Path of Exile

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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Zenn7 »

I'm not at all opposed to picking up many health/defense nodes over in the ranger/archery area while getting ranger-y DPS. But the optimal build for Ranger as pointed out in this thread (and the official game forums apparently) is to head straight over to Maruarder area, and take pretty much all health/defense, no archer-y/ranger-y dps nodes.

THAT is what seems wrong. Telling me I should spend 1/2 my points even on defense/health is fine. Telling me I should not spend any points on Ranger-y dps nodes though, is wrong.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Chesspieceface »

Zenn7 wrote:THAT is what seems wrong. Telling me I should spend 1/2 my points even on defense/health is fine. Telling me I should not spend any points on Ranger-y dps nodes though, is wrong.
Wrong? I haven't had time to respond to the thread in whole, but you have a very weird attitude toward games. This is how this game works. All the classes have all the potentialities. Its a design choices, and its how this game works. How is that wrong? I get that you don't like it for some reason, but get your head out of your butt. Its not wrong, its a design choice.

The reality is that the dps-y damage nodes do you almost no good at all through level 30 no matter what class you play. Everyone needs hit points and they are effective from level one. Why take +10% damage when you are only doing 10 damage? The health nodes scale best from the start and unless you are going with a shields/CI build everyone needs hit points.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Chesspieceface »

Paingod wrote:
Chesspieceface wrote:@Paingod

Here is my level 50 Ranger spec.
That's one of those builds I was wanting to avoid, honestly. While I appreciate the effort needed to make it on the Hardcore ladder, I honestly will never play there and won't need anywhere near the amount of health these guys dump into their characters to keep them alive.

This is what I hope to have by level 50
I'm an advocate of "Play how you like, play what's fun" and I think you should do what you want. I will point out the main difference between my lvl 50 build and yours though: mine exists. I actually played that character to 50. The nodes you are looking to pickup instead of health will net you very little damage, crit on bows is crap to start because the base crit is only like 5% anyway, so that leaves you the few proj. speed and atk speed nodes worth taking, and I avoid accuracy by taking resolute technique. Your notion that you can avoid what "other" players do is a little premature and naive with regards to the late game in PoE, but have fun trying. What you may not understand about teh build is that it is not stacking life for pure survivability. Its a Blood Magic build for which you have to stack life because you have no mana. So my Ranger is not out in the Marauder tree just to get hp, she's out there to get resources to fuel the Blood Magic passive that is her only way of using abilities. In respons to your quip that one may as well start Marauder and go bows, lots of people have. Bow Mara was a popular build in Closed Beta.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Zenn7 »

Break the skill tree up - assume it's roughly 1/3 focused on Strength, 1/3 on Dex and 1/3 on Int oriented abilities (the 3 core classes start in these areas - Maruader, Ranger, Witch; the dual ability classes start somewhere where the areas meet, ie Shadow starts on the tree where Dex and Int meet).

If I take the Ranger- the straight Dex class - why would it make sense that to be the best and most competive/capable character I can be as a Ranger, I should pick skills that make a bee line straight out of the Dex area of the tree and never look back?

It is a design decision, but it is a design decision that basically says "1/3 of our skill tree is worthless. We put it here for people to screw around with or get trapped in, but if you want to be the best, don't go there."

I am taking this point to an extreme I realize, and it's really not that big of a deal to me as it won't really impact me much (as I said, I don't play hardcore, and won't like likely get far into the 2nd difficulty level, let alone to the true end game), but why would you want the game designed that way? Not saying they're evil/incompetent/suck/shoud DIAF or anything like that, just that it seems like a poor decision that one can only hope they will tune/balance better later rather than just deciding that's the way they want it.

Not looking to start a fight or suggesting people should not play the game, it is an enjoyable game. Just stating one thing I find odd about it and hope they decide to make some changes so it doesn't work that way at some point. Think it would make the game better overall.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Chesspieceface »

astyanax wrote:...But since the game is just grinding after you finish the 3 acts
If you are going to say this you may as well consider the first thee Acts of Normal to be grinding also. I don't get it. The game has 3 difficulties and then a robust and endless endgame map generator. Of course its grinding xp and gear... that's the whole point! This sort of complaint from people who don't really get the genre do not help the game at all. Yes, its all grinding.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by astyanax »

Easy there, Chesspiece, I'm not hating on PoE.
Chesspieceface wrote:If you are going to say this you may as well consider the first thee Acts of Normal to be grinding also. I don't get it. The game has 3 difficulties and then a robust and endless endgame map generator. Of course its grinding xp and gear... that's the whole point! This sort of complaint from people who don't really get the genre do not help the game at all. Yes, its all grinding.
Hence the company name: Grinding Gear Games. :P

I sorta disagree with you here, though. The first time through, everything is new, so the grinding isn't the only thing going on- you're also learning about how the system works and unlocking new areas. After going through once, there's grinding and grouping up. This won't stop me from playing and having fun with PoE, but it has fewer "hooks" on me than when I started. People who enjoy grinding will like the game. People who don't should try playing through at least once. :wink:
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by ColdSteel »

My summoner Templar is up to Lunaris Temple in Act III cruel at level 53 but I've recently become enamored with my level 32 Maurader after he picked up Leap Slam and the Blood Magic passive. Wow, what a difference. The biggger the pack of mobs the better because with all the life steal he has he can regain all his health with one leap or sweep of his weapon. I'm also using the Warlord's Mark curse which helps. He has the most problems with tough single bosses and then he has to drop his rejuv totem sometimes or run and pop a flask. It's also particularly tough when he gets frozen and/or stunned. He's late in Act III normal and running into that a lot more now. Which brings me to a question I hope someone can answer:

Does anyone know if Unwavering Stance also prevents being frozen or does it just affect the 'stunned' condition? I'm trying to figure if I should pick it up since it's on my way.

I got sick of running out of stash space so I finally went ahead and bought the 6 tab pack yesterday. It sure is nice to have space again not have to vendor everything. I figure that since I like the game so much and have been playing it addictively, I owe it to GGG to support their game. This really is the most fun APRG I've played in a long, long time.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Reemul »

astyanax wrote:Easy there, Chesspiece, I'm not hating on PoE.
Chesspieceface wrote:If you are going to say this you may as well consider the first thee Acts of Normal to be grinding also. I don't get it. The game has 3 difficulties and then a robust and endless endgame map generator. Of course its grinding xp and gear... that's the whole point! This sort of complaint from people who don't really get the genre do not help the game at all. Yes, its all grinding.
Hence the company name: Grinding Gear Games. :P

I sorta disagree with you here, though. The first time through, everything is new, so the grinding isn't the only thing going on- you're also learning about how the system works and unlocking new areas. After going through once, there's grinding and grouping up. This won't stop me from playing and having fun with PoE, but it has fewer "hooks" on me than when I started. People who enjoy grinding will like the game. People who don't should try playing through at least once. :wink:
Yep that's me, I will play it through once to the end and then move on to something else, loads of stuff to play out there without playing the same game 3 times in a row.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Paingod »

My Ranger, while lethal, can't compete with the destructive power of a dozen minions. She tends to get overwhelmed by casters - you know, I have to stop and shoot so they can stop and shoot me. Then there are a handful of them, I better have the right +Resist rings on or I die pretty quickly. At level 30 I'm beginning to see why people get all hot and bothered for +Resist and +Health characters. I was curious how long I could go before I felt like I didn't have enough of either - and level 30 is about it.

As such, I wandered back into my Witch with a new appreciation for how easy it was. Room full of casters? Spam Skeletons. Totems? Spam Skeletons. Any fight? Spam Skeletons. They solve a lot of my problems for me. No corpses required.

Right now I've got an interesting setup, I think. I'm up to 6 Zombies and 8 Skeletons now. I'm still pushing my build towards pure minion carnage, but will certainly snag a few +Spell skills and half a dozen or more +health skills.

Zombies are +Health +Damage
Skeletons are +Health +Cold Damage
Spectre is +Health

I also found a Rejuvenation Totem and it's made my Zombies and Spectre near-invincible against normal critters.

I'm also thinking of respecing out of Cold and into Lightning. I found a level 19 Lightning spell, and I played with it for a while. Though the spells are low-level and wildly random in effect, it felt better than Ice. I can't explain it, exactly. I wanted to strip the Lesser Multiple Projectiles off my Ranger and tie it to Lightning to get triple bolts bouncing around. I did slot my Shock spell and attached Faster Projectiles to it and it was humorously zippy.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Paingod »

Chesspieceface wrote:I will point out the main difference between my lvl 50 build and yours though: mine exists.
In all honesty, I've probably spent more time staring at the damn skill tree than actually playing - since it's so hard to respec once you get deep into a build I've been trying to be very cautious about what I do. The Ranger may be a miserable failure of an idea.

I didn't quite grasp the true relationships between skills and in-game numbers and still don't. They give you this giant skill tree to work with and you don't know what any of it really does until you get into Merciless difficulty and see what the game finally does to you. If your build isn't viable there, it's essentially garbage.

I now see, more and more, why people focus on what they do with the skill tree. I had presumed that each skill there would be useful in it's own way, but I see now that a lot of them aren't - or they don't scale as well as some others do. The more I read, the more I understand.

My current understanding of the Passive tree:
  • +Health scales wonderfully as you level because it always adds more health to the health you're gaining.
  • +Resist scales wonderfully because Merciless has a -60% Resist penalty to compensate for.
  • +Shock Chance can be made to be 20% with two skills, a higher base chance than any Critical combo.
  • +Evasion is maybe okay in moderation, but a build heavy in it is just begging to be killed in one shot.
  • +Armor is great against hoards of smaller foes, but is hardly useful against single heavy-hitters.
  • +Critical Chance is meh because skills and spells start out with a 5-6% chance to crit - and a +200% investment just makes that 15%.
  • +Critical Damage is meh because you've only got a 5% chance to get that amazing critical hit.
  • Shield skills that grant +15% Elemental Resist are worth taking for most characters since most have some kind of shield.
  • Chaos Inoculation is something to be done only once you've got in excess of 2,500 Energy Shield and can respec to pull all of your Life nodes and turn them into Energy Shield boosts.
  • Ice Damage is good crowd control, but generally expensive to cast. It's the 'safe' bet.
  • Lightning Damage is good for damage multipliers if it Shocks enemies. It's the 'lethal' choice.
  • Fire Damage is pretty, but doesn't stack with itself or offer control.
If I can't play a Ranger without being a Fleshmancer, I probably won't play a Ranger. I'll simply shift back to my Witch and see how far my army of undead carries me.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Chesspieceface »

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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Chesspieceface »

Paingod wrote:If I can't play a Ranger without being a Fleshmancer, I probably won't play a Ranger. I'll simply shift back to my Witch and see how far my army of undead carries me.

You've clearly thought a lot about this, but I'd suggest you are still looking at this slightly the wrong way. You can play a Ranger however you want to, but:

On my 55 Ranger at present, One casting or usage of [Lightning Arrow + LMP + Chain + Life on Hit] costs 63 Mana and I spam it non-stop. So... no matter how you want to play a Ranger, or which abilities you choose you still have a base issue, are you going to pay for your abilities with mana or blood? It would be almost impossible for me to have enough mana to cast LA more than a few times without running out unless I ran Clarity, which I do not and have not had the Int to support or level if I'd wanted to. I chose to play a Ranger who pays for abilities with blood because it was more interesting to me, and presently more powerful. With a Life Regen of 70/sec. and over 2300 Health I can spam LA all day long and as long as it Hits the Life on Hit tops me back off. So if you don't want to play the way I am, and you don't want to be spamming mana potions endlessly forever... design a high mana/clarity Ranger. Its certainly doable if not currently popular.

But, again, my main point is that no matter how you intend to play any character, you have to figure out how you are going to pay for your powers, and whicih resources to focus on. Its part of the game.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Paingod »

Chesspieceface wrote:You've clearly thought a lot about this, but I'd suggest you are still looking at this slightly the wrong way. You can play a Ranger however you want to, but you have to figure out how you are going to pay for your powers, and which resources to focus on. Its part of the game.
I've spent too much time thinking about it - I probably spend more time reading their forums and playing with the passive tree than actually playing the game. For some reason I don't see blood payment as something I'd want to do with a Ranger. Maybe a BarbariMarauder or Duelist - the classes right next door to it.

I suppose my main issue is the passive tree. I previously claimed to be paralyzed before by choices. That hasn't changed. I don't want to give up anything and I want to get everything. I can't.

With my Summoner, the only goal she seems to have is "Collect all the Minion Nodes and Win" - and it's been working. She doesn't have a single health or resist node at level 31 and hardly ever dies. Hell, half of my play is spent just resummoning Skeletons and saying "Oooh, look - Pots. I should break those" while my minions kill everything and then huddle around a Rejuvination Totem to heal.

There's no such clear path for other classes and it kind of rubs a nerve with my OCD-ness around building "good" characters.

*EDIT: Umm ... Why are there 9 more skill points to allot on the Passives Tree? I'm going to have to look into what they did with this last patch.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Tao »

GGG fixed a long standing glitch in the Skill point calculation on the Passive Skill tree builder. The fact of the matter though is that only a very very small percentage of players will ever reach 111 skill points let alone 120. Building with around 70 skill points is a more realistic approach.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Hotfreak »

I think it helps to think of Path of Exile as a game without classes. The "Classes" are just starting points. I mean, the strength of the game is its systems and all the different possibilities the system offers. Check out the build of the week series on youtube for some inspiration.

It does kind of suck that non-tanky types have trouble soloing (particularly in Act 3 Normal, from what I understand) because I'm sure that stops people from trying things out, but try stuff anyway, I say. Carpe Diem! Use a shower mat! Non-sequitor imperative!
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Paingod »

Tao wrote:GGG fixed a long standing glitch in the Skill point calculation on the Passive Skill tree builder. The fact of the matter though is that only a very very small percentage of players will ever reach 111 skill points let alone 120. Building with around 70 skill points is a more realistic approach.
The more you know... <little star with a rainbow>

I'll stop trying to spec out 111-120 points and see what sanity using 70 points gives me.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Tao »

A complete run through of each difficulty level, normal, cruel and merciless, has something like 7 potential extra skill points for a total of 21 points. That leaves it up to the player to make up 99 levels to hit 120 points. If your REALLY!! enjoying the game and see yourself getting to level 100 then by all means build for 120 skill points :D Otherwise figure for character level+(7 per difficulty level).

P.S. One of the 7 extra points is from the Bandit quest so whether you receive the skill point depends on which reward you take for the quest.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Madmarcus »

I think I'm done with the game. While there are loads of things I haven't tried I've just hit Vaal for the first time and am finding it a pain. I have no real desire to play through the same content again with a different character but it seems this combo of build and gear can't take him. Losing to Vaal is not a big deal but its the first time in PoE that I have felt the I am dieing do to pure reaction speed issues. Even that might be ok if I didn't have to waste time getting to him each time.

I'll probably go back to playing tomorrow but PoE has finally reminded me why I prefer roguelikes to arpgs. Its still a good game though.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by astyanax »

Madmarcus, if you have the patience for another try, you might want to use a portal scroll in a safe spot before you start fighting, and then casting another portal each time after you've returned to fight. I had to do that the first time I fought against Piety because there was absolutely no way I was going to beat her with my lousy lightning resist and the potions in my possession. (I later made a different character taking into account what I learned in my first playthrough)

One thing I learned: after you use a portal, you're invincible for a few seconds if you don't do anything. If the boss is coming for you, it might be better to take the hit while invincible instead of running to cast a portal, since if the boss kills you when there's no portal, it's a long walk back (as you're probably well aware). :(
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Tao »

My first character to reach Vaal Oversoul was a 32ish Ranger that just crushed everything up until that point. Prior to reaching Vaal I had one or two close calls when I got a little sloppy but no deaths. At no time during the Vaal fight did I really feel in jeopardy of dying HOWEVER after running in circles, zigzagging, dodging, "Serpentine! Serpentine!" for a solid 25+ minutes I had reduced Vaal's hitpoints by maybe 30%. When I realized how long I was going to have to fight this thing I simply turned off the game. :D Eventually went back and killed him with CPF a few nights later.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Paingod »

My Witch Summoner had no issues with Vaal, in fact, the Act I boss was harder for me simply because I had fewer and weaker minions. My tactic for Vaal was just Skeletons-Skeletons-Skeletons-Skeletons... and the summoned critters helped keep my mana vials full. I didn't really get close to Vaal at all, but sometimes I'd riff off an Ice Lance or two before summoning more Skeletons.

Don't get me wrong, the fight was long and sloggish. I think it took a good 10 minutes at that rate to finish it, which is plain silly for any fight.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by ColdSteel »

I actually just got though all all 3 acts of normal with no issues on my maurader but now that I am well into cruel difficulty it has really pointed out the difficulties of a melee character in PoE. At level 40 I think I may have to shelve him until GGG makes the big melee changes thay are promising. He really needs a high damage weapon to be effective and none are dropping. I get staves dropping right and left but very little in the way of decent melee weapons that are dropping for some reason. Frustrating.

On the other hand, my templar summoner just finished the Allflame quest in merciless at level 56 and continues to roll along crushing everything in his path (as long as I play with a little caution). The huge elemental resistance penalties in merciless is the worst thing to deal with. Good thing for the meatshields. I've gotten all the minion passives and most of the key areas of my build now at 71 points used.

My bow shadow is early in act 3 normal and is still fun to play but I can already tell there's going to be future issues surviving at higher difficulties.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Madmarcus »

I went back and killed Vaal . Since nothing prior to Vaal takes anywhere near the length of time that Vaal takes I don't really mind that I used death as a cheap version of running for the portal a few times. So far Act 3 is easy compared to Vaal.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Chesspieceface »

I still play this every day. They just had a content patch and are adding a new skill gem per week for awhile to come. The first race season has been off to an interesting start. I think this is going to be around for quite a long time.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Octavious »

Never heard of this and saw it on Steam today. I'm kind of excited. It's good to not pay attention sometimes. :lol:
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Paingod »

I wiped my local install, tied my account to Steam, and downloaded the new client. Works as expected.

I still think the skill tree is a beautiful and nutty idea... but it also seems like there are still a limited number of pathways to "great" builds that are survivable in later difficulties - which kind of strips the complexity down to identifying the right path and sticking to it. Maybe something has changed that I was unaware of since my last play of it (March 2013).
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Octavious »

I really like the classes that they have. The Duelest was an immediate pick. Only played for a half hour, but it certainly reminded me of Diablo 2 which is a good thing. :mrgreen:
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by persself »

Bringing back an old thread...

Don't know where I was when this was released, but I just downloaded a couple days ago. This
game is so much fun.

But I really wanted to post a link to ZiggyD , who has the best videos explaining many, varied
mechanics of the game, as well as walkthroughs, etc. This guy is awesome. While he does cover
a few other games, I hope he really branches out to cover many many more. His attention to
detail is phenomenal.

Check him out: ... 9lVFtfanlg and
his own "channel" here:

Yeah, I'm a fangirl. Learning so much from ZiggyD videos. Still suck at PoE but I'm starting to understand why.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by ColdSteel »

I started playing PoE again myself a month or so ago. I repecced my old Templar into a dual flame totem slash summoner hybrid and then went from 50 to level 69. Then I created a reave Duelist and leveled him to 71. Then I got interested in creating a Cyclone Marauder and, before I knew it, he was at level 61. All this in a month of play. Such a fun game, it really is addictive.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by persself »

ColdSteel wrote:I started playing PoE again myself a month or so ago. I repecced my old Templar into a dual flame totem slash summoner hybrid and then went from 50 to level 69. Then I created a reave Duelist and leveled him to 71. Then I got interested in creating a Cyclone Marauder and, before I knew it, he was at level 61. All this in a month of play. Such a fun game, it really is addictive.
All I have so far are Marauder and a Templar; my Templar also has the awesome flame totem. But I'm only Act I, not very far yet.

And, indeed, the game really is addictive.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by gameoverman »

persself wrote:Check him out: ... 9lVFtfanlg and
his own "channel" here:
Thanks for posting that. I've been thinking about getting back into this game but what's held me back is I never really learned the mechanics of it, I just winged it. After checking out his first Survival guide video I think this is exactly what I need to bring me up to speed.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by persself »

gameoverman wrote:Thanks for posting that. I've been thinking about getting back into this game but what's held me back is I never really learned the mechanics of it, I just winged it. After checking out his first Survival guide video I think this is exactly what I need to bring me up to speed.
My pleasure. ZiggyD will 'splain everything, and in a most professional manner.

Returning momentarily to his videos to learn some more PoE tactics and such.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Vorret »

Could never get in PoE ... too slow for some reason, did they improve that a little bit? Maybe it's Diablo/Titan Quest that are too quick, who knows.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by ColdSteel »

Slow in what way? Slow to level? Slow gameplay? I've never felt either of those was slow. They have made an absolute ton of changes to the game recently, including adding Act IV.
"This game is best played with a warm cup of Folger's coffee in your hands, so you can actually smell the oppression while you relive the greatest period of all time. The period when white people discovered the world, and decided they didn't like it." - EUIV Steam user review
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Vorret »

Gameplay wise... like movement, attack speed. Then again last time I played was more than a year ago so I should give it another shot :P
Isgrimnur wrote:
His name makes me think of a small, burrowing rodent anyway.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by ColdSteel »

Vorret wrote:Gameplay wise... like movement, attack speed.
Bear in mind that both of these are heavily affected by the passive skills you choose while leveling up and also by equipment you find when playing. That's why level 70 players move and attack at lightning speed and those just starting out look like they're moving in slow-mo. You have to earn it. Which is something I like.
"This game is best played with a warm cup of Folger's coffee in your hands, so you can actually smell the oppression while you relive the greatest period of all time. The period when white people discovered the world, and decided they didn't like it." - EUIV Steam user review
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by persself »

So watched some more ZiggyD videos, and could not believe I'd made huge mistake.

I've had several red gems, Ground Slam among them, and in the gem description, it says for
use with mace or staves. I thought that meant you had to have said mace or stave
with red gem slot to use it in. Wrong; just have to equip a mace or stave; the gem
can go anywhere you have a red gem slot: armour, belt, etc. Doh !

So of course, this applies to all the gems: read very carefully the notation on the gem....or just try
using a gem in whatever open slot of same color and see if it works. Gah, I am thick as a brick.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Vorret »

Alright I gave it a real shot. Currently level 51 in the 1 month league playing a Tornado shot ranger. Pretty cool, lots of stuff you need to learn. It's obviously not as polished or ehhh... "obvious" as Diablo, which makes sense since it's more Hardcore.

I like it, wish I was more tanky, will probably start a hardcore char next, that's what I always play once I've "done" the game once.

Oh and don't do dual flame totem, that shit is boring as hell (though insanely OP)
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by Vorret »

Had to stop, the league is just... stupid. The Beyond spawns are insane especially in Daresso's Dream (as in, impossible).

Back to D3!
Isgrimnur wrote:
His name makes me think of a small, burrowing rodent anyway.
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Re: Path of Exile

Post by persself »

So I made a new Marauder with Sweep, Heavy Hit, Ground Slam, Life on Hit, Faster Attacks, Increased Melee Damage, Multistrike (plus some other skill gems to augment) and made it through the normal phase of the game.

Level 51 now in Act 2 cruel. Trying to find a better weapon now with 4 gem slots, and a 5 slot chest piece. My biggest issue right now is getting enough wisdom scrolls to identify all the stuff I've collected, so I can craft the needed equipment myself or have Vorici Assassin Master craft the slots and links for me.

Speaking of masters, that's another game mechanic I was not utilizing to full potential, as I did not realize you can do daily missions for those in your hideout to gain levels with them at much quicker rate. Previously, I had only completed missions "out in the field" with whomever randomly spawned in a zone.

I'm really baffled why the game is not receiving more love/interest on this board. It is fantastic !

As I said before in other threads, I rarely finish games; so to make it all the way to end Act 4 is unusual for me. And to continue on cruel? Unheard of. Just sayin'.
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