[Werewolf] Monty Python and the Holy Grail

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Post by noxiousdog »

pr0ner wrote:Seeing as how he made the first accusation of Noxiousdog, whose stout logic was backed up by Triggercut, I must vote for Gryndyl.

It is the only way. He is French.
While I admire your fortitude, I suggest we wait until another Brother Maynard shows up.

I find it unlikely that Triggercut would have agreed to this English show of force if he weren't Brother Maynard, especially considering to show our hand so openly was my idea.

However, the French really have no other option than to pretend to be brother maynard and have us question Triggercut.

As such, either triggercut, or the new brother maynard will have to be an impostor. So our vote will have to be one or the other.
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Post by Hamsterball_Z »

If that link wasn't broken I know I'd be insulted.
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Post by pr0ner »

Bah. Once again, noxiousdog's logic as swayed me.

Vote for Gryndyl withdrawn. Wait and see, we shall.
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Post by noxiousdog »

Hamsterball_Z wrote:If Triggercut is Brother Maynard you just put him in jeopardy, didn't you? Or do you expect the French to go after you instead of him? Assuming you're not French of course. If there is another Maynard would he really want to reveal himself to expose a potential french deception, particularly while both villains are still around?

Either way, Remus should be insulted that you called him Ralph Wiggum. :P
He would have to. The game is in the balance here.
Black Lives Matter

"To wield Grond, the mighty hammer of the Federal Government, is to be intoxicated with power beyond what you and I can reckon (though I figure we can ball park it pretty good with computers and maths). Need to tunnel through a mountain? Grond. Kill a mighty ogre? Grond. Hangnail? Grond. Spider? Grond (actually, that's a legit use, moreso than the rest)." - Peacedog
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Post by Hamsterball_Z »

Wait... the insult or the deception?
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Post by noxiousdog »

Good night, folks. We'll hang frenchies in the morn.
Black Lives Matter

"To wield Grond, the mighty hammer of the Federal Government, is to be intoxicated with power beyond what you and I can reckon (though I figure we can ball park it pretty good with computers and maths). Need to tunnel through a mountain? Grond. Kill a mighty ogre? Grond. Hangnail? Grond. Spider? Grond (actually, that's a legit use, moreso than the rest)." - Peacedog
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Post by triggercut »

Yeah, I need to head home as well. This game just got *fascinating*. I can think of nearly a dozen ways for just the NEXT move to play out. I can't imagine how it'll go from there. Great game, CSL. Great ruleset. I'm off work tomorrow, and no matter what happens to me, I can't wait to follow the action. I'd never heard of these games before, but I'm utterly hooked. I'm having a blast, win or lose.
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Post by Remus West »

Gah, was totally against coming out in the open just yet, but it is as they say. After the death of our poor gromit friend I was contacted by Triggercut with the knowledge that he was Maynard. The bandwagon voting in this round clearly points to Grenard as innocent thus giving us four votes of assured English flavor :D

At this point I stand by my vote for Hmasterball as that was my best guess for a frenchie, but given my track record at this game may not mean much. Search the posts yourself and see what you can find.
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Post by CSL »

Ok just for clarification - anyone can use the special weapons at any time, but they must PM me first so that I can do a writeup and select who dies. :D
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Post by Kelric »

Fuck, I died. You bastards.
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Post by CSL »

triggercut - Mr. Bubbles
Kelric (dead)
Mr Bubbles - Chris Grenard
Crux (dead)
pr0ner - Gryndyl
Remus West - Hamsterball_Z
ChrisGrenard - Hamsterball_Z
Gryndyl - Chris Grenard
Hamsterball_Z - Noxious Dog
Gromit (dead)
Noxious Dog

Current Voting:

Hamsterball_Z - 2
Chris Grenard - 2
Mr. Bubbles - 1
Noxious Dog - 1

Majority is 5
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Post by Gryndyl »

The vote list is in error. I'd like to point out that I had already withdrawn my vote for Grnard and placed it on noxious dog before all of the logic and reveals entered into it. So I now withdraw my vote entirely for the moment. I have to think this whole brother maynard thing through.
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Post by Gryndyl »

Ok, upon further reflection...

As I pointed out, I withdrew my vote for Grenard and had recast it for noxious dog, for two reasons. One, as stated, I didn't want him to feel left out. I had intended to withdraw it and recast it for someone else at least once, possibly twice more, due to the nature of a Python themed game. The second reason I voted for noxious dog was because he pm orchestrated the first round hanging. His reasons were sound-hang the quietest player, but it still smacked of a French-like thing to do and that was all I had to go on.

I see two possibilities here: Triggercut is who he claims and his info is accurate. Possibility two is that Maynard is already dead and Triggercut and either noxious dog and/or Remus is a Frenchie playing an elaborate scheme in an attempt to smoke out Brother Maynard so that he can be french fried.

I'd also point out that now that Maynard is "outed" he is very likely a dead man tonight. This means we will receive no more solid info from him. Will he use the grenade? Will the french unleash the rabbit now that they're cornered? Was the misspelling of 'grenade' as 'grenard' in the last line of the rules deliberate? Only time will tell.

I don't know that the french will bring up a pseudo Maynard. It would be interesting if a 2nd maynard appeared but it would also be akin to painting a bullseye on his forehead rather than taking the odds that the knights will misfire in a four suspect crap-shoot.
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Post by CSL »

While the debate raged over who to hang it seemed that the battle raged to close to one of the Frenchman. Hamsterball_Z hereto engaged in all the scheming that his French self desires was now seemingly trapped and fearing his own death pulled out the feared Rabbit of the Cave of Caerbannog. Brandishing it in all its deadly means he unleashed it when the full force of retainers had assembled to vote on the days hanging.

"Eat hot rabbit, you English pig-dogs!" screamed Hamsterball_Z as the rabbit bounded forward.

Immediately the rabbit struck at Chris Grenard, ripping out his throat and rendering him no more than a heap of solid waste - he would remain a virgin forevermore. Seconds later the rabbit lept at its next target - none other than Noxious Dog. In vain the noble soldier attempted to fight back, swinging a heavy mace at the furry rodent but finding nothing but air. Alas, the rabbit found more than air, striking once again at the neck - rendering yet another brave man no more than dead meat. His decapitated head rolls to the ground, the eyes frozen in a mute stare of sheer horror.

"Jesus Christ" someone yells.

In the back of the group the noble sorceror Tim has arrived. "I warned you! It's got sharp . . . very sharp . . . look at the bodies!"

At last the cry of "RUN AWAY!" was met and all, including Hamsterball_Z began to flee - except of course for Remus West. In a daring feat of bravery he flung his mace at the rabbit, secure in the knowledge that he would soon join Grenard and Noxious Dog, but the rabbit for some reason had not noticed him, and with a sickening thud the horror was over.

Kelric (dead)
Mr Bubbles
Crux (dead)
Remus West
ChrisGrenard (dead)
Hamsterball_Z (French)
Gromit (dead)
Noxious Dog (dead)

Six Remain.
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Post by Gryndyl »

I find it ironic that hamsterball was almost the one that we railroaded for the first vote.

And also that the rabbit killed two of our "known" non frenchies.

I'd also like to take this opportunuity to point out that Mr Bubbles and I both originally went for hamsterball in the first vote.

Do we kill the known frenchie or try to take out his ally, which appears at the moment to be pr0ner?
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Post by Mr Bubbles »

It was pr0ner that caused us to change our vote from hamster to Gromit. Hmmm was he trying to save his french counter part? Maybe he just assumed that Hamster wouldn't have outed himself so early. Im gonna have to say pr0ner, but need a little bit longer to think about it.
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Post by triggercut »

That rabbit's DYNAMITE.

Well, this is a fine kettle of fish.

I say we let Hamster live the day, and try to lynch us his accomplice by day. I'll die tonight, so that is what it is.

I'll not use the Holy Hand Grenade, simply because....lads, we've got this game won.

And so but let's look at the voting on day one, when we sent poor Gromit to the catapult. As Gryndyl sagely noted, we had Hamsterball's head damn near in the noose. Gryndyl and Mr. Bubbles had been two of the voters who voted to put his head there, joined by two others.

Then pr0ner sagely pointed out Gromit's absence, and we sent the poor innocent fellow to his doom.

If Gryndyl or Mr. Bubbles were working with Hamster as a Frenchman, it seems surpassing daring that one of them would set the other up to be within two votes of a hanging. I don't think that happened, no siree.

pr0ner is French. Lynch him today, and we'll take care of Hamsterball on the morrow.
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Post by pr0ner »

Pfft. I took the vote to Gromit from Hamsterball in the first round because:

A) Gromit was very quiet. Too quiet.

B) Upon consultation with Noxiousdog, it was determined to be the way to go. Gromit first, Hamsterball next. I have PMs between Noxiousdog and myself to collaborate what I've said. However, with Noxiousdog now dead (blasted rabbit!), you'd only have my word to go on should I post said PMs. I will do so if requested.

As such, I still think it's one of Gryndyl or Mr. Bubbles who is the other Frenchman. Triggercut, turn your ire to one of those two smelly gentlemen. I am not the man you're looking for.
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Post by Gryndyl »

agreed. To Pr0ner I say, NI!
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Post by triggercut »

pr0ner wrote:Pfft. I took the vote to Gromit from Hamsterball in the first round because:

A) Gromit was very quiet. Too quiet.

B) Upon consultation with Noxiousdog, it was determined to be the way to go. Gromit first, Hamsterball next. I have PMs between Noxiousdog and myself to collaborate what I've said. However, with Noxiousdog now dead (blasted rabbit!), you'd only have my word to go on should I post said PMs. I will do so if requested.

As such, I still think it's one of Gryndyl or Mr. Bubbles who is the other Frenchman. Triggercut, turn your ire to one of those two smelly gentlemen. I am not the man you're looking for.
I cannae argue with you on point A, Pierre. 'Twas good logic and skillfully game play.

'Owever, I will point out that deferring the 'anging of Hamsterball to the next day in a PM proves nothing. I'll note for the record, Jacques, that when the next day came around, you were the first accuser, and Grenard was the one you pointed your croissant at.

'Tis all right, you quiche-eating bastard. They serve crepes in hell.
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Post by Remus West »

If we hang the known Frenchie right now TC still has the grenade to use in self defense. It said he gets to try to use it if they come after him. Since that would be the last French guy at that point we would win. Also by hanging Hamster we cut into the number of French for certain making their victory harder to achieve as they then need to get all but one of us. There are four of us and two of them right now, if we miss today we make that 3-2 then tonight they kill one and it is 2-2 they win. We must kill Hamsterball_Z tonight just to be sure, then TC can check again and we have some more surety.

edit to add: Gryndyl jumping on the Proner bandwagon so quickly scares me. As noted above, if we miss today they win tonight so if Gryn is French then rushing Pron to doom gives him the game. That damn rabbit sucked ass.

Hang Hamsterball_Z
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Post by triggercut »

I'm tellin' you. Bedevere has nothing on Sir Remus West.

I had forgotten that I sleep with The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch (it is most certainly NOT a pinecone, despite how it looks!) around my neck each night.

Yes, let us take down the silly known Frenchman first. pr0ner, when you come to kill me tonight, beware that grenade lad. Watch out for tripwires.

HamsterballZ, killing noxiousdog was an evil act, almost atoned for by your also killing Grenard. Alas, Mr. Grenard *was* English, as we said. So yes, Henri, you get to die today. Adieu!
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Post by Gryndyl »

I was quick to jump on Pr0ner because, by my logic, he is the other frenchie.

But your analysis makes good sense and I didn't know that about the grenade. I withdraw my vote for Pr0ner and recast it for le hamsterball!
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Post by Mr Bubbles »

Getting rid of Hamster will buy us more time. Think we'll be able to corner the Frenchie with Hamster out of the picture. Prepare to meet your maker Hamster. I hope you're happy that Noxious is dead, because its the last enjoyment you'll get out of this life.
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Post by Hamsterball_Z »

Oh ho ho you zillee English wipers of other peoples bottoms! Could you not see ze fine French moustache? It would be a dead giveaway if you were not so zimple minded!

You're zilleeness drove me mad, I could resist it no longer! I had hoped the ze rabbot would take out anothaire but alas it was not to be. Ze French will be victorious. You will turn on each othaire and you will do our work for us!

Viva La France!
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Post by triggercut »

...lads, as we're about to do the right thing with 'Amstairball Zed, let's take a look at why pr0ner is his fellow-brie spreading, burgundy-sipping, Eiffel Tower building, really amazing culturally advanced accomplice.

DAY 1:

After a bunch of pussyfooting around, pr0ner votes to lynch Kelric. Kelric and Grenard get into a scrum, with K accusing CG. CG accuses no one. He was such a nice boy.

noxiousdog initially votes to lynch Bubbles, but then switches to Hamsterball. Bubbles jumps on that bandwagon. Gryndyl, sensing the bandwagon, eagerly leaps on it. Gryndyl is pretty clearly not French.. Bubbles has plenty of opportunity to change his vote. He does not.

It looks bad for the French.

Hamster shows up and levels accusations against, of all people, dear Brother Maynard himself! (I shall enjoy your catapulting, Francois.) It comes to nothing...but opportunity for the French presents itself.

Gromit has stayed silent.

pr0ner and nd exchange a series of pm's, and it is suggested that they target Gromit first, and then come back after Hamsterball Z. As such, the French have deferred the lynching of one of their own during the first day...but only deferred it. The second French victim will have to be a target that could implicate another target.

And that's why Kelric dies. Using the "vengeance as a motive" tactic, the French kill Kelric, and so we enter....

DAY 2:

pr0ner has promised ND that they'll deal with Hamsterball Z during the next day, which is problematic since both of them are French. The Frogs will need a second victim that takes the heat off Hamsterball and puts it squarely on someone else. Kelric dies, and...yep, there's pr0ner, being the first to accuse Grenard.

Thy jig is up. We'll kill Hamster today, and even after my death tonight, pr0ner will be dealt with on the morrow!
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Post by Remus West »

I withdraw my vote for hamsterball_Z momentarily to do some math. be back when my head stops hurting :wink:
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Post by Remus West »

o.k. vote back on for Hamsterball_Z. Was looking at the idea of grenading him, but the prospect of potentially losing Brother Maynard if it fails, or both the good brother and myself if it suceeds is to grim for our odds. I think we are best to fling Hamster's head over the wall and let the other Frenchie try his luck with Trig tonight.
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Post by Remus West »

CSL?? Paging CSL.
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Post by CSL »

Having deduced the traitor in their midst all of the combined retainers surrounded the now revealed Frenchman. Like all French Hamsterball_Z attempted to surrender...

"Please, think of ze frogs! I have frogs in Picardie!"

It would avail him none. Altogether they cut him down then tied him to the catapult were several minutes later his body was hurled at. Yet still there is one remaining Frenchman. Who could it be?

Kelric (dead)
Mr Bubbles
Crux (dead)
Remus West
ChrisGrenard (dead)
Hamsterball_Z (French)
Gromit (dead)
Noxious Dog (dead)

PM's, I need them.
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Post by CSL »

In the night the last Frenchman came, attempting to kill another noble Englishman - in this task he was successful. The next morning after all had settled the assembled men found the blouted corpse of Mr. Bubbles - cut in half by a broadsword. His lungs ripped out, cut up, and arranged in the shape of the Fleur-de-lef - or however the fuck its spelt.
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Post by triggercut »

Mr. Bubbles is dead?!?!

And I'm alive?


Ok fellas. I had my vision last night, and pr0ner is French. Let us do what needs be done.

Well-played, all around.
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Post by ChrisGrenard »

I'm not dead yet!
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Post by Gryndyl »

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Post by Kelric »

Oh! Had enough, eh? Come back and take what's coming to you, you yellow bastards! Come back here and take what's coming to you! I'll bite your legs off!
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Post by Mr Bubbles »

I will haunt you till eternity pr0ner.... May my disembodied soul torment you!
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Post by Remus West »

weird, I thought sure you had to at least try to get Trig. Goodbye vile frenchman. prOner

edit: can't spell correctly
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Post by Remus West »

Oh, Trig, great job as Maynard.
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Post by triggercut »

I think it was well-played all around.

I think either I or noxious were going to die on night 2....

...but the game really turned when we came so close to having Hamster lynched that first day.

The French had to throw suspicion on someone and killed Kelric instead to frame up Grenard. That damn near worked. I wasn't kidding--I was about to hit "reply" and say "Grenard sounds French, let's lynch him"--which would've been the deciding vote--and then you sagely sent that PM that turned the whole game upside down. I didn't even realize that the vote had broken so obviously, and that's what set the final moves in motion.
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Post by pr0ner »

Damn. It's amazing how this game can turn on one slip-up.

Well played, everyone.
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