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Tabletop Randomness

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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Zarathud »

Roll20 was awesome. Took my brother-in-law’s friends through the Bladur’s Gate part of Avernus, and kept my kids group on track in the Intro module.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by hentzau »

I’ll second the D&D beyond recommendation. You can get an account for free to try it out, but your character creation choices will be very limited. But using it you can get a character made up very quickly.

Also, if your DM uses D&D Beyond they can invite you into a campaign and then you can access all of the character creation content that they have access to.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Blackhawk »

I'm finally digging into the Pulp Alley rules. One thing is really throwing me here. As written, it seems like players have zero agency when choosing who to attack. You must always attack the nearest enemy.

Am I misunderstanding? It seems like this sucks all of the strategy out of the game by taking away all of the choices.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by hentzau »

Blackhawk wrote:I'm finally digging into the Pulp Alley rules. One thing is really throwing me here. As written, it seems like players have zero agency when choosing who to attack. You must always attack the nearest enemy.

Am I misunderstanding? It seems like this sucks all of the strategy out of the game by taking away all of the choices.
Normally, yes. There are a couple of abilities you can give to characters, like Brash and Deadeye, that allow you to ignore those rules. And it actually brings in a different level of strategy, by allowing you to set up blocking characters while you are trying to accomplish something. It works pretty well once you get your brain wrapped around it.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Blackhawk »

It just feels so off. I'm standing here with a brawler. There's an enemy four inches to his left that will break him in half. There's an enemy five inches to his right that he can handle easily. He is required to attack the one on the left with no option to go after the better target and leave the bad target to the guy with a gun.

That lack of choice really feels... bad.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by hentzau »

Play it as written a few times and if it still feels off, house rule it. A couple of my players have commented that they aren’t fans of there always being a peril at every plot point. We’re going to keep playing as written, but may fall back to 1st edition rules for plot points if they don’t cotton to it.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Blackhawk »

Oh, I will. I decided last night that I really just need to take some unpainted minis, a battle mat, and a dry erase marker and run a few practice games.

Reading the rules and looking for ways to use them, my first thought is that the rule is there to keep from having one team gang up on one member of the other team (IE - have five characters with guns all target the leader in the back on the first round.)
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Blackhawk »

Actually, I think I was approaching the game wrong. I'm very simulation-minded. I was expecting it to be a simulation of pulp style combat, while the reality is that it's quite a bit more abstract than that, with mechanics that aren't necessarily based on how things work. Change of mindset time.

Screen wipe!
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by hentzau »

What I found through the half dozen games that I played and the 20+ games that I've watched is that one of the biggest keys to success is control of being director. And then once you have that control, deciding if you want to go first, or have your opponent go first. And the use of characters as "shields" or "blocks" for what you want to accomplish. Like moving a minor character onto a plot point. Even if that character has no chance in hell of getting that plot point, you put him there so the opponent has to deal with him before he can try the plot point.

I wish I had more time, I'd love to set up a zoom game with you and hash some of this out.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Blackhawk »

I get that now. Like I said, I was looking at it from the perspective of a miniatures skirmish game, which is trying to simulate what happens in combat, while maintaining a balance between accuracy, efficiency, and fun. From that perspective, the rules for things like choosing targets and firing into an engagement don't make sense. But by shifting perspective, realizing that this game adds and extra layer of abstraction in there and functions a little more like a board game, it makes much more sense.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Blackhawk »

This post is random. This is me doing my brain thing in your presence for my own benefit. For those who aren't familiar with my brain thing, I sometimes solve some sorts of problems by brainstorming, out loud (well, in print), in the presence of others. I find that buy doing it here instead of on a piece of paper, I get better insights. I get... uncomfortable about certain things, which leads me to notice things I'm being dishonest with myself about. I find it far easier to mislead myself when nobody else is around to see my bullshit.

It's in here because it's most evident and clear when applied to gaming hobbies.

Feedback is welcome, but not expected. This is me forcing myself to be honest by using a public medium. This has often led to great insights from others (which often lead to solutions), but that's isn't the primary purpose.

This time it's tied to the bullshit my brain has been getting away with that I posted about in Random Randomness. Short version, I keep starting but not finishing things because I won't actually engage in them until they're perfect (I won't play a game until I have all of the accessories, all the minis are painted, all of the terrain I might need is built, etc.) So I really want to play a game, I get really invested in doing so, I gather materials, but I never actually play it, because it is never 'ready.' And since so many things in this world are cool as hell, I think, "While I'm getting Game A ready, I'll take a look at Game B, because it look really cool!" After a while I'm getting ready to play (but not playing) a four or five games at once.

And then, naturally, I get burned out with always getting ready, but never actually getting to the fun part. It's like planning the perfect vacation, getting the supplies, and packing, but never actually leaving - then starting the planning for the next vacation.

So, I want to look at what's drawing me right now, pick one that I can actually get to, put it on the damned table in the reasonable future, and then improve it as I go (painting minis, building terrain, etc.) If it doesn't require a lot of extras, I could get one on the table and start work on the extras for a second game (but I'd need to commit to just one game in 'prep' mode at a time, and only if there's something I can actually play.)

What's drawing me right now:

Pulp Alley
Pro: Great variety of settings, from cavemen sci-fi (with a clear focus on 30s/40s pulp adventure.) It'd be great to have that variety, to be able to change what I'm playing depending on my mood.
Pro: Simple rules that I've already read recently (although I haven't actually 'learned' them), plus a small footprint (it will fit on a card table)
Pro: New types of terrain/minis to work on appeal to me
Con: I have a lot of fantasy minis, a few sci-fi if I 'borrow' from board games, but only a smattering of any other genre.
Con: I have zero non-fantasy terrain (with the exception of the Core Space stuff.)
Con: Between the top two, I'd either have to play by substituting everything, or I'd have to do a lot of prep.

Rangers of the Shadow Deep
Pro: I love fantasy. It's 'my' genre, and the setting here does appeal to me.
Pro: I have a ton of fantasy stuff. Tons. I even have a moderate amount of fantasy terrain (but I'd need to make quite a bit more.)
Pro: I have already done a lot of the background prep for it. I have tools, skills, and material for the terrain. I have everything researched and lists of what is needed made.
Pro: Simple rules and a small footprint (it will fit on a card table)
Con: I'd still have a bunch of stuff to make before I got it on the table, and I'd really prefer to play this one with actual terrain.

Core Space:
Pro: I love the setting. Sci-fi is broad, but their aesthetic appeals to me.
Pro: I have what I need. I have the terrain. The terrain is ready (edges colored and strengthened in this case.) Everything I need comes with it. That means if I could get over the unpainted minis aspect, I could have it on the table as soon as I read the rules.
Con: Heavier rules than the others.

Other (non-elaborate) board games
Dragonfire, Apocrypha, Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, 7th Continent, Tiny Epic Stuff, the Fallout board game, etc
Pro: Generally quick to get on the table
Pro: Rarely involve needing extras/crafting
Pro: I have a big variety. I'd still need to commit to one at a time, but it wouldn't be as much of a commitment as with the bigger, campaign based games
Pro: Since there is less out-of-game work involved, I could work on one of the other games (painting minis/terrain, etc) while playing it.
Con: Not as appealing as the bigger, campaign based games

Solo RPGing
Pro: Very strong appeal right now
Pro: I have the 'stuff' I'd need, and if I'm using physical accessories (minis, etc), then the potential range of them is such that a lot of prepping really isn't possible. Battlemats and dry-erase are used in RPGs for a reason, and there are few tabletop RPGs that don't proxy minis - there are just too many potential encounters.
Pro: I know the rules. Depending on the system I picked (likely D&D, PF2e, Savage Worlds), I have hundreds or thousands of hours of experience with them. I'd have to learn the solo techniques, but the underlying rules, while far more complex than boardgames, would just require a quick review.
Pro: I have at least one game that's peripheral to this (Legacy of Dragonholt) that I could have on the table right away - probably under an hour to read the rules again and decide on a character.
Pro: Since there is less out-of-game work involved, I could work on one of the other games (painting minis/terrain, etc) while playing it.
Neutral?: I have dozens of games including setting-free systems. I have choices (although this can be con, too, as it opens up the possibility of multiple draws again.)
Con: These are big time commitments.
Con: If I use minis (which appeals to me), then the footprint is more significant. I'd likely have to set the card table next to the desk and use both. That makes it harder to actually set up and play (and more likely I'd wave it off as a hassle.)

Hm. I think I'll let this simmer for a bit.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by hentzau »

I'm still very much in the honeymoon phase with Pulp Alley. I have a deep love of the system and the options for playing, as you said, everything from cavemen to sci-fi. I am still weekly crafting/printing/painting some new piece of terrain or mini. I just got in some Sarissa precision terrain pieces because I want to set up a scenario set in Giza Harbor so I ordered a dhow and a steamer. I am constantly on the prowl for 32mm terrain that can be used with pulp. But I'm exactly where you are, I could do lots of terrain substitutions but I want the games to look great. So it's taking me about 10 months to get to the point where I'm starting up my campaign.

Do you have the solo deck for PA as well?

Of the things you mentioned, I think you could probably get Core Space up and working the fastest. Smaller number of minis to get painted for a solo about 12-15 total?
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by baelthazar »

I also vote Core Space. The terrain is so nice, that the game feels very polished and premium out of the box. Sure, you will need to get over the unpainted minis, but as stated above, you have about 12-15 for one crew and the Purge. They are smaller minis too, I found that I could paint them fairly quickly.

The only thing that stops me from putting a game on the table is card sleeves. I’m fairly religious about that. If I waited to paint my minis, I would never play anything.

Also, I like to play with the minis before painting them. This next bit is going to sound a little wacky, so bear with me. After playing, I get more of an idea of the “personality” of the characters or enemies and that factors into how I paint them.

I have also really enjoyed playing with minis that I did homemade color-coded “Sundrop” treatment on. Even if they are not fully detailed, they look fantastic and very premium. That is a much faster way to paint.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by hepcat »

Blackhawk wrote: Thu Dec 30, 2021 1:03 pm
Other (non-elaborate) board games
Dragonfire, Apocrypha, Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, 7th Continent, Tiny Epic Stuff, the Fallout board game, etc
If it's any help in solving your time issue, you can just throw Apocrypha in the trash. I really, really hated that game. :D
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Blackhawk »

hentzau wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 1:37 am Do you have the solo deck for PA as well?
Yep. I have a mix of minis I could use. Plenty of fantasy - and I could raid my copy of Conan for some true pulp. I have the Lost Valley expansion from Bones 4 (cavemen and dinosaurs.) I have the pulp stuff from previous Bones Kickstarters, plus the recent Pulp Alley KS. I have a fair number of old west miniatures I bought for Deadlands years ago. But pretty much everything I just listed - except for the old west stuff - is unpainted, and as mentioned, I'd be starting off from scratch with anything but fantasy terrain.
baelthazar wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 2:35 am The only thing that stops me from putting a game on the table is card sleeves. I’m fairly religious about that.
I would be, but I can rarely afford the extra cost.
hepcat wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 8:48 am If it's any help in solving your time issue, you can just throw Apocrypha in the trash. I really, really hated that game. :D
Heh, that wasn't a comprehensive list, just some quick examples of stuff that's soloable and doesn't require painting.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Blackhawk »

Thinking about it, I think my smartest bet would be to focus on either an accessory-free boardgame or a solo RPG, while picking one game (likely either Rangers or Core Space) and getting it 'prepped.' Limit myself to one game on the table (the metaphorical table - one game that's 'active') and one game on the workbench.

Prepping Core Space would actually make more sense, as it would be much quicker to finish, then I could be playing that while prepping Rangers.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Anonymous Bosch »

Blackhawk wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 1:24 pm Thinking about it, I think my smartest bet would be to focus on either an accessory-free boardgame or a solo RPG, while picking one game (likely either Rangers or Core Space) and getting it 'prepped.' Limit myself to one game on the table (the metaphorical table - one game that's 'active') and one game on the workbench.

Prepping Core Space would actually make more sense, as it would be much quicker to finish, then I could be playing that while prepping Rangers.
FWIW, this seems like the most sensible choice. Because as I (poorly) attempted to convey in response to your post in the Random randomness thread, 'perfect' is the enemy of 'good enough'. So, it seems only prudent to get in the habit of playing and enjoying some 'good enough' gaming sessions rather than focusing on achieving 'perfect' gaming experiences.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by YellowKing »

As a fellow "if it ain't painted, I ain't playin" personality, I started looking for solutions to getting around this sticking point. It was seriously costing me money. I'd buy a shiny new game, then get so bogged down in the painting that I'd never actually play it.

One thing I did for Zombicide was to paint just the bases for the various zombie types. I used green for walkers, yellow for fatties, orange for runners, and red for abominations. This persuaded me to get it to the table even though everything wasn't fully painted, because I at least had a visual cue to distinguish minis. (And since I used grey primer for grey zombies, they sort of feel *mostly* painted as-is). As I get the time or as the mood strikes me, I've been grabbing a batch to fully paint.

For the survivors (which are now fully done), I spent about a week where I set up an assembly line and forced myself to paint one item on each figure per day. So the first day it was skin, second day inner wear, third day outer wear, etc. If I felt like painting more I did, but I didn't commit to anything other than the bare minimum. And by the end of the week I had them finished.

I'm not necessarily proposing this as a solution for Blackhawk; everybody has their own methods and the best approach could vary from game to game. It's just something that worked for me in this instance. Hopefully some fellow "paint paralysis" folks can come up with similar solutions that help get more stuff to the table.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Blackhawk »

I realized years ago that I needed to be willing to lower my standards when it comes to painting rank-and-file miniatures.

In your Zombicide example, that would mean actually painting the survivors and any 'boss' zombies, but using something quicker (like Contrast paints) on the zombies and just accepting the lower quality paint job.

I just need to listen to myself and implement the idea.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Blackhawk »

This is just a ponderation right now (and would be a personal project, not an idea for any would-be product.)

We all know the fantasy tropes. Dwarves in mountains, elves in forests, kings offering jobs from the top of a feudal society, wizards standing in the shadows behind the thrones, dragons in the mountains, bandits on the roads.

We all know the post-apocalyptic tropes. Society collapses. Most people die. Small groups of survivors form 'tribes.' Local tyrants thrive. Progress regresses. Old tech becomes valuable and rare.

If one were going to combine them and have a fantasy world falling to an apocalypse, what would be the most appropriate and thematic option for the apocalypse? Aliens have already been done, and zombies are getting tired. I'm thinking a time period from right after the collapse to the first generation or two after.

And note, this is a traditional fantasy world that's falling, with all the tropes tied up in the collapse, not a modern world falling to fantasy tropes (ala Shannara or Thundar.)
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Smoove_B »

Magic stops working.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Blackhawk »

Smoove_B wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 8:14 pm Magic stops working.
Two thoughts:

1. That's been done, although it was temporary (Time of Troubles, via the Forgotten Realms), or long-term (Interregnum, via Stephen Brust.)
2. I'd like to leave magic intact to play around with. I'm looking at a gaming setting.

That said, some sort of magic 'surge' could be interesting
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Blackhawk »

Actually, I think magic surge was almost done once in... a Mercedes Lackey series, I think? But it was averted. "Already been done" isn't necessarily a bad thing, by the way. I'd be more concerned about losing access to magic if I left it 'off' long enough to collapse society (or I'd have to make the 'before' society way higher magic than I'd like.)

A surge really is sounding appealing, though. Maybe an attack by one nation on another that went wrong, with sudden, massive effects everywhere. 10,000d6 fireballs, anyone? A levitation spell somewhere sending a small town into the sky, only to crash down like a meteor? A summoning/raise dead spell suddenly becoming thousands of times more efficient? Most scrolls discharging all at once? Healing spells that were actively being cast right in that moment creating immortals? A silence spell causing an entire region to be permanently silent. And after that one brief surge, it returned to normal. It could certainly lead to an interesting combination of phenomena a decade or so later.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Smoove_B »

Apocalyptic means it's changing in a world-breaking way. So decide how magic works (is it divine? Are they unknowingly manipulating some type of energy?) and then break that. If it's divine, maybe half of the gods disappear so only specific types of magic work - because those gods are the ones still around. If it's energy based, maybe the source has run out or it has been displaced by a new source that is more wild/chaotic in nature.

I love world building.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Blackhawk »

So do I. Not knowing what system I'd be using it with, I want to be careful about permanently altering magic - take something like D&D and alter what magic's available and you can break all sorts of things unless you want to rewrite (and rebalance) the rules as well. It's less of an issue with, say, Savage Worlds.

Unless, of course, the magic that's left at the end of the process is standard D&D magic, with something else having been there before.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Smoove_B »

Even going from a high-magic setting to a low-magic environment would really change things. Of course the players are going to have access to magic - they're heroes. It would make the use of magic more...powerful and finding any magic items even more special. And maybe the enemies and "big bad" have access to magic as well (for whatever reason). So overall the attitude toward magic has changed and maybe even towards those that use it.

I'm running a standard Forgotten Realms style campaign now and magic items are common and easy to acquire. If that changed over the course of a decade because of some event, I think it would be cool. And yes, I know that's a trope, but hey, sometimes they're fun.

I think it really will come down to how you define/describe what magic is. I guess I'd just assumed you were talking about D&D as that's my bias. I can't imagine trying to world-build in other systems. :D
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Blackhawk »

Building for Pathfinder is pretty much the same. Building for Savage Worlds is easiest of all, as the rules are literally designed to be changed and customized around the needs of the setting, and the balance doesn't take things like magic (or its lack) into account.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by baelthazar »

Blackhawk wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 8:04 pm If one were going to combine them and have a fantasy world falling to an apocalypse, what would be the most appropriate and thematic option for the apocalypse? Aliens have already been done, and zombies are getting tired. I'm thinking a time period from right after the collapse to the first generation or two after.
I had my D&D group do this (although it never "stuck" as we moved forward with those characters). The story was that, due to the meddling of an NPC in the past, the PCs were drawn back into the past at an island that had mysteriously disappeared. What eventual they find out is that the island was the source (a mine) of magical crystals that are used as power for a wide variety of applications throughout their world. The history of the island is strange - the power crystals were found after a cult devoted to a great wizard settled on the island.

Come to find out, the wizard - in his attempt to resurrect a long lost love - had become a lich, dabbled in chronomancy, experimented with mind flayers and other abominations, and eventually found a form of immortality by making the gigantic crystal network under the island his phylactery (think "The Dark Crystal"). He was imprisoned by the abominations he spawned, cut off from his magic supply, and for generations new settlers found crystals that offered unexplainable magic power. The whole world used them, not knowing they were basically using "lich essence" to power the world.

Long story slightly shorter - the party had to destroy the master crystal to end the lich while in the past. They were then catapulted Back to the Future, where the world no longer had access to a clean, magic-based power source. So what they found was a fantasy realm suddenly reliant on fossil fuels - polluted, corrupt, and degraded.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Blackhawk »

That's not a bad take, either.

My rough vision is a classic near-renaissance traditional fantasy world suddenly dropped back to the dark ages, with all of the infrastructure collapsing. A few city-states probably survive, but for the most part the villages are going to be isolated and under constant threat, with a significant number being abandoned or razed, the towns that survive will wall themselves in for defense, national boundaries will vanish along with communications, patrols, and much of civilization. The creatures that had been controlled before will flourish. Monstrous humanoids will be on equal footing with the 'civilized' races again. People will remember that there used to be a village two days' ride to the north, but nobody has been there in years. It is still there? Run by marauders? Reduced to ruin? Or just a crater? The maps are mostly useless, as few travel beyond what they can defend. Superstition will abound. The construction of things like advanced armor will be largely forgotten, making a suit of well-kept plate highly valuable rather than just what you pick up when you hit level 5.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by YellowKing »

I thought you guys might get a kick out of this:


This snapshot literally captures the beginning of my game board hobby, and was taken exactly 8 years ago today. Due to a large winter storm we had back in 2014, I was on lockdown at the hospital where I worked. On a whim, I had tossed my copy of Pandemic in the car to take with me, not knowing it would be a lifesaver when we got locked in for four days.

I'm in the maroon shirt with a mischievious smile, and my buddy Terry is in the light blue. While I had played Pandemic before, it was the only cooperative game I had played to that point and Terry's first ever.

The fun we had with Pandemic that night (and the following nights we were stuck there) led to a board game obsession that led to both of us owning 100+ games, hosting a weekly gaming group for the last 4 years, and traveling to GenCon twice (where we met Matt Leacock and got to tell him about this exact moment!) I really treasure this photo, as it's truly a historic moment (at least on a personal level).
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by AWS260 »

Aw man, that's wonderful.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by disarm »

Very cool story!
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Smoove_B »

Yeah, that's a great story. I didn't realize your board gaming origins came about this way, but it's wholesome. :)
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by YellowKing »

Any thoughts on SHADOW OF THE BAT?

- I love minis games
- I love Batman
- Last IDW game so might be my only chance

- How good will solo be for a system that was originally designed for multi?
- Last IDW game so no further content or support
- Pricy
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Blackhawk »

*watches from the rooftops*
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Zarathud »

I am avoiding the end of Marvel Zombies. I can’t get any more Zombicide.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Smoove_B »

I want to skip it, but those sculpts! And Gambit!
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by baelthazar »

Zarathud wrote: Thu Feb 03, 2022 11:21 am I am avoiding the end of Marvel Zombies. I can’t get any more Zombicide.
I know, I am trying to decide if I want to drop Final Girl, Season 2 and go with just a base pledge of this. Mostly just to get the KS exclusive extra content. I can pick up the X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Sinister Six at retail later (not as interested in their KS exclusives). From what I hear, the base game is the only thing shipping this year anyway (October) and anything else will wait until next year.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Daehawk »

I am Dyslexic of Borg, prepare to have your ass laminated.
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Re: Tabletop Randomness

Post by Skinypupy »

Popped into my local game store today, looking for the new LotR LCG Core Set. As I’m browsing, I hear a really loud, really boisterous group playing something at one of the tables.

I glance around the corner, and it’s a group of about a dozen Mormon missionaries, half playing D&D and half playing Magic. Suits, ties, name tags…the whole nine.

It was such a strange sight. Very amusing, but definitely odd.
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