Star Wars WW - Sign Ups Closed

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Star Wars WW - Sign Ups Closed

Post by bb2112 »

Good Guys - Empire:

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Emperor Palpatine: The Emperor did not get to where he is by being stupid. One time each night he can scan a player and discern their true identity. If he scans Mara Jade before Luke Skywalker, then Mara will permanently be an Imperial. If the Emperor scans Mara after Mara has been scanned by Luke, he will be told that he found Mara and she is a traitorous Rebel.

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Darth Vader: Vader has the one time ability to use the force to choke someone to death. Vader has a special bond with Luke and once each night he can scan for Luke. The result of the scan will be reported either he found Luke or not.

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Count Dooku: He has a presence that cannot be denied. He has the power to influence the masses. His special ability is he “may” put in a second secret vote for a lynch each day. This vote is completely independent from his public vote and can be placed even if he doesn’t have a public vote. Just PM the Mod with the secret vote and it will be placed as soon as the Mod receives it. This vote can only be used once each day and cannot be changed.

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Mara Jade: Mara at the start of this game is an Imperial. Both the Emperor and Luke are looking for Mara. If she is scanned by the Emperor first, then this will give her the confimation she needs and she will remain loyal to the Empire forever. If she is scanned by Luke first, then she will change sides and become a Rebel. She can then join the Rebel Forum. Mara will receive a PM after she has been scanned by either the Emperor or Luke and simply told that either the Emperor has scanned her or that Luke has scanned her. She will not be told the true identity of either the Emperor or Luke. If she isn't found by either, then she will remain a conflicted Imperial.

Mara has been trained as an assassin. She can, one time per game, assassinate someone without revealing her identity. This ability can only be used during the day cycle and after she is scanned by either the Emperor or Luke.

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Grand Moff Tarkin: During the night Tarkin can scan a player killed earlier in the game. Tarkin will be able to deduce the deceased’s identity.

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Grand Admiral Thrawn: Thrawn is the consummate analyst. Each day he analyzes the group and decides who to protect during the night. He cannot protect the same person on two consecutive nights. If he protects the Emperor, then they will recognize each other. The Emperor and Thrawn may communicate with each other in a private forum. There is no penalty for him if he protects a rebel.

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Rukh: Rukh is Grand Admiral Thrawn’s personal body guard. He has a deep loyalty to the Grand Admiral. Each night he can scan for Thrawn. His scan will only reveal if it is the Grand Admiral or not. Upon a successful scan for Thrawn, Rukh will receive a PM that he has identified Thrawn. Thrawn will not know he has been found by Rukh. Once Rukh has successfully scanned Thrawn, he can give up his own life to protect Thrawn from any kill one time during the game. Rukh is also an expert assassin. Once per game he can kill one other player. His identity will immediately be revealed.

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Jabba the Hutt: Jabba wants Han Solo. He wants Han bad. Not in a gay way, but in a Han owes him a lot of money kind of a way. If Jabba is part of a successful lynch of Solo, he gets one free scan.

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Boba Fett: Boba has worked his entire life in danger but he has a few tricks up his sleeve. One time during the game he can protect someone at night. If he guesses right and he protects that person from a rebel attack, he gets a free scan the next day. He will be told only loyal or rebel. If the scan turns out to be a rebel, then he can kill the rebel during the day. This attack will reveal his identity.

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Greedo: Greedo has a gun and is not afraid to use it. The only question is will he get to use it before someone else blasts him to bits. Greedo can only use the gun once during the game and only during the day. Greedo cannot kill Han. If Greedo tries to shoot Han, Greedo will die instead.

Emperor’s Royal Guard: You guys all look really cool. Just don’t kill the Emperor. That would be tacky and it will be really difficult to acquire future employment with that on your resume. “Yeah, we did a great job protecting the old guy right up until we all got together, took out our blasters, and blasted the crap out of the geezer.” Not cool. However, not to fret too much, you will still win if the Emperor is dead as long as you eliminate the rebel menace. If you can’t even manage to do that, then don’t worry about future employment. Everyone else is just collateral damage, therefore, who cares.

Bad Guys - Rebels:

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Luke Skywalker: Luke has a special bond with Darth Vader. He also has one with Mara Jade. Once per night he can scan a player and try to find Vader or Mara. If he finds Vader, he will simply be told if he found Vader. If he finds Mara before the Emperor, he will be told that he has convinced her to join the Rebel cause. Mara can then join the Rebel Forum. If he finds Mara after the Emperor, he will be told her identity, but that she has resisted the temptation to switch allegiances. All other scans will read as not Vader and not Mara.

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Leia Organa: Leia has a stun bot the size of a syringe hidden somewhere on her body. Use your imagination. During the day, one time this game, she can program the bot to fly in and stun one person without revealing her identity. That person will be silenced for the day and the following night, but will wake up the following day cycle. She cannot use this ability on any of the rebel forces.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Obi-Wan can scan a recently deceased player each night. The player would have had to been killed either the day before or during the current night. He will deduce the identity of his target.

Han Solo: Han can block a protection once per game from any Imperial that has the protection ability. To initiate the block, he just PM’s the Mod the name of the person he wants to block and the block is automatic. Greedo cannot kill Han. If Greedo tries to shoot Han, Han will kill Greedo instead. If Han kills Greedo in this fashion, Han's identitiy will be revealed.

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Lando Calrissian: Lando is a crafty bastard. If he is about to be lynched, one time during the game he can use his special ability to escape the lynch. The day will proceed to night and there will be no lynch that day. Lando, however, will be at the mercy of the Imperials the next day.

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Chewbacca: If he has at least one non Rebel vote on him he can go all Wookie on someone’s ass and tear them limb from limb. What do you expect? He is a Wookie. This will reveal his identity. He cannot tear apart a rebel.

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Yoda: Yoda speaks with wisdom and the masses cannot help but be swayed by his calm intelligent rationale. Yoda has an extra secret vote that he “may” use each day for a lynch. This vote is completely independent from his public vote and can be placed even if he hasn’t placed a public vote. Just PM the Mod with the secret vote and it will be placed as soon as the Mod receives it. This vote can only be used once each day and cannot be changed.

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Talon Karrde: Karrde is a master of figuring out secrets from small scraps of information. Each night Karrde can scan one player and deduce the player’s identity.

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R2D2: Can adjust the Imperial computers by adding 3 lynch votes to one player one time during the game. This vote, once cast cannot be changed. There must be at least one non Rebel vote on a player for this to succeed and there has to be at least 7 players left in the game. Players will not be notified the extra votes have been placed. This use will not reveal R2D2’s identity.

Turn Order:

Day: All day actions happen first come first served
Count Dooku: Who will receive your secret vote for a lynch today?
Yoda: Who will receive your secret vote for a lynch today?
Mara Jade: If you have been scanned by the Emperor or Luke, who will you assassinate?
Rukh: Who will you assassinate?
Boba Fett: If your scan reveals a Rebel, will you kill the Rebel?
Greedo: Who will you shoot?
Leia Organa: Who will you stun?
Vader: Who will you choke to death?
R2D2: Who will receive your 3 secret votes for a lynch?

Night: Events happen in turn order
Boba Fett: Who will you protect (once per game)? If successful, you get a free scan the next day.
Grand Admiral Thrawn: Who is worthy of your protection tonight?
Grand Moff Tarkin: Who of the deceased will you scan to learn their true identity?
Rebels: Who will you kill?
Jabba the Hutt: Did you help lynch Solo? If so, then you get a free scan. You will be notified by PM from the moderator.
Emperor: Who will you scan to discern their identity?
Luke Skywalker: Who will you scan for Vader or Mara?
Vader: Who will you scan for Luke?
Rukh: Who will you scan for Thrawn?
Obi Wan Kenobi: Who of the deceased will you scan to learn their true identity?
Talon Karrde: Who will you scan to discern their identity?
Han Solo: Will you initiate a block? If so on who?
Luke Skywalker: Who will you scan for Vader or Mara?

Rukh: If you have identified Thrawn, you may interrupt any kill on Thrawn and sacrifice yourself instead.

Time Limits:
Day 1 - Due to the holiday it will go July 2nd to a maximum of July 13th 9PM EST
Day 2 - Will last a maximum of 9 days. If the end of the day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, then the deadline will extend to the following Monday
Day 3 Forward - Number of players = number of days not to exceed 7. If the end of the day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, then the deadline will extend to the following Monday

I am probably going to be doing some small tweaking myself in the next couple of days, but overall the rules are set and we can start the sign up process. I feel very comfortable with going up to 20 players, but can work with more or less depending on interest levels.

Bring out your dead!

1. Lassr
2. RMC
3. Tru1cy
4. Remus West
5. Qantaga
6. Newcastle
7. Mr. Bubbles
8. Theohall
9. Chaosraven
10. Scoop20906
11. Coopasonic
12. El Guapo
13. Lord Mortis
14. Stessier
15. Unagi
16. Pr0ner
17. Semaj
18. Kenetickid
19. Triggercut
20. Isgrimnur
21. Grundbegriff
Last edited by bb2112 on Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:40 pm, edited 17 times in total.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities up for Critique

Post by bb2112 »

These are the personalities I was thinking about. I was also contemplating some others like Darth Maul and Admiral Akbar, but I was running out of roles to assign the characters.

Please read over Mara jade. I wanted to make a Rebel that would make the Imperials think twice about coming out. In the BSG game everyone was coming out too quickly making it hard for the bad guys to hide. I wanted to make sure there were consequences for someone coming out and claiming roles.

I would like to target a 18 to 20 player game, how many bad roles should there be and how many good roles? I was thinking 5 baddies or 25% and 6 good guys, then 9 guards.

The roles would be chosen at random except the Emperor would be mandatory for the good guys.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities up for Critique

Post by El Guapo »

Thematically it seems odds to have Vader join the rebels. Yeah, he turns good right at the end of Jedi, but pretty much dies right away. A couple options might fit better with the theme: could just have Vader die when found by Luke, or could have him sacrifice himself (immediately chooses an imperial to kill, and then dies, now winning (or losing) with the rebels).

I guess game balance is the most important thing, but it feels odds to have Vader running around with the rebels.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities up for Critique

Post by Remus West »

Don't like the Mara Jade ability.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities up for Critique

Post by Newcastle »

-couple of comments, some ticky tacky some not

-resize the pictures so they are a bit smaller...i realize this is ticky tacky; but the leia & luke one are ginormous....

-seems like a ton of powers, like probably too many. i think you'd need like 30 some players to get the balance right here. I'd look at previous iterations of games and see what type of balance was struck....generally would be 1 seer, 1 hunter, 1 protector v. 3 wolves...then about 6-8 villagers..

-when i first started tinkering with a game, i thought of all these cool pwoers...well i thought they were cool....but folks kind of went eh?...and i realized i h ad to start over.

-start with less is more, then ramp up.

-mara jade dont like from what i briefly read simply because if the seer comes out, he can get shot instamatic...thats kind of not cool

- i'd condense what you wrote so again, less is more approach.

Also, recently we've averaged about 12-15 players per game..these mondo 20 people...are an abnormality...but i could be wrong. I almost think that the sweet spot is around 15-18 players..but that's jsut me.

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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities up for Critique

Post by Lassr »

Newcastle wrote:-

-seems like a ton of powers, like probably too many. i think you'd need like 30 some players to get the balance right here. I'd look at previous iterations of games and see what type of balance was struck....generally would be 1 seer, 1 hunter, 1 protector v. 3 wolves...then about 6-8 villagers..
I think the idea was he would use some of these in the game not all of them; randomly like Remus' last game.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities up for Critique

Post by bb2112 »

Lassr wrote:
Newcastle wrote:-

-seems like a ton of powers, like probably too many. i think you'd need like 30 some players to get the balance right here. I'd look at previous iterations of games and see what type of balance was struck....generally would be 1 seer, 1 hunter, 1 protector v. 3 wolves...then about 6-8 villagers..
I think the idea was he would use some of these in the game not all of them; randomly like Remus' last game.
Yes, as I said in the note, for a 20 person game I was thinking 5 bad guys and maybe 6 good guys. Not completely convinced this is the right balance though. The only person that would not be chosen randomly would be the emperor for the good guys, who Mara can't kill btw.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities up for Critique

Post by bb2112 »

Remus West wrote:Don't like the Mara Jade ability.
Any reason? And do you see a better way to accomplish the objective of making it potentially painful for all the good guys to out themselves without it being over the top prohibitive? Plus I did say that claiming special is not considered a reveal.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not 100% sold on Mara's ability which is why I wanted to throw it up for discussion, but I am trying to keep a little bit more mystery going in the game for longer than 2 game days.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities up for Critique

Post by bb2112 »

Newcastle wrote:-couple of comments, some ticky tacky some not

-resize the pictures so they are a bit smaller...i realize this is ticky tacky; but the leia & luke one are ginormous....

Also, recently we've averaged about 12-15 players per game..these mondo 20 people...are an abnormality...but i could be wrong. I almost think that the sweet spot is around 15-18 players..but that's jsut me.
Ok, this is embarassing, but if it is not a spreadsheet, then I have difficulty with computers. I tried (unsuccessfully) to get the pictures to a more reasonable and uniformed size. :oops:

If someone can give me easy to follow instructions I will do my best to edit.

If the game gets reduced to a 12 - 15 player game, then I would reduce the specials on both sides. You are right though, in order to play with all the specials we would have to be in the 30's of players and that would be crazy. I would do my best to accomodate, but I am sure there would be some players who would be turned off by such an epic/confusing/insane game. But then again, when talking about gamers, the definitions on epic/confusing/insane may be different than most peoples. :wink:
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities up for Critique

Post by tru1cy »

Mara is too powerful imo.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities up for Critique

Post by Lassr »

bb2112 wrote:
Newcastle wrote:-couple of comments, some ticky tacky some not

-resize the pictures so they are a bit smaller...i realize this is ticky tacky; but the leia & luke one are ginormous....

Also, recently we've averaged about 12-15 players per game..these mondo 20 people...are an abnormality...but i could be wrong. I almost think that the sweet spot is around 15-18 players..but that's jsut me.
Ok, this is embarassing, but if it is not a spreadsheet, then I have difficulty with computers. I tried (unsuccessfully) to get the pictures to a more reasonable and uniformed size. :oops:

If someone can give me easy to follow instructions I will do my best to edit.

If the game gets reduced to a 12 - 15 player game, then I would reduce the specials on both sides. You are right though, in order to play with all the specials we would have to be in the 30's of players and that would be crazy. I would do my best to accomodate, but I am sure there would be some players who would be turned off by such an epic/confusing/insane game. But then again, when talking about gamers, the definitions on epic/confusing/insane may be different than most peoples. :wink:
try using
[bigimg]picture img[/bigimg ]
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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities up for Critique

Post by bb2112 »

Lassr wrote: try using
[bigimg]picture img[/bigimg ]
Thanks! That was very helpful.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities up for Critique

Post by Remus West »

bb2112 wrote:
Remus West wrote:Don't like the Mara Jade ability.
Any reason? And do you see a better way to accomplish the objective of making it potentially painful for all the good guys to out themselves without it being over the top prohibitive? Plus I did say that claiming special is not considered a reveal.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not 100% sold on Mara's ability which is why I wanted to throw it up for discussion, but I am trying to keep a little bit more mystery going in the game for longer than 2 game days.
Because you will get a situation where the specials have to worry about their words in a way that the normals do not. If I were a special I would constantly be wondering "does this count as outing myself" then when I would want to out myself I would need to do a complete info dump in the same post so as not to lose any information to Mara's ability - thus closing a lot of doors for finding things out about people. The outing of specials is kept in check by having enough normals for the bad guys to hide in. If you balance the numbers correctly then if the good guys come out to soon the bad guys take them down 1 by 1 and thus cut the flow of information the good guys have. Information is the game. Giving the bad guys the ability to take out a special with no balance check against it (such as the loss of their own as with the berserker role - Doral in the current BSG game). Currently she is protected against wasting her power - since it doesn't get used if she targets the wrong person. She is kept hidden when using it - thus not risking retribution. Perhaps most unbalancing of all is that she encourages the unpowered to try and fake roles to get her to use her power. When the good guys claim roles that don't belong to them bad things happen - see the Get Smart game in which Scoop claimed protector, the rest of the good guys blew him up then lynched the actual protector because Scoop showed as being on our side (side note, there was no sorcerer role in that game).
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” - H.L. Mencken
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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities up for Critique

Post by Chaosraven »

Specials coming out isn't something to discourage. That's when the wolves get the opportunity to Spoof First or Contest Second, or Stay Hidden in the Masses.

Something to remember is that Standard WW Wolves have only 2 Abilities. (1)They know who each other are, (2)They are allowed to kill at Night without Majority Vote.
In the forum games, they are generally given the added ability to actively discuss, with lengthy forums, the plans and tactics as the game progresses.

As you add abilities, you look for a balance between Good and Evil.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities up for Critique

Post by Remus West »

Which reminds me of another reason. Mara's ability reduces the ability of the bad guys to fake roles because if they come out and survive.....
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” - H.L. Mencken
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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities up for Critique

Post by bb2112 »

Mara Jade - So far 3 do not like her ability. Both Remus and CR have made pretty strong arguments. Since we have 2 games in queue before this one, there isn't a rush to finalize this. Therefore, I will hold off making the adjustments to see if there are any other comments. However, it looks like she may have to change.

Vader - So far 1 does not like the fact that he switches sides. Just to make the explanation as simplistic as possible, he does switch from good to evil after the third movie, and from evil to good after Return of the Jedi. Even though he does switch sides twice, I do agree that it is pretty ingrained in most of our minds that Darth Vader is a prominent face of the Empire and it is hard to see him as anything else. I have some thoughts on how to change him going forward if people would prefer to keep him as an Imperial throughout the game. El Guapo, btw, I love your suggestion on Vader and I'm thinking that may be the one I'm leaning towards at this time.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities up for Critique

Post by Lassr »

bb2112 wrote:Mara Jade - So far 3 do not like her ability. Both Remus and CR have made pretty strong arguments. Since we have 2 games in queue before this one, there isn't a rush to finalize this. Therefore, I will hold off making the adjustments to see if there are any other comments. However, it looks like she may have to change.

Vader - So far 1 does not like the fact that he switches sides. Just to make the explanation as simplistic as possible, he does switch from good to evil after the third movie, and from evil to good after Return of the Jedi. Even though he does switch sides twice, I do agree that it is pretty ingrained in most of our minds that Darth Vader is a prominent face of the Empire and it is hard to see him as anything else. I have some thoughts on how to change him going forward if people would prefer to keep him as an Imperial throughout the game. El Guapo, btw, I love your suggestion on Vader and I'm thinking that may be the one I'm leaning towards at this time.
I think Vader is fine. Plus, the one who has a problem with Vader switching sides doesn't even pay these games. So El Guapo, are you going to join a game soon? :D
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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities up for Critique

Post by El Guapo »

:D Probably - I've been watching these games recently, as you've noticed. At the same time though, I see people re-reading through 40+ page threads, and gathering nest quotes of people's statements with corresponding summaries of how each suggests that they're a wolf...and it's like good god man, who has the time.

I probably do have enough time to suck at one of these games, though, so I'll probably wind up joining one with a theme I like.

Also, my division does have an intern for the summer, so I could always have him compile summaries for me...
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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities up for Critique

Post by bb2112 »

El Guapo wrote: Also, my division does have an intern for the summer, so I could always have him compile summaries for me...
That's the spirit! Make your minions do your work for you.

That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities up for Critique

Post by Remus West »

El Guapo wrote::D Probably - I've been watching these games recently, as you've noticed. At the same time though, I see people re-reading through 40+ page threads, and gathering nest quotes of people's statements with corresponding summaries of how each suggests that they're a wolf...and it's like good god man, who has the time.

I probably do have enough time to suck at one of these games, though, so I'll probably wind up joining one with a theme I like.

Also, my division does have an intern for the summer, so I could always have him compile summaries for me...
Some people compile. Others pretend they did and simply mention events certain that stessier or Chaosraven will go back through the entire thread to find the needed quote. :twisted:
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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities up for Critique - Updated

Post by bb2112 »

Based on the above suggestions, I updated Mara, Luke, Vader and the Emperor.

Please feel free to make more critiques.

Still thinking based on 20 participants:

Good Guys

Bad Guys

9 Guards

Do I have the ratio right, or should there be more or less of certain groups?

Should I have less Randoms and/or are there personalities that people want to make sure are represented in the game?
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities up for Critique - Updated

Post by Remus West »

If Mara has been scanned by Luke/Emperor is she told if she is scanned by the other? In other words, if the Emperor scans her and then the next turn Luke scans her does she know the Rebels know her identity? Also, which scan goes first? This will be important if they scan her the same night.
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” - H.L. Mencken
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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities up for Critique - Updated

Post by El Guapo »

Remus West wrote:This will be important if they scan her the same night.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities up for Critique - Updated

Post by bb2112 »

Remus West wrote:If Mara has been scanned by Luke/Emperor is she told if she is scanned by the other? In other words, if the Emperor scans her and then the next turn Luke scans her does she know the Rebels know her identity? Also, which scan goes first? This will be important if they scan her the same night.
Not sure on the order yet. I was thinking the Emperor's scan would go first since he has dibs on her, but haven't thoroughly thought it out yet. And no, she is only told of the first scan and even then not the real identity of the scanner. Of course, she will know who the real Luke is after she joins the Rebel forum, but otherwise she is clueless.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities - Update w/Turn Order

Post by bb2112 »

Updated for turn order.

Does anyone have any opinion on number of good specials vs bad specials vs normals?

Also, would people prefer to do characters randomly or to have a set starting cast?
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Personalities - Update w/Turn Order

Post by Chaosraven »

Depends on how many chances you want to give the Village to miss for how many bad. Bad + Good Special should not exceed the normals (to give Wolves a place to hide). So it depends on how many players you get.
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Re: Star Wars WW Starting Next - Sign Up Open

Post by bb2112 »

Scoop sent me a PM and asked if I was ready for my game to go next. He is going to be doing some tweeking to his game per some suggestions sent by the masses.

I am probably going to be doing some small tweeking myself in the next couple of days, but overall the rules are set and we can start the sign up process. I feel very comfortable with going up to 20 players, but can work with more or less depending on interest levels.

Bring out your dead! I mean, the sign up list is below.

1. Lassr
2. RMC
3. Tru1cy
4. Remus West
5. Qantaga
6. Newcastle
7. Mr. Bubbles
8. Theohall
9. Chaosraven
10. Scoop20906
11. Coopasonic
12. El Guapo
13. Lord Mortis
14. Stessier
15. Unagi
16. Pr0ner
17. Semaj
18. Kenetickid
19. Triggercut
20. Isgrimnur
21. Grunbegriff
Last edited by bb2112 on Fri Jul 01, 2011 6:34 am, edited 19 times in total.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Star Wars WW Starting Next - Sign Up Open

Post by Lassr »

The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.

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Re: Star Wars WW Starting Next - Sign Up Open

Post by RMC »

In... I don't have fancy graphics to say it or anything.
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Re: Star Wars WW Starting Next - Sign Up Open

Post by Lassr »

BB, did Scoop pass the OOWW forum password on to you?
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.

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Re: Star Wars WW Starting Next - Sign Up Open

Post by bb2112 »

Lassr wrote:BB, did Scoop pass the OOWW forum password on to you?
Yes, thanks for asking. I'm fumbling my way through setting up the forums now. I think I've got it right.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Star Wars WW Starting Next - Sign Up Open

Post by Lassr »

bb2112 wrote:
Lassr wrote:BB, did Scoop pass the OOWW forum password on to you?
Yes, thanks for asking. I'm fumbling my way through setting up the forums now. I think I've got it right.
one thing that helped me while I fumbled through is you can manage users and enter a user name and then there is a link that let's you see what they see (it was top right of their profile page under their name I think). That way you can tell if you have everything blocked correctly by user.
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.

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Re: Star Wars WW Starting Next - Sign Up Open

Post by tru1cy »

In, but my play time during the day will be limited as I am moving into a new job on the 5th, so no Internet surfing till I get the feel for the job and department
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Re: Star Wars WW Starting Next - Sign Up Open

Post by Remus West »

“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” - H.L. Mencken
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Re: Star Wars WW Starting Next - Sign Up Open

Post by Qantaga »

If we shadows have offended, think but this and all is mended
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the second bold is to "really make my point" and leave no do

Post by Newcastle »

these are not the droid you're looking for

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Re: the second bold is to "really make my point" and leave n

Post by RMC »

Newcastle wrote:these are not the droid you're looking for
So your 'NI IN' ???

Wolf! Your a Wolf!!!!
Difficulties mastered are opportunities won. - Winston Churchill
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Re: the second bold is to "really make my point" and leave n

Post by bb2112 »

Newcastle wrote:these are not the droid you're looking for
I will assume that means you are in :D
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Star Wars WW Starting Next - Sign Up Open

Post by Mr Bubbles »

I'm back and I am in. Bring it on you furry light saber wield freaks.
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Re: Star Wars WW Starting Next - Sign Up Open

Post by theohall »


Shamelessly stolen from Lassr's post.
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