or single name of?) one or two specials that don't mind exposing their names to her.
Frigga not being able to grant protection on consecutive nights and not protect herself are meant to offset the power of a potential 'one way trust' that she may give to a 'one player' that asks for protection. Her not being able to protect on the first night is also meant to throw a little doubt on things too (did they kill a key Special on the first night?)
Do you think that would be to strong a link still. It is just 1 way - as the player doesn't know who is protecting them.

I also thought of giving Hel the ability to 'intercept prayer' on any one night, but that seemed maybe to powerful - but perhaps fun.
stessier wrote:2. 2 RL days are way too long for Night (imho). I really liked Scoop's 25 hr deadline. If you sign up, you should be able to check in once a day. And since the final decision for the bad guys comes down to one person anyway, it shouldn't be a problem.
I don't know. Depending on players availability, and their need (desire) to hold a dialog with one another, etc. is it really that long a period of time?

I am certainly open to discuss it, but my thought is basically this:
Players that know there is a hard deadline will not look at the 2 RL days as such a drudgery as when they don't have any clue when it will end.
24 hours is basically 1 day where if a player (Special or Wolf) has a RL issue that keeps them off the board for just that one single day, they could have just missed their chance to place an order (not knowing the game-day ended fast due to a quick majority vote, for instance) - it just seems a little harsh to me.

If a majority of players feel 2 RL days for the night's hard deadline is too long, I am OK with shortening it.
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Chaosraven »

Perhaps ONE Name from the list is also forwarded to Hel.

I think a 2 RL Days "Night Phase" is acceptable, as the "Day Phase" is much longer than that.
"Where are you off to?"
"I don't know," Snufkin replied.
The door shut again and Snufkin entered his forest, with a hundred miles of silence ahead of him.

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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Remus West »

“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” - H.L. Mencken
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Arcanis »

why not, i'm IN. I love mythology especially norse so this will be fun.

edit: Question did you intentionally make it so that catching one of the baddies had to be by chance, 3 badies 2 ravens?
Also for the Einherjar not Einherjar do the Vanir and Aesir count as Einherjar ?
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."--George Orwell
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Chaosraven »

"Where are you off to?"
"I don't know," Snufkin replied.
The door shut again and Snufkin entered his forest, with a hundred miles of silence ahead of him.

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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Unagi »

Arcanis wrote:why not, i'm IN. I love mythology especially norse so this will be fun.
Just so you are aware - it looks like it will be a little while before this particular game is up, but I am very happy to see a new name on the roster!
Arcanis wrote:edit: Question did you intentionally make it so that catching one of the baddies had to be by chance, 3 badies 2 ravens?
Very much so, it was one of those things that clicked rather nicely. Odin has just the 2 ravens in mythology and I wanted to make them the source of his scans. The idea to make the ravens be killed off was an effort to give a little power back to Loki's side.
Arcanis wrote:Also for the Einherjar not Einherjar do the Vanir and Aesir count as Einherjar ?
Simple answer: No, the Vanir and Aesir do not count as Einherjar.

Sigrun is only in a position to 'rebuild' the known list of Einherjar. Odin, Freyja, Sigrdrifa, etc. will not appear to be a Einherjar to her.

(Another 'leg-up' to Loki's side is that Loki alone can fool Sigrun, and also that all of the Giants will know if Sigrun has investigated them.)
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Mr Bubbles »

I'm closing in on 3000 posts. Lets keep this baby going
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Scoop20906 »

In please
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Scoop20906 »

Unagi, this is one of the best prepared and thought out rulez set I have seen. This is up there with Grund's wonderful Lost game. Very nice job!!

I had a vote, I would say this game shoots to the head of the line and starts immediately.

I like the new raven rule. Nice innovation.
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by purge »

I can't say no to Umlauts.


The only sad part will be accusing Unagi would be fruitless. :(
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by stessier »

Under the theory that it is never too early for strategy talk, what about this for the praying schedule to Frigga:

Sunday Night - All Specials
Monday Night - Odin
Tuesday Night - Heimdall
Wednesday - Sigrun

At that point, Thor will probably have outed and proved himself meaning Friga can figure out the last person was Sigrdifa.

Any day a wolf joins in just makes our job easier. :mrgreen:
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by theohall »

stessier wrote:Under the theory that it is never too early for strategy talk, what about this for the praying schedule to Frigga:

Sunday Night - All Specials
Monday Night - Odin
Tuesday Night - Heimdall
Wednesday - Sigrun

At that point, Thor will probably have outed and proved himself meaning Friga can figure out the last person was Sigrdifa.

Any day a wolf joins in just makes our job easier. :mrgreen:
Let's discuss bad guy strategy as well.

Sunday Night - All Jötnar pray to Frigga. Screws up the whole "identify specials plan by praying" the good guys want to use.
Monday Night and every night thereafter - enjoy the confusion while destroying the world :)
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by stessier »

theohall wrote:Let's discuss bad guy strategy as well.

Sunday Night - All Jötnar pray to Frigga. Screws up the whole "identify specials plan by praying" the good guys want to use.
Monday Night and every night thereafter - enjoy the confusion while destroying the world :)
Ah, but then Frigga knows who all the Non-powereds are. This is equally useful.

A really good wolf strategy might be having Mr Splodie claim Special. Once found - BOOM!
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Unagi »

Scoop20906 wrote:Unagi, this is one of the best prepared and thought out rulez set I have seen. This is up there with Grund's wonderful Lost game. Very nice job!!
:oops: Thanks, Scoop.
I've been playing around with it for a couple of months now and was thrilled to work the Norse mythology into a WW game.
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Unagi »

stessier wrote:Under the theory that it is never too early for strategy talk, what about this for the praying schedule to Frigga:
Sunday Night - All Specials
theohall wrote:Sunday Night - All Jötnar pray to Frigga. Screws up the whole "identify specials plan by praying" the good guys want to use.
The Rules wrote:Players send a PM to the Moderator today to submit a prayer for protection tonight.
the fine print:
  • Prayers must be submitted before the vote reaches a majority, or before the hard deadline for the day. Which ever comes first.
    Prayers may not be 'called back' or canceled after the Moderator confirms your prayer.
    Players will have up to 8 hours to reply in the negative to Moderator confirmations. There is no need to reply in the affirmative.
Frigga is not able to protect anyone on the first night.

Prayers are sent to the Moderator during the Day phase, and there is no Day phase preceding Sunday Night. :ninja:
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by stessier »

Unagi wrote:Frigga is not able to protect anyone on the first night.

Prayers are sent to the Moderator during the Day phase, and there is no Day phase preceding Sunday Night. :ninja:

Okay, so it won't be quite so easy.

I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities. - Vaarsuvius
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Isgrimnur »

I wanna play.
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by stessier »

Isgrimnur wrote:I wanna play.
Don't let him unless he deals me better cards. :evil:

On second thought, my list of lynch targets is shaping up nicely. Remus, Isgrimnur...who wants to be next? Eh, punks!?! :twisted:

I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities. - Vaarsuvius
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Unagi »

Isgrimnur wrote:I wanna play.
Woo hoo! You're in. :D
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Remus West »

Isgrimnur, we kill stessier the first night. Agreed? 8-)
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Isgrimnur »

Remus West wrote:Isgrimnur, we kill stessier the first night. Agreed? 8-)
That depends. When you aggravate him, who are you going to convince to play my next Robo Rally game in his place?
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Remus West »

Isgrimnur wrote:
Remus West wrote:Isgrimnur, we kill stessier the first night. Agreed? 8-)
That depends. When you aggravate him, who are you going to convince to play my next Robo Rally game in his place?
Don't worry, he is a glutton for punishment. He will keep playing again and again no matter how many times I thrash him. :twisted:
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” - H.L. Mencken
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by stessier »

Remus West wrote:Don't worry, he is a glutton for punishment. He will keep playing again and again no matter how many times I thrash him.
I have to let you win somewhere. I mean, after getting you killed in 8 out of the 10 games I've played (highlighted by the shot on LOST island and the incident in the Temple where I got him lynched the day after his birthday), I feel like I have to throw you a bone. :twisted:
I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities. - Vaarsuvius
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Mr Bubbles »

I'll jump on the Stessier train. After what he did to me in this last game.... It's payback time.
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by Isgrimnur »

move along...
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Re: Ragnarök - Twighlight of the Gods

Post by mipe »

People who will kill stessier if they are evil (at sunday flow):

Mr Bubbles

People who don't want to kill stessier and in case stessier dies sunday night, do not blame them:

Mipe :ninja:
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