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DnD Game 3 - Western/Eastern Struggle

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:06 pm
by Chaosraven
Kehama - Bard

Hemlock Bones - Cleric

ChrisGrenard - Thug

Zaxxon - Wizard

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:07 pm
by ChrisGrenard

Re: DnD Game 3 - party assembles

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:18 pm
by ChrisGrenard

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:31 pm
by Chaosraven
The Land is torn between two Great Human Kings, Devron of the West and Markos of the East.

The Elves keep a constant vigil as the battles rage near their Northern Border. Do they favor one side over the other?

The Legions of Mercenary Orcs swarm the Villages like Locusts, with their "Foraging" sanctioned by the Lords from whom they receive their coin. Returning to their Homeland in the South only to Leave their Loot with the Tribe and undertake another Service for the King.

The Dwarven Lands of the West feel pressured by Devron and have gathered in an effort to keep from Enlstment in his mad war.

The Barbarian Dwarves of the East stand ready to take whatever offer Markos may make, and crush him if he show them weakness.

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:38 pm
by Chaosraven
Each party member may have One of the Following:

A Frost +1 Weapon of Choice
+2 Armor of Choice
Amulet of Natural Armor +2

The party comes equipped with the following 4 Items:
1 Handy Haversack
1 Bag of Holding Type I
1 Boots of Elvenkind
1 Ring of Sustenance

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:41 pm
by Chaosraven
Beginning cash for additional expenses: 300gp each

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:52 pm
by ChrisGrenard
/ooc Just so everybody knows, our best spot check is +1. Observant, we are not.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 12:00 am
by Austin
Can I be a monster? Wait, is this LotRO?

I've never played D&D. Always wanted to. I'll be watching to see if it's something to try in the future.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 12:34 am
by Chaosraven
ChrisGrenard wrote:/ooc Just so everybody knows, our best spot check is +1. Observant, we are not.
Maybe better to just not Set Watch at night :twisted:

Austin: a D&D game may actually break out between these players sometime soon


Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 11:21 am
by Hemlock Bones
Chaosraven wrote:Each party member may have One of the Following:

A Frost +1 Weapon of Choice
+2 Armor of Choice
Amulet of Natural Armor +2

The party comes equipped with the following 4 Items:
1 Handy Haversack
1 Bag of Holding Type I
1 Boots of Elvenkind
1 Ring of Sustenance
I think that our bard should have the Boots of Elvenkind. Wizard needs bag of holding, I need the handy haversack, and the ....uh ... pugalist can have the ring of sustenance.

Ok, I think I'm outfitted:
- Morningstar
- Dagger
- Healer's kit
- +2 Full Plate/Shield
- Wooden Holy Symbol
- Light Warhorse
* Tack
* Military Saddle
* Saddle Bags
- Explorer's outfit
- Traveler's outfit
- Cold weather outfit
- Books (3 scholarly works concerning the planes "borrowed" from temple)
- Pack mule
* Pack
- Bedroll, blanket, Canvas (4sq/yd), Rope(100'), Grappling hook, 2 waterskins, Pot, 2qt oil, Artisan's tools, 2 10' poles

Which leaves me with 16 gold, 1 silver.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 11:44 am
by ChrisGrenard
Alright, so when I'm talking in character from here out, I'll use color.

Trok tok liik dis

And the ring of sustenance seems to be made for whomever is our watch. But if I get assigned to watch, about the only thing I'm good for is walking in a circle, looking menacing and singing Trok trok trok trok trok trok trok trok to the tune of the song that ends with "Chaarge!"

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:44 am
by Hemlock Bones
ChrisGrenard wrote:Alright, so when I'm talking in character from here out, I'll use color.

Trok tok liik dis
Good thing, otherwise I wouldn't be able to tell. :D
Seriously, that's a good idea. I'll use this color

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 2:17 pm
by Kehama
Oy! I be guessin' ye lunkheads wanna see all me shinies, eh? Afraid ol' Gorum's gonna forget 'is toothbrush, aren't ye? Figured as much. Jus' ter be on the safe side I went ahead and wrote m'self out a list of everythin' I'm bringin' with me. Dunna' want the halfie thinkin' my stuff is his, ya know. I remember the last time he decided that my boots were 'is. Don't matter none that he couldna even get a toe in 'em. Still had himself convinced they was 'is. Took me a good solid 5 hours of cussin' and bribin' to get 'em back. Well not this time! Here's me list o' stuff.
Thieve's Tools
Spell Component Pouch
Entertainer's Outfit
Traveler's Outfit
Light Horse
Bit and Bridle
Riding Saddle
Climber's Kit
Tindertwig x5
Rope, silk (50ft)
Oil (1-pint flask)x5
Lantern, hooded
Cold Weather outfit
Canvas (2Sq. yd)
Map Case
Chalk x5
Ink (1oz. vial)
Parchment (3 sheets)
Rations, trail (5 days)
Pole, 10ft
Waterskin x3
9 gold
And if ye be doubtin' that then just take a blasted look at me! Ne'er let it be said we dwarfs don't come prepared!

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 4:54 pm
by ChrisGrenard
So I was probably going to take a great axe or a great sword. Would there be much opposition to this being the Frost Weapon, as I think I'm going to be the primary melee damage guy?

In addition, could somebody make me a list of standard stuff I need and the cost? Rations and whatnot. Assume Trok is too dumb to buy stuff for himself and thus you have to help him out.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:30 pm
by ChrisGrenard

Trok could probably haul a cart behind him if we needed the space. Seeing as he could punch out a horse, a cart shouldn't be a problem.

Spiked Armor seems nice since Trok has the extremely good grapple skills. 1d6 damage for grappling might be worth it. In addition, I could get the chain shirt +2 that we have lying around, or if somebody could tell me how to calculate the cost of +1 armor that would work.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 11:13 am
by Hemlock Bones
Chris, you get your choice of weapon of frost or +2 armor or amulet of natural armor +2. I'm more inclined to go with magic armor and regular weapon, but that's up to you.

I thnk Great Axe (large) fits your character plus spiked gauntlets for hand-to-hand. I'd suggest Breastplate armor w/spikes, that just seems to "fit" his description. So, either your Axe is Frost = +1 to hit, 3d6 + 1-6 cold + 7 strength damage. Or you have Breastplate + 2 for AC 10 (basic) + 5 (Breastplate) + 2 (magic) + 1 (dex) = 18 (16 non-magic).

I'll put together a suggested equipment list for you.

[edit]Just saw where your char sheet said light armor so I guess it's chain shirt for you which is AC +4[/edit]

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:12 pm
by Kehama
Bah! Come on halfie! You and me are gonna go down a pint or three while we wait on that skinny little finger wiggler to finish shopping. *grumble* Shoulda known better 'an to let a wizard go off by hisself. Prolly arguin' with the shopkeep over the way 'e's got 'is books organized or 'bout how he spelled the name of his shop and if it's Elvish or Planar in origin. Bah!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 2:07 pm
by ChrisGrenard
Alright, here we go:

A large Greataxe would give me 3d6 + 8 attack modifier, right? So essentially 11 to 24 damage. But I'd take a -2 penalty towards the attack roll. (20 gp)

A net seems like it could be useful. I'm not sure of my character's ability to use it though. (20 gp)

A chain shirt is indeed the best armor I can use. I guess it would be worth 4 armor, unless I can get a +1 on it somehow. Or use that enchanted armor we've got. (100gp)

Armor spikes seem like they'll be a lot of fun. (50gp)

I have also contemplated a few Javelins. Again, not sure of the effectiveness of these on my guy. (1gp each)

Trok only eats MEAT. So he'll need several pounds of it, though I'm not sure how much is right. (3 sp per .5lb)

A cart might be useful for you guys to sit in while I haul you around, or for holding extra crap. Like a rickshaw. (15 gp)

A portable ram might be useful, but I'm not sure it fits with the character. (10 gp)

Caltrops sound like a lot of fun. I would enjoy taking several pounds of these. (1 gp per bag)

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 2:22 pm
by Hemlock Bones
Your Great Axe can be Frost +1 OR your armor can be +2.

Where do you get a -2 on the attack roll? [edit] I'm thinking you are big enough to use a large Great Axe. If not, just use a medium one (1-12)[/edit]

You would be wise to equip yourself with more that just fighting gear, Trok. Somethings can't be dealt with with just a menacing scowl and punch, such as weather.

Kehama, don't get our friend drunk before we're ready to leave. I'd hate to be run out of town before we're ready. Speaking of which, don't do too many song requests. The locals may not be as.. ah.. appreciative of fine dwarven song as we.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 2:29 pm
by ChrisGrenard
I think I might take the armor +2. Partially because the chainmail is so dang expensive, and I probably do more than enough damage as is.

The -2 is due to the Axe being Large, while I am only a medium creature. Otherwise, I would only get a 1d12 axe, not a 3d6 axe... I think.

As for extra equipment, I went through the list, and I have trouble thinking that Trok would recognise that he needed stuff. I think in game I can play it as though you guys can buy stuff for him, just by tricking him into giving you his money. "Hey Trok, I have meat, you give me lots of coins for meat, yes?" "OOOOO MEAT YEAH HUH"

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 3:18 pm
by Hemlock Bones
Trok, give me your shiny coins and I'll get you meat, drink, and things to hurt others with.

Code: Select all

                         Cost        Weight
Chain Shirt             100           25
w/spikes                 50           10

Backpack	               2            2
Bedroll                   0.1          5
Blanket                   0.5          3
Block and tackle          5            5
Caltrops                  1            2
Chain                    30            2
Crowbar                   2            5
Belt pouch                1            0.5
Rope, silk 50'           10            5
2 Waterskins              2            8
Grappling hook            1            4
2 sacks                   0.2          1

Traveler's outfit         1            5
Cold weather outfit       8            7

Rations(meat) 2/wks       2.8          4.5

Shipping and handling    20

                total:  236.6 g       93.0 lb
Which leaves you with 63g 4s

Take the Great Axe of Frost (med) +1 hit 1-12 slashing dmg 1-6 cold dmg. Best defense is killing things fast.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 3:47 pm
by Kehama
Hey! Preachy boy! Me name be Gorum! Make sure ye remember it right or I'll be tattooin' it on your backside so ye won't forget it! *psht* Humans and their short memories.
And what's that about not singin!? I'll have ye know I'm famous in taverns far and wide for me song "Hungar the Hung and little Miss Dipsy" Just one performance o' that one and I could get us all enough free food for a week! The barkeeps love it when I stop by! They're gare-oan-teed a full house! Not sing! Blast! Might as well tell ye to not pray, or Trok to not drool! It's just not done!
*shrill whistle* Hey greenie! Get yer backside over here! We've got us some drinkin' to do! Oh, and donna worry, we'll bring back some tea fer the preacher.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 4:03 pm
by ChrisGrenard
Enjoy your 20 gold you made, Hemlock ;)

I updated my character and added a few other things, like Javalins and that net and a few more caltrops.


Edit: Hey Hemlock, how is your AC at 25? I thought 20 was about the max...

Edit 2: Do I get the Ring of Sustenance? My spot and listen checks are only -2 and I have Darkvision, and at least you guys will be warned when an arrow hits me in the middle of the night.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 4:48 pm
by Hemlock Bones
Where did you see an Armor class max? I missed that rule.

AC = 10 (Base) + 10 (Plate +2) + 4 (Hvy Shield +2) + 1 (Dex) = 25

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 4:54 pm
by ChrisGrenard
Hemlock Bones wrote:Where did you see an Armor class max? I missed that rule.

AC = 10 (Base) + 10 (Plate +2) + 4 (Hvy Shield +2) + 1 (Dex) = 25
I just don't understand the game properly. See, when I look at the list of stuff, I see that plate costs 1,500 gp, which seems like we couldn't afford it unless we used that special +2 armor deal for free thing for you. Which could be where that extra +2 is coming from.

But then I also see that a Heavy Shield is 2 armor, and I don't get where the extra 2 armor comes from on that.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 5:08 pm
by Hemlock Bones
Yes, instead of taking a weapon of frost, I chose +2 plate armor as my freebie. I've asked CR if a shield is included in that, but he's not responded yet. If not, I'll have to buy a shield and my AC will end up 23 instead.

In DnD, if you don't ask you don't get. :)

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 5:10 pm
by ChrisGrenard
Hemlock Bones wrote:Yes, instead of taking a weapon of frost, I chose +2 plate armor as my freebie. I've asked CR if a shield is included in that, but he's not responded yet. If not, I'll have to buy a shield and my AC will end up 23 instead.

In DnD, if you don't ask you don't get. :)
Aha. That's one helluva bonus. 1500 gold worth of armor...

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 5:11 pm
by coopasonic
ChrisGrenard wrote:
Hemlock Bones wrote:Yes, instead of taking a weapon of frost, I chose +2 plate armor as my freebie. I've asked CR if a shield is included in that, but he's not responded yet. If not, I'll have to buy a shield and my AC will end up 23 instead.

In DnD, if you don't ask you don't get. :)
Aha. That's one helluva bonus. 1500 gold worth of armor...
Far, far more than that. 1500 gold would be for non-magical Full Plate.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 5:12 pm
by ChrisGrenard
Good point. But I guess we shouldn't always be counting on him to cast spells correctly on the first try with that armor. ;)

Edit: I just learned that by using a 2H weapon, I get 1.5x on my strength multiplier. That should boost me to... let me calculate here and see if I'm doing it right...

Oh... pages are down. Will edit in my assumption soon.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 5:14 pm
by coopasonic
The spell failure stat is for Arcane casting, a cleric is a Divine caster and isn't affected by the armor. At least that is how I'm understanding it.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 5:31 pm
by Hemlock Bones
coopasonic wrote:The spell failure stat is for Arcane casting, a cleric is a Divine caster and isn't affected by the armor. At least that is how I'm understanding it.
Yeah, there's no failure for Divine magic.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 5:41 pm
by Chaosraven
STR damage bonus for 2handed = 1.5 normal yes.

No, a shield would not be included as a +2 item. Must be purchased.

Divine spell caster does not suffer from arcane spell falure.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 5:56 pm
by ChrisGrenard
I'm rounding up on that 1.5 multiplier. If that's a problem, please tell me and I'll round down instead. As my teacher always said, .5 rounds up.

So, by my calculations, if I get a critical hit with my axe, followed by a roll of 8 on the d12, then I get a 2 or better on the d6 roll for frost, I get into "Massive Damage" territory. Which sounds awesome. For massive damage.

Which, from reading, implies that even a dragon or something would have to roll to survive that.

Now to look up how armor interacts with damage...

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:04 pm
by Chaosraven
If you are looking for a PD/DR Gurps style you may soil yourself.

Armor represents the ability to NOT GET HIT in D&D it doesn't offer Damage Reducton from getting hit under normal circumstances.

There are creatures and abilities out there with damage reduction.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:11 pm
by ChrisGrenard
Chaosraven wrote:If you are looking for a PD/DR Gurps style you may soil yourself.

Armor represents the ability to NOT GET HIT in D&D it doesn't offer Damage Reducton from getting hit under normal circumstances.

There are creatures and abilities out there with damage reduction.
I see. Still going through that d20 site to learn more...

edit: I'm going to assume that the deal is that you roll a d20 and that roll, plus your "total attack bonus" has to be higher than the target's AC to hit. Thus, it looks like for most bad guys unless they get a 20 off the bat, they can't hit Hemlock.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:10 pm
by Chaosraven
In general terms yes, a d20 gets rolled and attack modifier gets added where you try to achieve the AC of the target.

There are various modifiers that come into play.

Then with a hit, you do damage equal to the weapon plus mods.

Critical damage is based on the roll of the d20 (not including mods)

Additionally there are Touch Attacks and Flat Footed Defense.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:50 pm
by Chaosraven
Bardic Knowledge

A bard may make a special bardic knowledge check with a bonus equal to his bard level + his Intelligence modifier to see whether he knows some relevant information about local notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places. (If the bard has 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (history), he gains a +2 bonus on this check.)

A successful bardic knowledge check will not reveal the powers of a magic item but may give a hint as to its general function. A bard may not take 10 or take 20 on this check; this sort of knowledge is essentially random.
DC Type of Knowledge
10 Common, known by at least a substantial minority of the local population.
20 Uncommon but available, known by only a few people legends.
25 Obscure, known by few, hard to come by.
30 Extremely obscure, known by very few, possibly forgotten by most who once knew it, possibly known only by those who don’t understand the significance of the knowledge.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:54 pm
by Chaosraven
If I read the sheet correctly, Bard2 +Int3 +2(knowHistory), I need a

Bardic Knowledge check at +7 from Gorum.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 11:10 pm
by Hemlock Bones
Where does my family stand in this war? Let me rephrase, in which kingdom is my family estate, or somewhere else? Perhaps I have wandered farther than I think.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 11:39 pm
by Chaosraven
Based on the notes in your character, if assassination and intrigue were involved Devron is the King of the Mad War. Markos is a bit more stable, personality wise.