[WW] LFG - kicking around power ideas

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Remus West
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[WW] LFG - kicking around power ideas

Post by Remus West »

Richard - May convert any one player to the Group (good Guy) side. This player is changed to a skeleton (may no longer post) but counts as a "hit point" for Richard's team unless killed in some other manner.
Richard - Once per game may PM the mod with the name of a player to kill. If he kills an innocent he MUST immediately select another target to also kill. If he continues to select innocents he must continue to select kills. Power must be resolved in it's entirety before he may mention anything about it in thread. Thus no, "I killed Remus and he was telling the truth about being a good guy so now I'm going to kill Chaosraven." If Richard manages to kill all the innocents in this manner he wins the game alone.

Cale'anon - protector of the innocent. May protect a player for the entirety of a day (night kill and day powers). May NOT protect from Richard's kill.

Bennie - Seer. She may ask about one player each night and will be told their true role.

Krunch Bloodrage - May exchange his own life for Bennie's

Temmet Aelloon - main bad guy

Dragons -

Vulii Elite -

This will obviously need some fleshing out (heh, get it, Richard? Fleshing out? Heh) but I wanted to get some basic thoughts down.
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” - H.L. Mencken
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