BSG IV -Revhempus Smoked -Humans win.

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Re: (03) BSG IV -Night 6- Unagi-Grundbecide victim

Post by Lassr »

The Story of BSG IV

Night 1

Six Scan Grundbegriff & Chaosraven

The infiltration of the small band of human survivors was a success. The next step in the eradication of the human race would a slow tedious process. The first step starts tonight. But first you have sensed another presence on board. One that feels so familiar, could it be one of the final five? You cannot pin point from whom this feeling is coming from but you must try and find out.

You sit down in your room and decide to concentrate on 2 members of the crew to see if you can detect anything. You open all the frequencies of your Cylon brain. You concentrate on Grundbegriff. He seems more intelligent than most on board. Surely he is the Cylon. After an hour you get no connection.

Frustrated, you get up and pace and decide to try Chaosraven. He’s a quirky strange man; the perfect disguise. Once again you open your brain and search for any frequency coming from him. Another hour passes and nothing. These 2 appear to be simplehumans.

Baltar scans Chaosraven

Lust. That was the feeling you’ve been experiencing. Even after the events of the day, you were still lusting after…someone. You’ve always been promiscuous but this feeling was unique. It was like you had a psychic connection with someone on-board, the desire to seek them out was overwhelming. You have images of you and someone but you can never see her face. You sit back and think about Chaosraven, she was one fine freaky piece that you wouldn’t mind frakking. You find your hand venturing down below your waistband but after a few minutes the feelings for Chaosraven fades. She must not be the one of your dreams. Chaosraven is not Six.

Starbuck protects no one

What a miserable day. You sit in your bunk and stare at the gun that was tucked away in your waistband. Everything you knew is gone. Everything you knew was frakked up anyhow. You decide to sit tight and think about what the next step should be and start fresh tomorrow. You fall sleep rather quickly.

Athena scans Grundbegriff

You came to Caprica many years ago as part of the plan to infiltrate the human society. But something happened. You began to love the humans, maybe it was a faulty program but you could not carry out your order of terminating the humans. You know there are many more clones of you out there but there are also others that look human. Could there be some on board now? You try to recall their faces but that part of your memory had been wiped to protect the operation. But you know that the neural connection is still there, it just being able to connect it to the right person.

You decide to give it a try. You sit and relax, opening up all the frequencies of your Cylon brain and you concentrate on Grundbegriff. You sit there nearly an hour trying different methods but nothing happens. Grundbegriff appears to be human.

Cylons kill Semaj

The search performed by Six totally drained her. 2 were too much at one time. Cavil agrees to perform the termination for the night as Six recuperated.

Cavil slips out of his room and silently approaches Semaj’s door.
You press the open button but of course it was locked. You rap lightly on the door. A moment later Semaj peeks his head out, it was obvious he had been asleep.
You whisper, “Sorry, did I wake you? I just needed someone to talk to.”
Semaj stammers, “Uh, that, that’s OK. Come one in.”
“I’m Cavil. You are Semaj, correct?”
“Yes, how did you know?”
“Over heard you talking to someone. How you doing?” You walk around the room to find a seat. You spot a pry bar next to a crate and take a seat on the crate.
Semaj sits back on his bed. “I’m trying not to think about it right now. I took some sleeping pills and they are barely working. It’s just so hard not to think about it. You know, why am I still alive?”
You get a firm grasp on the pry bar. “I may be able to help you with your problem.”
Semaj looks over at him, “Really, how…” He never gets to finish the sentence as you bring the bar down on top of his skull. You take a few more swings just to be sure.

You open the door and silently make your way back to your room.

Semaj is killed

You hadn’t been asleep long when you hear what you think is a light knock on your door. You sit up and listen but hear nothing else. You get out of bed and go to the door and open it slightly and peek out. Someone is standing there.
“Sorry, did I wake you? I just needed someone to talk to.”
Confused you mumble, “Uh, that, that’s OK. Come one in.”
“I’m Cavil. You are Semaj, correct?”
“Yes, how did you know?”
“Over heard you talking to someone. How you doing?”
.“I’m trying not to think about it right now. I took some sleeping pills and they are barely working. It’s just so hard not to think about it. You know, why am I still alive?”
“I may be able to help you with your problem.”
You turn to look at Cavil, “Really, how…” Lights explode in your head, excruciating pain knocks you to your knees then everything goes black.

You are dead.


Everyone begins to gather in the conference room at 0700. It was time to decide what the future holds. First step was to find food. Luckily one of the cargo items listed in the inventory was fruit from Sagittaron. After the crates were pried open, everyone began to find a seat to go over the next step, attempting to contact other survivors.

A hush fell over the crowd as they saw someone step to the front and start counting. “Fifteen. Who’s missing?” Remus West went over to the roster that was made out the night before and began to call out names.

“Right here.”
“Over here.”
No one answers.
“Semaj? Remus looks at the list. He’s in cabin 8. Can someone go look for him.”
Austin volunteers. He returns a few minutes later. “He’s dead. Looks like someone bashed his skull in with a pry bar.

Remus raises his hands to calm everyone. “Ok, we have a situation. Did anyone know semaj personally?” No one would admit to knowing him. “Ok, did anyone hear…”He was interrupted by a beep from a communicator on the wall.

Austin runs over to read the text message. “What does it say?” Remus asks, “Who sent it?”

“Uh, it was sent anonymously. It says. ‘There are Cylons amongst us that look human. Some of us on board have the ability to tell them apart from normal humans. Unfortunately, it can only be done through autopsy. We must find these Cylons or we will all die.’”

“How the hell do we know this is true? It could be a Cylon trick.”

Someone in the front row gets up and reads the message. “CyRad. It has the CyRad symbol attached.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“CyRaD was a secret military organization that spied on and studied the Cylons. Some one here is from CyRaD. I’d trust this message.”

“We need to vote for someone to be tested. We’ll put the body in an empty room and let the specialist do his job.”

“Frak off. I’m not getting dissected!”

“Then you will be the first one then.” A gun is drawn and pointed at him.

“Hold on, hold on! Ok, we’ll vote!”
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Re: (03) BSG IV -Night 6- Unagi-Grundbecide victim

Post by Lassr »

Day 1


No one really knew what to do. The first 2 hours saw only a few people attempting to find any Cylons hidden amongst them. The others just sat back and kept to themselves. Many started pointing fingers at them.

Tory Foster talks to Stessier

You watch as Austin, Remus West and stessier debate the idea that a Cylon would speak in code to alert others in the group. They started pointing fingers at others and eventually stessier walks away from the group. You track him down and begin to talk to him. You can tell he’s frustrated after he snaps, “I quote a frakking song and Remus looks at me as if I just let go a Cylon signal. Frakking idiot! We’ll end up killing each other and doing the Cylons job for them!”
After a few more minutes you two part ways. You notice nothing unusual about him, just another shocked and frustrated survivor. Stessier is not Baltar.

A few more hours into the day and few more people decided to join in on the debate. More votes were cast but still no one near a majority.


The group got bored fast. They kept gesturing toward the silent ones sitting in the back of the room to speak up. They’d finally had enough. They picked Sean out and the votes came fast. Sean was led from the room without resistance.

A few minutes alter redrun came back. “He went to his death without saying a word. He looked shocked when we drew the gun, but it was too late then.”

“Everyone needs to go back to their room so the autopsy can be performed in secrecy. We’ll meet back here in 2 hours.”

Everyone left, all wondering why Sean would just go his death without a peep in his defense. He must be Cylon!

Little did they know he was actually a deaf-mute and had no clue what was happening.

#7 plants a bomb in Remus West’s Room

As everyone was debating whether to kill off the ones not participating in the vote you decide to slip off and plant an explosive in Remus West’s room. It’s very small and can only be activated through a special frequency transmitted from your Cylon brain. You would like to set it off tonight but your programming forbids you from exposing yourself to the other Cylons except in a crisis situation. Sean has been killed but it has not reached crisis mode yet.


The group began to filter back in at the 2 hour mark. They sat quietly and waited for someone to give out the results of the autopsy. Stessier walked to the communicator on the wall and found a message already posted there waiting to be read.

He reads it out loud, “Results of the autopsy showed a microchip in the center of the brain. Sean was a Cylon.” The group erupted in cheers!

“That was easy!”

There was a lot of time left in the day and they proceeded to keep themselves busy doing activities as some attempted to contact other survivors.

By 2100 they were all tried and headed off to bed.
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Re: (03) BSG IV -Night 6- Unagi-Grundbecide victim

Post by Lassr »

Night 2

Six Scan Unagi

What an unfortunate turn of events. Brother Cavil was killed rather swiftly. You wonder, “Is there some flaw in our program that makes it so obvious we are not human?” You feel there is someone here that wants to help the Cylon cause. Is it Unagi? You sit and begin meditating. You focus on Unagi but after an hour nothing happens. Unagi must be human. You want to try again but you have other business to take care of tonight.

Baltar scans Unagi

Your urges are getting out of control. You found yourself dry humping the back of a chair today as you were looking at Unagi. Wow, what a fine piece. “Is she my dream girt?” you wonder. You sit down and picture Unagi in your head. You think about all the kinky stuff you would do to her but nothing seems to happen. You get up and go take a cold shower. Unagi is not Six.

Starbuck protects herself

The day’s events proved that there were really Cylons amongst the survivors. You decide to take no chances. You draw your sidearm and rest it under your pillow. You lay awake until 0400 before you decide you better catch a quick nap before roll call. Nothing happens to you that night.

Athena scans Austin

The humans found a Cylon on their first try. Now it’s up to you to try and find if others are hiding amongst the survivors. Austin is a good target for the night. But first you decide that it may be a good idea to hide in the crawl space you found behind some crates in your room. You crawl in, lie down and open up your brain. You search for any signals, and after just 45 minutes you make a connection. You see brief images of a basestar, images of raiders swooping from the sky and an image of the shuttle that brought you to the freighter. Austin is a Cylon.

Cylons kill Mr. Bubbles

The humans must pay for the death of your partner. You slip from your room and approach Mr. Bubble’s door. The door is locked as expected. You knock. Nobody answers, so you knock a little harder. Still nothing. You decide you’ve had enough. You smash your fist into the doors control panel breaking the seal on the door. You pry your fingers into the edge of the door and rip it open. You storm into the room and spot Mr. Bubbles cowering in the corner of the room. You rush across the room grab him by his throat and slam him into the wall cracking his skull. You then sling his limp body across the room striking a nearby desk. His neck snaps from the impact. Mr. Bubbles is dead.

Mr. Bubbles is killed

You sit in your room thinking about the day’s events. You hope that today’s execution of a Cylon would end this nightmare. Your thoughts are interrupted by a knock. You get up but then decide it’s best to just not answer the door. You hear another knock then silence. You breath a sigh of relief until you hear a loud bang and a crunching noise. You notice that the lock on your door has released. You back into the corner as the door is ripped open and blond woman rushes across the room, grabs you by the throat and slams you into the wall knocking you unconscious.
You are dead.

0700 Day 2

The group was more perky this morning as they arrived In the conference room. Most felt they had eliminated the Cylon threat. As they were grabbing fruit for breakfast Grundbegriff spoke up, “Someone is missing.”
The murmur grew as everyone tried to figure out who it was. Finally after a few minutes kraegor announced, “It’s Mr. Bubbles, he’s missing.”
“Frak!” Grundbegriff curses. “I’ll be back.”
A few minutes later Grundbegriff returns with the grim news. “Mr. Bubbles is dead. We still have some work to do it seems.”
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Re: (03) BSG IV -Night 6- Unagi-Grundbecide victim

Post by Lassr »

Day 2

Athena re-scans Austin

You found a Cylon last night. You could help end this nightmare. But you’re a Cylon and you would not harm these humans. What if the other Cylon is like you? You decide to try and find out a little more info. As the crowd debates who they will execute for the death of Mr. Bubbles you slip off and head back to your room. You go in and lock the door. Sitting at your desk you attempt to reconnect with Austin’s brain. A few minutes later you get a vivid connection. It’s like a data download. Info comes streaming into your head. There is a Brother Cavil. An unknown Cylon they’ve been attempting contact…then abruptly the stream is disrupted. Your download has been detected and a firewall was put up to stop it. Austin is Six. Austin knows his brain has been tapped into but not by whom.

Intrusion Detected.

As you were sowing your deception and trying to get a human executed for the day you suddenly feel someone access your brain. Images of Brother Cavil, info of your attempt to contact a hidden Cylon suddenly flashes n your brain. Could this be the Cylon you have been trying to find? You don’t know but someone now knows who you are. You immediately throw up a firewall and cease the intrusion into your brain. You transmit this info to a nearby BaseStar and a patch is immediately downloaded to all other Cylon brains so that this intrusion can be thwarted the next time but too late for you.

Specialist West scans Mipe

The 3 of you had been working on a special device for the past year that would detect Cylon frequencies being emitted from the brain. When the Cylon attacked happened you were able to grab the only working prototype and bring it with you. You decide now is the best time to use it.

You approach mipe, raise the device and press the activate button.

Instantly kraegor rushes over and knocks the device from your hands.

“What the hell are you doing?” you scream as you pick up the device.

“What the hell is that thing? I thought you were about to shoot mipe!” Kraegor screams back at him.

“It’s a Cylon scanner…or at least it was.” You look at the busted receiver sensor on front. The thing is useless now. The only replacement part is back at the lab. You look at the screen, at least it is still working, the screen shows no Cylon frequency activity in mipe’s brain. He is human.


Kraegor notices Remus West fumbling for something in his jacket. He seems him pull out an electronic device and point it at mipe’s head. Kraegor reacts instantly, he rushes over and knocks the device from Remus West’s hands.

“What the hell are you doing?” Remus screams as he bends over to pick up the device.

“What the hell is that thing? I thought you were about to shoot mipe!” Kraegor screams back at him.

“It’s a Cylon scanner…or at least it was.” Remus looks at the device and then at the screen that is still lit up.

“Well, it’s useless now but I did get in a scan before the sensor was busted. Mipe is human.”

“How can we trust you?” Revhempus asks as he looks at the device.

Remus pulls his CyRaD badge from his pocket. “I have my.”

The majority of the survivors looking to cling to any hope believe Remus to be telling the truth and accept that Mipe is human.


There was no wasting time today. The first two hours of the second day was packed with twists and turns.

Chaosraven had stepped forward and claimed to be a Cylon, but a Cylon helping the survivors. And to prove his point he was offering up another Cylon for execution. Then there was an apparent human named mipe that claimed to have inside info on the deceased and then said he was having dreams about sex with Cylon women. After the crowd did not find this acceptable and were growing violent he backed off his stance claiming it was a joke.

A member of the CyRaD team stepped forward and proved mipe to be human, although obviously mentally unstable, with a top secret scanner that was promptly destroyed when it was mistaken for a weapon.

With 14 hours left in the day it will be interesting to see what else happens…


The unusual situation that had arose that morning had created quite a bit of confusion for the survivors. They just were not quite sure what to do with this information supposedly provided by a Cylon. A few just wanted to kill’em both and eliminate the headache and others wanted to trust the new Cylon crewmate. Luckily the day is still young.

kraegor shoots Austin

kraegor’s frustration over the day finally spewed over. First he frakked up the Cylon sensor and then people accused him of being irrational…well he’ll show them irrational. Kraegor steps forward and pulls a gun from his waistband, walks up to Austin, points the gun at his head and pulls the trigger as a look of surprise comes over Austin’s face. The bullet enters under his left eye and exits out the back along with half the contents of his head.

Bakhtosh, Chaosraven, and Scoop were all standing behind Austin and were showered with blood and brain matter. Scoop gags and runs off to throw up, Chaosraven stands there in shock and Bakhtosh just smiles and says, “That brings back memories.”

Remus grabs the gun from kraegor. “Dude, what the frak! I’m going to have a hard time doing an autopsy in this mess! Everyone just go back to your rooms and let me get to work.”

Game advances 2 hours due to Helo shot and autopsy.

As the people start arriving at the conference room Remus stops them at the door. “It’s a mess in there, let’s move to another room.” They find a vacant storage room and gather around Remus. “Luckily kraegor’s shot missed the center of the brain. I found a microchip. It would seem Austin was a Cylon.”

“I don’t know how many more there are but we need to continue with the process.”

Revhempus downloads from Resurrection ship.

You just witnessed the murder of two of your Cylon partners. Upon their death you received a download from the resurrection ship of all available information that was in their brains. It seems they were trying to find a hidden Cylon or traitor they sensed on board. Could it be you they were sensing? You highly doubt it, your signals were intentional masked from them to keep you hidden. It is now your duty to carry on the mission.


Kraegors shooting of Austin really livened up the day. Votes started coming a little faster now. No one else wanted to piss off someone with a gun. Plus Bakhtosh was a little intimidating, he had not showered while in his room, and was still wearing Austin proudly.

6 hours until time to turn in for the night.


The day has seemed very long for most of the survivors. The vote has not come easy this time. They feel they are so close to ending this nightmare but are afraid of making the wrong move now after being perfect so far. Some still debated who should be lynched others took long naps. Grundbegriff was the only entertainment for the group. He kept talking in his sleep, mumbling about grading exams and how students could earn extra credit that made a few in the group blush.

Everyone was mentally tired, they needed to wrap this up soon.


The day was winding down fast and every one was getting weary. Voting flip flopped as Scoop was within one vote of dying then it went stessier’s way. Some suggested just sleeping on the decision and seeing what happens tonight, others wanted to push ahead. Something needed to happen soon as mental fatigue was beginning to set in.


This log day saw kreagor administer 2 killing blows, once with a gun and the final with a vote. Stessier got his wish. He had begged to be killed. He wanted to see the faces of the Gods of Cobol, such beauty one can only behold in death. He was lead away and executed. The survivors wait in the cramped room for the autopsy results.

Your afterlife

Your vision fades and a bright pinpoint of light appears. It grows larger and larger. It fades and then you awake in a bright room. The Gods of Cobol are standing before you. One steps forward. You drop to your knees as you prepare to soak up her beauty. She lowers her hood.
“Welcome my child to eternity”


Remus West walks into the room 2 hours later. His mood was much different this time and an uneasy feeling fell over the crowd. “It appears that we just killed a survivor. Stessier was human.”

With that piece of depressing news people shuffled quietly to their rooms.
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Re: (03) BSG IV -Night 6- Unagi-Grundbecide victim

Post by Lassr »

Night 3

Bakhtosh protects Chaosraven

The events of the past day were beyond Bizarre. A Cylon helping the humans, you still didn’t trust Chaosraven but if he is really helping then the Cylons were sure to target him sooner or later. You slip out of your room and make your way toward Chaosraven’s room. You take up position in a storage room a few doors and down and leave the door ajar. You sit there until morning. As you leave the room to meet up for the morning roll call, the ship vibrates followed by a loud explosion. You run off toward the explosion.

Chaosraven scans Bakhtosh

Bakhtosh is hiding something, you can feel it but what is it. Is he a Cylon also? You sit down and open your mind and concentrate on Bakhtosh. You sit there waiting for the inevitable Cylon signal but this time you get nothing. It seems that Bakhtosh is human.

Mipe scans Grundbegriff

As tragic as the event of the past day were, it did not squelch the desire burning in your loins. As you were showering, you think about that very quiet, but very smart Grundbegriff. Brains can be sexy too. You soap up your body thinking about what you could do to Grundbegriff’s body. You pour a little extra soap in your hand and begin to work on Little Baltar. After a while the thoughts of Grundbegriff do not stimulate you anymore and the soap is beginning to really burn…

Grundbegriff is not Six.

Seven scans Bakhtosh

Once the download of Six’s and Cavil’s memories were complete, you realized they were looking for another Cylon on board, one they could sense but couldn’t pinpoint. You knew it couldn’t be you as your program suppose to totally blocked all signals to other Cylons. You figure it must be one of the Final 5. You sit down to take up where they left off. You open your mind and try to contact Bakhtosh. After 30 minutes nothing happens and you give up. You have more important thing to attend to. Bakhtosh is not Ten.

Seven explodes bomb in Remus room and kills kraegor

The humans trust very few people now. Your knock on kreagor’s door did not draw him out. He remained locked inside. You decide to wait him out. Twenty minutes before roll call he opens his door and steps out. You punch him in the throat dazing him, you grab the gun he has tucked in his waistband and point it at his head. Before you squeeze the trigger you activate the bomb you had planted in Remus West’s room. The ship vibrates as the device explodes and you pull the trigger, splattering kraegor’s brain’s on the door behind him. You drop the gun and take off running toward the sound of the explosion.

Remus goes boom

Your alarm goes off at 0640. You reach over and slap the off button and you are blasted into tiny little pieces…

You have died in an explosion.

Kraegor is killed

You did not sleep well. Late in the night you heard someone knocking on your door. You started to answer but decided it was not wise. You climb out of bed at 0630 and decide to get to the morning roll call early so you may enjoy some breakfast. You grab your gun and tuck it in your waistband. You open the door and step out. A sharp pain explodes in your throat, bright lights flash in your eyes, and you feel the gun slip from your waistband. Then you feel the ship vibrates as you hear a loud explosion followed by another bang and then nothing…

You are dead.


An explosion rocks the ship. The survivors pour from their rooms and head toward the location of the blast. They find the room, the door is completely blown off it’s frame and is lying twisted in the hallway. “Who’s room was this?” Revhempus yells above the commotion. Unagi speaks up, “It was Remus West’s room.”
“What the hell was he doing in there?” Before anyone could respond purge runs up, out of breath, he says “I found kraegor. He’s been shot and he’s dead.”
“Frak! Obviously the Cylons are still active. Let’s get to the meeting room and get to work.”
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Re: (03) BSG IV -Night 6- Unagi-Grundbecide victim

Post by Lassr »

Day 3


Grundbegriff was a strange fellow. If Chaosraven hadn’t said he was human he probably would have been lynched by now. For the past few days he just sat off to himself and would occasionally yell out, “Reading!” or “Analyzing!”

But on day 3 he woke up and wouldn’t shut up, but by the end of his analysis he had the whole room on his side. Scoop was chosen for execution.

When the vote reached 5 Scoop sighed heavily, “I’m not a Cylon, but I saw this coming.” About that time Mipe and Bakhtosh stand up. “Hey we wanted to vote for him also!”
Grund looks at them, “What’s the point now?”

Mipe walks over and punches Scoop in the stomach. “There’s my vote.” Bakhtosh smiles and walks over and drives the toe of his boot in to Scoop’s crotch lifting him off the floor.

Scoop screams, “Frak!” and after catching his breath and tears in his eyes, “Isn’t it enough…” another breath, “that you’re going to kill me?”
Unable to stand he is drug off to another room and executed.

“Everyone go to your room and meet back here in 2 hours.”


Everyone arrived a little early. They just knew there was going to be good news and hopefully end the Cylon threat aboard the ship.

Purge walks up to the computer terminal and reads the report.
“Well, it would appear that Scoop was human.”

Bakhtosh winces and squeezes his legs together, remember the goodbye he gave Scoop. “Oh frak.”

Unagi starts weeping, “He wanted me to teach him to play Triad. I…I wouldn’t have anything to do with him. I thought he was a Cylon and I guess everyone else thought so too. He must have been so lonely.” Unagi leaves the room.

Everyone heads to their rooms to think about the days events. They come and go during the day, mingling and grabbing some food, they just didn’t know what to do now. Eventually night comes around and everyone heads to bed.
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Re: (03) BSG IV -Night 6- Unagi-Grundbecide victim

Post by Lassr »

Night 4

Bakhtosh protects himself

After you announced that you had been protecting your fellow survivors each night you figured the Cylons would come after you. You bolt your door and lay your firearm by your side. You sit there most of the night before catching a quick nap before roll call. Nothing happens that night.

Mipe scans redrun
The pool of good looking survivors is shrinking. The one’s you hoped would be your dream girl have turned out not to be. You decide to try redrun. She’s not a drop dead gorgeous subject but you wouldn’t kick her out of bed. You think about giving her a nice oil massage, paying close attention to her buttocks, kneading them with your strong fingers. Your mind carries the fantasy as far as it can but your body part down below doesn’t react. Redrun is not Six.

Chaosraven scans Unagi

You walk back to your room. You were sure that Scoop was a Cylon, you should have scanned him the night before and another innocent may not have had to die. Unagi, I need to scan him. You open your door and step through. You bolt the door and reach for the light control panel to switch on the lights. You turn and standing there behind you is RevHempus. “Frak, what are you doing here?”
“I came to help you find the other Cylon.”
Puzzled, you ask, “How can you help?”
RevHempus moves quickly, quicker than should be possible for a human. You see something in his hand as he thrust it toward you.

The steel pipe penetrates your eye socket, drives through your brain and out the back of your head. You are dead.

Cylons kill Chaosraven

After the result from Scoop’s autopsy was being read you slip out of the room. You must kill Chaosraven, the traitor Cylon. You rush down the hallway and enter his room. You see a metal rod lying on the floor next to a crate, you bend and pick it up, turn out the lights and wait. Not long after Chaosraven enters the room. He turns on the lights and turns to meet you face to face.
Startled he says, Frak, what are you doing here?”
“I came to help you find the other Cylon.”
His face shows confusion, “How can you help?”

You answer by quickly bring up the metal rod and slamming it into his eye socket. The force of the thrust was so great the rod exited out the back of his skull. You wait a while till everyone is in their room and then slip away.

RevHempus Scans redrun
You’ve taken care of that traitor Chaosraven but now you could really use some help with the pesky humans. If there is another Cylon hidden amongst the survivors you hope to find it soon, very soon. The humans are getting too organized. You reach out toward redrun trying to get any kind of connection but after an hour you get nothing. Redrun is not 10.


Everyone shows up promptly for roll call to see what Chaosraven found out last night. “Chaosraven is late.” Bakhtosh says as he looks around. “Oh frak!” He takes off running toward Chaosraven’s room. Others following him. As they open the door they see Chaosraven lying on the floor with a metal bar protruding from his skull. He has been killed.
Someone must die.
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Re: (03) BSG IV -Night 6- Unagi-Grundbecide victim

Post by Lassr »

Day 4


After the miss yesterday everyone was stunned but the pool of suspects was shrinking. Grundbegriff took the lead again today and people followed. Using his deductive reasoning he came to the conclusion that redrun had to be a Cylon. Everyone followed him in voting to execute redrun, except redrun, who thought revehempus was the Cylon. There was a snort that came from the corner of the room. Everyone turned to see Revhempus wake himself after a loud snore. “Huh, what, what’s happening?”
Grund glancess at him with a look of disgust, “We voted to execute redrun. Go back to sleep.”
With that redrun is drug off to another room, protesting the whole time. “This is a mistake. I’m just a citizen. Revhempus is sitting over there in the corner asleep. We could easily waste him right now. Come on guys. I’m not a Cylon. There were some votes for Unagi. Let’s do a recount!” The door slides shut, drowning out his voice. “Everyone to your rooms please.”


The results were delayed as everyone waited for revhempus. He was late. Grundbegriff stood up and said, “I’ll go get him.” A few minutes later Grund comes with a look of puzzlement on his face. “He wasn’t in his room.”
Silence falls over the room and then they hear it…a snore coming from the back of the room. They look back and see a pair of feet sticking out from behind a box. Grund walks back and kicks them, “Get up! We’re ready for the autopsy results.”
Revhempus rubs his red eyes, “Sorry, I don’t why I’m so sleepy. Must be something I smoked.”
Rvhempus sits down and Grund reads the monitor and says, ‘Frakking Frak Frak! Mother Frakking Frak! He was human!”
Mipe yells out, “I take my vote back!”
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Re: (03) BSG IV -Night 6- Unagi-Grundbecide victim

Post by Lassr »

Night 5

Mipe scans Revhempus

You expect to die anytime now, but you’d love to tap some ass before dying. “Who is that person in my dreams!” you say out loud. “ Revhempus, is it Revhempus? Not great looking but I’m getting desperate.” You lay back and loosen your belt and unfasten your pants but after several minutes pass you realize you are just not stimulated by the thoughts of Revhempus. Revhempus is not Six.

Bakhtosh protects Grundbegriff

This nightmare keeps getting worse. It started out so promising after two quick Cylon kills but now you can’t find anymore yet people keep dying. You think to yourself, ‘Grundbegriff must be next. He’s so vocal now and he’s was proven not to be Cylon.’ As you round a corner you bump into Revehempus. Startled at your lack of awareness you stammer, “Uh, Hi Rev. I guess after sleeping all day you can’t sleep much tonight huh. You should really get to your room though in case Unagi is out and about.”
Rev speaks quietly to him, “I’m not afraid of Unagi and I don’t need that much sleep. I recharge a lot quicker than you can.”
‘Recharge’ you think, ‘Odd choice of words.’ Before you can put 2 and 2 together Revhempus punches you in the throat, knocking you off your feet. Rev grabs the firearm in your waistband and presses it against your chest and pulls the trigger. You are dead.

Cylons scan purge

Your pool of survivors to scan is shrinking each day. Maybe Cavil and Six were mistaken. But you can’t give up now. Purge claims to be a specialist working with Grundbegriff and the now dead Remus but he still could be a hidden Cylon. You sit down to begin the process of trying to connect to another Cylon brain. After an hour…nothing. Purge is not 10.

Cylons kill Bakhtosh

You have survived this long but the odds were still not looking good. Maybe you should try and kill 2 tonight, first Grundbegriff and then Bakhtosh. You are thinking about how to do this when you round a corner and bump into Bakhtosh. He startles you but he seems even more startled as he looks at you and says, “Uh, Hi Rev. I guess after sleeping all day you can’t sleep much tonight huh. You should really get to your room though in case Unagi is out and about.”
‘Why is he worried about Unagi?’ you think, ‘Ah, he think he’s a Cylon.’ You smile and reply, “I’m not afraid of Unagi and I don’t need that much sleep. I recharge a lot quicker than you can.”
A blank look comes over Bakhtosh’s face, you punch him in the throat before he can figure it out, and he falls to the floor. You grab his firearm and press it hard in to his chest and pull the trigger. The shot was slightly muffled but probably not enough. You cancel your plans to kill Grundbegriff and hurry to your room before you are spotted.


On the way to roll call Grundbegriff stumbles upon the body of Bakhtosh. He had been shot with his own firearm. “Frak!” He steps over the body and continues his walk. He arrives a few minutes late. “I found Bakhtosh, he was shot to death.” He plops down hard into a chair. “Guess you know what we must do.”
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Re: (03) BSG IV -Night 6- Unagi-Grundbecide victim

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Day 5


Once Grundbegriff announced that Bakhtosh had been shot it didn’t take long for the accusations to start flying. Unagi instantly voted for Revhempus. “Grund, if you know Purge to be a specialist then it has to be RevHempus" He looks over and notices Revhempus had fallen asleep again. Grund shook his head, “A Cylon would never sleep that long. They are machines.”
“How do you know Purge isn’t really a Cylon? Can you be sure?”
Purge perks up, “I’m not a Cylon! And I’m voting for you.”
Mipe was sitting back watching all this when he says, I’m voting for myself…no wait, uh never mind.” Mipe walks back to the seat and sits down.
Grund looks at him and mumbles, “Great, the last vote is in his hands.” With that mipe says, “Unagi must die.”
Unagi just shakes his head, “Grundbegriff, you should have stayed quiet these past few days. I'm beginning to think Chaosraven lied about you.”
Unagi was lead away.


Purge walks back into the room wiping his hands on a towel. His face is white. “Uh, he was human.” Grundbegriff’s mouth drops open, “What?”
“Yes, no chip.” Grund glares at Purge, “How long have we known each other?” Purge thinks, “10, 11 years.” Purge pauses, “You don’t think I’m a Cylon do you? Frak, for all I know you could be a Cylon then!” They both glance over at RevHempus as he snores away the day. Grund walks out of the room. Purge follows shortly afterwards.
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Re: (03) BSG IV -Night 6- Unagi-Grundbecide victim

Post by Lassr »

Night 6 & Day 6

Cylons kill Grundbegriff

As you sit there in your chair, and pretend to be asleep, you listen to the events taking place. You hear Unagi pleading his case and pointing at you as the last Cylon. They drag him off and a few hours later they return with the verdict that he was human. Did they know it was you now? You are ready to pounce if they come after you but you hear them each leave one by one. Now was your time to act. You get up, grab a screwdriver from the tool rack and begin to track down the last humans. As you wander the halls you hear someone approaching. You slip back around a corner and wait. Grundbegriff turns the corner and halts his quick stride, “What the…” He never finishes his sentence as you drive the screwdriver up under his chin, the tip penetrates his brain. He drops to the floor and you proceed on to your next target.


Purge wondered alone for what must have been over an hour trying to think. Is it Revhempus? Could it be Mipe or even Grundbegriff? Purge turns and heads back to the meeting room. When he arrives no one is there. He sets off to find everyone. He comes upon Mipe first.
“We need to find everyone and we need to stay together.” As they set off looking for the others they come upon the body of Grundbegriff. He had a screwdriver buried to the hilt underneath his chin. “Frak!” A little later they run into Revhempus. “We need to stay together and head back to the meeting room now.”

There was no doubt in there mind, Revhempus was a Cylon. Revhempus rushed toward them, “Yeah, I’m frakking Cylon and I’m going to kill you both now!”, Purge pulled a firearm from his waistband and fired a shot into the head of Revhempus. Purge and Mipe drug the body to the autopsy room.

An hour later Purge stepped out and said. “Yep, he was the Cylon.” I think we are safe now. Although we got them, I think they got the better of us. Just us two now.” Mipe looks at Purge, eyeing her from top to bottom. He thinks, ‘We’ll she’s not my dream girl but she’ll do.’ Mipe slaps Purge on the buttocks, “I guess it’s up to us to repopulate the human race.” Purge looks over at Mipe with mouth agape, “How the frak can you think about sex at a time like this?”
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Re: (03) BSG IV -Night 6- Unagi-Grundbecide victim

Post by Lassr »

Baltar --- mipe
Athena --- Chaosraven
Helo --- kraegor
Apollo --- Semaj
Starbuck --- Bakhtosh
Tory Foster --- Mr. Bubbles
Specialist --- Remus West
Specialist --- purge
Specialist --- Grundbegriff
Citizen --- Scoop
Citizen --- stessier
Citizen --- redrun
Citizen --- Unagi
Six --- Austin
Cylon #7 --- RevHempus
Brother Cavil --- Sean

Cylon #10 --- kraegor
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Re: (03) BSG IV -Night 6- Unagi-Grundbecide victim

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Re: (03) BSG IV -Night 6- Unagi-Grundbecide victim

Post by Lassr »

Cylons made it a lot further than I thought possible after the bad luck at the start of the game. I knew Revhempus had very limited access and I don't blame him.

This rule set needs a little tweaking and I'll try again later...much later. I think there is burn out of these more complicated games.
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Re: BSG IV -Revhempus Smoked -Humans win.

Post by Austin »

As I said on the cylon forum, I royally screwed up my play and could have bought another night. In short I never should have bluffed by calling to be Helo shot. Bluffing by calling for a lynch would have allowed me to decide to play Apollo but no way does Apollo call for the Helo shot. I knew Chaos scanned me so I should have claimed Athena before he named me, said I had scanned him with my day scan and at least made another night to maybe hit 10. Had I bought one more night, who knows, I may have given Rev a chance.

I was a bit frustrated not having anyone to play with and not having much chance to find who 7 was but Sean was pretty apologetic and life just didn't materialze the way he thought it would. Certainly no hard feelings on my end. Had he shown up though, no way he would have been the Day 1 lynch. As it stood I was glad to be the 2nd vote on him but stupid Choas scanned me.
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Re: (03) BSG IV -Night 6- Unagi-Grundbecide victim

Post by Unagi »

Lassr wrote:Night 2
Six Scan Unagi

What an unfortunate turn of events. Brother Cavil was killed rather swiftly. You wonder, “Is there some flaw in our program that makes it so obvious we are not human?” You feel there is someone here that wants to help the Cylon cause. Is it Unagi? You sit and begin meditating. You focus on Unagi but after an hour nothing happens. Unagi must be human. You want to try again but you have other business to take care of tonight.

Baltar scans Unagi

Your urges are getting out of control. You found yourself dry humping the back of a chair today as you were looking at Unagi. Wow, what a fine piece. “Is she my dream girt?” you wonder. You sit down and picture Unagi in your head. You think about all the kinky stuff you would do to her but nothing seems to happen. You get up and go take a cold shower. Unagi is not Six.
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Re: BSG IV -Revhempus Smoked -Humans win.

Post by Unagi »

Lassr, I love this ruleset - I wouldn't tweak it too much (it would be fun to play with the same ruleset at least twice).

So, my only change really would be the rules that limit what a person can say in thread.

Baltar can't self out.
Athena can't announce that she is hiding.

I dunno - just seems like the 'player can't say X' is done to repair a perceived weakness in the ruleset, and I think this ruleset is OK without those patches.

Thanks a ton for running this one and all the great writting.
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Re: BSG IV -Revhempus Smoked -Humans win.

Post by Lassr »

Unagi wrote:Lassr, I love this ruleset - I wouldn't tweak it too much (it would be fun to play with the same ruleset at least twice).

So, my only change really would be the rules that limit what a person can say in thread.

Baltar can't self out.
Athena can't announce that she is hiding.

I dunno - just seems like the 'player can't say X' is done to repair a perceived weakness in the ruleset, and I think this ruleset is OK without those patches.

Thanks a ton for running this one and all the great writting.
ditto. I did not like those either. Next game Baltar can do whatever and Athena will not be able to hide. If Starbuck is still alive then that gives Athena 3 more nights of scans! Unfortunately for Chaos he went into hiding the night he scanned Austin so he could not use it later. Or I'd say she could not scan while hiding.
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Re: BSG IV -Revhempus Smoked -Humans win.

Post by Lassr »

I also found it funny that Chaos in an example he posted early in the game he said if Helo is 10...well, well, that was the case in the game also.

I was so wanting to see kraegor's reaction if Chaos scanned him and said he was Cylon (before he was converted). Oh the fireworks that would have ensued. :D
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Re: (03) BSG IV -Night 6- Unagi-Grundbecide victim

Post by purge »

Lassr wrote:1145

Purge wondered alone for what must have been over an hour trying to think. Is it Revhempus? Could it be Mipe or even Grundbegriff? Purge turns and heads back to the meeting room. When he arrives no one is there. He sets off to find everyone. He comes upon Mipe first.
“We need to find everyone and we need to stay together.” As they set off looking for the others they come upon the body of Grundbegriff. He had a screwdriver buried to the hilt underneath his chin. “Frak!” A little later they run into Revhempus. “We need to stay together and head back to the meeting room now.”

There was no doubt in there mind, Revhempus was a Cylon. Revhempus rushed toward them, “Yeah, I’m a frakking Cylon and I’m going to kill you both now!”, Purge pulled a firearm from his waistband and fired a shot into the head of Revhempus. Purge and Mipe drug the body to the autopsy room.

An hour later Purge stepped out and said. “Yep, he was the Cylon.” I think we are safe now. Although we got them, I think they got the better of us. Just us two now.” Mipe looks at Purge, eyeing her from top to bottom. He thinks, ‘We’ll she’s not my dream girl but she’ll do.’ Mipe slaps Purge on the buttocks, “I guess it’s up to us to repopulate the human race.” Purge looks over at Mipe with mouth agape, “How the frak can you think about sex at a time like this?”

Humans win!
Why is it that I manage to survive to win both of the last BSG games, but given that I'm having sex with Mipe or Unagi, it feels like a hollow win?
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Re: BSG IV -Revhempus Smoked -Humans win.

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Unagi wrote:....writting.
Is that even a word?
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Re: BSG IV -Revhempus Smoked -Humans win.

Post by Unagi »

Lassr wrote:I also found it funny that Chaos in an example he posted early in the game he said if Helo is 10...well, well, that was the case in the game also.

I was so wanting to see kraegor's reaction if Chaos scanned him and said he was Cylon (before he was converted). Oh the fireworks that would have ensued. :D
I was half expecting for Chaos to come out and declare that I was a cylon.
Then he died - and somehow that was worse.
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Re: (03) BSG IV -Night 6- Unagi-Grundbecide victim

Post by mipe »

purge wrote: Why is it that I manage to survive to win both of the last BSG games, but given that I'm having sex with Mipe or Unagi, it feels like a hollow win?
Well, I can always try to resurrect Revhempus... But he's not a good lookie :(
Lassr wrote:
You expect to die anytime now, but you’d love to tap some ass before dying. “Who is that person in my dreams!” you say out loud. “ Revhempus, is it Revhempus? Not great looking but I’m getting desperate.” You lay back and loosen your belt and unfasten your pants...
Also, it is wierd that after everything I tried at day 1 and 2 to try to look baltar-ish, six wouldn't want to scan me... :(
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Re: (03) BSG IV -Night 6- Unagi-Grundbecide victim

Post by Remus West »

mipe wrote:Also, it is wierd that after everything I tried at day 1 and 2 to try to look baltar-ish, six wouldn't want to scan me... :(
Austin probably still has scars from his own time as Baltar and was terrified of the PM he would have gotten had he actually scanned the "right" person. :lol:
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Re: BSG IV -Revhempus Smoked -Humans win.

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:lol: :oops:
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Re: (03) BSG IV -Night 6- Unagi-Grundbecide victim

Post by Austin »

Remus West wrote:
mipe wrote:Also, it is wierd that after everything I tried at day 1 and 2 to try to look baltar-ish, six wouldn't want to scan me... :(
Austin probably still has scars from his own time as Baltar and was terrified of the PM he would have gotten had he actually scanned the "right" person. :lol:
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Re: BSG IV -Revhempus Smoked -Humans win.

Post by Scoop20906 »

Awesome job, Lassr. I really think this was your best BSG game yet. The franchise is solid.
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Re: BSG IV -Revhempus Smoked -Humans win.

Post by Bakhtosh »

I like the "no self-outing" thing, but I think it could be expanded:

Baltar is not the type to reveal himself, but especially when he doesn't know who will win. Thus, Baltar will not reveal himself unless he is sure the side he is on will win, he is ordered to by his cylon masters, or unless Six is dead (Baltar will sense when Six dies).

Athena is a cylon with a justified fear of the humans she loves. If they found out she was a cylon, they'd probably kill her, so she will not reveal her heritage for 3 days (enough time for her crewmates to get to know her) or until she has found a cylon to had over to the crew.

Starbuck is paranoid. She sees cylons behind every bulkhead and thus will not self out until at least one cylon is dead.

These are not rules, but role directions. It's like in D&D, you play according to your character's alignment and class.
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Re: BSG IV -Revhempus Smoked -Humans win.

Post by Remus West »

Bakhtosh wrote:I like the "no self-outing" thing, but I think it could be expanded:

Baltar is not the type to reveal himself, but especially when he doesn't know who will win. Thus, Baltar will not reveal himself unless he is sure the side he is on will win, he is ordered to by his cylon masters, or unless Six is dead (Baltar will sense when Six dies).

Athena is a cylon with a justified fear of the humans she loves. If they found out she was a cylon, they'd probably kill her, so she will not reveal her heritage for 3 days (enough time for her crewmates to get to know her) or until she has found a cylon to had over to the crew.

Starbuck is paranoid. She sees cylons behind every bulkhead and thus will not self out until at least one cylon is dead.

These are not rules, but role directions. It's like in D&D, you play according to your character's alignment and class.
Everyone sees the role differently though. Everyone should play the game to the best of their understanding of the role. In the BSG game over on GT during the OOtage, both Starbuck and Baltar self outed. Starbuck before the first night. Which caused him to get a safe from his self protect as we did not believe him and attacked anyway. When Baltar self outed it should have allowed the Humans a win but they blew it. :twisted: I think having folks approach the roles from their own perspective rather than an externally imposed one makes things more interesting.
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Re: BSG IV -Revhempus Smoked -Humans win.

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Grundscoping: Having selective strategic vision - Not voting for silent or inactive players because that vote is not interesting enough.
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