Books Read 2017

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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Scarred Hearts by Billi Tinner Historical Western Romance

Claire Montgomery is a survivor, having lived through the Civil War, but she was horribly disfigured in the fire that took her parents when Union soldiers raided her plantation. Her only companion was Tobias, a freed slave that was a friend (and former servant) to her. She learned to be a nurse in the Union hospital, and later, doctor's assistant. After the war, she and Tobias moved out west. On the way, they picked up a child, survivor of a bandit attack upon a convoy. Over time she became known as the local healer, and their boy picked up a one-eyed cat and a baby fox as pets. Their world changed when a gunfighter with four bullet wounds collapsed on their land. He barely escaped from the Bowler Gang after taking down one of two gang leaders that raped a rich businessman's daughter. He needed to recover and finish the job, but he was stuck at the farm until he recovers, and he came to love the little family. When another woman was brought in with severe head injuries caused by her husband (and her 3 kids as well), Claire tries to care for her and the kids, then the husband arrives intending to take his wife back by force... And attacked Claire (cracked several of her ribs) when she tried to intervene, and only the timely arrival of the gunfighter sent him running, vowing revenge for stealing his family...

The story goes on from here where the gunslinger helped the sheriff capture the guy and a judge sent him to prison, while the town was torn between supporting her and whispering behind her back... While the gunslinger left to finish the job, then had to return as Claire and her family called out to him...

Nice adventure / love story between two wounded people who needed to learn how to love. 7/8


Finished Courted by Jennifer Chance

Aspiring violist Emmaline deferred her graduate program a year ago to help caring for her parents when they got into a serious car accident. Now her deferment is almost up, but her parents still needed her, and she can't seem to play anything right. With caretakers in place, she reluctantly accepted a friend's offer for a fast and furious European tour with some BFFs and their adventures brought them to Garronia, one of the Eastern Med kingdoms still ruled by royalty. And while on the beach, Em was almost run over by Crown Prince of Garronia, Prince Kristos Andris, and his men on beach exercises. Then when Em took a swim and was having problems with the undertow, she was rescued by Kristos himself. Kristos did not want to be crown prince, but his nation needed one after his brother's plane was lost at sea. But he refused to kowtow to the responsibilities yet. When fate delivered a gorgeous dreamy-eyed American girl, Kristos kissed her... and the photos immediately went viral. Now that paparazzi are flooding the country, and the four girls found their hotel room ransacked and passports stolen, Kristos immediately took them in on royal accommodations, while attempting PR damage control, either present Em as an old acquaintance, or ignore the story hoping it dies down, for the girls will never find peace. But in the meanwhile, he'll gladly spend as much time with Em as he could, both knowing it was just a fling... Or is it?

Actually pretty good, and angst-y at times 6.5/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished The Island Escape by Kerry Fisher

Octavia once had a fling with Xavier, and they had planned their lives together... Travel the world and bring up some free spirited kids, but they drifted apart. Eighteen years later, she's married to the safe and reliable Jonathan (whom needed her help to find a job), and had several kids. She's not unhappy, she doesn't recognize herself anymore, the free spirited world traveler. Now she's just a suburban mom, like any other. As Octavia watched her BFF Roberta's marriage fall apart, and help her pick up the pieces and maybe get back into the dating scene, Octavia can only remember her days with her Xavi... Where is Xavi now? Is he still on Sardinia? Can she go there? Could he still be waiting for her? As they decided on a trip to Sardinia to help Roberta get over things... a chance encounter will send Roberta's own life out of control, and a devastating revelation will follow that made her question everything that she believed in, and if that was the price she had to pay for true love...

Feels even longer than its 418 pages length, there was a LOT of relationships to sort through, as both Octavia and Roberta got full treatment, plus their ex's, their new boyfriends (or old flames), and the push-pull between their love and their responsibilities. I sort of understand that's the style, it just felt long-winded to me, but the relationships and plot moved well along.
Octavia found Xavi on Sardinia as he went home to visit, and Xavi was actually living in London (same as her). They had a fling, even as her husband got a job commuting to Sardinia periodically as IT engineer. She fled the island after the fling, refusing to abandon her husband and her kids. Then she learned she accidentally got pregnant (forgot that birth control pills have problems when mixed with some medicine) and she didn't know who the daddy was (50/50 between Jonathan and Xavier). She was about to tell her hubby Jonathan when he told her that he's divorcing her and moving to Sardinia permanently because he fell in love there. Octavia was devastated... She fled her lover for... nothing. Then Xavi showed up and offered her a home on Sardinia and wanted to marry her and accept the child as well.
I guess I can give this a 7/8 as it was just... too long, but it's quite good.


Finished Arm Candy by Patricai Ryan

Nora Armstrong is an ingenue from Midwest and when her best cousin asked her to help him out as arm candy to a fundraiser he's trying to pitch ideas to, she can't refuse. The fundraiser is David Waite, a British fundraiser who was tired of social climbers and users that flooded the events he attended, so he hires arm candy to ward them off with neither emotional nor sexual strings attached. He did not count on meeting Nora, who was both innocent and seductive at the same time. When circumstances forced them to continue their faux relationship... David changed the rules... as both had fallen for each other... but Nora lied... she wasn't a model, she's just an artist. Will David ever forgive her?

Not too bad, though this fake girlfriend thing had been done many times before. 6/8


Finisehd Bachelor at Her Bidding by Kate Hardy

Dr. Rachel Cassidy divorced her cheating husband and went home to Marietta, and she thought she'd never date again. She was so down, all her girl friends came together and bid on a bachelor for her at the charity auction, and the bachelor was Paris-trained pastry chef Ryan Henderson. Ryan wasn't in Marietta to fool around. He abandoned his dreams of opening a Michelin-starred restaurant and his partner and lover walked out on him when his grandmother needed care. He can't put her in a nursing home because she and grandpa (who passed away earlier) raised him after death of his parents. He didn't count on falling for Rachel, and Rachel to him. But when gram had a mini-stroke, and Rachel went to Ryan to discuss care plans, he instinctively reacted by pushing her away (like his last partner). He realized later he was wrong, but Rachel wasn't ready to forgive him. So what's a top pastry chef gonna do? Why, bake cake, of course. Some of the most delicious and perfect looking cakes in the state of Montana, each with a message for her. Good luck.

The bachelor auction was merely the high concept. The rest of the push-pull is fun to read and the cakes are sumptuous. 6/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Tell me Something by Aubrey Bondurant

Haylee deserved a break after several heartbreaks when young, and she moved to LA to start over, make some money, and go to law school. Serendipity put her as the only girl available to substitute for a supermodel at a photoshoot, when she was merely a secretary and not model thin. And the owner, Josh Singer of Gamble Advertising, stepped in a took charge. Now Haylee is a part-time model and personal assistant to Josh himself, in New York, in one of his guest rooms. And she really really wanted him... to be in his bed. And the admiration... is mutual. But as their careers continue, and Haylee helped Josh in business, as Josh continue to share his life with Haylee, they tried to keep things casual and no strings attached, but things often change to the unexpected...

Not too bad, if a bit convenient. I wasn't aware there were Cantonese classes in high school and college in California that much? As Haylee claimed to have taken "eight years of Cantonese" so she's perfectly capable of understanding and speaking Cantonese in Hong Kong, really? This is basically one of those "ingenue falls for the controlling alpha" stories. Heck, this alpha was even into bondage! So stereotypical... But the additional wrinkles was what sold me on the book. 6.5/8


Finished All He Wants by Melanie Shawn (FREE for now on Amazon)

Billy Marshall was a retired champion boxer now working as security and personal protection agent for Elite Security, and glad to have left the ring with his brain and body intact. He could have almost any woman he wanted, but he felt lonely. When he was assigned to protect his old coach's daughter, his memories of her as student hanging out at the gym came back, and what he learned about what the stalker did made his blood boil. Threatening notes, trashed apartment, package of dead birds, nude photos of her showering spread in her building... And she's just a publicist! And while she secretly had a crush on Billy forever, she can't ever partake in that fantasy, as she had to take charge of her life as her father's health is failing. But Billy will stick to her side as close protection is what he does... and she knew why she was being targeted... Except she's not telling any one... Not even Billy...

As romantic suspense this is not bad, though there was definitely a TSTL movement (too stupid to live) where she walked away from protection which is, of course, the moment she got nabbed leading to the big climax and finale. 6.5/8


Abandoning Texas Wide Open by KC Klein

Katie and Cole were a couple, until he broke her heart and she ran. Year later, her father's sick, so she's back, and Cole's still there, and it's time for a second chance romance... Or is it?

Frankly, I read 50% of the book and this book just doesn't hook me at all. no rating.


Finished Bewitching Winter by Serenity Woods

Neve Clark was a real pair with Rhett Taylor in Australia when both were aces in badminton, and they even won doubles championships. And they were inseparable off the field as well. Then Rhett betrayed her with something she could never forgive, and they parted ways after a long, drawn-out, and bitter verbal fight. Six years went by, she started a business with her 3 friends that came to be known as the "Four Seasons Lingerie", and she dated and dated, but none lasted six months, and one extremely sharp comment from her father (about her "keeping her mouth and legs shut to keep her man") send her storming out of the family dinner, never to return. She booked herself a marketing seminar in Queenstown, NZ to get away from it all and to advance her career as the marketing manager, only to find to her horror that Rhett Taylor was the keynote speaker.

Rhett knew that Neve was coming to the seminar, but he did not expect her to stay. Circumstances have put a stop to his badminton career, and he replaced it with marketing. Now the only woman he had ever loved is near... and despite the bitter parting argument, both are now older, and wiser. He knew his mistakes, and she knew hers. But she's not yet ready to forgive, and he's not about to stop trying... For how many times does one gets a second chance at life... and love?

Okay, some of the sex scenes are a bit... drawn-out. As typical in romances, male is into alpha games, light bondage, and orgasm denial. And is psychic to know when exactly the FMC wanted it hard. *Meh* At least the backstory's interesting. 5.5/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Accidentally Hers by Jamie Beck FREE on Prime Reading

Grey Lowell moved to Colorado and bought the ski expedition company Backtrax with his life savings. He's dyslexic, and he grew up near Truckee, so wilderness and snow was his home. A girl caught his attention at a takeout place, whom he immediately dubbed Bambi due to the way she blinked, but he did not approach as she's accompanied by another girl who had been persistently trying to get his attention. On the way back to his office, he was clipped by a drunk driver and tore his ACL tendon, sidelining him for up to a year, and almost destroying his business (as he had counted on taking just enough money from the biz to live by, and tips, and now he had to hire help to run his existing obligations). He was even more surprised to learn that the drunk driver who clipped him was Bambi's brother, and Bambi, who's real name is Avery Randall, is going to be his physical therapist, as she's the only one in town who's available. They reluctantly work together, even as the lawsuit hang over their heads. He doesn't want to sue her brother, but her brother only carried the state minimum coverage, which is nowhere close to enough for his medical bills, much less loss of income. And if he does sue, it will put her and her brother out of their childhood home, for her brother has no other assets than being co-owner of the house (and even then it was informally financed by their parents). And despite all that, Avery started to fall for Grey who was really a nice guy. But when circumstances force them to choose sides... will they end up betraying each other?

Nice backdrop and escalating conflict of loyalties. 7/8


Finished Buying his virgin by Lila Younger

Olivia wanted to be a journalist, and had a crush on media mogul Silas Rutherford. She insisted on a small but expensive college for their journalism program against her parent's wishes. Then she found out her father had gotten into a car accident, then he had lost his job as insurance salesman and had been taking two jobs (and her mom too) to make ends meet, and it's still not enough. They had been taking loans from a loan shark, and they own... 500K. And the only way out, the loan shark suggested... was for her to auction herself off for a week with some... very... "ahem" exclusive folks. While she went to New York to finalize the deal (she put her parents into that situation, she's going to get them out of it) she actually met Silas Rutherford in a small cafe, seems to be a really nice guy, and the feeling's mutual. But when she went tongue-tied, she ran. Silas Rutherford was amazed to see Olivia, the girl he met in the cafe for that fleeting moment, on the auction, and she's a... virgin! So... he bid a million bucks for her... warned off all other bidders. Then he treated her like a girlfriend, wined and dined her, and they fell in love. And of course, he got her v-card, willingly. Yeah.

*sigh* Fairy tale. 4.5/8


Finished Nothing short of a miracle FREE on Prime Reading

Gabriella Rumsey's life was forever changed when her sister and brother-in-law both died in a car crash, leaving a 3-month old daughter behind. It turned her into a single mom overnight, while she's in graduate school. With dwindling finances, she was rear-ended (gently) by a Mustang, and the jerk of a driver threw her $200 and drove off. She went off to find part-time work, and someone pointed her to the Hampstead household as a home health aid, and the old lady in the wheelchair couldn't be nicer, and she even loved babies! Except... that when she saw the Mustang man again... He's Chad Hampstead, who's also a bestselling author under a penname, and this was his parent's house. He had been burned by a golddigger before, so he only saw red when he found the same girl in her home, probably trying to worm more money out of him. But his parents invited her to move in, which saved her commute time over Chad's protests. And Chad obviously still has reservations about Gabby, but even he can't deny how sexy Gabby is, or how good she is with his parents... and the baby...

Actually not bad, fun to read 6.5/8


Finished Big Girl's Guide to Buying Lingerie by Amie Stuart

Jade Ballard got left at the altar and retreated to San Antonio to lick her wounds, generally tired of her family's snooty country club life. She took comfort in food and struck up a relationship with someone called Robbie she met online. Rowdy Yates is a some-what reformed manwhore who don't do long-term, until "Skye" he met online through mutual interest music group. They finally met face to face, only realizing that they already knew each other in real life. She thought him as "Redneck Casanova", he thought of her as "Miss Snooty Pants". But the friendship and love they brewed online for months cannot be denied... When Jade needed to get her mom off her back, Jade dragged Rowdy into a fake engagement... and from there, things got really complicated.

Actually quite fun to read, and the girl here really is plus-sized (180 and up) and the guy still loved her for it. 6.5/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Flee the Night by Susan May Warren

Ex-CIA operative lacey Montgomery is a fugitive trying to travel with her daughter under an assumed name on the train in Missouri when she thought she spotted a Middle Eastern assassin on the train with her. Then the train derailed and she woke up in the hospital, one arm in a sling, under arrest, cuffed to her bed, without her daughter. No one would give her time of day because she was suspect of killing her own husband, another CIA operative, several years ago on a botched mission in one of the -stan countries. She knew she had been setup, but she doesn't know how or who. Whoever derailed the train has her daughter, and she knew only one person whom she can call for help... former special forces Jim Micah, a man she'd give her life for if she didn't marry John Montgomery. But Micah had been after her for years, for John was his best friend as well, and John's death at Lacey's hands cut him to the core. But Lacey didn't want his help for her... but for her daughter. As a girl's life hangs in the balance, and Lacey struggles to leave Micah out of the messy situation, Micah is determined to stay by her side, and show her faith in God and his friends, dubbed "Team Hope" search and rescue, may be the element that turn the tide rather than going at it alone.

Susan May Warren has constructed a credible mystery / adventures / suspense with you guessing at who the heck is the real mastermind in the whole thing, but the continual referral to faith is a bit jarring and a bit annoying at times. 6.5/8


Finished Protecting the Dream by Michelle Sharp

Detective Jordan Delany is a medium... she can hear ghosts, and that's an ability she had no intention of letting other people know, except when it comes to solving murders, and even then it's up to her to do the police work. But now she's on her toughest challenge... Whether to move in with Tyler McGee, a fellow detective, as Ty, high from completing the latest bust, whisked her away, not for vacation in exotic place, but to a backwater horse ranch near his old home, and asked her if this is a house he should buy and share with her. But Jordan sensed there's something in the house... Something that was unresolved... the former owner supposedly disappeared... but Jordan knew what happened to her...

Okay, really not much of conflict, plot, or resolution here. Things just happen. While I am fine with ghost stories, this book mostly teases. 4.5/8


Finished Diving Into Love by Chantel Rhondeau

Sierra Burns had been taking orders and be used by her family all her life. While having a vacation on McAllister's Paradise, an island resort just outside Hawaii, she borrowed a horse from the stable and almost ran down Parker McAllister, the reputed playboy of the family. Sierra's unexpected sass was fresh to Parker as he's not used to girls who talk back to him instead of being awed and charmed, and Sierra wasn't sure that came over her as she's usually non-confrontational. Upon returning Sierra was immediately subjected to interrogation about where did she go, and why she should attend the next business meeting so she can help charm the younger gentleman. When the confrontation next day with her mother sent Sierra bleeding and bruised with glass cuts Sierra finally had enough of having her life ran by someone else and walked out, leaving her trust fund and "lifestyle" behind, even if she'd be left with nothing... no cash, no phone, and almost no clothes. Parker took her in and arranged a job for her, as he tried to help her become independent, and eventually he shared the story about his own heartbreak... he was friends with the local masseuse, and she insisted he kept their relations a secret... Until it was discovered that she provided more... intimate massages, complete with happy endings, and she was quickly kicked off the island. Then suddenly, she sent a nanny with a baby that she said was Parker's, complete with papers giving up custody. Parker barely had time to reconcile the fact he's a dad and Sierra agreed to be a mom when the girl is back on the island... alleging that the baby was kidnapped by Parker and the documents were forged... and she's willing to cut a deal with Sierra to ensure they both become rich...

Okay, the lies are rather interesting, and spinning a tale to fit the facts was kinda fascinating on how spin control works. But I knew how the story was going to end as it's a bit too obvious. 6.5/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Destined for Love by Melissa Foster

Jade Johnson had to ditch her holistic veterinary practice when her ex-lover turned into a stalker. She went home into familiar territory, but one day, while riding, her horse was injurred and she had to rely on Rex Braden's help to get her horse back to the stables. Rex Braden... is way too handsome and way too sexy... and totally inappropriate, because The Johnsons and the Bradens had bee feuding for over 40 years, and none of the children really knew why, only that neither family are to set foot on the other's property... Ever. It's like Hatfields and the McCoys, w/o the gunfire. But Rex had known Jade since they were kids, and they started to really like each other, and a forbidden affair developed. When a horse on the Braden ranch developed problems, Jade was the only vet around... Will the Johnsons and the Bradens finally let go of their hatred and help the couple love in the light? Or will the feud destroy their happiness forever?

Not too bad, actually, with all the events properly telegraphed rather than surprised. OTOH the feud seems so... futile. 6/8


Finished Destiny Ranch by Helen Conrad

Carly Stevens ran from her life as a congressional aide (and fiancee) because she needed answers about her father and her memories of having lived in this town in her younger years. She came back into town and only aunt Doris was able to give her a little help... By setting her up to take care of Joe Carrington's two kids, reputed to be difficult that no caretaker lasted more than a few weeks. And Joe... didn't really want her around, as she reminded him of the wife that walked out on him, and the kids, and divorced by remote. A city girl can't hack it in the countryside. But Carly surprisingly managed to last more than a few days and adapted to the family life, which is night and day from her wine and dine days in the city. Carly also came to know Millie, a single mother in town whose kid was also looking for his father. The more Carly dug the more uncomfortable some folks become, as there are some shameful secrets that if revealed, can cause only more shame... but Carly's persistence and love of Joe's children started to melt Joe's heart. But where can this love go, should Carly complete her quest and head back to the city? Or is she going at all?

Nice wrap-up and twist, sort of "sins of the father" kinda deal. Rather enjoyed it if it's a bit slow at times, but the kid's antics are great. 6.5/8


Finished Final Target by Zara Keane

Moira Collins is an MI-6 agent travelling around the world for Queen and Country, until the last assignment that left her shocked and cranky. She wanted to be assigned to investigate the bombing that took her entire family except her, but her superiors forced her to take a vacation... But she went anyway, as a dancer, unaware that a contract has been taken out on her life. Lar Delaney is one of the troubleshooters for the Irish Mafia trying to go straight, and his mob boss uncle reluctantly agreed with one proviso... One last big job... Kill this girl who he believed was involved in killing his son, and who was a victim of a bombing believed to involve an IRA faction before when she was younger. But when Lar saw the file on his target... He froze. It was his former girlfriend "Moira", one he believed died in the explosion, and a body was identified as hers at the scene. How can she still be alive and needed to be killed? As Moira arrived in Ireland, Moira had one more surprise... She found her sister, adopted into a different family, each believing the other was dead, and were rescued by British spies and placed in foster care under false names. This sister, however, was a private investigator. And Lars finally met Moira face to face... and they did not shoot each other. As they attempt to navigate the lies between the mafia, the IRA, MI-6, and possibly unknown players, they also have to keep themselves alive and discover the real culprit for the bombing. And the more they dig, the deeper the deception. Moira found her file listed her period around that explosion was listed as "voluntary leave of absence", something even she wasn't aware of. And the fact someone came up with a body to disguise her death means this was meticulously planned, and may have been a rogue op within MI-6. And clearly, their own passions cannot be denied...

Surprisingly tense spy / adventure / doublecrossing deals with one twist after another, plus additional teaser and "HFN" (Happy for now) ending so you'll want to read book 2, as the case obviously has not concluded. 6.5/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Claiming Victory by Beverley Watts

Victory "Tory" Shackleford is 32, has no steady boyfriend, and lives with her eccentric retired Admiral, in a house called "The Admiralty". Father thinks of his daughter as "boring with no sense of adventure", while daughter thinks of her father as "old reckless kook who can't be trusted to look after himself". There's one problem... Dear Daddy wants to see Victory married off soon... and when the American film crew is about to shoot at their house "The Admiralty" for the new regency romantic comedy, daddy suddenly got the idea: he'll match his precious Victory with the star of the movie. Noah Ashbrook. And while Victory was definitely smitten... everyone was surprised that Noah liked Victory back... as there was supposedly some heat between him and his co-star, Gaynor... But can such a relationship last?

The author is definitely British... with zero command of Americanism. EVERYBODY in the book speak proper British English, like "funning" instead of "joking/kidding", even the Yanks. The sitcom aspects were tolerable and borders on slapstick as it had several pratfalls. And the chemistry between the two? Not explained well, other than Tory is NOT the typical Hollywood plastic princess. Meh. 5.5/8


Finished Pursued by the Rogue by Kelly Hunter

Dawn Turner doesn't do relationship... she's too busy, and she hide a secret... She's afraid to get into a relationship and have children because she carries the gene linked to Huntington's disease. But she can't stay away from the man who stole her heart years ago... Finnbar Sullivan, who took her V-card, then left her behind to pursue his music career. So Dawn settled for the next best thing: NSA sex, as she needed this man, but cannot want him. Finn, on the other hand, does want Dawn... all of her. When she will not give more, Finn sought out the truth, which will devastate him...

Not bad, pretty angsty for the right reasons, both are properly motivated. Though it gets a bit melodramatic at the end, and it's short (113 pages) Call it 6/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

Post by YellowKing »

Finished Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders (Audiobook)

I admit I only grabbed this one because of the novelty of the audiobook performance. The book concerns the untimely death of President Lincoln's son Willie, and his arrival into a spirit world filled with a cacophony of varied spirits trapped between the physical plane and the next world. Unusually formatted, some chapters consist of lengthly lists of excerpts from historical books describing Willie's death and the events surrounding it. Other chapters consist of the conversation of the spirits greeting Willie's arrival, and their attempts to move him into the next plane.

While I'd probably never pick this book as a regular ebook, the audiobook intrigued me. It's performed by over 160 different actors, with nearly every excerpt and spirit voiced by a different person. Unfortunately I didn't find the story as compelling as the performances. There are some fascinating ideas here to be sure, and I greatly enjoyed the historical reflections of the time. Lincoln's ruminations on the death of his son are heartbreaking. But the unusual format just never quite gelled for me.

I almost wonder if it would have made a little more sense seeing the formatting of the page, rather depending on the audio performances to convey the book's layout. One example - the excerpts are often appended with the latin term "op cit" meaning "the work already cited." On the printed page, your eyes would simply skim over this oft-repeated term. However, in audiobook form, about the 500th time the narrator said "op cit" I wanted to hurl my phone at the nearest tree.

I'm glad I listened to it because it's outside my usual reading material and the performances were excellent, but overall I wasn't as entertained as I'd hoped.
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Kasey, I can't remember the last time I saw a review from you that wasn't a romance novel. Are you just really into them now or is it because those are the only ones you can get in such bulk?
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Re: Books Read 2017

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There's a few scifi and thrillers in there.

I am Automaton (US army practices zombie warfare0

The Counterfeit Captain (very minor romance)
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Bossing the Virgin by Lila Younger

Young chef just out of culinary school was hired to be the executive chef by rich, tall, handsome boss, and she's a virgin, and he wanted her. *meh*



Finished Cooking Up Love by Chantel Rhondeau

Elaina Turner won an ultimate vacation getaway on McAllister's Paradise, an exclusive island resort just off Hawaii with her daughter, and she already knew she didn't belong, as her clothes came out of Target or thrift stores. But she needed to get away from her ex who got her pregnant before 18, was violent with her, and threatened to take away her daughter. She did not expect to meet Shane McCallister head chef of Paradise Point restaurant, and as part of the clan, part owner of the island, nor for his interest in her and her daughter. But she had to keep him away, because her daughter really has attachment issues and is looking for a father, and she just can see Shane being interesting in more than just NSA sex. Shane had gone off to Paris to cooking school, and he had made several bad choices and gained reputation for being a player. When Shane showed interest in Elaina, his family fear the worst, not to mention it's highly frowned upon for the staff to get involved with guests, even if the staff owns part of the island. Then Elaina's ugly ex reentered the picture...

Actually quite nice, good relations overall with all the characters. 6.5/8


Finished Last Resort by Jill Sanders Cassey had a tough childhood and the bar and grill she operated on the boardwalk was the best thing that happened to her until some rich bastard stopped the public shuttle service and drove away half the business. Now that rich bastard's son Luke in her bar asking her if she wanted to sell? He can go to hell. However, Cassey didn't count on Luke being so deliciously handsome, and cocky, and knew just the right things to say. And Luke wanted her. Luke was told by his father... don't come back without the deed, and Cassey's bar is on the prime part of the boardwalk, that his father wanted to buy up, and it was obvious from walks that his father played dirty, which infuriated him. He should have been the son with no responsibilities. His brother was the golden child, but his brother... is gone. And he refuses to compromise his own values just to do his father's bidding, esp. when it comes to hurting Cassey...

Frankly, the MMC here just acts passive-aggressive by ignoring his father's job and cohabitate with Cassey until his father had a stroke, then an epiphany about "my way or the highway" no longer works. Then his father is a changed man. Basically, he didn't win anything. Circumstances won for him. Lucky guy. 5/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Imperfect by Cherry Shephard FREE on Amazon

Staff Sergeant Ethan Stone, a green beret, was discharged after suffering through a POW ordeal, and his experience only sent him further into alcohol fueled daze. After a night of sleeping on the bar floor, Ethan found himself held at knifepoint amidst a destroyed bar called Saddles. It appears he had help wreck the place when he got protective of a particular waitress, and the girl who held him at knifepoint was the new owner, Shannon, who inherited it from her pa. Stone no longer cared, but his best bud suggested he work at the bar until he paid for the damages. And Ethan found Shannon a deeply vulnerable girl under the gruff and prickly exterior, and they got to know each other's darkest secrets... For Shannon was abused for years by her ex, Tory, who beat her with fists, open palm, even his belt, until one day she found the courage to leave... to run the bar Saddles. But now she's in trouble too. It appears that Shannon's father may not have died accidentally as originally reported, and he somehow owed 200K to one unsavory character who wanted the bar...

While the characters are damaged, waking up to nightmares is so... cliche. Also the ending made absolutely no sense. According to the end explanation, Shannon's father wanted to renovate the bar and Tory had the money, but Tory actually passed on money from the boss. So how can there be a promissory note from Shannon's father to the boss, that the boss now intends to collect from Shannon? Also, what makes Shannon liable for the debt? She had been running the bar for a year. Even if you assume the note is valid (it likely isn't) it can only be collected against shannon's father's estate, which already passed probate and assets divided (and will executed, thus Shannon ended up getting the bar). The note should have no legal meaning unless it specifically mentioned the bar being used as collateral, and this wasn't mentioned ever. Furthermore, the way the ending was resolved is Ethan catching Tory meeting with the boss and the town gossip, after putting Shannon in jail for a murder Tory committed. So what does Ethan do after crashing the party? Punched Tory in the face and started enhanced interrogation. Then next thing you knew, Shannon's released from jail, then Tory, boss, and gossip are in cuffs. Arrested for murder of shannon's father (by sending dogs to attack him on his horse) and what else? Where's the evidence? Why isn't Ethan in jail for assault? WTF? is this author doing? 2.5/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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The Dreamweaver's Dilemma by Lois McMaster Bujold :binky: :binky: :binky: :binky: :binky:
Short stories and essays by Bujold. The short story I enjoyed the most was "Mountains of Mourning" which describes a pivotal event in Miles Naismith Vorkosigan's life, one that clarified (for him) his feelings about and relationship with the people of the Vorkosigan holdings.
The rest of the collection, well, I'm not really a big fan of short stories. I found the essays and other non-fiction writings more interesting.

Night School by Lee Child :binky: :binky: :binky: :binky: :binky: :binky:
Child is filling in some backstory on Jack Reacher - probably a good thing since Reacher is in his 50s and at some point is going to have to slow down (I'd think that, soon, he won't be able to beat up 4+ guys all at once).
Reacher is assigned to a very covert, cross-agency investigation of ... something. Nobody involved with the investigation knows what's going on, just that something big is going to happen. They need to figure out what's going on and stop it - fast!
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Wanted; A Wife for the Sheikh by Diana Fraser

Crown Prince Malek of Sumaira is an international lawyer, usually leaving his crown prince duties to his borther. However, his brother was somewhere in the Australian outback in a journey to find himself and when his father died, he must assume his duties to be crowned king and marry to create a queen to stabilize the country. When his team of assistants screwed up a presentation and the hotel cleaning staff, Sophie, managed to resolve the problem, he hired her on the spot as the royal IT consultant (which she's actually quite qualified for) for six months. However, Malek is fighting his mother, who did not want him to become king. Sophie was smitten with Malek, but she knew this romance can go nowhere, as he needed to marry politically and strategically, and there is no place for a British girl intending to travel the world. Malek is just as smitten with Sophie, so different from the local woman, and unsophisticated in palace politics, but he cannot hurt his kingdom, a post he did not want, yet no one else will take...

The ending sucked as neither resolved their problem. Someone else resolved the problem for them by finding Malek's brother in Australia and flew him back to be crowned King instead, leaving Malek to marry Sophie. BORING!!!!!! 4/8


Finished Until the Stars Fall From the Sky by Mary Crawford FREE on Amazon

Jeff grew up in a dysfunctional family after his father died and his stepfather is a foul-mouthed abusive SOB that beats wife and kids. This fuled Jeff's passion into going into criminal justice, esp. prosecutor's office, and soon he'll go for his bar exam. He never saw his color as a factor. In the summer, he is employed as a lifeguard. His life was forever changed when a beautiful redhead, in a wheelchair jumped off the boat to rescue a little boy right under Jeff's nose. The redhead's name was Kiera, a former swimmer, now social worker dedicated her life to save abused children. And Jeff fell for Kiera hard. She's smart, witty, and vivacious, and she challenged Jeff to be more than he is. When Kiera had to rescue a 6 year old and her baby sister (only a few months old) can Jeff and Kiera become instant parents, and finally, declare their love for each other?

I like the idea of a quadriplegic romanced by a normal guy. 6/8


Finished Lakeshore Secrets by Shannyn Leah FREE on Amazon

Kate left her hometown of Willow Valley, leaving behind her love Marc and her family to start over elsewhere. But now she's back, after grandma's death, and Marc is still here. Will Kate stay and face her past and love Marc, or is she leaving and never coming back?

This is supposed to be a family saga, to the point that the romance between the two were barely recognizable. Basically Marc was trying to find out why did Kate leave and both families running interferences (intentional or not). 4/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished How to Marry a Cowboy by Carolyn Brown

NOTE: This is actually a free combo volume of "How to Marry a Cowboy by by Carolyn Brown and "Reckless in Texas" by Kari Lynn Dell, but I reviewed Reckless in Texas earlier.

Annie Rose is on the run after seeing her abusive boyfriend who swore he'll kill her if he ever catches her. When she saw him in the audience while about to walk out to the runway modeling a wedding gown, she ran (in the wedding gown). She woke up on a house's porch swing, not quite sure how she got there, except two small girls, twins, yelling happily about how their daddy got them a mama for their birthday gift. The daddy turned out to be Mason Harper, handsome as sin, and a widower, and trying to raise the two girls ain't easy, as nobody in town, nor the employment service, would touch the "terrible twins". Most nannies don't last a week, some didn't even last the afternoon. Yet Annie Rose took on the twins like ducks to water, and Mason, desperate for a nanny, hired her for a month, while checking out her story... She was Annie, and when she ran, she dropped her first name and was known as Rose, and she's a certified RN. AND she grew up on a ranch too. Heck, she's like the perfect mother for his twins... Now if Mason can get past his own fears... from his wife having dropped dead of a brain aneurysm...

Quite good, the kid's antics were excellent, as the author has an ear for such dialog. Very enjoyable read. 7/8


Finished Return to Love by Christine Kingsley FREE on Amazon

Cassie Powell runs the bakery in town and she's happily humming with a job she loved, and raising her adopted daughter that just turned two. Her mother has severe dementia and is in a nursing facility, but she goes to visit her as often as she can. Then Jack Martin came back into town... Jack used to date Cassie's sister Amanda, until she ran for the big city lights, and he did too. But after years away, he's back to stay, and he's quite fond of Cassie, who's now all grown up, and the daughter was cute too. So he sets to woo her, but she refused to engage even as she slowly falls for his charms. Then Amanda stormed back into town and blown open the big secret... and Jack needs to decide whether the secret is worth sacrificing his love...
Cassie's daughter is biological daughter of Jack and Amanda. Amanda gave up custody of her and she's just in town to wheedle more money out of her sister whom she always pushed around. Jack always wanted family and was VERY angry with Cassie on "keeping my daughter away from me" but she was under orders and promise to her mother. Now that Amanda spoiled the secret herself, Cassie is free.
Interesting angle for the angst. 6/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany by William L. Shirer

Fifty-seven hours of Grover Gardner narrating all the Nazi fit to print.
It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Sherlock Holmes and the Missing Shakespeare by J.R. Rain and Chanel Smith FREE on Amazon

Sherlock Holmes was asked to authenticate a manuscript that appears to be the work of the William Shakespeare himself. But just as Holmes was about to announce the results, the script was stolen from the Baker street flat! As Holmes track down the culprit, he and Watson learned that the Bard's work is merely but one aspect of this case, and it has links to an unexplained deaths of an entire family, husband, wife, and two children, where the official story was the husband strangled his wife for no reason, butchered both children, then hung himself with sudden insanity the only reason... or is it?

As a Sherlock Holmes story this is at best mediocre quality as the clues were not presented to the readers in time.


Finished Starship Blackbeard by Michael Wallace

Captain James Drake was supposed to be a hero, as he had won the battle against the alien armada with his heavy cruiser, the HMS Ajax. Instead, he was suddenly accused of destroying a tradeship he never heard of, and quickly railroaded and sentenced to 2 years on a penal colony, and his crew scattered to the winds. Before he can be sent off, his first officer lead a mutiny against the new CO and rescued him, and dumped the other crew while running away. Why was he railroaded? Why was his crew scattered? How did his navigator suddenly turned into an "eater", suffering from sugar addiction? As Drake struggle to keep his crew alive against pursuer from the Royal Navy, one of whom is his best friend but will not let that stand between him and his duty, in an identical ship. Drake has nowhere to go except to the neutral worlds, and he needs money for repairs... and thus, the birth of Starship Blackbeard...

Pretty good yarn about a guy who was forced onto the path, and the ragtag crew that followed him, including pirate crew. There's a conspiracy to silence the threat to status quo and a scapegoat had to be found. Too bad they picked the wrong scapegoat... 6.5/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Crushed by Katherine Garbera

Heath "Con" Connelly retired from navy SEAL and is now just surfing in San Clemente passing the time, hanging out with his "brothers". He grew up on the streets and he remember he had always had a thing for Mia Santos... until one day he ran into her and found her beaten and bruised, but she refused his help. Mia Santos is daughter of a drug lord and her cousins want her pop's territory and is willing to start a turf war over it. They already beat her brother into a coma which he barely survived. Now they're coming after her too, and she knew she must take care of things herself. But when the turf war escalated and Preach's Place was attacked, Con and Mia must join forces, for Con will not let Mia face the challenges alone...

Frankly, for an ex-SEAL his tactics and combatives seem a bit lacking. 5/8


Finished Baylee Breaking by Simone Beaudelaire

Chase moved across Texas after a bitter divorce with Candace, his childhood sweetheart. At the new place, he fell in love with the pretty and fragile Baylee, and her son Dylan, only to find she's actually homeless, and he took them in immediately. Baylee's ex, Blake, was in a gang, and he went to prison for 4 years instead of ratting out his gang, and Baylee cut contact, so he didn't even know he had a son. His parents, however, knew, and tried to force Baylee to give up custody. When she refused, they called child protective services on her. Chase offered her a solution: marry him, and settle in his home permanently... But even as that problem is solved, Baylee's ex Blake escaped from prison and kidnaped Dylan...

Not too bad as tension does ratchet up and problems are solved through characters' own efforts, not through some external agency or dumb luck. 6.5/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Restoration by Kim Lorraine

Grace McConnell had to get away after death of her fiancee firefighter John, and a restoration project in Brayle, England seems to be just the project for her. But the town carries a surprise... Andrew "Drew" Tensley, who looked so much like John, Grace was sure she was suffering a mental breakdown. But Drew was real alright. He was on his way of becoming a solicitor (a lawyer to you Yanks) when he gave it all up to go back home and run the Ten's Market in Brayle when he learned that his adopted mother has terminal cancer. His wife Sarah left him, berating him for throwing his future (technically, her future as a socialite) away. So he divorced her. It's been five years, and he had not regretted his decision. And the new architect in town, who literally ran into him in the supermarket, fascinated him. And Grace is torn... Drew is the twin of John, that she's sure, but the personalities are vastly different, and in fact, Drew is a much better fit to Grace. But Grace hadn't told him about his twin brother... And which one was she really in love with?

Okay, the premise is interesting. Girl lost fiancee, then found his long-lost twin and fell in love again... Wow, that's one heck of serendipity. But it's an interesting high concept and execution was quite good. 6.5/8


Finished Billionaire's Pet by Ivy Lane

Abby Jordan made a lot of mistakes, including marrying into the Jordan crime family. She was charmed by John, but when John died under strange circumstances, and John's father, "Big John" made no secret that she will be a pawn in his negotiations. When Abby's mother requires nursing home due to Alzheimer's, Abby saw no choice but to run to a rival, Jacob Winters, hoping he will take her in and protect her, and the only thing she had to bargain with... is herself. Jacob Winters wanted Abby for years, but he does not go after a married woman. So when Abby came to him directly after her husband's murder, Jacob cannot refuse, and at first, he just wanted her as a pet, to be kept and groomed, and lots of kinky sex, for he does not want a wife or girlfriend. But when Big John came after her, by declaring war on Jacob, he must examine his true feelings for Abby...

Started off as a bad BDSM fiction, but actually turned decent with a good twist near the end. 6/8


Finished Studs and Stilettos by Bev Pettersen FREE on Prime Reading

Emily Murphy longs to be in a movie, and being called as background extra onto a movie set in Kentucky was a dream come true. The movie is about a famous racehorse "Reckless", who went crazy because his groom, a female jockey called Tracey disappeared days before he was supposed to start in Kentucky Derby. Emily will do anything to get a part to prove her worth, even if it's to clean stalls, and she does know horses, but she wasn't expected Dan Barrett, horse trainer extraordinaire. Dan is aloof and handsome, and while he spotted something about Emily, he had sworn off actresses, even wannabes, like Emily. But soon they cannot fight their attraction to each other. While Emily and her best friend Judith try to stay on the scene and investigate Tracey's disappearance, while still meeting their roll calls, someone is watching from the shadows, willing to kill again to keep a secret buried...

Wow, nice mystery here, and it's all horse related too. Nice wrap-around of all the mystery, though I suspected the red herring as there were only three suspects. :) 7/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Death Comes but once by Eric Thomson Scifi Adventure

Zack Decker is a marine pathfinder, but when a stupid major ruined his ops and try to throw away his men, he showed his displeasure the only way he could, and was forced into early retirement. Now he just drank his days away, until he wandered into a bar owned by an old marine buddy, then killed a corrupt cop, and was forced to take a job on a ship as the gunner, a ship with a lot of secrets. Now Zack Decker is on the run, chased by men richer than sin, a shadowy conspiracy with vast reaches, a secret government org that is everywhere yet nowhere, and a secret that has the potential of destroy the Commonwealth. But he is a marine, and a pathfinder... and it is his enemies that underestimated him...

Good scifi yarn, like it quite a bit. 7/8


Finished Rocky Mountain Heat by Vivian Arend FREE on Amazon

Jaxi was a hangers-on, one of the girls hanging around the six Coleman brothers, and she had always had a thing for the oldest, Blake, but she was encouraged to go after someone closer to her own age (about 9 year difference) Now that Jaxi is all grown up she is going after what he wanted... Except Blake keeps pushing her away, because she's the sweet girl next door that was always a little sister to him. But when the Coleman matriach broke her arm and needed an attendant, Jaxi volunteered to stay in the Coleman house. And when the other Coleman brothers decided to make a move, Blake had to step up to the plate to claim what is his...

Okay, sex was pretty hot, as was the seduction, but there's a second relationship in here, 2nd brother Matt, and his girlfriend Helen, plus a cousin Gabe that went for a menage a troi and that just somehow felt like a "page filler" material. 5.5/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Mr. Cocky by Nana Malone

Nick is going places, and he's just couple months shy of finishing his masters. Then he can find a real job and get out of the bartending job, put his mom in a real place to life instead of the crime-infested apartment, and maybe, put his brother on the straight-and-narrow. In the meanwhile, he is will get by with flirting at his bartending jobs, no more taking women for a quick romp, even if they are perfectly willing, and he's one handsome guy, and cocky, of course. That is, until his brother came to him, needing 10000 smackers or else the bad guys will take it out of his hide. Then the devil known as Simon came to Nick... Simon believes his sister Selena should not be leading their father's company... He should. So he wants a spy in Selena's company, and Nick is the perfect candidate. Nick needed the money, so he acquiesced, and found Selena, his boss, to be extremely charming, yet innocent, and Nick knows exactly how to please a woman like that... But the more Nick wooed Selena, the more real his emotions got. Can Nick play both sides? Or will his family cost his love?

Actually not too bad, but the resolution really sucks, as Simon suddenly turned 180 by the end of the book. WTF?! 5/8


Finished Wilde for You by Marianne Rice

Sage is a control freak and planned her life down to every detail, including not to fall in love or have children. But when her sister can't carry a child, she stepped up to to be surrogate for them, out of practicality. Her uterus is not in use. Why not use it to help her sister? She didn't count on meeting Luke Riley, a sexy firefighter, when the clinic had to be evacuated. Luke was not used to women turning him down, but Sage did, and that intrigued him into knowing her better, and before too soon, he wore her down into a date, and a bit more. Sage blamed her change of heart to pregnancy hormones, but she agreed that she and Luke can have lots of sexy times before she's too big to have sex. Luke is looking for more, even as Sage recoils from mention of 'relationship'... Will finally delivering the baby change Sage's mind? Or will Sage go on without Luke at her side?

Actually pretty good back and forth where the girl finally decided she can love (and why she couldn't before was explained). 6.5/8


Finished Chocolate Kisses and Love-filled Wishes by Linda West

Kacey Anderson had an accident while practicing her snowboarding and was told to take it easy for a few months and heal properly, which will force her to miss tryouts for Winter Olympics, and away from her beloved gold medalist Brody Jenkins. Kacey went home to Kissing Bridge and started to train herself despite promising to take it easy to her coach and Brody. In the meanwhile, Brad Anderson (Kacey's older brother) was engaged to marry Summer, a supermodel and his childhood sweetheart, but she was forced to return to LA to fulfill her contract. Kacey ran into a climate change activist and thought her future may be different when she suffered a major injury during practice, forcing her to see her future in a VERY different light, even as a blizzard hit Kissing Bridge, and Brad's plane went down in the storm...

Obviously, with such a title we're talking about happy endings here, but the way these two couple's fates are intertwined, the author's plotting was quite good. 6.5/8


Finished One Little Kiss by Robin Covington long story (66 pages)

Leighton Greer celebrates her 4th year of beating cancer by accepting a trip to Ireland to play with her dream orchestra, but she was stranded at the airport by a snowstorm and her family sent in the cavalry... Jonas Sutton, a family friend, and someone who helped her through her toughest times, until he went away to school. Unfortuantely, Jonas' hotel room only has one bed, and all the cots have been taken and all the rooms are sold. Leighton and Jonas always had a connection, but Jonas is on a quest... He quit school with two months to go, because he's on a strict deadline and he wanted to experience the world... while he still can. Finding Leighton... was a blessing. So was this just a one-time fling... or is this one little kiss a journey to forever?

Good angst in these few pages, 6/8


Finished Dirving Me Crazy by Lola Jamieson

3 erotica stories about truckers and truck stop waitresses/attendants who wanted them, set in Australia. Kinda "meh". 5/8


Abandoned Battlefield by Heather C. Myers

Devyn was created... to die. As artificial biological beings, she was created in a lab and raised to be a weapon, as part of a global competition to create eight elite soldiers, pitted against similar forces for TV ratings, and as created beings, she has no rights, and her "breeding partner" Gerard, was assigned, not that she liked him. But to survive the trials, she will have to trust him, for a chance a freedom and blend into human society as full citizens...

Reads like it was inspired by Hunger Games... Frankly, I read to 40% and I was bored stiff. NO RATING


Finished Love's Ride by Chantel Rhondeau

Brad McAllister always felt left out. He thought taking over as the manager of the resort from his older brother Quinn (book 1 of series) would have made him feel better, but now he's watching his siblings finding their life partners, and he's still feeling left out, because he wants only one woman... the island's psychologist, Chelsea Taylor. Chelsea loved the island and the large family of employees, but she wants a bit of adventure, for she had some childhood fears she's trying to work through. So when Brad surprised her with a two-week survivalist getaway on the island, away from his meddlesome family, she couldn't refuse. But the first thing she did was steal his satphone, so he can't call for help at the slightest problem. Little did they know their little adventure in paradise will turn into a real fight for survival...

Good adventure setting used as push-pull, nice plot. The entire series earns consistently high marks, and yet each one felt different, as well as all the background details fit into a timeline and family tree. 6.5/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Sign, SEAL, Deliver by Rogenna Brewer FREE on Amazon

Lt. Zach Prince, call sign Renegade, is a Top Gun pilot alongside Lt. Michelle Dann, call sign Rapunzul. As fellow naval aviators on the Enterprise, they are not supposed to fraternize, but Zach wanted nobody else, except the past they shared when they were kids means Zach is definitely in the friend zone, even though she wanted more. Michelle don't want Zach... because she's determined to succeed on her own merits even though her father is a navy Admiral, and she can't let a little thing called "love" get in the way of that. Then one day, it all changed. Renegade and Rapunzel's flight, enforcing a no-fly zone, was jumped by 3 Iranian jets and Rapunzul's jet was shot down, and she was captured by unknown elements. Renegade managed to shoot down all three jets but had to ditch when he ran out of fuel getting back to the carrier. Michelle is now MIA, and when only Michelle's backseater's body was found at the crash site, Zach knew that she had survived... and he will not lose her again...

Some of the plot is a bit far-fetched, but it's a good yarn. 6/8


Finished Strike a match by Lindzee Armstrong FREE on Amazon

Kate lost her husband in a house fire, and it took her 18 months to get over it. What she can't tell anyone was she was emotionally abused by her husband who suffered a workplace injury and basically just sits at home, drink, smoke, and brood, and she was secretly glad that phase of her life is over, then she's suddenly regretful that she can feel relief... And this time, Kate is determined to find the right man... with a matchmaking company called Toujour. She did not expect to be matched with the firefighter from that night that gave her the bad news... Taylor. Taylor has a few problems in his personal life and more than a few dysfunctional relationships, but he was intrigued by the widow from that night, his first fire fatality, not that he ever expected to see her again. Except she doesn't want any reminders to that awful night... And Taylor need to change her mind or lose her forever.

interesting meet-and-greet and wounds. 6/8


Finished The Academic Bride by Lucy McConnell FREE on Amazon

Janel Fendrick is an archaeological Ph D candidate, and she was on her way to getting it when her expedition to excavate a Mayan temple in Guatemala was cut by the school due to funding issues. Then she ran into Pamela Jones, who was consoling a girl who had to turn down a particular job, and Janel was wondering what sort of job it was... Turns out, Pamela runs BMB... a matchmaking service, and Pamela has the candidate for Janel in mind... He wanted a "business marriage"... she wanted money to fund her expedition. It will be a mutually beneficial relationship. What they didn't count on is to fall in love for real...

Uh, sorry, what exactly does a guy get out of this business marriage thingie? I don't get it. Sounds like a contrived way to make a "fake" marriage. 5/8


Finished Secret Seduction by Jill Sanders FREE on Amazon

Katie ran to Europe and was just traveling lite after cutting ties with her family. She found out that her biological father was NOT the father she was brought up by, even though she's among the richest in the country and a blueblood. Her biological father was one of the richest men in Europe, and had an affair with her mother, and she was the result, and she had been living a lie for 20+ years. She had just wanted a simple life with her best friend Jason, whom she wanted since she was eight, but now, she just wanted to travel through Europe, avoiding the media, avoiding... everybody, except maybe find her biological father. What she did not know is Jason is much closer than she thinks. For Jason had been tracking her, having been retained by her mother to find her. When bad guys came after her for her money, Jason have to save her, even if it means betraying her trust.

Too angst-y and the threat doesn't make that much sense. 4.5/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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The Big Over Easy by Jasper Fforde :binky: :binky: :binky: :binky: :binky: :binky:
Detective Inspector Jack Spratt, head of the terribly underfunded and not well-regarded Nursery Crime Division, welcomes Detective Sergeant Mary Mary to his motley crew. Together they struggle to solve the murder of Humpty Dumpty. But how was he murdered? Was he pushed off his wall? Beaten to death with a bat? Shot? And what is the mysterious small hole just above his waist/neck? The investigation is complicated by Jack's nemesis, the Guild of Detectives idol DCI Friedland Chymes, who will do anything to steal the investigation from Jack - including suborn Sergeant Mary whose lifelong dream was to work with Chymes.

In his Nursery Crime series, a series that unfortunately stops at two, Fforde satirizes mass media culture via his "Most Worshipful Guild of Detectives" whose elite members solve crimes through extremely obscure clues and amazing methods to entertain the public.
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Re: Books Read 2017

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abandoning Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. war makes no sense, i get it. what i don't get is the need to read 800 pages of absurd, contradictory and circular dialogue.
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Re: Books Read 2017

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hitbyambulance wrote:abandoning Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. war makes no sense, i get it. what i don't get is the need to read 800 pages of absurd, contradictory and circular dialogue.
You could always watch the movie to see how it turns out. I use the "tight bombing patterns" analogy a lot at work to illustrate how the bosses don't care if you hit the target as long as it looks good on paper.
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Re: Books Read 2017

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It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Cinderella and the Major by Cynthia VanRooy FREE on Amazon / Contemporary Romance

Harmony McMahon had always been a geek, and needed a date for her 10 year high school reunion. She's successful and well to do, but her love life is still nonexistent. So the charity auction she always attends offered up a date with a gorgeous Marine Major Conner Talbot, with a visit to the Blue Angels, and he's even the brother of her best friend, Harmony quickly formed a plan... She will donate a tidy sum for the dinner, and ask Major Talbot... Conner... to also appear at the reunion as her date, so she can "stick it" to the people who tormented her throughout her high school years. Conner is torn. He had been burned before by a woman who loved his uniform, but not him, and while this seems to be more of the same, he can't turn her down as she's also his sister's best friend. But Harmony transformed into a truly gorgeous girl once she let go of her insecurities, and Conner, who was about to be medically invalidated out of the service due to his damaged leg after a sniper attack, is about to lose his uniform. What does he have to offer to a woman who only needed his uniform?

Actually quite decent and sweet military romance, where the military details are kept to a minimum so there's little to screw up. 6.5/8


Finished No place for a lady by Maggie Brendan FREE on Amazon, historical Western romance

Cyrstal Clark went west in 1892, leaving behind her Southern belle life in Georgia to visit her aunt Kate's cattle ranch, determined to prove to herself that she has what it takes to make it on her own. While the ranch hands are courteous, she can't help but feel the disapproval from the foreman, Luke, that she's just too prim and proper to be on a ranch. But when tragedy struck and Kate was killed, and a smarmy neighbor wanted to buy out the ranch due to amount of money owed to him, Crystal instead opted to join the cattle drive, the first woman to ever do so, all the way to Denver so they can sell off the cattle and pay back the debt. Crystal felt something for Luke, but Luke was engaged to be married to April, who was the smarmy neighbor's daughter. Arriving at Denver, Luke found a surprise waiting for him, and it will change his plans for the future drastically... and it involves Crystal as well...

Good adventure stuff, and the Christian references, while conspicuous, do not seem to be forced. 5.5/8


Finished It's Always Something by Nikki Lynn Barrett Contemporary Romance

Country star celebrity couple Tucker and Quinn McGinnis wanted to spend the holidays together, but their obligations are sending them in separate directions. Tucker is one of the hottest country music stars around, but stress is causing his Turette's to manifest again. He missed his wife Quinn, but he has concerts and appearances to go to around the country. Quinn was temporarily substituting as the star of a children's show while the regular star is taking some personal time. And all around them marriages are crumbling under stress. Can this couple stay together despite the odds?

Good amount of plot even in these few pages. 6/8


Finished Champagne and Chocolate by Denyse Bridger Historical Western romance

Chantille L'Amour runs "The Palace", the high-end brothel and casino in San Francisco. She had came a long way after the Civil War had ruined her family's fortunes. While she had success, she is definitely not a lady, not that she works alongside her girls, of course. That changed, when Austin Standish came to town. Austin is many things: a gambler, a gunslinger, and a lover, and he had fully intended to woo Chantille, if she is willing. And after they indulge that one time of their desires... Circumstances forced them together... for a great adventure...

Cute, but a bit outrageous. Basically, they claimed they were married, then married for convenience, then decided a marriage for real. 5/8


Finished Game of Fear by Robin Perini

Search and Rescue pilot Debra Lansing is frantic after her super-bright sister Ashley disappeared after visiting her and headed back to Air Force Academy. She feared that Ashley was kidnapped, but police will not take her seriously. The only one who did take her seriously was Gabe Montgomery, former SWAT officer, now reduced to bartender due to an injury suffered on a job caused by a corrupt cop (who sabotaged another SWAT officer's rifle, causing her to miss her shot that should have put down the suspect). And Deb Lansing was the medevac pilot that saved him. What Gabe didn't reveal was he's actually undercover, investigating the corruption in the county sheriff's office that may have killed his father, the previous sheriff, under suspicious circumstances, for Gabe was intimately linked to the case that neither could have foreseen, as super-bright kids had been disappearing for a decade... all across the country... and they have one thing in common... they all disappeared after mastering the game *Point of Entry*. When old bodies started turning up, Gabe and Deb are forced to work together to chase down any leads to recover Ashley, but their opponent is as ruthless in tying up loose ends as he is in achieving results. It may take the entire Montgomery clan, plus a few new recruits, to save the day.

VERY nice techno-thriller, where the romance is actually secondary. 7.5/8 Imagine Ender's Game, but an evil and perverted version of it. :)


Finished In Two Weeks by Jen Talty

Ryan O'Connor is a girl with a boy's name, and she never lets people forget about it. She's strong, feisty, and full of life, and she's had a thing for Jared Blake for years, even though she never imagined herself with him long term. For Jared is a NY State Trooper with a strong protective instinct that Ryan found smothering. But when a stalker went after Ryan, Jared have to decide whether accepting a transfer to a more exciting post is worth giving up Ryan for good.

Suspense is okay, though the red herrings are good. 6/8


Finished Red Dot by Rose Fox

Kevin is 30 and an IT specialist content to be the head of the call center. He was uncomfortable in relationships, which made him the perfect candidate when his company decided to send him overseas to establish call centers to reduce labor costs. He was first sent to South Africa, then when that was going well, he was dragged home, his call center cancelled, then told to redo it in India, where he fell for a beautiful Indian woman with a deformed arm...

Extremely sad story, really. 6/8 for emotions, even of they are sad. It's almost allegorical.
Kevin demanded a nice living space in India, which company gave, then after the call center got established and he was comfortable with his relations with the Indian woman, he was yanked back home, then fired over the phone. THE END. There is no HEA or even HFN. Ouch.
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished The Blades: SAS Special Ops by Josef Black

Danny "Feathers" Archer has made it into the SAS, the elite of the elite, and he will go through a couple adventures with 7 Troop across the world, including Sarajevo, Colombia, Sierra Leone, London itself, and... their hushed-up participation in 9/11, against all enemies.

Nice tales of war and elite ops. Some of the gun battles seem to be a bit off, IMHO, as tactics seem to be suboptimal, but overall, it's a good yarn. Each episode (out of 5 in this book) has continuity and the fictional "fifth team" which targetted a British Airways flight was excellent, as was the preceding operation where snipers and shooters took down suicide attacks against the crowd before they can detonate. 7/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Dogs Aren't Men by Billi Tiner

Rebecca Miller runs the Animal Friends Veterinary Clinic and prefers dogs to men. She has Captain, her dog, for companionship, but her mother is determined to fix her up with someone since Rebecca had hit her 30th birthday not too long ago. Rebecca didn't want Derrick Peterson, the handsome ER doctor, and the feeling is mutual. Derrick found women to be vain, silly, and untrustworthy, but Rebecca is nothing like the women he dated. When Rebecca helped a young woman get away from her bad boyfriend, she was stalked and threatened. Can Derrick and his detective friend Mitch keep her safe? And can Derrick and Rebecca admit they are fond of each other?

Funny and sweet with just enough doses of suspense to keep you reading, and a twist at the end that makes you reach the edge of your seat. 6.5/8


Finished Close to Home by Suzanne Ferrell FREE on Amazon

Emma Lewis had a lot on her plate. She's raising twin rambunctious boys alone when her husband divorced her while she's pregnant with the twins, then somehow cheated her out of child support, forcing her to quit medical school altogether and move back home to Westen, Ohio. Now her mother is showing dementia and can't be relied on to watch the boys. When both boys jumped off a tree and both broke their wrists, Emma met Clint Preston, the new doc in town, who's the nephew of the old doc and taking over for 6 months while the old doc took his wife for a trip around the world. Clint was burned out by ER in the big city. Angered by the boys being unsupervised, he was determined to show Emma how to properly care for the kids, only to find that he had misread the situation... Emma is not neglectful, she's just in over her head, and Clint attempts to help her, without triggering her independent streak. When a threat from Emma's past threaten their life in town, Clint and Emma must unite to protect their family and admit their love for each other.

Nice romantic suspense, none of the insta-lust here. My only complaint is the "past threat" was way too sociopathic. 6.5/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

Post by xenocide »

Finished The Emperor's Blades (Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne Book 1) by Brian Staveley

Finished The Providence of Fire (Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne Book 2) by Brian Staveley

Finished The Last Mortal Bond (Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne Book 3) by Brian Staveley

Epic fantasy. Trilogy is the complete story (for those that don't like to start series that are not done yet, this one is). Darker in tone than WoT or Sanderson but not GRRM either. More focused on a smaller group of main characters than some epic fantasy.

I greatly enjoyed this series, highly recommended. Epic fantasy is by far my favorite genre and this was a good one. After reading each book I had to start the next right away. I was screaming at the radio in my truck at the end of the 2nd (in a good way, I'm sure if any other drivers saw me they were wondering what my problem was). Reviews for the 3rd book are not quite as high, and while I would rate 1 and 2 higher than 3 I did like the ending.


Did not finish: The Rook by Daniel O'Malley at 62%

This book did not work for me at all. Boring, disjointed, didn't like the main character that much, and not funny at all. A lot of people seem to like the main character, she's ok but nothing special. I admit I am not into humorous books as much as the average person but I never found this book humorous anywhere (I don't mind or even like small doses of humor in my serious books but tend not to like books that are meant to be funny, this is why I have not read and am reluctant to start The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, I'm afraid I won't like it that much). Half of this book is told in an epistolary format and this made the book very disjointed for me. I rarely found the epistolary parts interesting and they broke into the flow of the rest of the novel in bad places.
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Unexpected Gift by Chantel Rhondeau FREE on Amazon

Aspiring decorator Cali Johnson moved all the way to New York City and found a cheap place to live in the Bronx... and was destined to spend the Thanksgiving alone in the Big Apple, until she found a cat wandering the building, which led her to the building's recluse, Marcus Ritz. Marcus refused to meet face to face, only wanted to meet her on phone and later, facetime (but his face never appeared), but he seems to be extremely rich, despite his gruffiness. And Cali fell for this mysterious man, hard. Will she find out what ailed him and help him get over it... by Christmas?

Sweet Christmas story (not inspirational, as there's no religion here). 6/8


Finished The Woman of My Dreams by Glenn Fain

Arnold lost his girlfriend Janey to a car accident (or was it suicide?) and he barely survived, sleepwalking through a decade of trivial jobs, with no direction in life. Then one day, the beautiful and exotic Anastasia appeared in his dreams, teaching him to live and love again... But Anastasia is not real, and when his dead girlfriend's sister Ellen wanted to be Arnold's new girlfriend, Arnold's life became complicated, as he can no longer distinguish what is real and what is dream, or is it lucid dreaming? Will Arnold survive the experience?

This is not a romance, and it's a very polarizing book. Some people find this book fascinating. I find it disturbing and pointless, and the ending is even sadder. 4/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Dare to Desire by Carly Phillips

Alex Dare had a dysfunctional family... he was basically a bastard child of a billionaire, but it took him a long time to learn that fact, and his early retirement from professional football as a star quarterback due to brain injury left him despondent, for football was all he knew how to do. He could have any women he wanted, but he only wanted one, social worker Madison Evans, but he drove her away when he received news that he can no longer play. Madison can't date a quarterback with his wild lifestyle, for she had severe abandonment issues. Her mother left her with her father without a word, and one day her father left her at the mall, never to return. Despite Alex's changed ways, he had already broke her heart once. But now that he's retired and changed... Will she give him another chance? And how can he convince her of that?

A bit angst-y, there's a background issue about how Madison had a legal fight with her brother because her adopted mother made her the executor of her will and stated she wanted the house and land going to the town as a rec center, but her brother (and biological son of her adopted mother) wanted the land and such to be sold and turned into a resort, and he's suing her for "undue influence". But the case did NOT go in Madison's favor. Where's the karma in that? It's a parallel page-filler issue. 5.5/8


Finished Call me Ana by Scarlet Rose Bonnet FREE on Amazon

Ana Marie ran away from home after abuse and rape and forged a life for herself as "Rachel" in a small town cafe, willing to settle for merely subsistance living. She did not know how to love, how to trust, until one day a new visitor to town, Grant, captured her heart. But there's a dangerous and violent man in town who cannot tolerate the thought of "Rachel" belong to any one else... and Ana will do anything to keep Grant safe... including sending him away...

The ending is very disturbing.
Roy, the jealous guy, beat Rachel/Ana when he discovered Grant had already left town, raped her, beat her some more, then came to his senses, and killed himself. Then Grant left town with Ana, never to return.
Call it 6/8.
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Finished Ark Royal by Christopher Nuttal

Ark Royal is the oldest carrier in Royal Navy, a place to send the misfits and nut cases and the public embarrassments of the navy that they can't discharge. Its Captain is a drunkard, and its onboard systems are kludged together based on a design philosophy 70 years out of date, when carriers are armored and expected to engage enemy ships as battle carriers, with bits of modern technology interfaced in when possible, creating a unique ship that only its captain and senior crew can love. When an alien threat appeared on the frontier, and the modern carriers proved to be exceptionally vulnerable, the Ark Royal was called back into service. Multiple colonies had been lost, colonists vanished amidst ruins of battle. The new first officer was expecting to take command, the new crew was unfamiliar with the idiosyncrasies of the ship, and the alien threat is unknown, for they appeared out of nowhere, apparently possessing advanced jump drive technologies. And despite the effectiveness of Ark Royal's ancient armor against the enemy ships, sook Ark Royal was chased into a dead-end system, with nowhere to run. Captain Smith of Ark Royal and its contingent must make a do-or-die gamble for their future... and future of mankind.

For scifi yarn, this is pretty good. A little too much reliance on space fighters, IMHO, but not overly so. 7/8


Finished Outback Princess by Mari Carr and Lexxie Couper

Annie Prince is the sensible sister that wanted a real job, not one her billionaire father simply bestowed upon her. One drunken night with her bestie Monet lead to her establishing an online dating profile and chats with an Australian Cowboy that soon captured her heart, and she sets out to visit him. However, she and Dylan, the cowboy, seems to have crossed wires, as she landed in Sydney just as he left for New York (to meet her there!) fortunately, Dylan's twin brother Hunter saved the day and brought her back to the station ("ranch" to you Yanks) where she's to follow him around to learn how to run a station... and Annie fell for Hunter, head over heels, and vice versa. Hunter would never consider poaching his brother's girl, but Annie is just too sexy. And Annie was delighted in that there are no paparazzi's here to ruin her day. But her assignment only lasts two weeks, and what happens when Dylan finds out?

This book is "erotic romance" in that there's even MORE than usual sex here, and it's actually kinda fun, even without the sex. In fact, sex feels a bit... tacked-on, as it goes into kink play as well. 6/8


Finished Seal's Promise by Sharon Hamilton

TJ Talbot, navy SEAL made a promise to his best friend, a fellow SEAL dying in his arms... to take care of his wife, pregnant with his daughter. Shannon Moore is very pregnant, and while support from the community is great, and she soon gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, she's not ready to fall for another SEAL, esp. not TJ, her husband's best friend. But TJ had made the promise, and he will carry it through. When domestic terrorists started threatening families of military personnel in the US, TJ knows his duty is to protect his family from all threats...

Actually, not too bad if slightly icky (about a SEAL widow falling for another SEAL) 6/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Wilderness Trail of Love by Dorothy Wiley

It is the year 1797. Stephen Wyllie has a beautiful wife Jane, and four daughters, one merely an infant. He is getting by in the outskirts of East Coast, but he yearned for new opportunities and possibilities out in the West, like the grasslands of Kentucky, with a herd of his own. Jane did not want to leave, but when a reputed slaver almost kidnapped Jane and her oldest daughter, Stephen moved up the timetable and asked his two brothers and a godbrother to leave together (a third brother chose to stay behind with his family). On the way, they find new adventures... and old enemies; new dangers emerged, and old wounds reopened; new friends gained, old nemesis returned. When tragedy struck, Jane and Stephen were forced to re-examine their priorities, and unite to stand against a common foe.

Fun adventure read, but also includes several quite disturbing scenes of near rape of Jane, and death of children (to fever). 6.5/8


Finished Her Billionaire Rancher Boss by Genevieve Turner FREE on Amazon

Pilar Lopez was always appreciative of the generosity of the Merrill family. She had worked five years as Benedict Merrill's PA to make sure her brother has enough money to go to college, since their parents perished in a car crash. Now that her brother is turning 18, it is time for Pilar to go her own way and make something of herself, instead of taking more Merrill handout, and get away from the temptation that is her boss... rich and powerful and handsome... What she did not count on, was her boss's reaction... That Ben had always had feelings for her, and now that she's leaving, he had a different position for her in mind... in his bed. And as she indulged, she starts to fall for him... for real.

Kinda meh here, nothing too special here except the brother's rebellious and did not want to go to college, and Pilar basically refused to listen. No big deal. 5/8


Finished Coming Home by Kris Jett

Jessie Foster had always been the responsible one, staying in town to help her mom run the family bar, when her two older sisters left town to pursue their own dreams. She felt betrayed by them both (one of them very personally) and she hadn't spoken to them for years. But suddenly, her old boyfriend (who broker her heart) returned, there are three brothers in town who had just opened a snowmobile rental and repair shop, and her sisters (she hated) are coming back. Jessie, trying to avoid her ex, approached Cade Stone to help her by pretending to be her boyfriend... He refused (!) but later decided he was being a douchebag... and Jessie was having problems at home, as she found out how had her sisters fared... (not that well), when another family secret was forced out... and one of her sisters has a stalker! Cade was all wrong for Jessie, but that wouldn't stop Cade from going after Jessie...

Big family drama, okay I guess. Call it... 6/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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after reading Edgar Allen Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher", i now know from where and whence H.P. Lovecraft gets his narrative and writing form.
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Neanderthal Seeks Human by Penny Reid (Contemporary Romance) FREE on Amazon

Janie Morris has an evil sister who looks so much like her it's as if they are twins... except they don't act alike at all. She also talks way too much, and she was unnerved by an acquaintance... Quinn Sullivan, who fascinated her, but she can't get close... She... doesn't want to. However, when in one freakish day when Janie lost her boyfriend, apartment, AND job, Janie found that Quinn is there, ready to pick her up... and made an offer she couldn't refuse... Because her sister Jem is VERY VERY much involved...

Eh... Not felling much here. 4/8


Finished Accounting for Love by Erin Wright Contemporary Western Romance, FREE on Amazon

Stetson Miller is a rancher and farmboy, and he chose to stay on and help his father when his two brothers chose to buy their own farms and set out on their own. When his father passed away, the paperwork went undone... and payments were missed. Now the bank is sending an auditor to check his books... or take his ranch. He'd have told the auditor exactly what's on his mind, except Jennifer Kendall was... not what he expected. And Jennifer is a city girl. They all leave when they get tired of the farm/ranch life. Jennifer expects a hostile reception, as the owners often believe she's on bank's side about to take their property. But Stetson is something else... his temper and physique gave her naughty thoughts in addition to anger in reaction to his taunts. But Jennifer actually understands how the process works and foreclosure was the last thing on her mind. But how does she convince Stetson of that? When the road washed out and Jennifer was forced to spend a night on the farm, it's clear they have a thing for each other. But can Jennifer find the money to help Stetson pay the bills, or is it bye-bye farm and romance?

The extra conflict at the end seems very idiotic.
Jennifer traced through the inventory of the farm and found a couple tons of wheat that's unsold and can be sold at a profit to make the balloon payment. And Stetson goes crazy cold, claiming that was his father's last harvest and he can't sell for less than 9 dollars per bushel (which is like 50% higher than needed to pay off the debt, $6.25 a bushel) Even when confronted "You have the means to save the farm and you're going to hold out for unobtainable price just because?" He's unrepentent. He didn't come around until a couple days later. That's a pretty stupid darkest hour, IMHO. It's also bit of a surprise as he wasn't that stupid, as if it's added last second.


Finished Claiming Her SEAL by Kat Cantrell FREE on Amazon / Contemporary Romance

Dex Riley, ex-SEAL, now runs a diving excursion company in the Caribbean with many of his ex-SEAL buddies. He sees women in two types: those who don't ask questions about what he used to do... or those who wish they never asked. He was not surprised when a resort guest, Emma Richardson, wanted him for a vacation fling... But he was surprised when Emma was not repulsed by his demons... as she had some to share as well...

Okay, tolerable, I guess. At least this is an ex-SEAL. 5/8


Finished Promises to Keep by Kathryn Shay FREE on Amazon / Contemporary Romance

Secret Service Agent Joe Stonehouse vowed to tackle school violence when his niece was gunned down in a school shooting. He was teamed with very young looked agent Luke Ludzecky and they both go undercover in schools, Luke as a student (he can pass for 18) and Joe as a counselor. Their latest assignment brought them to a school in Fairholm, New York, due to a recent suicide and other bullying incidents, and Joe butt heads with the principal Suzanna Quinn, even as Luke fell for one of the young teachers, Kelsey Cunningham, while Luke plays the rebel to gain favors with the misfits who may do something about getting back to the jocks and popular kids... When a reporter found out about the undercover op and decided this is the ticket to get her back into the spotlight, and multiple threats appeared, including bullied victim, violent gang affiliates, and retaliation against authority figures and class leaders... The romances blossomed... And their lives will never again be the same...

Very nice background, as the author was a former teacher and many of these incidents are based on personal experience and real education training, though obviously some of this is fictionalized. But if you like the "high school" as background (and a 25 year old passing as 18 year old) it's an interesting book to read.
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Primal Origin by Jack Silkstone

Vance and Ice used to be CIA operatives, until a betrayal and redemption in UAE gave them the perfect opportunity... to form a private special operations force that goes after evil doers with ZERO government oversight, for this is a private corporation with a very large budget and no beancounters. But first they have to help a friend get rid of his terrorist-funding father, then deal with Russian mob that infiltrated UAE construction business and used the laborers as virtual slaves...

Kinda fairy tale with an edge... What if you can find operatives that has no pesky restrictions? Fun adventure tale. 6.5/8


Finished Staying Grounded by Marianne Rice

Graham Riley escaped his hellish family (his father put his mother in a coma, then got Graham arrested when he came to his mother's aid) by becoming a pilot and left his troubles behind. But after punching a drunk passenger in the terminal after the drunk shoved one of his stewardesses to the floor, the airline put him on administrative leave and forced him to get checked by a shrink... So he went home, to Rocky Harbor, Maine, and had a delightful date with a beautiful woman, Maggie. It was to his horror the next day that he realized Maggie is Margaret O'Fallon, his company-appointed psychiatrist. Maggie does not want a relationship with a person that leaves because her mother goes into a depression every time her father goes on his photography assignments, often gone for months at a time. But something in Graham made her want to explore that possible connection. Maggie asked Graham to see a different psychiatrist while they explore the chemistry they have together... but then the drunk Graham punched hired a PI and wanted to ruin Graham because his own life is ruined... and now Graham must decide whether he valued his job more... or life with Maggie?

Frankly, there's no karma for the douchebag and the ending was bittersweet at best.
Graham basically resigned his airline job and became a local tour guide pilot / instructor and stay near Maggie.


Finished Love Times Two by Maggie Dallen

Elizabeth "Lizzie" Hayes has a twin sister "Connie", and they both have boyfriends. So when Connie proposed a double-wedding to save on costs, Lizzie, usually the passive one, was swept along, until she found her fiancee sleeping with someone else. She went drinking with friends, and was so blasted that she woke up in a bartender's bed (clothed, thank God). No way she's going to mention that to her sister... And it only got worse when her sister pitched the double-wedding idea to a Bridal TV show, and next thing Lizzie knew, they're hiring a fake fiancee. And she was totally mortified that the fake fiancee they found, Mark, who's friend of Connie's fiancee, is none other than the sexy bartender that took Lizzie to bed that drunken night (but they didn't do anything!) But as they are forced to be together, Lizzie and Mark found that perhaps, they can love each other for real after all...

Okay, slightly ridiculous beginning, but it was fun. 6.5/8


Finished Crazy Good by Rachel Robinson FREE on Amazon

Navy SEAL Maverick Hart is a badass with almost everything a man could want, and what he wants, he gets (but often destroys it in the process as well). But when he ran into Windsor "Winnie" Forbes, everything changed. Winnie was left at the altar by one man she thought she loved, despite being very careful in her selection. She wasn't ready to fall for any one, much less a navy SEAL with swagger. But a navy SEAL can't afford to be in love, for it will distract them on their mission...

While there doesn't seem to be any SEAL abuse in this novel, the push-pull goes into ridiculous melodramatic lengths. 5/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Billionaire's Secret Heart by Ivy Layne FREE on Amazon

Josephine was on the worst blind date ever until Holden swooped in and rescued her. It wasn't until much later that Jo realized this is Holden Winters, scion of the Winters clan, who dates socialites with his gorgeous looks and loads of money. There's no way that Holden could fall for a geek with curves, could he? Yet when Jo indulges herself with a quick fling, something she never did before, she ran immediately after without saying goodbye. But what Holden wanted was someone with curves... and intellect to challenge him. And Jo is not getting away... unless someone else gets in her way...

Quick fun read, nothing too special though. Tech wasn't that accurate but tolerable without getting too technical. 6/8


Finished With this click I thee wed by Bonnie R. Paulson

She's a lonely divorcee whose own family doesn't want her and her ex treats her like a doormat, not only turning the entire town against her (even though he's the one cheated), her ex is suing her for emotional abuse. He's a rancher who stands to lose his parent's house and ranch, and had his heart broken when he realized his wife married his prestige, not him. Yet they somehow got married when she got drunk and clicked on "I do"... Now she's flying across the country to meet her husband... Can this work, even when it was so... crazy?

Pretty interesting scenario, similar to the "At the Altar" series. I think the evil douchebag was way too overboard though. 5.5/8


Finished For Now and Forever by Sophie Love FREE on Amazon

Emily Mitchell is in New York, staying at a soul-sucking job with a horrible boss, with a boyfriend of seven years who has STILL not yet proposed... and she's 35. She remembered living in Maine, in a great old house, until her sister died, her father disappeared, and things were never again the same. When her boyfriend took her out on an anniversary dinner... and only gave her a bottle of perfume instead of a ring, she finally snapped. She broke it off with him, and when her boss gave her the usual dressing down, she quit the job as well... and decided to go to Maine... to see what happened to her old house... one that she hadn't seen in 20 years. She doesn't know what she'll do, but she'll figure it out. She ran into Daniel, the groundskeeper. who has secrets of his own, and she finally figured it out... the house used to be a bed and breakfast, and Emily will turn it back into one. But Daniel is keeping a secret of his own...

A bit on the slow side, though the emotional struggles are real. I think my main problem is the MMC was introduced VERY VERY late and even though we know every little about him until maybe mid-book when the revelations came. 6/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Naked Sunset by Sailor Stone

Kinsey is an young artist who dreams of a man that she can totally dedicate herself to besides her art. She has a special painting of her, naked in the sunset, just for him, if he'll ever come to his life. Then one day, it happened. The man was sailing out on the water, in a one-person boat, then he saw her, and came ashore. His name is Tanner, and he was totally right for her, and he was totally smitten. Then fate tore them apart and they didn't even had a chance to find each other's surnames. Four years later, a chance encounter would bring them back together again...

A bit too angst-y and soap-opera-worthy melodramatic, IMHO, but an interesting tale of love interrupted. 6/8


Finished Beautiful Lis by Heather Bentley

Heiress Christina Harcourt wanted for nothing... except freedom, and her mother, neither of which she can buy. She survived a carjacking when young and saw her mother gunned down and lay dead in the street. And her family's continuous guilt-trip hidden by glitter only made her wanted something normal, something real, and that's when she met CJ. CJ is a normal guy, so normal, Christina wondered if he was planted by her family just to embarrass her. But fell for him she did. But when her family and CJ are both hiding a huge secret... something is going to break... and it'll probably be her heart.

Oooh... nice backward reveal. 7/8
The carjacking wasn't random. Her mother planned to grab her and run away, and the carjacking was her father's thugs, who weren't supposed to kill her.

Finished Hard Landing by Lynne Heitman

Alex Shanahan is taking over as the new GM of Majestic Airline's Boston Logan airport operations after her predecessor's suicide. Alex was fleeing from the Majestic's charismatic CEO, who was too charming, she had fallen under his spell, but she managed to walk away, her pride intact. But the operation is in crisis mode. A fatal plane crash that killed over a dozen people continues to haunt the airline, and the local union is desperate to fight the management on anything, including wildcat strikes just to mess with the new GM. Furthermore, there are huge payments going to a consulting company that did no work. It's either embezzlement... or a hidden bribe. Was it her predecessor? The union boss? Others? The more Alex dug, and the closer she got to the truth, the deeper the cover-up went... Until a final confrontation during a snowstorm night in the bowels of the airport...

Nice thriller, if a bit long (468 pages!) and obviously written by someone who really knows the airline industry from the inside. 7/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

Post by hitbyambulance »

Ray Bradbury _The Martian Chronicles_

were it not for the inclusion of a few stories that just didn't fit in here (namely, anything involving collapsing houses), i would have rated this higher. Bradbury is a master of the short-story form, i think.
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