Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by RevHempus71 »

Chaosraven wrote:The Collected Works of Vorret
Vorret wrote:But.... I'm Canadian?
Vorret wrote: RMC 

I never was allowed in that pillow fort!!!
Vorret wrote:Am I going to be invited in the pool or is it exclusive to a certain group of people like the pillow fort?
Vorret wrote:
RevHempus71 wrote:Pool party, and I was not invited.

I have the "cigars".

Again? You really do enjoy voting for me :P
Vorret wrote:Im in the middle of moving to a new place so i might not post as much everything will be back to normal on Thursday or Friday !
Vorret wrote:First...

 wd rmc 

This wouldn't have happen if it wasn't of that darned pillow fort.
Vorret wrote:theo is rarely quiet I wouldn't vote him off based on that probably just some odd timing, purge on the other hand has a bad habit of gowing Awol
Vorret wrote:Offing someone because of an error on a vote count is not the best reason in the world :|

What else do we have to work with here? Votes on RMC? Too early to use I guess... I guess I would have suspected Newcastle but ooops ;)
Vorret wrote:Yeah ok


I prefer my vote on Purge than Scoop!
Vorret wrote: wd Purge 

A classic legendary start !!! :grund:
Vorret wrote:
RMC wrote:
Chaosraven wrote:Of course, reminding a guy who has shown a proclivity for offing his teammates may not be the wisest move...
Man, did Purge just make a RMC is shooting blanks jokes??? I have three kids, I'll have you know. :)
Many things can happen when you're out campaigning :ninja:
Vorret wrote:What's the risk if we delay?
Let's say we let purge live, RMC does whatever he feels like doing... if he dies tonight since he's weird and didn't protect himself we can then get purge to rez RMC if he refuses he's a wolf and we kill him...

Doing this gives us the option of killing another random opponent, maybe nailing a wolf in the process and we're not stuck with wondering whether newcastle was switched or whether purge was switched...

Am I making any sense here?
Vorret wrote:I don't know... In a way I kinda agree that Scoop isn't acting like full blown usual non dangerous Scoop so there's that but that's really it, I still don't see the vote thing as a big deal.

Then again, we do need this to move forward and I doubt a wolf (or wolves) would push on a vote for someone they'd simply hop on the bandwagon .... I guess....

Ugh :grund:
Vorret wrote:the last 2 trains I was on were specials... I'm scared :?
Vorret wrote:Well this is not good... unless our seer got a few lucky scans we really are doomed :cry:
A few?
Vorret wrote:I agree we need to use the Rez.

I'd also like to point out that RMC sucks at making threat list :shock:
Vorret wrote:We also have one scan so technically we can have 2 more proven... we need the rez to have a chance at a 2nd scan
And now you know there's only one
Vorret wrote:
El Guapo wrote:I can see how you might not want to use the rez right now, since there are no dead democrats to rez.

Doesn't matter really, pick one of the two and hit the rez button.
Vorret wrote:I don't mind waiting till Monday but IF he was still a rep would he really have waited on the rez?
Vorret wrote:
bb2112 wrote:
Vorret wrote:I don't mind waiting till Monday but IF he was still a rep would he really have waited on the rez?
Doubtful. 7 people came forward and said use the rez and he is the only one who is hesitating. I feel fairly comfortable voting Purge off the island at this point, but I would rather have a concensus in case others aren't. I can understand why some people would be hesitant due to we are done if Purge ends up being a republican. Our game rides on getting this right.
True that... alrgiht let's wait till monday and then make a decision, I'm guessing from the lack of communication, that our seer is either dead or has no good information to share with us :cry:
Vorret wrote:
RevHempus71 wrote:I think the Seer should stay quiet for now. 1st we deal with the purge/rez situation.
I dunno, if he doesn't come out , we kill purge (possible scenario) and he gets killed overnight we're REALLY screwed. If he speaks up he can get protected tonight (Sacrifies RMC but 1 more scan) and might net us the win.

Anyway that's how I see it, could be wrong, but I'm assuming he's scanned only republicans so far (or he's dead).
Vorret wrote: Purge 

Let's cross our fingers now ...
Vorret wrote:
purge wrote:Either way, I've decided not to rez today. Impeach me if you have to.

lol , can you make it more obvious?
Vorret wrote:I think right now the seer needs to come out to he can be protected, sure it sacrifices RMC but he's more than likely dead anyway.

Obviously this implies that our seer is actually alive...
All my provoking and such since this post from CR was for entertainment purposes only. I believe our Seer 99.99999%. I also believe that Vorret IS CRs suspect #1. I trust the instincts of a good CR.
Sheesh...... May I please get out of the corner now???? I promise to behave........
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by Chaosraven »

not top suspect, just the first of the three I gathered (all I had time for before sleep and work)
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by Chaosraven »

bb2112 wrote:
El Guapo wrote:Checking in! I'm a Republican. You can trust me because I would totally say that I was a democrat if I was. So since I didn't, you know that I am a republican.
Well if he says he is, it must be true. I don't care what CR says about El G, I believe him.
bb2112 wrote:Hit the easy button.

bb2112 wrote:
Isgrimnur wrote: RMC 
is no moon, he's a space station!
That's no moon...


Triggercut Principle :D

Ow! This makes brain hurt...
bb2112 wrote:
Newcastle wrote:
Chaosraven wrote:
Newcastle wrote:
Moliere wrote:
Newcastle wrote:Maybe that's why the signups been lackluster?
I wouldn't call 11 signups "lackluster". It's only a few slackers like you that are preventing this game from filling to the ideal 14 players.
Dont have the time right now for a WW game. If i signed up, it wouldnt have the attention I'd like to give it.
thought we were going to give  Newcastle 
the time off he needed

/looks up from the cement truck
/looks back at his cement pool
/panics as he sees cushiony carla come up to the surface
Hehehe, and slowly Newcastle gets sucked in... :D
bb2112 wrote::clap: :lol: :clap:
bb2112 wrote:
El Guapo wrote: Purge 

Hasn't said anything other than a note about Canadian political parties (who are more left-wing than American political parties in general). Plus purging is something that happens mostly in communist countries.
Or bulimics...
bb2112 wrote:RMC, got anything to say?
bb2112 wrote: Withdraw RMC 

Well that was interesting. So NC got the dirt nap he was requesting, although not in the expected way.
bb2112 wrote: Theohall 

Uncharacteristically quiet. And I don't think he is out hunting wabbits.
bb2112 wrote:WTH, we have to move this thing forward somehow. I still like Theo, but if everyone is moving away from that, meh.

bb2112 wrote:
Scoop20906 wrote:
bb2112 wrote:WTH, we have to move this thing forward somehow. I still like Theo, but if everyone is moving away from that, meh.

That's 5 votes and n-1.

 Remove Purge 

Not looking to see something else killed without a discussion first.
purge wrote:Don't know what to tell you guys. Test me if you must, but I'm no democrat.

I haven't been on OO in a while, it just isn't in my online routine. But with all this love, I can't imagine not being here longer. :wub:

Leaving my vote on El Guapo. He voted for me first, and I'm standing by the TP. (no, not that kind of TP)
He has responded... So what additional discussion are you thinking is going to happen?

At this point, the only thing we know for sure is when you give RMC a gun he is going to shoot someone in the face at the first opportunity.
bb2112 wrote: Scoop20906 
bb2112 wrote:I can't tell if Scoop is just being Scoop or if there is fire there. I still like Theo, but Purge seems like a safe choice. Purge did get to N-2 and didn't really say anything... Rev is also creeping me out.
bb2112 wrote:I just noticed that early on Rev and Theo were voting for each other. Filing that away.
bb2112 wrote: Purge 

We need to move forward at some point...
bb2112 wrote:Sorry, was out all day at one of our manufacturing plants and just catching up now. Holy crap! Day 1 outings at OO strikes again. Does Reagan just want to step forward now and save us a couple of days in outing him? (Please don't.) I am not sure how I feel about all this yet. This game is so screwy with all the possible permutations. I need to think and I'm too tired to do it now. Will respond more coherently tomorrow.

 Withdraw Purge 
bb2112 wrote:
Vorret wrote:
RMC wrote:
Chaosraven wrote:Of course, reminding a guy who has shown a proclivity for offing his teammates may not be the wisest move...
Man, did Purge just make a RMC is shooting blanks jokes??? I have three kids, I'll have you know. :)
Many things can happen when you're out campaigning :ninja:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
bb2112 wrote:Thinking about this...

Although I like the protection chicken scenario of RMC/Protector/Shooter of Fellow Republicans, and then potentially rezzing him if fails so we get the protection chicken game for another day, this course of action is pretty risky. It assumes Purge is Liincoln (although if Purge is not Lincoln it was pretty stupid to claim a provable role, so I only have to assume he is telling the truth), and it assumes Purge/Lincoln will not get converted before he gets a chance to use his rez ability. Having the rez in the hands of the dems is too powerful to chance. Even if we have RMC protect Purge/Lincoln tonight, if Purge gets converted, RMC dies, Lincoln is now an evil Dem with the rez ability in the wrong hands, and we get nothing.

Unless someone has a better idea, I think Purge has to rez NC today.
bb2112 wrote:
Isgrimnur wrote:We're going to have to kill purge eventually. There's no way around it. Whether it's now or later is the call. If we can get a good rez out of him, later is better.
Sort of. Killing him is important and should probably be done, however, the only question of concern right at this moment is do we have Purge use the rez now or later. If it is later, then we run the risk of losing the rez for the republicans.
bb2112 wrote:
RMC wrote:
bb2112 wrote:
Isgrimnur wrote:We're going to have to kill purge eventually. There's no way around it. Whether it's now or later is the call. If we can get a good rez out of him, later is better.
Sort of. Killing him is important and should probably be done, however, the only question of concern right at this moment is do we have Purge use the rez now or later. If it is later, then we run the risk of losing the rez for the republicans.
We should get a wolf before we talk about killing one of our own first, don't cha think?
RMC, you are so bloodthirsty! You want another bullet for your gun, don't you? The main focus of my point was not the killing. It was the rez.
bb2112 wrote:
RevHempus71 wrote:Ok, I get that. So if we are going to go that way. Why don't we all give our top 3 and see where the commonalities are.

Mine still are Theohall, Isgrimnur, El Guapo.
For a day zero and not much to go on, my list comprises of Theohall, Scoop, and I am flipping back and forth between Rev or El Guapo for my third.

Theohall - not as passionate as in other games. Some passion with Scoop, but at this point I think these two are the most likely wolves and they are playing off each other in the early game to throw suspicion. I am used to the frothing at the mouth, vehement, Theo, whether he is wrong or right, he knows what he knows, and he is not afraid to lead a charge with pitch fork in hand.

Scoop - Took his vote off Purge at N-2. The timing of N-2 or N-1 doesn't really concern me as much as this is Scoop being careful. Since when is Scoop careful and backs off when someone is close to N? Also Purge commented before Scoop removed his vote and it seemed from his comment that he was just regular Joe the plumber. Maybe that is because he knew he was at N-2 and that he still had time for a reveal, but Scoop didn't. Isn't there a term we use when someone jumps on an N-1 vote and kills someone before we get adequate information from the victim? Hmmm, what would that term be...? This whole byplay smells of a wolf trying to be cautious for the good of team "good guy" when we know damn well that Scoop is anything but cautious. Fun, entertaining player, but caution is not one of his vitues. I would even bet if you gave Scoop a gun he would use it on Day 0 without even talking about it with the rest of the group first. Not that anyone would do that. :P

Rev - I haven't played a whole lot with Rev, but it seems like his easy going attitude is convenient. That is why he creeps me out. I admit, thin, but I just have a weird feeling. And like Unagi, I kind have to go with my feelings sometimes.
El Guapo - El G is very good player, in my opinion, one of the best. Again, just a vague feeling of "he is fooling me again" keeps running through my head when I read his posts.

I am not a huge fan of either of my #3 votes. I feel my gut is talking to me more than any glaring evidence, unlike with the first two. I am convinced at least one of my top two choices are wolves, if not both. I guess as convinced at Day 0 as I can get.
bb2112 wrote:
Scoop20906 wrote:
bb2112 wrote: Scoop - Took his vote off Purge at N-2. The timing of N-2 or N-1 doesn't really concern me as much as this is Scoop being careful. Since when is Scoop careful and backs off when someone is close to N? Also Purge commented before Scoop removed his vote and it seemed from his comment that he was just regular Joe the plumber. Maybe that is because he knew he was at N-2 and that he still had time for a reveal, but Scoop didn't. Isn't there a term we use when someone jumps on an N-1 vote and kills someone before we get adequate information from the victim? Hmmm, what would that term be...? This whole byplay smells of a wolf trying to be cautious for the good of team "good guy" when we know damn well that Scoop is anything but cautious. Fun, entertaining player, but caution is not one of his vitues. I would even bet if you gave Scoop a gun he would use it on Day 0 without even talking about it with the rest of the group first. Not that anyone would do that. :P
Et Tu Brutus?

I feel it necessary to point out that not one page earlier we needlessly outted a special and then to make things worse when we could have waited forced the issue to the point that said special shot somebody. All out Day Zero. I think my caution in this circumstance was warranted and all I really wanted was to give purge a chance to have his say before someone through a vote on him. Miscounting the votes has been a problem for several players. If you want to assign designs to that whatevs.
I hear you, I just don't believe you. Sorry, you just sound insincere, and when you pulled your vote you over reacted. Something you are ignoring is that Purge responded when you thought he was N-1. If you thought he was being genuine and that you needed to pull your vote, you could have said that. Instead you pulled your vote, for lack of a better term, " for the good of the village." In your mind Purge was at N-1, what else was he going to say? Purge said he was a nobody, so worst case scenario for all you knew you were going to off a villager. What are the odds if Purge is a wolf he would tell the truth anyway? Why was it so important for you to pull your vote in case of a "Scooping?" There are some people I could see potentially doing that, but not our Scoop.

Sorry, it looks to me like you were being a helpful villager because you knew Purge is not a wolf. And when Purge gets vindicated as a non-wolf you can say "see guys, I told you so," and try to garner some traction on having people believe you are innocent. Until Purge came out as Lincoln (and we are still not 100% certain on that claim), you should have had no idea of his innocence. The way you reacted makes me think you knew he was innocent.

bb2112 wrote:
Scoop20906 wrote:Thats incorrect BB2112 as least to my recollection. When I pulled my vote I thought Purge was at N-1. When he made his "Im a nobody" announcement it was before that when he was N-2 or less. And you know historically everyone claims nobody until they are forced to announce at N-1. What is so hard for everyone to get about this?

I'm starting to think we have a theohall, BB2112 team here now.

Just as I thought: Benghazi!
Nope. Go reread the timeline. I'm going to sit back and let others play for a while.
bb2112 wrote:
RevHempus71 wrote:So I call for a vote. This is going nuts.

I feel dirty. Theohall is voting with me and I'm agreeing with Rev. I think I need a shower.

6 votes out of 10 and no clear consensus.

Moliere, can we add a time limit to how long a day should last?
bb2112 wrote:
Moliere wrote:Newcastle has replaced Semaj.

The land has been torn asunder. Brother against brother. Forum member against forum member. Everyone has an opinion and if only the other side would shut the hell up they would understand why they’re wrong. Within this chaos a chosen few rise up to the challenge and accept the responsibilities of leadership: women and power. The political landscape is once again up for grabs. It will be up to the Republican caucus to locate the Democrat infiltrators before choosing their next leader.

There is now a quorum. I convene the first day of the Committee on Locating Democrats. A roll call vote will be maintained during the debate until a majority of six votes are cast and then the meeting is immediately adjourned.
Ugh 13 days with no end in sight...
bb2112 wrote:
bb2112 wrote:
Moliere wrote:Newcastle has replaced Semaj.

The land has been torn asunder. Brother against brother. Forum member against forum member. Everyone has an opinion and if only the other side would shut the hell up they would understand why they’re wrong. Within this chaos a chosen few rise up to the challenge and accept the responsibilities of leadership: women and power. The political landscape is once again up for grabs. It will be up to the Republican caucus to locate the Democrat infiltrators before choosing their next leader.

There is now a quorum. I convene the first day of the Committee on Locating Democrats. A roll call vote will be maintained during the debate until a majority of six votes are cast and then the meeting is immediately adjourned.
Ugh 13 days with no end in sight...
Day 14 we gathered one more vote and no closer to a majority...
bb2112 wrote:No votes: Issy, El G, Vorret
bb2112 wrote:
bb2112 wrote:
bb2112 wrote:
Moliere wrote:Newcastle has replaced Semaj.

The land has been torn asunder. Brother against brother. Forum member against forum member. Everyone has an opinion and if only the other side would shut the hell up they would understand why they’re wrong. Within this chaos a chosen few rise up to the challenge and accept the responsibilities of leadership: women and power. The political landscape is once again up for grabs. It will be up to the Republican caucus to locate the Democrat infiltrators before choosing their next leader.

There is now a quorum. I convene the first day of the Committee on Locating Democrats. A roll call vote will be maintained during the debate until a majority of six votes are cast and then the meeting is immediately adjourned.
Ugh 13 days with no end in sight...
Day 14 we gathered one more vote and no closer to a majority...
Day 15 and counting

No votes: El G, Vorret

Although it is the weekend and participation does tend to drop on weekends...
bb2112 wrote:
El Guapo wrote: Anyway, guess the next step is to find out that theohall is Reagan.
Don't say that. That would suck.

Theo N-1

Any thing to say?
bb2112 wrote: Theohall 

And let's hope you are lying.
bb2112 wrote:Crap
bb2112 wrote:Doomed
bb2112 wrote:
RMC wrote:Okay, here it goes:
RevHempus71 -
Vorret -
Chaosraven -
bb2112 -
Scoop20906 -
El Guapo -
purge -
Proven good guy:

3 Wolves in the rest of this:
Vorret -
Chaosraven -
bb2112 -
Scoop20906 -
El Guapo -
purge -

We need a Rez to prove Purge, or whomever else does the Rez would disprove Purge.
Of course I guess I could have killed Lincoln, and Purge is actually spoofing, and in that case we have lost already.

Assuming Purge is not lying and is Lincoln, then 3 wolves in this:
Vorret -
Chaosraven -
bb2112 -
Scoop20906 -
El Guapo -

Also, we should have a scan today as well to see. I am guessing we need that person to speak up as well. Right? We are very close to losing already and need to confirm as many people today. And yes the conversion means I am the only one that is ever really good, so I will be a target of the wolves. :)
3 Wolves in the rest of this:
Vorret -
Chaosraven -
bb2112 -
Scoop20906 -
El Guapo -
purge -
Rev -

You forgot one.

Definitely need the rez today.
bb2112 wrote:Right now we have 8. Most likely breaks down to 5/3 assuming the used their conversion.

Miss today 4/3
Night kill 3/3

Game over with only one miss

Use Rez and it turns into 9. Most likely breaks down to 6/3 assuming the used their conversion.

Miss today 5/3
Night kill 4/3
Miss tomorrow 3/3

Gives us the extra miss.

Rez has got to happen today.
bb2112 wrote:
RevHempus71 wrote: Chaosraven 

One part Triggercut principle from yesterday. One part, he's not playing like I remember a good Chaos playing.

I also think Scoop is rather off putting with his play. Thing is I think that Scoops blunders are meant for in if Scoop is bad he wants to take one of us with.

My vote can and will go to purge if there is no rez.
Be careful. If two republicans put a vote on the same person and the conversion happened, then there could be a wolf pile to get up to 5 votes. As I noted above, until the Rez happens we are down to one miss. I would suggest pulling your vote.
bb2112 wrote:
RevHempus71 wrote:Yeah, well, no. I have my reasons for the vote, so it can stay.
No one needs to vote with me, yet.
Well, if you are a wolf, it is ok then.
bb2112 wrote:Uh, Purge? You out there?
bb2112 wrote:El G, has RMC been rubbing off on you? How do you get only 3 asked for the rez?
RMC wrote: <snip>
Yep, Rez now please. Either Isg or Newcastle it don't matter which. :)
El Guapo wrote: <snip>
Yeah game-wise I don't think it matters (I haven't gone back to look for hints from either player, but as far as I know we don't have any reason to think that either was a special).

Between the two I would probably pick Isgrimnur, since (IIRC) my sense is that Newcastle was more ambivalent about participating in the game. I certainly appreciate him stepping in for Semaj, but I gather that Isgrimnur would probably more enjoy getting put back into the game.
RevHempus71 wrote:Yes, rez needs to happen now.
Chaosraven wrote:Assuming the Dems took out isgrim hoping to hit Reagan and avoid a chicken match with RMC/purge on a protection, we likely need to use the rez rather than wait. If they kill purge and RMC already tried to protect him we lose the rez.

So yes we should likely use it
bb2112 wrote: <snip>
Definitely need the rez today.
Vorret wrote:I agree we need to use the Rez.

I'd also like to point out that RMC sucks at making threat list :shock:
Scoop20906 wrote:Well, the plan worked so Purge is either faking, converted or about to be proven and then maybe converted. Either way it's a good thing for us.

I agree Purge needs to Rez. I pick Issy.

I'm going back to bed.
El Guapo wrote:3 people want to rez, 0 (so far) opposed. Of that, 2 for Isgrimnur, 1 for Newcastle (though I don't think there are particularly strong opinions on who to rez).

I can see how you might not want to use the rez right now, since there are no dead democrats to rez.
For those counting at home, that is 7 out of 8 dentists recommend using Rez. So use the damn Rez already! Or you, Mr. Purge, are the weakest link.
bb2112 wrote:
RMC wrote:
RevHempus71 wrote:At this point I am of the mind purge has been converted. And they ( damn Dems ) have chosen sacrifice purge rather than give us a player back.
Yep. He was converted as soon as he came out, would be my guess. He has had not desire to rez anyone. So he is either faking, or is a wolf.

So if we run the numbers, have we already lost?
RevHempus71 wrote:If we miss today. I am pretty sure we lose.
I swear to God, does anyone read? I miss Isgrimnur. :(
bb2112 wrote:Right now we have 8. Most likely breaks down to 5/3 assuming the used their conversion.

Miss today 4/3
Night kill 3/3

Game over with only one miss

Use Rez and it turns into 9. Most likely breaks down to 6/3 assuming the used their conversion.

Miss today 5/3
Night kill 4/3
Miss tomorrow 3/3

Gives us the extra miss.
bb2112 wrote:
El Guapo wrote:
bb2112 wrote:facts
Hey, my gut told me it was three people. And no, I didn't read backwards to check. And do you know why? Because I'm a goddamn republican, that's why.
:lol: :clap:
bb2112 wrote:
El Guapo wrote:
RevHempus71 wrote:At this point I am of the mind purge has been converted. And they ( damn Dems ) have chosen sacrifice purge rather than give us a player back.
Let's wait until tomorrow before voting for purge in case he's just delaying. Though it would be kind of amusing (and perfectly in character) to lose by lynching a declared special because purge's internet cut out or something.
So at what time should we designate to stop waiting and string Purge up? Do we want to give him a deadline by 5:00 today or do it on Monday and give him the weekend to respond? Knowing that if we miss today before a rez can be completed, we are done.
Chaosraven wrote:Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:37 am
FYI - According to CR, it has already been 24 hrs.
bb2112 wrote:
Vorret wrote:I don't mind waiting till Monday but IF he was still a rep would he really have waited on the rez?
Doubtful. 7 people came forward and said use the rez and he is the only one who is hesitating. I feel fairly comfortable voting Purge off the island at this point, but I would rather have a concensus in case others aren't. I can understand why some people would be hesitant due to we are done if Purge ends up being a republican. Our game rides on getting this right.
bb2112 wrote:Tick tick tick...
bb2112 wrote:
El Guapo wrote: purge 

I'm not going to be online until midday Monday, and if purge were a republican he would've done something long before now.
Agreed. He must be either a turned Lincoln or he lied in the first place. If by some minuscule chance he is a republican, claimed Lincoln, and didn't follow through with the Rez when so desperately need it, the loss of the game is on him.

bb2112 wrote:Cool. Well even though we kinda knew what was going to happen when we hung Purge, it still feels good. :lol:
bb2112 wrote:
El Guapo wrote:
RMC wrote: Actually the rez for yesterday was the move to make
If only some wise and sage leader had pointed that out yesterday. But truly, only an exceptionally wise (and handsome) republican would have been arguing for that yesterday.
bb2112 wrote:Thinking about this...<snip> <snip>
Unless someone has a better idea, I think Purge has to rez NC today.
Thanks, El G! :wub:
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by RevHempus71 »

It's looking bad for Vorret in my opinion. Can I offer you a cigar for the road.
Sheesh...... May I please get out of the corner now???? I promise to behave........
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by Vorret »

Meh, ready up the rope and get ready to enjoy affordable healthcare as soon as you put a vote on me it's over Scoop and BB will end it.

I'll leave my vote on Scoop, he's obviously a Dem otherwise he'd be dead but whatever let's ignore those facts and lose the game.
Isgrimnur wrote:
His name makes me think of a small, burrowing rodent anyway.
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by Chaosraven »

I think the scoop/bb interaction makes me see them as Jackson and Clinton
"Where are you off to?"
"I don't know," Snufkin replied.
The door shut again and Snufkin entered his forest, with a hundred miles of silence ahead of him.

Sweet sweet meat come. -LordMortis
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by Chaosraven »

Vorret wrote:Meh, ready up the rope and get ready to enjoy affordable healthcare as soon as you put a vote on me it's over Scoop and BB will end it.

I'll leave my vote on Scoop, he's obviously a Dem otherwise he'd be dead but whatever let's ignore those facts and lose the game.
Why not bb?
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by Vorret »

Chaosraven wrote:
Vorret wrote:Meh, ready up the rope and get ready to enjoy affordable healthcare as soon as you put a vote on me it's over Scoop and BB will end it.

I'll leave my vote on Scoop, he's obviously a Dem otherwise he'd be dead but whatever let's ignore those facts and lose the game.
Why not bb?
Maybe you're right... this is troubling :
bb2112 wrote:I still think Scoop is our best path to victory even if he is splody. And if he isn't, as long as he is a dem, then we are still in the game for another day. We miss today and we are done.
He's *kinda* throwing him under the bus as a "top suspect" maybe Scoop is the boomer...
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by bb2112 »

Vorret wrote:
Chaosraven wrote:
Vorret wrote:Meh, ready up the rope and get ready to enjoy affordable healthcare as soon as you put a vote on me it's over Scoop and BB will end it.

I'll leave my vote on Scoop, he's obviously a Dem otherwise he'd be dead but whatever let's ignore those facts and lose the game.
Why not bb?
Maybe you're right... this is troubling :
bb2112 wrote:I still think Scoop is our best path to victory even if he is splody. And if he isn't, as long as he is a dem, then we are still in the game for another day. We miss today and we are done.
He's *kinda* throwing him under the bus as a "top suspect" maybe Scoop is the boomer...
No, my point was even if we do hit splody today we don't lose. As long as we hit a dem we get one more day. I am very confident we have found our Dems in Scoop and Vorret.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by RMC »

Hmmm... Who do I trust more Vorret or BB.

Let's see BB beat me in a board game, and I have never met Vorret...

I am going with I trust Vorret more, he's Canadian, they can't lie well, right?

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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by bb2112 »

Vorret wrote:CR isn't faking. Why would he? There's nothing to gain by coming out as a fake seer at this time they're in total control of the game our only saving grace is a REAL seer, why risk coming out, outing himself as a democrat without knowing if the real seer is alive or not?

You know what, I know what I am, so this leaves you two as democrats.

If Vorret wants to vote Scoop, I'm very game. We don't lose as long as we hit a Dem. Although, the question is do we think Scoop is going to explode or not. Since I am confident both of these guys are dems, I am going to vote.

That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by bb2112 »

RMC wrote:Hmmm... Who do I trust more Vorret or BB.

Let's see BB beat me in a board game, and I have never met Vorret...

I am going with I trust Vorret more, he's Canadian, they can't lie well, right?

Do what you must, as I said I am going to chalk this up as a win in my book no matter what you guys do. :P
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by Moliere »

Received votes:
RevHempus71 -
Vorret - bb2112
Chaosraven -
bb2112 -
Scoop20906 - Vorret

Four votes required to adjourn the Committee meeting.
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by RMC »

bb2112 wrote:
RMC wrote:Hmmm... Who do I trust more Vorret or BB.

Let's see BB beat me in a board game, and I have never met Vorret...

I am going with I trust Vorret more, he's Canadian, they can't lie well, right?

Do what you must, as I said I am going to chalk this up as a win in my book no matter what you guys do. :P
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by Vorret »

Hmmmm.... Why wouldn't you vote Scoop? You agree that you've found both Democrats in me and Scoop yet you don't join me on a vote.

Why....... I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish.

Let's say for the sake of arguments that we have 2 scenarios :

A) Scoop is boom-boom and BB is Clinton

If you we're Clinton wouldn't you try and look good by adding a vote on Scoop knowing full well he's going to take out Chaos with him thus giving the final decision to Rev (who may I add thinks I'm the bad guy), and he's also passively building a case against me.

B) BB is boom-boom and Scoop is Clinton

In this scenario it makes sense that you do not vote for him, it loses the game for the wolves if Chaos doesn't get blown up today he's most likely going to scan me (or whoever else is left) thus winning the game for the Rep...

I sometimes have trouble putting my thoughts in writing (damn french roots) but what I'm thinking here :

What is BB afraid of by voting for Scoop? And my reasoning is he knows Scoop is Clinton.
Am I insane?
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by bb2112 »

Vorret wrote:Hmmmm.... Why wouldn't you vote Scoop? You agree that you've found both Democrats in me and Scoop yet you don't join me on a vote.

Why....... I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish.

Let's say for the sake of arguments that we have 2 scenarios :

A) Scoop is boom-boom and BB is Clinton

If you we're Clinton wouldn't you try and look good by adding a vote on Scoop knowing full well he's going to take out Chaos with him thus giving the final decision to Rev (who may I add thinks I'm the bad guy), and he's also passively building a case against me.

B) BB is boom-boom and Scoop is Clinton

In this scenario it makes sense that you do not vote for him, it loses the game for the wolves if Chaos doesn't get blown up today he's most likely going to scan me (or whoever else is left) thus winning the game for the Rep...

I sometimes have trouble putting my thoughts in writing (damn french roots) but what I'm thinking here :

What is BB afraid of by voting for Scoop? And my reasoning is he knows Scoop is Clinton.
Am I insane?
Nope. I will vote for either of you. Quit trying to twist what I say. I have been completely straight forward this game, unlike you. Everyone should read what I wrote and what Vorret wrote. If you think I have been trying to steer the village wrong then vote for me. We lose, game over. I know I played a good game, so I'm ok with it no matter what. I also know who the last 2 wolves must be. RMC and others seem convinced Scoop is Splody and don't want to vote for him until we nail the other wolf. Ok, the other wolf is you. I have no idea which of you is Splody, but as long as we vote you and Scoop, we win. Either way, it is pretty clear to me you are a dem and have to die.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by Scoop20906 »

Look. You vote for me we lose. No explosions about it. I'm the wrong tree to bark up. I'm still not sure who is lying right now. But I'm leaning towards Vorret and BB based on their little showcase today. Also odds are CR is telling the truth. Between vorret and BB I'd guess vorret is Hamilton.
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by Vorret »

bb2112 wrote:
Vorret wrote:Hmmmm.... Why wouldn't you vote Scoop? You agree that you've found both Democrats in me and Scoop yet you don't join me on a vote.

Why....... I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish.

Let's say for the sake of arguments that we have 2 scenarios :

A) Scoop is boom-boom and BB is Clinton

If you we're Clinton wouldn't you try and look good by adding a vote on Scoop knowing full well he's going to take out Chaos with him thus giving the final decision to Rev (who may I add thinks I'm the bad guy), and he's also passively building a case against me.

B) BB is boom-boom and Scoop is Clinton

In this scenario it makes sense that you do not vote for him, it loses the game for the wolves if Chaos doesn't get blown up today he's most likely going to scan me (or whoever else is left) thus winning the game for the Rep...

I sometimes have trouble putting my thoughts in writing (damn french roots) but what I'm thinking here :

What is BB afraid of by voting for Scoop? And my reasoning is he knows Scoop is Clinton.
Am I insane?
Nope. I will vote for either of you. Quit trying to twist what I say. I have been completely straight forward this game, unlike you. Everyone should read what I wrote and what Vorret wrote. If you think I have been trying to steer the village wrong then vote for me. We lose, game over. I know I played a good game, so I'm ok with it no matter what. I also know who the last 2 wolves must be. RMC and others seem convinced Scoop is Splody and don't want to vote for him until we nail the other wolf. Ok, the other wolf is you. I have no idea which of you is Splody, but as long as we vote you and Scoop, we win. Either way, it is pretty clear to me you are a dem and have to die.
If it doesn't matter then vote for Scoop. What's the problem?
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by Scoop20906 »

Do NOT vote for me. If I get a 2nd vote and CR and Rev and faking then we lose. Think about that BB.

Vorret. You should remove your vote until we've made a decision on how to proceed. Otherwise the game is over.
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by Vorret »

Scoop20906 wrote:Do NOT vote for me. If I get a 2nd vote and CR and Rev and faking then we lose. Think about that BB.

Vorret. You should remove your vote until we've made a decision on how to proceed. Otherwise the game is over.
Yeah right the only thing that might make me take my vote off is to put it on BB but I'm 93.5% sure you're Clinton and thus the safe option. BB's hesitation is simply the confirmation I need to believe that.
Isgrimnur wrote:
His name makes me think of a small, burrowing rodent anyway.
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by RevHempus71 »

For general information. This is prerelease weekend for MtG. I am playing in a few tournaments this weekend.
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by Chaosraven »

And the first one starts in three hours!
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by bb2112 »

Well, we are kind of deadlocked until one of the trusteds start voting. I don't know what else Vorret, Scoop or myself are going to say to sway the masses. It is pretty clear that 2 of the 3 of us have to be wolves. Or CR is lying blah blah blah, don't even want to go down that path. I think Vorret trying so hard to get me to vote Scoop is pretty interesting. Maybe Scoop really is Splody.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by Isgrimnur »

:binky: :coffee: :binky:
It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by Vorret »

Isgrimnur wrote::binky: :coffee: :binky:
:coffee: :dance: :violin:
Isgrimnur wrote:
His name makes me think of a small, burrowing rodent anyway.
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by RevHempus71 »

I am leaning more and more to voting for Vorret. Risky, maybe, but I'm not ready to vote bb2112.


Have we busted your filibuster?
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by Vorret »

RevHempus71 wrote:I am leaning more and more to voting for Vorret. Risky, maybe, but I'm not ready to vote bb2112.


Have we busted your filibuster?
Go ahead, I've said what I had to say at this point the ball is in your court. Remember whoever votes for me will be partly responsible for the Republican defeat.
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by RMC »

I am historically bad at these types of decisions. So I am waiting for Chaos, as he seems to be better.

I still say Scoop = Explody, BB = Smooth operator

But I am usually wrong. :)

So I will wait, and go with the flow. Not to put the blame on someone else, just to temper my bad decisions.
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by Chaosraven »

well if we go for vorret we can blame RevH if he's wrong
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by Chaosraven »

RMC wrote:I still say Scoop = Explody, BB = Smooth operator
I agree with this, though
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by RevHempus71 »

Chaosraven wrote:
RMC wrote:I still say Scoop = Explody, BB = Smooth operator
I agree with this, though
Ok, if you both like bb as the smooth operator :horse:
I will agree.
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by RMC »

Well if we think it is BB, and I warn everyone about my bad choices in life, here it goes:


Sigh, at least I got to shoot someone, and protect the people I could.
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by Scoop20906 »

Chaosraven wrote:
RMC wrote:I still say Scoop = Explody, BB = Smooth operator
I agree with this, though
Considering you are wrong, can we blame this on you?

You guys can announce it to high heaven does not make it correct. I'm not sploding. I'd be happy to prove it been then we'd pretty much lose so we need to make a decision. OK dawgs?
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by Scoop20906 »

I'm good with either BB or Vorret because they have to be the dems. I'm not sure which one is Hamilton and as we know I'm usually wrong I'll just follow RMC's lead. What could go wrong? :P

And if CR and Rev fooled us with CR's fake just let it be known I predicted it.
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by RMC »

Scoop20906 wrote:I'm good with either BB or Vorret because they have to be the dems. I'm not sure which one is Hamilton and as we know I'm usually wrong I'll just follow RMC's lead. What could go wrong? :P

And if CR and Rev fooled us with CR's fake just let it be known I predicted it.
Well that does not play out good for me, if I guessed right..
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by bb2112 »

Well, just need one more to vote me so Vorret can wolf pile. :clap:
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by Scoop20906 »

bb2112 wrote:Well, just need one more to vote me so Vorret can wolf pile. :clap:
Why would he vote for his caucus mate?
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by bb2112 »

Vorret wrote:CR isn't faking. Why would he? There's nothing to gain by coming out as a fake seer at this time they're in total control of the game our only saving grace is a REAL seer, why risk coming out, outing himself as a democrat without knowing if the real seer is alive or not?

You know what, I know what I am, so this leaves you two as democrats.

Um, he already did.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by Vorret »

Since Scoop just voted for BB I'm strongly believing he's the Boomer.
That's my "in the dark" guess (then again it's been my theory for quite some time because of the aversion of BB to vote Scoop)
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Re: Battle of the Presidents - Second Term

Post by Vorret »

Oh and because of that, there's no chance I'm adding my vote to BB my chance of staying alive rest in the survival of CR (and in the same vein, our chance of winning)
Isgrimnur wrote:
His name makes me think of a small, burrowing rodent anyway.
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