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Post by setaside »


Anyone check this out yet? I stumbled across it today and it took me straight back to my time with Shadowbane which took me straight back to my time here. I had to check out the old digs and I'm happy to see things still going.

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Re: Crowfall

Post by rittchard »

Arise dead thread!!!!

After over 6 years in development this game is finally releasing on July 6th. My guess is it's gonna be a mess lol. But if you're in the mood to try out a "new" MMORPG this one is finally coming out. I Kickstarted it with a big contribution so I kind of have to give it a chance at this point :horse:

P.S. If this one doesn't float your boat, I've heard good things about Amazon's New World which is supposed to be out on August 31.
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Re: Crowfall

Post by baelthazar »

Did you play the beta? Was it a mess then?
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Re: Crowfall

Post by coopasonic »

I got into the beta and lasted about an hour. I didn't see anything special about it and thematically it didn't do anything for me. Hope it's abetter experience for you!
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Re: Crowfall

Post by hepcat »

My memories of Shadowbane are mostly of me standing outside the OO guild city and asking if I could come in about 3 times before they sent out someone to kill me.

Then Yellowking and I sat on a rock for about 15 minutes after I respawned and talked about the game. Then someone from OO ran by and killed me.
Now depoliticized.
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Re: Crowfall

Post by YellowKing »

hepcat wrote:Then Yellowking and I sat on a rock for about 15 minutes after I respawned and talked about the game.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Ah those were the good old days.

And if we're on the subject of memorable OO MMO experiences, Rittch's underwear-only dance in Star Wars Galaxies is still ranked #1 hardest I've ever laughed in any MMO ever.
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Re: Crowfall

Post by Baroquen »

Arise semi-dead thread...

I also kickstarted this way back in the day, and didn't dabble with it much during the early access. It always seemed very unfinished whenever I dropped in.

Well it launched yesterday. I played a lot in the morning, and then in the early afternoon - the servers crashed hard. The game was largely unplayable for the rest of the day. They had additional maintenance this morning, but after that - it's been smooth sailing on the servers.

The newbie experience is a lot more polished than whenever I lasted played months/years ago. In fact, it almost goes on too long, in my opinion. For a game that is not your traditional WoW MMO, the new player experience is VERY much quest after quest. It introduces the RvR/PvP/crafting stuff, but there's lots of generic running and killing mobs in between.

While I generally hate PvP, I mostly enjoy crafting and RvR type stuff more. And the progression for crafting is ... interesting. I joined up with a crafting guild who seems to have been playing for awhile and they know their stuff. So I've got experienced people to answer questions. I've got a good start on an initial character, and was able to jump an alt up to nearly max level with a click of a button. (I think all players? or all KSers get a month(?) of starter VIP time, allowing for alt level-jumps).

Anyway, I was able to play a lot with no tech issues, sociable guildies, and decent progress. Also - no ganking (though I stayed in relatively safe areas). I'll keep playing and see how the game goes, and see how the guild goes. With a bit of a down period for my gaming (I've been playing GW2 a lot if that sheds light on the state of my gaming time), this will eat up time, and I'll probably end up getting my money's worth.

TLDR - Nothing earthshattering as a game. But it scratches that RvR/crafting itch (that I was looking for when I KSed). And relatively polished with few tech problems.

EDIT: Strange for this to be in the "Gaming In General" forum... was that because of the KS origin?
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Re: Crowfall

Post by Sudy »

Bummer, there's a $40 USD box cost? I mean I guess that makes sense since it was crowdfunded, but I can't justify dropping that much on an MMO that's not a sure thing. I see there's "no monthly fee", only there is, in the form of VIP passes, like every other so-called F2P MMORPG I can think of except for Guild Wars 2 lol.

I don't really want a PvP-focused game so this probably wasn't for me in the first place, but I'm really dying for a new MMOPRG.

I saw a commercial on late night TV. It said, "Forget everything you know about slipcovers." So I did. And it was a load off my mind. Then the commercial tried to sell me slipcovers, and I didn't know what the hell they were. -- Mitch Hedberg
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