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Helldivers - Now on Steam

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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by GreenGoo »

controller, but I don't like button combos on the same hand, so aiming with the right joystick and firing with RB are a complete pain in the ass. combine that with the fact that I've never adjusted to LB and RB even existing (I don't have this problem with triggers) and things get messy.

I realized while playing another game that the controller expects you to use your pointing finger for RB/LB and your middle finger (index?) for the triggers, but I've always just moved my pointing finger up and down between RB and RTrig.

The bottom line is I have no muscle training or muscle memory for LB/RB almost completely, and struggle to aim accurately with a joystick while pressing either RB or RT.

It's a bad combo. I'll have to decide if I want to remap the buttons or just work on my muscle memory.

I'd also like to say that I despise pressing the joysticks down. While I can do it no problem if it's just a short press, holding it down while running is a bit tougher for me, although I've made great headway on this in other games, so I'm getting better. Pressing the sticks down and then in a direction feels like I'm damaging the stick (I don't know why I feel this way) so I'm reluctant to really crush the stick down. I sometimes stop running because I've subconsciously let up on the stick. It's not a huge thing and like I said, I'm better than I was when I first started doing it.

And holy crap, I don't know if I want to murder the strategem ui designer or think it's genius. Doing those combos while underfire is going to be hell. Considering you have to do it with your left thumb, that means you'll be standing still while doing it, which makes it easier to pull off, but more dangerous.

The game looks like a ton of fun. I hope I get better and not run out of patience with my gamepad struggles.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by GreenGoo »

I think I may have solved my problem, or at least helped it quite a bit.

I moved weapon fire to the left trigger and grenades to the right trigger, and strategems to the right bumper and reload to the left bumper (so I've switched from right to left and left to right).

So I aim with my right thumb and fire with the left trigger. That seems to work far better than trying to coordinate 2 actions with the same hand. I'm left handed, but I don't think that's making any difference.

I *should* be able to reach noob status with this setup.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by GreenGoo »

Ran some solo missions, started with milk runs. I'm getting better, but I can just imagine how good the "good" players are.

I've also been hiding behind turrets a lot, which feels like taking the easy way out.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by GreenGoo »

Played a few multiplayer games. Jumped into easy games and was super cautious.

Was fun.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by GreenGoo »

Dropped a tank, couldn't figure it out until a driver jumped in, then it was fun.

Shuttle arrived, I jumped out while the tank was backing up. Splat. :D

Can you change the colours of your guy?
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by GreenGoo »

Played multiplayer with my son on the same computer. Forgot to set it to private and a dude joined even though we didn't use the multiplayer console. I assume it defaulted to multiplayer since there were 2 of us.

Anyway, set the next game to private and my son and I had a lot of fun learning the various weapons and killing each other.

Seems like you could have up to 4 players on a single computer if you had enough controllers + keyboard/mouse. Which is pretty awesome actually.

Had fun.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by GreenGoo »

I've started logging into my friends list when playing helldiver, so if you see me on don't be afraid to shoot me an invite. I'm getting better. I promise to pick you up after I shoot you.

Also if we're not friends on steam, send me a friend invite if you want to play together.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by blackjack »

I'll add me to the Steam ID the thread later -- I put about 80 some odd hours on this on PC and maybe close to 40 on Vita before. A bit burned out on it from the holiday season, but it's about one of my favorite co-op games of all time. 8-) I gifted the game to a couple Steam friends list during the recent sale. I probably added more Steam friends from playing co-op in this than any other game I can remember though most have gradually moved on to other games.

Still unsure of its future (on PC, and Sony's console platforms). Arrowhead's working on some super secret game it can't announce yet, and whether we get anything more for Helldivers (DLC, free updates or otherwise) seems up in the air and up to Sony. :|
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by GreenGoo »

Had a terrible night last night. Joined a game on medium as it ended, then the next planet is Challenging. I'd done one challenging planet before, and while we died a lot, we got it done, so I wasn't too worried. Except it was a kill 250 baddies and that's it. I'd done a smaller kill x baddies before so I thought nothing of it. Unfortunately the entire mission was in the space of 1 screen, with mobs/tanks flooding in from all directions. I had taken my usual kit so I was not prepared. I had to dodge everyone's mechs while dodging bad guys in a small, enclosed space. I died constantly which forced people to get out of their mechs to rez me which made them vulnerable and things degenerated from there.

I quit for the night in frustration. I'll be back tonight.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by GreenGoo »

Haven't an absolute blast. Even when I'm mostly doing support for completely new rookies making rookie mistakes.

If you need someone to follow you around reloading your recoiless rifle for you, I'm your man.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by GreenGoo »

GreenGoo wrote: I died constantly which forced people to get out of their mechs to rez me which made them vulnerable and things degenerated from there.
I have since learned that you do not need to get out of your mech to rez. I'm sure they would have been happy to know that.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by blackjack »

I always found Helldivers most exciting when the mission seemed to be going all to hell, so to speak. :D When it was a cakewalk, or folks tried to use attractor beacons to avoid fighting altogether, I never found it as much fun.

I remember once on a 3-player team where the other two went down and I was running for my life. I tossed a reinforcement beacon only to watch it slide down a sand dune and cliff into oblivion. ****! We all laughed in text chat though and eventually I threw the next one properly.

My perhaps worst memory was some sniper player abruptly deciding -- after maybe 10 minutes of being a reasonably good teammate -- to start picking off other players intentionally. He did this to two other players. Nobody kicked him which led me to believe he was the host. We had a brief showdown maybe 30 seconds as I struggled to pick the right weapon and try to take him out instead, but my health meter ran out before his did.

I think in all the time I put on Vita and on PC/Steam, that kind of thing only happened once on each platform, that I can remember.

And fwiw, Helldivers won a Best Handheld Game award at the DICE Awards 2016:
While I quite enjoyed it on Vita and the headset voice comm worked well, I just didn't find it reliable when hosting for other players (predominately PS4 players, ran into very few Vita or PS3 players), and was frustrated in trying to join other PSN friends' Helldivers games. I found it much easier on Steam to connect with friends or join friends' games in progress.

Certainly overall though a fine handheld iteration, and it was really the only reason I bought the Vita last year. :)
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by GreenGoo »

There is no question that I still have a great time when things go badly. Which is actually kind of amazing.

The only bad times I've had have been directly related to the people I was teamed with. And those times have been rare. For the most part people are at a minimum "ok", but often "great". And by that I mean contributing to a fun playing environment.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by Daehawk »

Been having fun coop with friends. Think Im just lvl 6 now.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by blackjack »

Pretty cool contest at Arrowhead's blog to win a Real-Life Helldivers Cape (i.e., something you'd wear to the office :D )

Helldivers [real-life] CAPE Competition – We know you want one!
Pasted full text in spoiler code below:
Do you have what it takes to proudly wear the Helldivers cape? Do you want to spin around like a true hero of the galaxy? Of course you do! Read on for our competition details of how you can get a hold of your very own Helldivers cape…

The Prize:

To celebrate the last week of Helldivers being on PS+ this February we invite everyone (yes, PC Divers are of course welcome too!) to take part in naming Super Earth’s very own leap year day, just for fun.

We will be having a raffle draw on the 1st of March (which will be recorded and uploaded) of us pulling out a PlayStation Diver’s entry and a PC Diver’s entry. The lucky two Helldivers will then have an awesome cape posted to them immediately!


How to Enter:

Simple! Just think of what you would like the leap year day to be called in the Helldivers universe. You will then need to post in the comment section below, following the exact format given:

Your platform (only write “PlayStation” or “Steam”) – Your entry


Steam – Double Democracy Day!
or PlayStation – Super Earth’s extra day
or PlayStation – Extra Hellday etc.

I’m sure you guys will have better names for this special day than those examples ;D

Important Rules:

-Only one entry per person, and they have to be made from a logged in Disqus account – no anonymous comments! Anonymous comments will be excluded.
-Entries only count if they are posted in the comments section below. Do not post on Facebook, Twitter etc. We simply can’t keep track of all the entries otherwise!
-Entries need to stick to the given format so they are easy for us to sort for the raffle. Any entries which do not follow this format will be excluded!
-We reserve the right to exclude and entry we deem unfit for a general audience (profanities etc.) or in any way completely inappropriate.
-On this particular blog post all comments which aren’t entries will be deleted. We need to keep it clear to read and track entries. Sorry! :)
All entries must be made by midnight (GMT+1) on February 29th otherwise they will not be included!
I'll add some of youz guys to my Steam friends list at some point. While I made lots of new pals playing Helldivers from launch through January, most of those folks game-grazed to other games.

Been dipping just a bit back into Helldivers last few days. I am not fully "back up to speed" yet. :D I believe I'm at L24 or so. I think Shredder is the only stratagem I haven't unlocked yet. As much fun as the game is (Steam lists me as 89 hours in it) -- I think once you hit mid 20s with the character, there's not much carrot left urging you on besides maybe a couple more capes, and a few more upgrades in weapons/stratagems that you probably don't use much, cause you would've already fully upgraded them by then otherwise.

I have sometimes found myself wondering what XCOM2 would be like with some Helldivers weapons/stratagems -- why can't the transport ships do strafing runs -- and how Helldivers would be with certain XCOM2 weapons. :dance:
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by GreenGoo »

My sessions lately have been hit or miss.

I've been waiting for a cable to arrive so I can use my mic. Should be tomorrow.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by blackjack »

I guess I'm not really considered an "Octopus Overlords regular" at this point so I probably won't show up in that Steam IDs thread. :)

I'm BlackjackGT on Steam if any Helldivers want to add me. I really don't use a headset for the PC version, and just text chat now and then as needed. I don't have any problems with others using headset as long as they don't constantly Mouth Breathe. :D

The game's not an ARPG so there's really no harm in L5 and L24 or whatever players playing together, fwiw.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by GreenGoo »

Signed into my friends list and there you were at the top of it playing Helldiver, so we're friends on Steam, apparently.

I'll be around later and look for ya then.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by Daehawk »

been playing a little off and on for 2 days. I think Im lvl 8....not a bad little free game
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by GreenGoo »

Daehawk wrote:been playing a little off and on for 2 days. I think Im lvl 8....not a bad little free game
It's not free, unless someone gifted it to you I guess.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by Daehawk »

PS4 gave it away free as one of their monthly games.

Its still free to members.!/en-us/ ... SFREEGAMES
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by GreenGoo »

Daehawk wrote:PS4 gave it away free as one of their monthly games.

Its still free to members.!/en-us/ ... SFREEGAMES
Oh, that's cool! I waited for a sale but bought all the dlc. I won't say I spent too much but it was out of my comfort zone. While I like the game and when it's fun it's REALLY fun, I still wish I had gotten it for less.

In any case, I have my mic cable so I'll test out voice tonight.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by blackjack »

I kind of bought Helldivers 1.5 times. I got on Vita (I only bought a Vita to play it, really), got a few select DLC packs but certainly not most of them.

Then I bought the mega deluxe thing on Steam before launch. :) I'm not sure spending that much made sense but I love the game and the genre (twin sticks) and I try to be supportive. Sometimes this has led me to imho klutzy twin-sticks that don't have anything like Helldivers playability or longevity, but I figure if I want more twin stick shooters than I'll just keep supporting them.

I ended up playing some hours late last night. I generally don't like fighting illuminates (the Stealth makes turrets at times useless, and I find the constant one shot beam killing of me and fellow players exasperating at times -- though it did gradually come back to me to spend a lot of time diving.) One thing I can't quite recall is whether mines will detonate when a stealth illuminate glides over them.

I think late I finally felt like I was "back" into Helldivers, and everything felt second nature again. :)
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by Tao »

Anyone tried this with Keyboard/mouse? I am interested in the game but I am also an old curmudgeonly PC gamer who doesn't own a controller.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by Turtle »

It works, but it's much better with a controller.

You only get a shadow of a cursor on screen while not aiming, and when you do aim you'll point to the position of that shadow. But, because everything has a turn speed, it'll take time to aim towards that cursor.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by blackjack »

Tao wrote:Anyone tried this with Keyboard/mouse? I am interested in the game but I am also an old curmudgeonly PC gamer who doesn't own a controller.
I've played 100 hours on Steam to this point (or, at least 67+ hours "in-mission" according to the ship console in-game), all of it with keyboard/mouse. Most of the folks I played it with a lot in December-January were on kb/mouse as well.

With kb/mouse, the thing that bothered Alien Swarm players (or Shadowgrounds, Alien Breed Impact etc.) is the crosshair doesn't appear until you press and hold your RMB down, and you need to then "swing away" the crosshair from your character in direction of your targets. This sounds complicated but really isn't; it's meant to emulate a controller set-up to some extent.

In those other games, the crosshair is always on screen and you're just positioning it wherever on the fly. I maintain most Helldivers players need maybe an hour to get comfortable with the kb/mouse before it becomes comfortable 2nd nature. A fair number of players just decided after 10 minutes it was horrible.

Arrowhead did add an option to make the crosshair "always visible"; however, it's just a dim, barely visible grey disc, and I found it annoying and disabled it.

One other annoying thing is that with a controller plugged in, it seems like the game auto-creates a "clone" player regardless of which control method you're then using. I forget what people do to get rid of the clone. I think you can kick the clone, if you're hosting.

While the game has integrated voice chat, I really don't use it much. I use the few pre-set voice macros (F1-F4 on kb; I believe D-pad directions on controllers) and occasionally text-chat, which was added for PC version. If you're using the heavy weapon ammo packs to reload other players (recoilless rifle, multishot rocket launcher etc.), veteran players usually suggest using the "Negative!" voice macro to indicate you need to reload; though I think if you try to reload that type of weapon and don't have ammo, you'll hear/see a "Need reload!" message anyway.

I would've still preferred some sort of graphical indication of where hand grenade-tosses are going, that's a little pet peeve of mine.

If any prospective new players are unsure, I'd suggest getting the $19.99 base game. I was fiddling with DLC weapons over the weekend and remembering just how few DLC weapons or stratagems I regularly use. So I far I truly like maybe four DLC weapons (MG-105 Stalwart light MG; MLS-4X Commando rocket launcher, PLAS-1 Scorcher, REC-6 Demolisher satchel charges) and one DLC drone (Guard Dog attack drone). And for my play style really only Guard Dog is a must-have.

While it can be a deal to get the Deluxe version, esp. when on sale (was $12 off for a time recently), I just think for most players you're not going to find much compelling or frequent use for much of what's in the full DLC set. They're fun, and I'm glad they made them.

Though sometimes I wished they'd invested more of that time in end-game content, or maybe something fun/useful to use the research samples on once you've reached point of everything having been upgraded, etc. Maybe some cool passives ala ARPGs - 5% chance to dodge shots, 5% faster reloading, etc. Also, I like the change of pace City Defense mission maps provide, and wish that in some way those were always available to us.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by GreenGoo »

blackjack wrote: If you're using the heavy weapon ammo packs to reload other players (recoilless rifle, multishot rocket launcher etc.), veteran players usually suggest using the "Negative!" voice macro to indicate you need to reload; though I think if you try to reload that type of weapon and don't have ammo, you'll hear/see a "Need reload!" message anyway.
As you say, if you try to reload the recoiless and don't have ammo, your guy shouts "Need reload!" which is great. Also, you can see the ammo state of someone wielding a recoiless (and other heavy/secondary weapons) by looking at the graphical representation of their weapons in their "character card" display. The recoiless is red when out of ammo.

I once spent an entire mission doing nothing but making sure 2 guys had their recoiless weapons loaded at all times. That was early in my learning the game, but it was fun.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by Daehawk »

I use the 40% faster consumables skill along with 2 mechs and 2 turrets. I dont carry ammo because I use the laser rifle.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by blackjack »

I tried using the Plasma Rifle for a while last couple days. Problem is when fully upgraded, it ignites targets AND does splash damage.

This sounds great, but if you fire into the environment at close range or at aliens at close range... SPLAT. Self kill. Could maybe get around it by wearing heavy armor I guess. :P
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by GreenGoo »

I want to like the rocket propelled explosive rifle but splash damage at close range means you kill from afar or let your allies kill up close. Not a single player weapon by any means.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by GreenGoo »

Just saw this achievement.

"Knock-knock, who's there? DEMOCRACY!"

for killing an Illuminate Obelisk while closed.

I just thought the title was funny.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by blackjack »

Some of my favorite achievements...
Don't you just hate escort missions?
Successfully complete an escort objective where all 4 NPCs survive.

It's raining Hell, hallelujah!
Complete a mission using only Stratagems.

Which seat can I take?
In a 4 player game, on a Friday, have all players sitting in an APC or HAV at the same time. [Jeeze, talk about specific! :) ]

Make Frank kill a tank!
Kill a Bug Tank, Bug Behemoth, or Cyborg IFV by having the extraction shuttle land on it. [imho, very difficult to do on-purpose, timing-wise]

Dancing Queen
Do 25 capespins in a row, without moving, while on the ship bridge. [Arrowhead is a Swedish dev, thus the ABBA angle :violin: ]
And then these which I haven't managed to pull off yet:
Stick it to the Man!
While in melee range from a Cyborg Warlord, use the "NO" communication command.

It didn't SEE that coming!
Defeat an Illuminate Great Eye.
And this one I just don't understand the Danmaku reference?
They call me Mr. Danmaku
Complete a difficulty 7 or higher mission against the Cyborgs without taking damage from any enemy.
There's one for fully upgrading all non-DLC stratagems and weapons, which I oughta have soon. Finally reaching that point of everything I like to use being fully upgraded, so research points will be just going towards what's left.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by GreenGoo »

I just like the name of it. It's practically a non sequitur, and matches up with the rest of the game's use of democracy, freedom and liberty as battle cries for what appears to be an all out war of genocide against 3 other races.

Why did the chicken cross the road? *puts shotgun barrel in enemy face and pulls trigger* "Democracy!!"

You're right though, there are lots of good achievements in this game.

For the record, I have no idea who Mr. Danmaku is either.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by blackjack »

Danmaku presumably refers to this:

The term Danmaku shooting game has an equivalent English term popular in some circles: Bullet hell. There is also the term Manic shooting game, which can be used synonymously with the previous, although some shmup enthusiasts insist that these two terms denote different shooting game subsets that don't always overlap.
Though what that has to do with "not taking damage from the enemy," I don't know. :P

Campaign update -- we "won" on Kepler, which means no more Bug Fights available in the Helldivers campaign until the whole war's over.

Cyborgs then made a comeback and forced City Defense missions last night, which I enjoyed. I missed playing on those street-grid maps.

I hit L24 finally -- you guys can just call me "Lord" now :hand: -- and experimented with the Double Freedom shotgun. This is a double-barrel, high-capacity (I think 50 or 60 shells) shotgun. Non-upgraded, you fire each barrel one at a time (LMB with mouse). 1st upgrade saws off the barrel and then you fire both barrels at once. 2nd upgrade adds phosphorus burning to the shells. It's not an automatic shotgun, so you have to reload (either after every 2 shots in non-upgraded form; after every shot in upgraded form), which I just don't much like doing.

It's interesting, but solo I can only see using it with Guard Dog attack drone backing me up. I just can't reload that fast. :oops: In co-op, as with any of the shotguns, avoiding FF with it is tricky.

I really wish Arrowhead had stolen some ARPG ideas for at least some high -end passives or "percentage chance-to" passives. I could see saving up research samples to use on stuff like that. Not enough to "break" game balance, but enough to be appealing to get. Maybe like a 10% chance to dodge attacks, or a 5% speed buff, or some ability to reduce damage from fire or lava etc. I just don't know if Sony wants any further development on it. Just feel like there's some interesting late game things they could do without being too resource intensive (i.e., not requiring new art, animations, character models etc.)
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by blackjack »

Helldivers Cape Contest concluded:
I had misread it as a contest where entries would be judged by the "quality" of the suggested "leap year day in the Helldivers Universe." Instead it was more like any entry got you in and then it was resolved in high-tech fashion -- couple Arrowhead folks picking out little printout slivers in bowls. :P

btw, PSN is apparently really borking in Helldivers on the Sony platforms last several days or so. So if you're playing Helldivers on PC, you're probably much happier right now. :)
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by blackjack »

HEEEY!!!! Helldivers stuff (on all platforms) to celebrate its 1st anniversary! On Steam, the entire game re-installs. :D
Citizens of Super Earth,

Today we celebrate the 1st anniversary of the HELLDIVERS!

And what a year it has been – We have seen success and we have seen defeat, but the Helldivers always come out on top. We salute your valiant service as we continue to fight for humanity's best interests.

As a token of our gratitude to our Helldivers, we are making new special equipment available to all Super Earth forces for free. The Assault customization set and the LAS-13 'Trident' Laser Shotgun is available in the armory as of today!

This content will be patched in for everyone with a free update, there is no need to download anything from the store.

Assault armour cosmetic customization set

LAS-13 'Trident' – This shotgun-like weapon is a further development on the laser carbine technology, allowing for a virtually ammunition independent weapon. Suitable for when you want an easier time hitting your target.

We are very proud to have had you with us throughout this year, and in addition to the free in-game content, tonight (March 3rd GMT) we are planning to do various giveaways on our different channels so make sure to keep an eye on them.
Lot of folks are chafing at redownloading the entire 2.5GB (very modest footprint by today's standards if you ask me! :D ) for "just this." My guess is because they needed to update the ship inventory kiosk screen as well as the game session loadout screens, it's a matter of updating those two main systems. Probably the game engine (BitSquid, think it's called AutoDesk 3D or something now) isn't designed to allow that without resinstalling the whole thing.

I played a little and the laser shotgun is fun. A couple of its upgrades require quite a few research points (4). The most interesting one doubles the number of lasers to 6 at cost of reduced damage.
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by blackjack »

Campaign update: Players eliminated the Bugs and just last night the Illuminates.

So if you love playing Cyborgs -- both in their galaxy and in city defense missions on Super Earth -- you're in luck! 8-)

If not, you're out of luck. :P
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by blackjack »

In case anyone cared about what the Truth Transmitters are saying in Morse Code... (per the recent 1st Anniversary contest quiz) ... d-answers/
What is the morse message beeped by the truth transmitters?

Of the 52 entries only 11 people correctly answered “SUPER-EARTH BEACON ACTIVE.” as the morse code. The morse looks like this:
… ..- .–. . .-. -….- . .- .-. – …. / -… . .- -.-. — -. / .- -.-. – .. …- . .-.-.-
So my "Buy more Helldivers DLC!" was apparently wrong. :doh:
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by blackjack »

Although I'd about given up on Arrowhead ever announcing what secret game its combined Gauntlet and Helldivers teams are currently working on, this cryptic Steam forum post at least seems in the vicinity of, maybe, sort of, kind of, at some point, they may be arranging the Titanic deckchairs to enable them to announce this secret game. :roll: :P ... 5564083111
Arrowhead's foreverapeon wrote:Thanks to all who are so supportive! We really can't wait to tell you what our next project is about, but we have to wait on all the details to be sorted first :)
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Re: Helldivers - Now on Steam

Post by NickAragua »

A little late to the party, but a friend and I picked this up last week and it's a lot of fun. Mindless, alien-blasting fun, but still. Well, it's actually not that mindless. Ambushing alien patrols, deciding when to retreat, rationing your anti-tank ammunition for when you really need it, and coordinating with your teammates for maximum efficiency (and to avoid dropping pods from orbit on their heads), lots of fun. I've also gotten run over by my own APC as I was getting out, giving the phrase "wait until the vehicle has come to a complete stop before exiting" a whole new meaning. Then again, maybe they could have put the driver's exit somewhere to the side.
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