Walking Dead - Game over Infected Win

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Walking Dead - Game over Infected Win

Post by Newcastle »


Sign ups/Walker Bait

1. Archinerd
2. Holman
3. Vorret
4. BB2112
5. Lassr
6. Punisher
7. Moliere
8. Unagi
9. Isgrimnur
10. Zarathud
11. Chaosraven
12. Remus West
13. Scoop20906
14. El Guapo
15. RMC
16. Stessier
Last edited by Newcastle on Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:28 am, edited 19 times in total.

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Re: Walking Dead Game thread (under construction)

Post by Newcastle »



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Seer - Carl Grimes.
See the guy with the gun over there? That’s my dad. He’s a cop. I’m his only blood left on this earth. Think he won’t shoot you if mess with me? So while you’re paying attention to him; I’m going to go through your stuff and find out who you really are. And if you catch me, I’ll just say I’m looking for comic books. Innocent kid stuff ya know. So, got any comic books?
Power – At night may ask role of any player. Will receive either survivor role or wolf alignment.


Protector – T-Dog
I just want things to go back to normal, just like it was when I was driving Ray and the other good folks at the retirement center to church. That was god’s work, getting souls home. God has a plan. God also knows I’ll look out for anyone who I call a friend. I got their back. And as a former Pro lineman do you really think you can get past me?

Power – At night may select one person to protect. Protection extends into the following day until the lynch. Including the berserkers blast. If TDogg is killed at night that person’s protection is still valid until the following day’s lynch. May not protect self.

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Shooter - Rick Grimes –
Heard Lori’s in Atlanta. Some other survivors are heading that way. We all got loved ones there. We all just got to make it there together. That’s all of us. Now that’s a .357 Colt Python that’s pointed your way. I really don’t want to shoot you, but if you come at me or any of my friends here, then you’ve left me with no choice.

Power – Has 1 bullet. One shot. Able to shoot and kill 1 person during the day. Shot must be submitted by PM and prior to lynching.

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Mortician -Glenn–
You want me to run back and check out the person who just died right? Yeah, no problem. Figure I’m the quickest here anyway. I can just slide through that mess of walkers. Easy. I figure the best way to get back to there is to hop the fence there, run right on to the dumpster, then up and into the window. That should get me past the Walkers and right next to the body. I hate going through their stuff, but you can never tell can you. Better be sure we know who we’re dealing with. At least that’s what I think.

POWER – Mortician – at night can scan a dead player’s body. They will discover the true role of the player (survivor role or wolf role).

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Survivors – Just want to get to Atlanta and find your loved ones.


You’ve been bit but only a few others know. Rumor has it there’s a cure somewhere at a CDC complex to the north of Atlanta. You got to get there, consequences be damned. If others don’t see your way, there’s a simple answer: Kill ‘em.

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Infected Seer – Shane
Its kill or be killed in this world. Rick just doesn’t see that yet. He also doesn’t realize that you protect what you got in the here and now. You don’t go chasing some rumor in Atlanta. Some of us are bit and that’s what we need to do. We get to the CDC we get the cure. It’s that simple. And on the way there, I’ll be keeping an eye on you seeing what kind of man you really are.
Power – At night can scan a player to find out either survivor or survivor special. Will not find out specific role only if they are normal or special.

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Berserker - Dr. Edwin Jenner
All the data and models point to one overwhelming conclusion: humankind is undergoing the extinction event. You will die at some point, and it will be painful. So all this living is really just suffering. Do you want that? I don’t. I’ll do you a favor if it’s my time to go, I’ll take you with me. You don’t even have to say yes. I promise it will be peaceful. And that’s better than anything that’s out there.

POWER– if lynched can target 1 player to take with you. Explosion can be blocked by T-dogs protection.


Recruiter Wolf – Merle
You left me there to die on that rooftop. I screamed and yelled, but you turned your backs and ran. Just like the yellow belly cowards that you are. I don’t care about getting to Atlanta. Just want to get me and my baby brother to the CDC, that sounds good to me there. Get cured, pop some pills and really have some fun.

(fyi-Merle needed a role. So the recruiting is viewed as global, killing Merle on day 1 does not prevent the recruitment)

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Traitor Wolf - Darryl Dixon
Think you can stick a gun in my brother’s face and I’d forget that? Not happening. Merle knows I’ll always have his back; just like he’s had mine since we were kids. I don’t know you from shit. I don’t trust you. We clear?

Player recruited by wolves. Recruitment Power must be used by night 1. Can’t be blocked. Traitor will show up and gain access to infected forums at start day 2. Traitor loses all powers they formerly had as a survivor. If powered, traitor’s role is randomized to an unpowered villager.
They have no powers once converted, they are an unpowered infected/wolf.
Last edited by Newcastle on Thu Jun 08, 2017 1:08 am, edited 15 times in total.

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Re: Walking Dead Game thread (under construction)

Post by Newcastle »


Rules explained/FAQ /Minutiae

-start on a day cycle
-no edits
- forums have been set up for wolves
- Time limits: Day 1 time limits will be roughly 14 days. Weekends count as 1 day. Willing to be flexible. If time limits have been reached, mod at his discretion and villager input may add 48 hours.
-If no lynch has been achieved, there will be no lynch that day
-Multiple folks going on vacation, just give a heads up when you're slated to go and approximated when we can expect you back.
-upon death & lynch villagers will discover person’s alignment (updated 6.8.17)
-time stamps from PM’s & posts will be used as a tie breaker if needed
-ALL WRITES UPS ARE FLAVOR ONLY. The sequences, roles and parts have been randomized
-if time allows I'll update with pictures at a later time; time restraints on my end.

POWERS/RULES explained
-TDog’s protection extends even if Tdog dies at night.
-if succesful protection, only infected & Tdog know target (updated 6.8.17)
-Tdog's protection extends into day INCLUDING lynch & berserker. This was to compensate to the no self protection. (updated 6.8.17)
- TDog can not protect same person on back to back nights. (updated 6.8.17)

-Rick Grimes shot reveals his identity

-The seers are a bit different:
Shane (infected seer) will only learn if they are a normal survivor or special survivor
Carl (Survivor seer) will only learn survivor role or wolf alignment
-if seer scans the traitor target on night 1. SEER will be told that that person has been turned.
-Traitor MUST be recruited by end of night 1. Use it or lose it.
-The infected recruit power is viewed as a global power and not resided in 1 infected.
-Infected traitor powers are nullified if they were a special. IE they receive no scans, their protection is void).
-If the traitor was a survivor special; their role is thrown to a randomized unpowered villager.
-On Day 2 villagers will be notified of traitors existence

Action – (day)
Taking a breather – (night)

DISCLAIMER – All write ups are flavor. Do not make any assumptions about characters who are in the write-up. They could be dead or alive. They are written well before the lynch.

Order of Operations
T-Dog Protects
Scans submitted
Wolves recruit (Night 1 only)
Wolves kill
Results returned
Infected Traitor joins Infected crew (day 2 only)
Day starts

Carl - Who will you scan?
Tdog – Who’s back you got?
Shane – Who you keeping an eye on?
Glenn – Who’s role do you want to find out?
Infected - Who's gonna die tonight?
Last edited by Newcastle on Thu Jun 08, 2017 2:05 pm, edited 10 times in total.

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Re: Walking Dead Game thread (under construction)

Post by Newcastle »

Voting template

Votes Cast

Not Voted
Archinerd, Holman, Vorret, BB2112, Lassr, Punisher, Moliere, Unagi, Isgrimnur, Zarathud, Chaosraven, Remus West, Scoop20906, El Guapo, RMC, Stessier

Majority is 9

Deadline is Thursday 6/15 6 PM PST
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Re: Walking Dead Game thread (under construction)

Post by Newcastle »

Vacation & AFK Notification
RMC - Chilling with 6ft rodents, swarthy pirates, mini emotional bombs, and crying, lots and lots of crying as the adults see the price tag

Stessier - Tuesday (6/21-6/29)

Punisher - Surgery around 6/20

Unagi -- I'll be on vacation starting Thursday the 22nd Until Monday the 26th

Holman - I'm going out of town Thursday morning through Saturday night. I might not even have cell coverage, so I don't know if I'll be able to check in. 6/29-7/2

Holman part deux - I'll be out of town Monday 7/10 through Friday 7/14. I should have internet access, but I'll be busy and not as available.
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Re: Walking Dead Game thread (under construction)

Post by Newcastle »

Last edited by Newcastle on Tue Jul 18, 2017 10:54 am, edited 12 times in total.

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Re: Walking Dead Game thread (under construction)

Post by Newcastle »

Edit 6

To do

Walker Bait (Sign ups)


Order of Operations


Significant Links

randomize roles

send out roles

everyone received roles

-loading rick’s gun
-giving merle a hacksaw
-packing Glenn’s go bag
-passing C-4 to Edwin
-sharpening the traitor’s weapon
-Giving Carl his comic books
-High Fiving Shane
-Praying with Tdog
-Giving survivors hope

-Prep on switch

-Introduction Dropped

-Toggle game on

(Game will start when the introduction is dropped, and thread status is updated from “under construction”). You will know.)


You find yourself in a hospital..........
Last edited by Newcastle on Thu Jun 01, 2017 10:34 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Walking Dead Game thread (under construction)

Post by Vorret »

Hello hospital, I am bed.
Isgrimnur wrote:
His name makes me think of a small, burrowing rodent anyway.
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Re: Walking Dead Game thread (under construction)

Post by Newcastle »

Vorret wrote:Hello hospital, I am bed.

please dont post yet

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Re: Walking Dead Game thread (wait for it!!)

Post by Newcastle »


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“Archinerd & Scoop are ahead scouting right?” Holman asked as he swung the faded brown door open. Inside was a tossed hospital bed, broken IV stand, and toppled heart monitor.

“Yeah Rick had them see if there was more stuff around.” BB2112 replied as he pushed the fallen medical carts out of his way.

Across the hallway Moliere and Vorret were about to open another door, Vorret’s hand inches from the handle.
“Wait!’ Moliere said alarm in his voice. A seriousness had fallen across his face, he asked, “If a Canadian had a pet Canadian would it be just nice, or super nice?” As a grin split his face.

Vorret hands on the door knob, paused, “Super nice obviously!” Then fearlessly swung it open.


Lassr who just happened to be passing by the two when the sound struck stopped, cocked his ears, and listened for a moment. “What was that?” He said out loud, and as he took a step forward he bumped into Punisher. Lassr asked, “You hear that Punisher?”

“What? Nah, can’t think straight with this pain man. This place is totally wiped clean. Fucking drug addicts. Don’t leave any pain meds for the people who need it.” Punisher replied, cradling his gimpy arm. “Might as well chop it off.”

Further down the hall, Unagi and Isgrimnur were standing guard in front of a pair wooden doors, with small rectangular windows. Unagi’s hands were silently slapping a bat; while Isgrinmur’s fingers were clenched tightly around a crow bar.
Both were concerned because just past those rickety doors was a small herd of Walkers just milling about searching for human flesh.

Zarathud crowded in behind the two and said, “Hate to see those Walkers get lose right?”

Feet away from them, in the next patient’s room Chaosraven, RMC and Remus were working together to move a large cabinet. “Alright on three.” Chaosraven started, “One…..two….three…. “

And as they started to push and lift, a shout screeched down the hallway. “RUNNNNNN!”
“That sounded like Archinerd.” Remus said.

“Or Scoop.” rmc offered. They all stopped and drew out there axes. RMC, was the first out of the room, the other two steps behind; all with weapon brandished, concern etched on their faces.

El Guapo and Stessier had also pulled guard duty. And it was from the darkened hallway that the scouts had disappeared down minutes before, where the shouts had come from. El Guapo flicked his flashlight on and let it penetrate the darkness. Footsteps could be heard pounding on the concrete.

“THUMP THUMP THUMP” The sound carried again, this time much louder.

Just then Archinerd and Scoop flew into view and into the hallway with the rest of the group.
“They’re coming. Lots of Walkers coming.” Scoop said nearly breathless.

“We got to run,” Archinerd shouted for all to hear.

And just then the first of the walkers came into view. Portly and disheveled a stethoscope hanging around its neck, face dripping skin. Behind shambled another walker in a nurse’s outfit, and behind that, another and another. Too many to count. They kept coming.

El Guapo and Stessier both took steps forward, weapons drawn, ready to engage them when when Archinerd stopped them, “Too many of them. We need to go!”

“Yeah but that was the way we came in!” Stessier calmly pointed out.

“Oh shit!” El Guapo said.

They all turned, the herd of Walkers thick and coming, arms reached out, snarling. The hunger for fresh flesh pushing them forward to the survivors.


Last edited by Newcastle on Sun Jun 04, 2017 3:01 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by Remus West »

Second since vorret cheated to get first. :P
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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by Moliere »


He's too quiet.
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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by Remus West »


he doesn't get to outlive me twice while winning as a bad guy if I have any say in it (which I do, but very little unless you all would be kind enough to join me in bandwagoning him right away for the funny factor).
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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by Zarathud »

Sorry for party rocking....
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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by El Guapo »


Still not buying his excuse on the day vs. night scans.
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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by Isgrimnur »

Don't dead, open inside.
It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by Lassr »

before he does something to get us all killed.
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.

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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by Vorret »


He lies!
Isgrimnur wrote:
His name makes me think of a small, burrowing rodent anyway.
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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by Unagi »

Vorret wrote: Unagi 

He lies!
in wait!!!
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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by Zarathud »

Not sure if that is good or evil, but noted.
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Re: Walking Dead Game thread (under construction)

Post by Newcastle »

Votes Received - Vote Cast

Chaosraven (1)- Remus West,
Vorret (1)- El Guapo,
Scoop 20906 (1)- Lassr,
Unagi (1)- Vorret,

Not Voted:
Archinerd, Holman, BB2112, Punisher, Moliere, Unagi, Isgrimnur, Zarathud, Chaosraven, Scoop20906, RMC, Stessier

Majority is 9

Deadline is Thursday 6/15 6 PM PST, 9PM EST.

(if there is any discrepancy, let me know)

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Re: Walking Dead Game thread (under construction)

Post by Moliere »

Newcastle wrote:Votes Received - Vote Cast

Chaosraven (1)- Remus West,
Vorret (1)- El Guapo,
Scoop 20906 (1)- Lassr,
Unagi (1)- Vorret,

Not Voted:
Archinerd, Holman, BB2112, Punisher, Moliere, Unagi, Isgrimnur, Zarathud, Chaosraven, Scoop20906, RMC, Stessier

Majority is 9

Deadline is Thursday 6/15 6 PM PST, 9PM EST.

(if there is any discrepancy, let me know)
Voter FRAUD!!! I voted!

Just for someone not in the game....
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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by Scoop20906 »

I scanned Unagi on Night 2. He is a klingon.

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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by Unagi »


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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by Unagi »

I assume the real Seer will counter your bullshit here soon.

Anyone want to counter Scoop?
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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by bb2112 »

Great write up NC! I do have a question, with a horde of walkers bearing down on us, why would we be concerned with offing one of our own instead of fight or flight?


He brought the horde with him.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by bb2112 »

Scoop20906 wrote:I scanned Unagi on Night 2. He is a klingon.

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We could probably use a Klingon right now. I am not voting Unagi.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by Moliere »

Unagi wrote:I assume the real Seer will counter your bullshit here soon.

Anyone want to counter Scoop?
I will. I used my day scan and confirmed that Vorret is not really Canadian.
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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by Scoop20906 »

Unagi wrote:I assume the real Seer will counter your bullshit here soon.

Anyone want to counter Scoop?
No one will counter me. I am the real deal.

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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by Newcastle »

bb2112 wrote:Great write up NC! I do have a question, with a horde of walkers bearing down on us, why would we be concerned with offing one of our own instead of fight or flight?
Thanks for the complement. But I think it was one of my worst write ups actually. I got pressed for time and wish I could have spent more time on it to make it pop.


This will be very similar to my Bond games. Basically there will be a run of action, and someone will die through the course of the action.

While you folks absolutely control who get's offed, how they die and such will be done "in the stream of the action". So there is no lynching per se, just someone has the bad luck to get bit, meet an axe to the face, etc.


Also since I am on this topic I will reiterate this:

ALL WRITE UPS ARE FLAVOR & MOOD SETTING. THERE IS NO HINTS AS TO ROLES. I tend to do the write ups first, then add in the names according to the roster sheet. So, its really blind.
Last edited by Newcastle on Thu Jun 01, 2017 12:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by Scoop20906 »

Moliere wrote:
Unagi wrote:I assume the real Seer will counter your bullshit here soon.

Anyone want to counter Scoop?
I will. I used my day scan and confirmed that Vorret is not really Canadian.
Obvious lie. There are not day scan. We've found Klingon number 2.

(scoop shakes his head in disgust)...fucking amateurs.

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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by Moliere »

Scoop20906 wrote:Obvious lie. There are not day scan. We've found Klingon number 2.
Read the rules. Newcastle created a secret day scan for a random player. :ninja:
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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by Scoop20906 »

Moliere wrote:
Scoop20906 wrote:Obvious lie. There are not day scan. We've found Klingon number 2.
Read the rules. Newcastle created a secret day scan for a random player. :ninja:

Is there a secret day scan for a random player?

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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by El Guapo »

Scoop20906 wrote:
Moliere wrote:
Scoop20906 wrote:Obvious lie. There are not day scan. We've found Klingon number 2.
Read the rules. Newcastle created a secret day scan for a random player. :ninja:

Is there a secret day scan for a random player?

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Yes, definitely. Also I have created many special powers for El Guapo, because that guy is so cool.
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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by Newcastle »

Scoop20906 wrote:
Moliere wrote:
Scoop20906 wrote:Obvious lie. There are not day scan. We've found Klingon number 2.
Read the rules. Newcastle created a secret day scan for a random player. :ninja:

Is there a secret day scan for a random player?

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No but there is a bottle of Jack I am about to hit hard.

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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by El Guapo »

Thanks for the answer there, Newcastle.
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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by Moliere »

Newcastle wrote:No but there is a bottle of Jack I am about to hit hard.
We're already driving you to drink? Well, that didn't take long.
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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by Scoop20906 »

Newcastle wrote:No but there is a bottle of Jack I am about to hit hard.
I have a feeling some 'new' rulez are coming.

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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by Newcastle »

El Guapo wrote:Thanks for the answer there, Newcastle.
Cute. Too bad I just somehow made a post in between yours huh. Freaky how that happened

/ascends back to the sky

(edit just because i can)
Last edited by Newcastle on Thu Jun 01, 2017 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Walking Dead Game thread Day 1

Post by Archinerd »

bb2112 wrote:

He brought the horde with him.
Sound reasoning, but that was Scoop, not me!
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