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The Faction War (WW)

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The Faction War (WW)

Post by Chaosraven »

Shamelessly nicked from setaside

The Two Factions:

2 Dragon Warriors – The 2 Dragon warriors know the identities of one another at the start of the game. The original Dragon warriors may not be recruited to the other side. The Dragon warriors may PM each other without restriction.
2 Tiger Warriors – The Tiger warriors will know the identities of one another at the start of the game. The original Tiger warriors may not be recruited to the other side. The Tiger warriors may PM each without restriction.

The Village:

Support Roles:
The Hunter – Once per night, the hunter may choose to either protect or kill another player. If the hunter chooses to protect a player, that player is immune to death AND recruitment. The hunter's identity will remain hidden. If the hunter chooses to kill another player, that player will die that night and the hunter’s identity will be revealed the next morning. The hunter may not protect the same person 2 nights in a row. The hunter may be recruited as normal and will retain all of his abilities.

The Engineer – The engineer may create and deploy a gadget to protect or harm another player. Only one device may be deployed on a particular players residence at any one time. During the night cycle, the engineer can inform the moderator that he wishes to create a gadget. The engineer will then begin construction of the selected gadget. The time it takes to deploy a gadget depends on the item being made. The engineer will be able to deploy the gadget on the night it's finished. He may also immediately begin construction on a new gadget by informing the moderator of his intent. The engineer may during any night cycle switch construction to a different gadget although that will undo any progress on any gadget he was currently working on.
He may deploy one of the following to any player except himself:

* A mine -- 3 nights to construct – If the protected player is attacked/approached that night, the attacking/approaching player will be killed. Once the mine has gone off, it is gone and no longer protects that player. It will be announced the next morning that the attaching/approaching player was killed by a mine. Once a mine has been detonated, it is removed from the game. A mine may then be redeployed to the protected player.
* An alarm -- 2 nights to construct – If the protected player is attacked/approached that night, the attaching/approaching player will be prevented from performing any action on that player. It will be announced the next morning that the player was protected by his alarm system. The alarm will remain in effect on the protected players residence. The only way to remove the alarm is by the thief.

The engineer may be recruited as normal and will retain all of his abilities. As stated, engineer devices may not stack. You may not deploy an alarm on a residence that already has a mine deployed on it. You may not deploy a second mine on a residence that has an undetonated mine on it. The engineer may stockpile constructed gadgets but only one gadget may be deployed during each night cycle.

The Thief – Once per night, the thief may check for and/or remove a trap/gadget on a player’s residence. The thief is immune to the effects of the engineer’s gadgets. The night cycle for the thief is a 2 part process. The thief will inform the moderator that he does/does not wish to check a specific players residence. The moderator will inform the thief of the result. If a gadget was found, the thief then informs the moderator if he wants to disarm the gadget or leave the item in place. If a gadget is removed, the engineer and only the engineer will be informed that “a” gadget has been removed from play. The thief may be recruited as normal and will retain all of his abilities.

The Scout – Once per night, the spy may ask the game moderator for the identity of a player. If the player is a support role, that role will be revealed, unless that support player has been recruited. Then the scout will only be informed that the player is a Dragon/Tiger player. The scout may be recruited as normal and will retain all of his abilities.

The Priest - Once per night, the Priest may ask the role of a deceased player. All relevant info about that player at the time of their death will be given to the Priest (Role, Faction, and Faction status).

The Scribe - Once per night, the scribe may ask the game moderator to document a specials' actions. The moderator, once all actions have been performed, will tell the scribe what that special did in general terms.
The Scribe must declare specifically which special he wishes to document. Qualified answers would be:
The Dragons
The Tigers
The Hunter
The Engineer
The Thief
The Scout
The Priest
Any other request will be denied. If no action was taken by the requested special or the requested special is dead, then the Scribe will be told "No action was taken".

Townspeople – The innocents are on the fence about which side to support. Through the course of the game, they may be recruited/coerced into service for one side or the other. If a player is recruited, they will immediately join that faction and begin playing for that side.

The town wants to be rid of the intruding forces, both Dragons and Tigers. They will be working against both. Every day, the town will vote to string up and kill 1 fellow townsperson whom they believe to be working for one of the factions. The role of the killed townsperson will only be stated as “Innocent townsperson” or “Faction”. Players in the townspeople pool may NOT PM each other.


Day Cycle:
Each day, the townspeople will determine who to string up. Once somebody has been selected, that player will be killed and their role will be revealed as either Innocent Townsperson or Faction. Specific factions will not be revealed to the townspeople. Votes may be retracted until a majority has been reached.

Night Cycle:
Each night, both factions will make a choice. Kill, recruit or initiate.

* Kill - The faction will assign a member/recruit as the assassin. They will then inform the moderator who the assassin is and who the target is. The assassin will then attempt to kill the target. Barring any obstacles (Hunter or Engineer gadgets), the target will be killed and removed from the game. If the assigned assassin has already been knocked back into the townsperson pool, no assassination will take place that night. If the opposing faction attempts to kill the same player during the night cycle, the action is blocked and no assassination takes place that night.

* Recruit - The faction will assign a member/recruit as the recruiter. They will then inform the moderator who the recruiter is and who the target is. The recruiter will then attempt to recruit the target. Barring any obstacles (Hunter, Engineer gadgets, faction resistance), the target will be recruited to the recruiters faction and will obtain the title "recruit". Recruits may be knocked back into the townsperson pool if the opposing faction attempts to recruit that player. If the recruiter has already been knocked back into the townsperson pool, no recruitment will take place that night. If both factions attempt to recruit the same player during the night cycle, that action is blocked and no recruitment takes place that night. Recruits are NOT allowed to PM.

note: killing and recruiting the same target. In the event one side attempts to recruit the target of the opposing factions assassination attempt, both attempts will fail.

* Initiate - The faction will inform the moderator that they wish to initiate a recruit into their faction. If the target is still a recruit (i.e. has not been knocked back into the townsperson pool by the opposing faction), then that recruit will become a full-fledged member. Members CANNOT be knocked back into the pool of recruits. Members are also allowed PM communication with the faction. If the opposing faction attempts to recruit your initiate, the opposing factions attempt fails and the recruit becomes a member as normal (the opposing faction will informed that their attempt was blocked. Your faction will not receive notice at all). If the opposing faction attempts to kill your initiate, your initiate is killed as normal (both factions will be informed as normal).

Members of a Faction will be told that their attempt failed or succeeded.
Recruits of a Faction are only told of their action (You are recruiting/assassinating Player X) and not of its outcome.


The night cycle will be resolved in the following order:
Priest - The Priest, if he chooses to, may identify a previously deceased player.
Engineer - The Engineer, if possible and he/she chooses to do so, will place an alarm or mine on a players residence.
Thief - The Thief, if he chooses, will attempt to locate and/or disarm an alarm or mine on a players residence.
Scout - The Scout, if he chooses, will determine the identity of an opposing player (as stated in the rules above).
Hunter - The Hunter, if he chooses, will protect or kill a target player.
Scribe - The Scribe, if he chooses to do so, may document the actions of a special.
Tiger/Dragon factions - Simultaneously, both will attempt to kill/recruit/initiate a player.

Victory Conditions:
The Tiger faction wins by killing/recruiting all opposing players.
The Dragon faction wins by killing/recruiting all opposing players.
The townspeople win by killing all faction MEMBERS. (of both sides)
Recruits will win or lose with their Faction.

The game will begin with the night cycle


Q: If an Innocent or Support role has been recruited into a faction, how will they be revealed if killed?
A: Faction.

Q: Do any of the support roles maintain their abilities once recruited?
A: Yes. They all do.

Q:In the event that an action is blocked, will any explanation of what happened be given to any of the players?
A:No. Just that the action was unsuccessful, other than described under Engineer.

Q: Are the Engineer's "toys" permanent until set off or disarmed by the thief?
A: Yes.

Q: If the engineer plants a mine near Bubba and Cindy tries to attack or recruit Bubba (that night or any subsequent night while the mine is still there), then Cindy will die. The people will learn that Cindy stepped on a mine, but will not learn whom Cindy was trying to attack/recruit. Is that right?
A: Yes.

Q: If the engineer plants an alarm near Bubba and Cindy tries to attack or recruit Bubba (that night or any subsequent night while the alarm is still there), then Cindy will be rebuffed. The people will learn that Bubba's alarm went off, but will not learn that Cindy is the one who triggered it. Is that right?
A: Yes.

Q: If the Thief scores a gadget, does he have the ability to redeploy it? Or is it destroyed in the removal?
A: The Thief cannot redeploy gadgets. They are destroyed during removal.

Q: If Alfie and Beth (the Tigers) try to kill Nora and the two Dragons, Opal and Percy, also try to kill Nora, that Nora will die? Two attempted assassinations don't cancel each other out, but instead reinforce one another, yes?
A: No. Both factions essentially call off the assassination as they do not want to draw unwanted attention to their attempt to kill a target.

Q: What if Nora is protected by a mine. Who loses a team member?
A: Neither as both factions would have called off their assassination attempts.

Q: what happens if the engineer gets recruited. Does s/he get to keep the ability to mine people? Because if s/he does why wouldn't they mine all of their side so no one can kill them without losing their own.
A: At the start of the game, the engineer does not know who the other townspeople are so he won't know who to protect. Once recruited, he would definitely want to protect his own teammates but with only being able to deploy one gadget 2 or 3 rounds, his ability to proactively protect his teammates is limited.

Q: How is it one finds out what faction they belong to again?
A: The moderator will inform the recruited player that they have been recruited by the Tiger or Dragon faction. If the recruit is assigned a task (recruit/assassinate) then a member will inform the moderator and the moderator will inform the faction of the outcome, and the recruit of his activity.

Q: So you don't know the guy is on their side or unaligned as all the possibilities that prevent an action give no further info, right?
A: Correct. When an action is blocked, the factions will not know the exact reason why. It's possible that if Andrew's recruitment is blocked that the Dragons will assume that Andrew's a Tiger and kill him next round.

Q: So what does the Faction know about their recruits status?
A: The Factions will know that their recruit attempt failed or succeeded. If the recruit is knocked back into the Townsfolk pool, any attempt (other than another recruiting) will result in a failed result.
"Where are you off to?"
"I don't know," Snufkin replied.
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Sweet sweet meat come. -LordMortis
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Re: The Faction War (WW)

Post by Chaosraven »

"Where are you off to?"
"I don't know," Snufkin replied.
The door shut again and Snufkin entered his forest, with a hundred miles of silence ahead of him.

Sweet sweet meat come. -LordMortis
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Re: The Faction War (WW)

Post by Chaosraven »

"Where are you off to?"
"I don't know," Snufkin replied.
The door shut again and Snufkin entered his forest, with a hundred miles of silence ahead of him.

Sweet sweet meat come. -LordMortis
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Re: The Faction War (WW)

Post by stessier »

Very interesting. Has this one been run before? I'd love to see how long it took to play out.
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Re: The Faction War (WW)

Post by Remus West »

Look for the light/dark game setaside ran. This is a second attempt at that one.
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