Victoria 3

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Re: Victoria 3

Post by jztemple2 »

Not to belabor the whole Construction Sector Wood and Fabric Costs, but check out the bottom right of this image. That monthly report is a good way to get flagged about sudden price jumps. And by the way, even though the arrowhead at the left of the line item is green, that's not necessarily good.
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Remember how, in the previous post, we were discussing the Landowners and the Intelligentsia? Here's a look at what's important to each group. What's interesting is that while they do have opposing views on some subjects, like the Slave Trade and Legal Guardianship, they also have a lot of subjects that aren't on each other's list, which means I could make one group happier without having to make the other unhappy.
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by jztemple2 »

Remember how I said that I don't have to research some techs because they will be discovered by others? Well, Manufactories and Ports have been invented so I have now added a Furniture Manufactories and a Port to my construction list. The Furniture Manufactories is important because it will provide a steady demand for Wood which will hopefully mitigate the bang-bang price swings on Wood. And the Port will not only assist in my buildings, but I will be able to open a trade route so I can offer my Wood and other goods to my neighbors.
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by jztemple2 »

I've put in a total of ten hours on the game. Playing Zululand was a good idea, I could tinker and test different features without being overwhelmed with so many things going on. Having only one state, hardly any tech and a pretty stable political environment made for a decent training session. So I'm ready to give my overall opinion...

I'm putting the game on the shelf :(. It's not that it's a bad game, I'm sure there will be folks who actually like it. But I guess I've reached a point in my life where I don't want to grind for hours to add a millet farm here, a furniture factory there, and deal with a number of events which mostly have outcomes of which Interest Group do I make happier and which Interest Group do I make less happy. I didn't have a war playing Zululand, but I did playing Sweden and it wasn't very engaging.

I guess if I was asked to put it in a nutshell I'd have to say that, for me, Victoria 3 has no soul. I'm not getting enjoyment out of playing, I'm just occupying my time. This is in great contrast to Crusader Kings III which was fun to play and even to anticipate playing. So many unexpected twists and turns were in CK3 that you wanted play just to see them happen. In V3 I just feel like I'm not going to be surprised.
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by baelthazar »

I'm actually very much enjoying Vicky 3. In contrast, I played Belgium as a training game, and it was nice to get the mechanics down but, overall, boring. So then I started up a sandbox game as Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, with the distinct goal of unifying Italy. Despite its small size, KotTS starts out as a low-tier major power (10th in line). There are a LOT of hurdles before you if you want to unify Italy - notably the northern Italian states and Austria holding Lombardy, Venezia, and Istria.

My first goal was to build an urbanized economy that would be able to leverage others into its Customs Union. In order to create a unified Italy, you don't actually have to conquer the other Italian States. You CAN but you can also get a unification by incorporating the other states into the KotTS's market (and having high relationships with them). I immediately began by courting Sardina-Piedmont as an ally and focusing my wrath on Modena, who hated me. After getting S-P to ally and join my Customs Union, I then used their support to create a plan against Modena to force them to become a Puppet State. After a small war, that was accomplished. Then, I knew that I would have to tackle Austria.

I focused my economy on furniture, textiles, and food (liquor being a side product). Overall, we were consistently in the green/black, but as the economy gets more complex you get more reason to do some deficit spending. This is, I assume, by design. I also started to boost my relationship with France, knowing that I would need a big hitter to side with me if I wanted to beat Austria. By this time, the war genius Guiseppe Garbaldi had appeared at my door and I swiftly made him a general. The wheels of war began to turn.

The war with Austria was wild. I started only claiming Lombardy, but was able to add Venezia as a war goal during the struggle. France did indeed join, as did the United States (interesting since, in real life, Lincoln asked Garibaldi to lead the Union forces in the Civil War - Garibalid declined). Britain sneaked in to help Austria, and I thought I was done for, but the UK was really only in it to punish France.

Here is where I can comment on the war system. I really like it. One of the things that became busy work in almost all Paradox games was shuffling around tons of troops and units. In this, I tell my generals what front to go to, either offensive or defensive, and they do the work. Does it remove some control? Yes. But it was a bad sort of control. It wouldn't work for the CK series, but it works as a simplified version of the HoI games.

Now I am sitting, ready to click the button to unify Italy. Once I do it, I will report back.
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by jztemple2 »

baelthazar wrote: Sat Oct 29, 2022 1:51 pm I'm actually very much enjoying Vicky 3.
Glad to hear it. I figure I'll get back to the game sometime, maybe after the first set of tweaks.
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by malchior »

jztemple2 wrote: Sat Oct 29, 2022 2:08 pm
baelthazar wrote: Sat Oct 29, 2022 1:51 pm I'm actually very much enjoying Vicky 3.
Glad to hear it. I figure I'll get back to the game sometime, maybe after the first set of tweaks.
This is where I'm trending - IMO it feels like they need to (im)balance it a bit still. Maybe even a lot. I played 2 games in a row where there was no American Civil War, Germany didn't form, China didn't fall apart, and none of the big 20th century wars happened. I don't want to be railroaded into the exact history but it seems like they've got the world tuned to *too stable* and it is sort of boring. No soul might be the way to express it but I think the root isn't the grinding which I think is ... the industrial revolution in a nutshell. But nothing happens to knock you too off-course in certain parts of the world.
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by baelthazar »

I can see that Malchior. I think that the effects of Turmoil and discontent is too subtle. In some ways, there needs to be more ability for the opposition political groups to "force" their way into power (like the real 19th century). It seems too easy for me to please the major political groups. I would like to see major movements that really push for things - like forcing colonization policies, forcing child safety/banning child labor, forcing different types of suffrage.

In this case, this feels very sandbox - if I want to create a Socialist revolution in Italy - as the player it seems like I have to do it. While this is fine,it makes the game feel a little less dynamic.

I was able to unify Italy and it was a pretty cool effect. I now am a Global Power with a lot of clout, conquering places in Africa to get dye for my market for my textile mills. Again, however, it feels pretty easy to please my newly conquered citizens, despite the fact they are oppressed.

Some tweaks will likely improve the game.
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by jztemple2 »

Small update, 1.04
# Game Balance
# Economy
- Petit-Bourgeoisie now also care about government wages
- Slashing government wages will now reduce prestige
- Slashing military wages will now reduce training rate
- Debt slavery can now enslave pops up to wealth level 9, in reduced numbers for each point of wealth
- Reduce the max number of pops enslaved each week by debt slavery from 5% to 0.5% of state population
- Debt slavery will no longer enslave additional pops when slaves is 20% or more of the state population
- Tweak subsistence production in decentralized nations so African pops don't start at starvation levels
# Politics
- Increased the chance of progressive political movements appearing over the course of the game
- Movements to Preserve now have a larger effect on the chance for a law to stall, making it harder to pass laws opposed by powerful groups
- Political Movements for or against changes in Slavery and Government principles laws will now be more radical
- Reduced base effect of Propagandists Intelligentsia trait from 50% to 25%
- Reduced effect of guaranteed liberties on loyalists and radicals growth
# Colonization
- Native Uprisings now get a significant bonus to their combat capabilities, mainly on the defensive
- Reduced the chance of Native Uprisings occuring when provinces are colonized
# AI
# Diplomacy
- AI is now a bit less likely to back down in diplomatic plays
- AI is now a bit more likely to get involved in diplomatic plays
- Make the AI more keen on swaying countries to its side if outmatched in a diplomatic play
# War
- AI is now a lot more focused on taking land-adjacent states and conquering contiguous land areas in general
- Increase AI aggression against Unrecognized countries after unlocking Civilizing Mission
# Colonization
- Increased AI tendency to get involved in Native Uprisings slightly
# Interface
# Tooltips
- Improve revenue predictions when constructing buildings to show more accurate and useful
# Bugfixes
- Flotillas now regain Morale as intended after naval battles
- Fixed a bug where capitulating in one war could cause your generals in another war to standby
- Added additional check to prevent monuments from being targeted in tutorial
- Added a check to the Declare Interest Tutorial that was miscounting the maximum amount of Declared Interests possible.
- Fix issue where Investment Pool could be used for disallowed building types
- Fix issue where predicted price for goods after goods substitution would sometimes show the wrong value
- Political movements can now start organizing a revolution at 50 radicalism rather than 100 (100 is needed for the revolution to actually begin though)
- Fixed typos in several defines
- Fix pop attraction reasons tooltip CTD in Asian languages
- Fixed a CTD caused by trying to create a shipping lane between two market areas with at
least one of them being only nominally coastal due to the entire coast being impassable
- Fixed a CTD that could be triggered when clicking on the "mobilize all" button"
- Fixed late game CTD when transferring troops
- Fix CTD when hovering sell orders after having country join your market (__chkstk
(chkstk.asm: 109))
- Fix CTD in NPdxParticle2Internal::SParticlePool ::GetActive
- Fix CTD in CJominiSplineNetworkGraphics::GetStripLengthInternal
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by baelthazar »

I have put around 20 hours into the game so far, largely in my unified Italy, and I am doubling down on what I said above - unlike the previous Vicky 2, it seems like change is way more player driven.

Case in point, I am trying to move away from absolute monarchy into a Parliamentary Republic for Italy. Since Garibaldi is one of my politicians (head of the Armed Forces faction) and I had the Armed forces in my government, I had the ability to push for this (politicians add their own personal goals to the normal requests made by the faction, Garibaldi wants a representative government). I tried to get this accomplished and it so angered the landowners and the Catholic faction that they nearly had a secession movement - forcing me to back down.

A change in political leadership in one of the other factions (I think Intelligentsia or Landowner) opened up the option for me to advance voting laws (over Absolutism). Doing this, I was able to appease mostly everyone but the lower classes by instituting Land-Based Voting - which gave me the ability to form the "Liberal" party and shoot my legitimacy up to 100%.

Now I have a 45% chance to change to a Parliamentary Republic, it will greatly anger the Church and slightly anger the landowners, but I have a much better chance of being able to get this done.

In the interim I was able to also ban child labor, institute compulsory child education, and max out my education. We are going to have an Italy that is the shining beacon on the hill.

In the past - all that would have been "forced" on the player through timed events. I'm not sure if I like this way better or not - it gives a LOT of agency to the player on how to guide their nation, but also means you have to "game" the system and plan ahead. You also have to understand the system of government, suppression and bolstering, laws, politicians, and the technologies needed to chance laws. I was very chagrined when I saw that - despite researching social technologies, laws also required someone to advance them within government. It is bit too obtuse, and I only discovered how to use all this by trial and error.
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by jztemple2 »

Victoria 3 - Dev Diary #64 - Post-Release Plans
Hello and welcome to the first of many post-release Victoria 3 dev diaries! The game may now be out at last (weird, isn’t it?) but for us that just means a different phase of work has begun, the work of post-release support. We’ve been quite busy collecting feedback, fixing bugs and making balance changes, and are now working on the free patches that will be following the release, the first of which is a hotfix that should already be with you at the time you read this.

Our plans are naturally not limited to just hotfixes though, and so the topic of this dev diary is to outline what you can expect us to be focusing on in the first few larger free patches. We will not be focusing on our long-term ambitions for the game today; we certainly have no shortage of cool ideas for where we could take Victoria 3 in the years to come, but right now our focus is post-release support and patches, not expansion plans.
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by baelthazar »

These are all very welcome changes.

I did get to be a Parliamentary Republic, but not without a Civil War in Italy. With the help of Russia, I managed to beat the Catholic faction and institute change.

Later, I had a second civil war when we instituted Universal Suffrage. The landowners hated the idea, and the Northern German Federation aided us in that as well.

That said, I think I am going to shelf the game for a little while for a completely different reason - at the end game stage it practically CHUGS on the computer. Despite having over the requirements and little issues with other games, the level of map detail present from all the buildings that appear and move makes the zoomed in mode have major framerate drops. I think this has to do with optimization. I could lower the graphics and it might help, so I will experiment with that. Still, it shouldn't be quite this noticeable.
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by El Guapo »

baelthazar wrote: Fri Nov 04, 2022 11:25 am These are all very welcome changes.

I did get to be a Parliamentary Republic, but not without a Civil War in Italy. With the help of Russia, I managed to beat the Catholic faction and institute change.
Why would Tsarist Russia want to help protect a Parliamentary Republic in Italy?
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by jztemple2 »

El Guapo wrote: Fri Nov 04, 2022 11:46 am
baelthazar wrote: Fri Nov 04, 2022 11:25 am These are all very welcome changes.

I did get to be a Parliamentary Republic, but not without a Civil War in Italy. With the help of Russia, I managed to beat the Catholic faction and institute change.
Why would Tsarist Russia want to help protect a Parliamentary Republic in Italy?
To piss off Austria-Hungary?
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by baelthazar »

It is all about my relations. I maxed out my relations with them and Germany. But yes - diplomatically and historically this makes no sense.

In fact, a lot about the "Sway" system makes no sense. I had the United States back a central African Muslim nation against my attempt to make it an Italian puppet. That doesn't really seem likely.
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by ydejin »

baelthazar wrote: Fri Nov 04, 2022 11:25 am at the end game stage it practically CHUGS on the computer. Despite having over the requirements and little issues with other games, the level of map detail present from all the buildings that appear and move makes the zoomed in mode have major framerate drops. I think this has to do with optimization. I could lower the graphics and it might help, so I will experiment with that. Still, it shouldn't be quite this noticeable.
There’s a bug with their Pop engine that affects some late games and causes game to massively slow down. Game Director has a post up saying that the fix is currently being tested. No ETA yet on release, but I would assume sometime in the next week.
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by El Guapo »

baelthazar wrote: Fri Nov 04, 2022 3:46 pm It is all about my relations. I maxed out my relations with them and Germany. But yes - diplomatically and historically this makes no sense.

In fact, a lot about the "Sway" system makes no sense. I had the United States back a central African Muslim nation against my attempt to make it an Italian puppet. That doesn't really seem likely.
Really the system should factor in commonalities in government structure more, it sounds like. Not that it's completely crazy that Russia would intervene in Italy, but it wouldn't do so in favor of a democratic government.
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by ydejin »

Finished tutorial playthrough as Chile and an attempt at Persia Egalitarian Society playthrough. I managed to banish the slaves and give women the vote, but failed to get enough Peasants out of sustenance farms and didn’t quite get the standard of living high enough to finish the tutorial objectives and get the achievement. I had a counter movement to rollback Women’s Suffrage that escalated into a full blown rebellion and I only won the Civil War because Mother Russia stepped in to help out :oops:

Was trying to decide whether to start a third playthrough now or wait for the next patch, but it looks like that won’t be coming out until next week, per the very last line in this week’s developer diary. So I’ll probably start a new campaign later tonight. ... 1.1556237/
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by LordMortis »

jztemple2 wrote: Thu Oct 27, 2022 2:39 pm
LordMortis wrote: Thu Oct 27, 2022 6:43 am
jztemple2 wrote: Wed Oct 26, 2022 11:52 pm "Awhile" turned out to be about fifteen minutes :roll: . I've started a new Sandbox game, selecting Zulu as my country. A very simple starting country, with only one state (Zululand), practically no technology and few buildings. I'll try to tinker with it and so I can see why events occur as I select actions without a zillion other things going on. First up, build a Construction Sector, as there isn't one in Zulu.
That doesn't sound like a bad idea. With only one location to control maybe the UI won't seem so overwhelming.
Yup, I've been proceeding along in Zululand. We're at practically the top of the tech tree, so decision making is easier, especially using the ten beginner's tips I posted above. Right now my need is for cheaper wood. So I built a construction center and used that to make a logging camp. While the camp being built it drained my gold reserves but I used the very large amount of Authority I have, since Zulu is an Absolute Principality, to enable consumption taxes on a variety of luxury goods. Once the logging camp was built my cash flow returned to positive and now I can build back up my reserves. And the price of wood went down.
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I'm enjoying playing V3 more right now since there are so many fewer spinning plates then there were in Sweden. I'll post some more pics and updates this afternoon. Maybe not as obsessively as I did for CK3 :wink:
Taking your Q and starting the tutorial as Bahrain. The last place starter. Gonna finally get this game started and see what I paid for. :o
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by jztemple2 »

Victoria 3’s top mods turn it back into a spreadsheet simulator
One thing Paradox Interactive’s newest game, Victoria 3, undoubtedly has going for it over its predecessor is extreme prettiness. Even its graphs and charts have a certain sparkle to them, especially when compared to the MS Paint pie charts of the second game.

However, when it comes to stats, there’s a lot to be said for function over form. It may be attractive, but perhaps Victoria 3’s UI could present its information more cleanly. When you look at the current all-time most popular mods for the game on the Steam Workshop, it’s obvious that a lot of them are all about turning it back into an information-dense spreadsheet simulator, rich with facts and figures.
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by LordMortis »

I had been enjoying this and learning and restarting and learning and restarting but now I'm hitting the Paradox type bugs. I got ready from my first real war after a few days of playing and one of my generals is permanently busy. Apparently this is common bug if you do more than one expedition.

So time to wait for 1.0.7, I guess.
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Re: Victoria 3

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From PCGamesN, Victoria 3 beginner’s guide
You’ll need this Victoria 3 beginner’s guide because there’s a lot to learn in the latest grand strategy game from Paradox Development Studios. You’ll be playing as ‘the spirit of a nation,’ making decisions about important policies, industry and trade, and your relationships with other nations around the world. It’s a lot to take in all at once, and our Victoria 3 beginner’s guide will help get you up and running in no time.
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Re: Victoria 3

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Victoria 3 designer on why communism is OP: 'We just implemented the mechanics the way we understood them'
In the month since the release of Paradox Interactive's latest grand strategy game, Victoria 3 (opens in new tab), some players have struggled with one persistent issue: The communists are right. As entrenched conservative interests in their 19th-century nations prevent modernizing reforms—you know, like abolishing slavery—players start to rail against landowners, exploitative capitalists, and the Petit Bourgeoisie in rants that could have come from Marxists a century ago or today.
Apparently OP means overpowered. Why they just didn't say overpowered, I don't know.
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by LordMortis »

jztemple2 wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 11:35 pm Victoria 3 designer on why communism is OP: 'We just implemented the mechanics the way we understood them'
In the month since the release of Paradox Interactive's latest grand strategy game, Victoria 3 (opens in new tab), some players have struggled with one persistent issue: The communists are right. As entrenched conservative interests in their 19th-century nations prevent modernizing reforms—you know, like abolishing slavery—players start to rail against landowners, exploitative capitalists, and the Petit Bourgeoisie in rants that could have come from Marxists a century ago or today.
Apparently OP means overpowered. Why they just didn't say overpowered, I don't know.
You're the Oldz. OP has meant overpowered for a long time. Fortunately for me, it reads instinctually. The one that gets me is ONG. It just doesn't register as anything to me, so kids need to stop using it. :character-oldtimer:

also, I still haven't learned the going to war mechanics. I keep restarting before war is a thing. I was so close to having a first real war when one of my generals was AFK apparently permanently.
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by LordMortis »

Version 1.1.1 released. So that will be morning. :D
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by jztemple2 »

LordMortis wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 9:50 am Version 1.1.1 released. So that will be morning. :D
I'll be waiting for the dust to settle before I give it a try. I guess I'll have to go back to the tutorials and relearn what I've probably forgotten since I last played it a month ago :roll:
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by LordMortis »

Redid a bit of Germany. The UI is mostly the same with minor improvements. The game plays much differently though. The Rural faction promptly wanted revolution six months after I started a bid for colonialism. That never happened before. Also my start of spamming construction tanked my economy and approval when iron and tools ran dry. That never happened before either.

So I need to relearn the game but not because I forgot, but rather because I was accustomed to the way I gamed their system.
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by jztemple2 »

Anyone still playing this? Version 1.2, "Hot Cinnamon Spice" :roll: has just been released to the masses. You can check out the announcement post. Click the spoiler tag button to reveal the changelog. It's a big one :shock:. It looks like a whole new game, or at least so significantly changed that I'd have to go back and try the tutorials again, if I have the mental energy :think:
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Re: Victoria 3

Post by LordMortis »

I got right no the cusp of finishing a run through as Germany. I was like 15 years away and the final actions were a bit too repetitive for me, knowing I wouldn't get the entire world. If the game is a complete overhaul, I'm sure it will kill my save game. Ah well. I paid enough for the game that it's still on my desktop to get back to. We'll see...
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