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Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Game Over

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:43 am
by Lassr
A basic WW game with a Light Mage Seer and 3 Dark Mages plus a power card is dealt to each player each morning. Cannot keep it for more than a day. 1 use per card per day.

Cards: Once used up cards are discarded. Remaining cards are randomly redistributed each morning. If not used cards expire after lynch. Some powers, if used, carry over into the night phase (it will be noted in card info below).

Player must PM the MOD when they are playing a card. Cards are played in order by time they are received in Mods inbox. It is then considered used (exception: If Kaboom is played, all cards afterwards cannot be used. User will just be informed they cannot use the card). Village will not be notified of the user of a card nor how many uses remain for any card.

If you publicly state which card you have in some form that makes it obvious then you lose the ability to use the card. You are free to talk about your card after it is used/performs its function. You can talk about any card that was in your possession after the card leaves your hand. You are free to talk about strategy that can be used IF someone is in possession of a certain card.

1. 1 Extra Vote (once played cannot be removed, no notification to the village.) 3 uses.
2. Cancel 1 vote (once played, cannot be removed and player that voted cannot vote the same player that round again. No notification a vote is canceled is made to the village) 2 uses.
3. Free scan for player’s role. (May be played when a vote is placed against card holder). 1 use.
4. Escape lynching. (May be used if card holder is lynched). 1 use.
5. Resurrection! (Resurrect lynched player). 1 use.
6. Séance. (Communicate with the dead. Dead, chosen by card holder, may make one post in the game thread). 1 use.
7. Beyond the Grave (Communicate with the dead. 1 PM to chosen dead and 1 PM from the dead). 2 uses.
8. Who said that? (One anonymous PM to any player through the MOD) 3 uses.
9. Block scan. (Blocks all scan attempts during day) 2 uses.
10. Death! (Kill one player during the day if they have at least 1 vote against them). 1 use.
11. Shield! (Protects any one person against any kill attempt except lynching. Must be used before kill attempt. Effects carry over into the night). 3 uses.
12. I am Spartacus! (Your role will show Villager if scanned. Effects carry over into night). 2 uses.
13. Mortician (ID the role of a dead player). 2 uses.
14. Illumination (If lynched, play this card and get 1 scan of one of your lynchers . You will take this info to your grave). 2 uses.
15. Nuke’em From Orbit (If lynched play this card and one of your lynchers will die in your place. Card holders choice). 1 use.
16. Toss a dart (Choose 3 players that currently have votes against them and you will be told if those players contain at least 1 wolf.) 1 use.
17. Shut Up! (Play this card to mute 1 player for 24 hours of real time). 2 uses.
18. Mind’s Eye (1 scan for wolf or villager on player that has not cast a vote. May be used only after a majority has cast a vote). 1 use
19. Howdy Partner (may PM with 1 other person for 1 day cycle, card effects end at lynch). 5 uses.
20. Scramble (all votes placed against at least 3 players are redistributed randomly to those 3 players. If a majority is reached then a lynch occurs). 1 use.
21. Quantum Shift (if enough votes have been cast against more than 1 player to reach a majority on 1 player then votes will be redirected to player in the lead thus lynching the target. If a tie for the lead then card holder’s preference). 1 use.
22. Swipe (take the card from another player). 3 uses.
23. Swiper no swiping! (no power but if swiped by the swiper they get a useless card). 3 cards possibly in play. Unlimited.
24. Told Ya So! (If played before the lynch the cardholder's true identity will be revealed if he reaches N-1. Role of player announced by Mod). 1 use.
25. KaBoom! (All card powers blocked for the remainder of the day when this card is played). 1 use.
26. Right back at ‘cha! (Power effects carry over into the night. If killed by any means other than lynch then killer will die also). 2 uses.
27. I’ll take seconds! (Use this card to draw randomly 2 cards from the un-used card pile (not given out in random distribution that day). May use only 1 of the drawn cards, player’s choice.). 2 uses.
28. Reveal! (Reveal the cards of 3 chosen players to the card holder only). 2 uses.
29. Puppetmaster. (Card holder may type up any message and send to MOD and have MOD inform the target player that they must post this as a message on the board ASAP. No forced voting.). 5 uses.
30. Deadlines! (Play this card to set a deadline for the lynch vote. Choice of 24 hours or 48 hours from time card is played. Player with most votes is lynched at deadline, If tie then no lynch.) 2 uses.
31. A View from Heaven (Play this card and a dead player of your choice gets a free scan of a living player). 2 uses.
32. Daydreamer (No powers thus freeing your mind to roam to whatever subject you desire) 5 cards in play. Unlimited.

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-starts so

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:43 am
by Lassr
1. Newcastle
2. BB2112
3. theohall
4. kraegor :D
5. Remus West
6. El Guapo
7. stessier
8. triggercut
9. Chaosraven
10. Qantaga
11. RMC
12. redrun
13. Mr. Bubbles

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-starts so

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:43 am
by Lassr
Enlarge Image
Dark Mage Dominicus -49 years experience.
Born into the Steppinstone family. Parents wanted him to play sports, he chose wizardry. Killed his parents.

Enlarge Image
Dark Mage Lycoris -17 years experience.
Gamer as a child but grew bored with the make believe world. Ran away from home at age 13 and joined the Dark Mages.

Dark Mage Terric -Rookie
Wanted to become a doctor but kept turning his patients into a newt. His license was revoked and the Dark Mages invited him to join them.

Light Mage Ezkerra (Seer) - 62 years experience.
As a child was sent off to wizardry school at age 6. Became a master at age 16. Self proclaimed champion of 8 Dimensional Chess since he invented it and is the only known mage to be able to travel to the 8th dimension.


9 Villagers.
Going about your daily chores until you were forced into action.

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-starts so

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 1:30 pm
by Lassr
Lassr wrote:
bb2112 wrote:Lassr, is there a deadline?
not unless someone plays the deadline card
2. Cancel 1 vote (once played, cannot be removed and player that voted cannot vote the same player that round again. No notification a vote is canceled is made to the village) 2 uses.

The vote will be shown in the records but the MOD will not count it in his numbers hidden from players. So the village will know it has been used if a majority is reached and no lynch happens.

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Roles rol

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 3:05 pm
by bb2112

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Roles rol

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 3:22 pm
by theohall
YES!!! I get to be the Darkest of the Dark Mages. :)

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Roles rol

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 3:25 pm
by bb2112
theohall wrote:YES!!! I get to be the Darkest of the Dark Mages. :)
Theo, I think you meant to post that in the hockey forum.

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Roles rol

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 3:26 pm
by Chaosraven
I am Cylon, obviously. Meatbags.

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Roles rol

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 3:26 pm
by El Guapo
He is a fan of the St. Louis Dark Mages team.

Meanwhile, I get to play my favorite role.

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Roles rol

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 3:29 pm
by bb2112
Really? I only get to play Grund's favorite role.

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Roles rol

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 3:48 pm
by stessier

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Roles rol

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 4:03 pm
by Qantaga

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Roles rol

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 4:28 pm
by Lassr
The Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages


For centuries the Dark Mages have roamed the world subduing villages with their dark magic. And for centuries the Light Mages have battled to keep the world free.

Dark Mages saw free villages as plights of the land as they have witnessed over the years that a collection of free humans could never make sound decisions. Light Mages thought everyone should be free to make any decision no matter the consequences.

So the struggle has gone on for eons. Dark Mages would convert a village and Light Mages would cleanse a village. Sometimes the Mages would pay the ultimate price by death, but most often it was the villagers that paid with their lives.

Our story begins on the morning of the 450th year and 30th day of Darkness. The Dark Mage Order of Chaos was travelling to the village of Pippenshire to cast a spell to cloud their minds and bring them under the control of the Dark Mages when something unexpected happened.

As they entered the town square Terric cried out “Fizzle!”

The group stopped and looked at Terric. “What is troubling you?” asked Lycoris.

Embarrassed, Terric looks at Dominicus, “I, uh, was going over some spells in my head trying to master them when I thought of the one spell we should never think of.”

Dominicus rubs his temples, “You didn’t.”

“I did.”

“Fizzzle!” Dominicus and Lycoris blurt out at the same time.

They each look up to see clouds beginning to boil in the sky, they began to swirl as water in a drain. The Mages magic had been transferred to the astral plane and they were now powerless thanks to Terric. They could only access one power per day but so could the villagers. They could only regain their power by killing the villagers.
Terric would be severely punished, but only if he survived the coming days.

The villagers also began to notice the clouds, they knew what this sign meant, and most packed up and fled the village. But some remained because they knew it was an opportunity to eliminate another trio of Dark Mages.

As all 13 stood in the town center, small lights began falling from the clouds, like shooting stars, each striking a villager. Each villager was now empowered with a spell.

The battle was on.

Newcastle ----------
BB2112 ----------
theohall ----------
kraegor ----------
Remus West ----------
El Guapo ----------
stessier ----------
triggercut ----------
Chaosraven ----------
Qantaga ----------
RMC ----------
redrun ----------
Mr. Bubbles ----------


Majority = 7

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 4:49 pm
by Chaosraven
Don't make me use this...

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 5:23 pm
by triggercut
I get to vote against Austin right?


Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 5:41 pm
by RMC
Are we all here then?


Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 5:57 pm
by theohall
Must be since something magically appeared in that weird electronic mailbox thingy.

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Roles rol

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 6:05 pm
by bb2112
Lassr wrote:The Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages

Hmmm, the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages...

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 6:10 pm
by theohall
I heard the only good Remus West is a dead Remus West somewhere, but the last time I heard that, it was from his evil partner. <scratches head>

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 6:13 pm
by bb2112
Sheesh, I try to help you guys and all I get is grief. :P

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 6:23 pm
by Chaosraven
bb2112 wrote:Sheesh, I try to help you guys and all I get is grieflynched. :P

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 6:41 pm
by triggercut
theohall wrote:I heard the only good Remus West is a dead Remus West somewhere, but the last time I heard that, it was from his evil partner. <scratches head>
Evil or no, sage advice.

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:28 pm
by Qantaga
bb2112 wrote:Hmmm, the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages...
Chaosraven wrote:
bb2112 wrote:Sheesh, I try to help you guys and all I get is grieflynched. :P

That particular dance step looks chillingly familiar.

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:30 pm
by Qantaga
triggercut wrote:
theohall wrote:I heard the only good Remus West is a dead Remus West somewhere, but the last time I heard that, it was from his evil partner. <scratches head>
Evil or no, sage advice.

Oh, so that's what it is. I thought it was "a good Remus is a live Remus." :doh:

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:25 pm
by Mr Bubbles
So who are all those people we planned to kill right away.. Who has the list?

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:55 pm
by Remus West
Mr Bubbles wrote:So who are all those people we planned to kill right away.. Who has the list?
You have PM. Errr......I should already know.

Plus, I can get behind lynching bb2112 but maybe Chaosraven should go ahead and shoot him since he implied he has that type of card. Then if bb2112 turns up evil we have a good idea that Chaosraven is not. Plus, if bb2112 turns up good then I get to outlive him anyway which is always good and we could lynch CR for shooting him and I get to outlive them both. :mrgreen:

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:41 pm
by El Guapo
I have to say, this is a really nice village we live in. I do have one complaint though - there is way too much light in my house. Is there anyone here that could help me with that?

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:11 pm
by Chaosraven
Mr Bubbles wrote:So who are all those people we planned to kill right away.. Who has the list?
Let's see... Remus and bb2112 for last game. Remus for the prior game.

That's as far as my list goes.

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:18 pm
by bb2112
Chaosraven wrote:
Mr Bubbles wrote:So who are all those people we planned to kill right away.. Who has the list?
Let's see... Remus and bb2112 for last game. Remus for the prior game.

That's as far as my list goes.
So, should we compromise and start with Remus? Then he can't laugh about outliving either one of us.

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:33 pm
by Chaosraven
bb2112 wrote:
Chaosraven wrote:
Mr Bubbles wrote:So who are all those people we planned to kill right away.. Who has the list?
Let's see... Remus and bb2112 for last game. Remus for the prior game.

That's as far as my list goes.
So, should we compromise and start with Remus? Then he can't laugh about outliving either one of us.
Well you vote for him and let's see what everyone else wants to do.

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:05 am
by bb2112
No, been down that road too many games. Nobody will join in, and you know it. People have some weird aversion to lynching Remus that I don't fully understand.

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:54 am
by Chaosraven
bb2112 wrote:No, been down that road too many games. Nobody will join in, and you know it. People have some weird aversion to lynching Remus that I don't fully understand.
which is weird, since they can't see his face and that wide eyed innocent "who, me?" look.

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:54 am
by Lassr
Newcastle ----------
BB2112 ----------
theohall ----------
kraegor ----------
Remus West ----------
El Guapo ----------
stessier ----------
triggercut ----------
Chaosraven ---------- bb2112
Qantaga ----------
RMC ----------
redrun ----------
Mr. Bubbles ----------
bb2112 1 --------- Chaosraven

Majority = 7

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:01 am
by bb2112
Lassr, is there a deadline?

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:19 am
by theohall
Okay where are....


 withdraw kraegor 


 withdraw RMC 



(Accusations in alphabetical order - nothing more).

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:20 am
by redrun
Lassr wrote:
1. 1 Extra Vote (once played cannot be removed, no notification to the village) 3 uses.
2. Cancel 1 vote (once played, cannot be removed and player that voted cannot vote the same player that round again. No notification a vote is canceled is made to the village) 2 uses.
3. Free scan for player’s role. (May be played when a vote is placed against card holder). 1 use.
4. Escape lynching. (May be used if card holder is lynched). 1 use.
5. Resurrection! (Resurrect lynched player). 1 use.
6. Séance. (Communicate with the dead. Dead, chosen by card holder, may make one post in the game thread). 1 use.
7. Beyond the Grave (Communicate with the dead. 1 PM to chosen dead and 1 PM from the dead). 2 uses.
8. Who said that? (One anonymous PM to any player through the MOD) 3 uses.
9. Block scan. (Blocks all scan attempts during day) 2 uses.
10. Death! (Kill one player during the day if they have at least 1 vote against them). 1 use.
11. Shield! (Protects against any kill attempt except lynching. Must be used before kill attempt. Effects carry over into the night). 3 uses.
12. I am Spartacus! (Your role will show Villager if scanned. Effects carry over into night). 2 uses.
13. Mortician (ID the role of a dead player). 2 uses.
14. Illumination (If lynched, play this card and get 1 scan of one of your lynchers . You will take this info to your grave). 2 uses.
15. Nuke’em From Orbit (If lynched play this card and one of your lynchers will die in your place. Card holders choice). 1 use.
16. Toss a dart (Choose 3 players that currently have votes against them and you will be told if those players contain at least 1 wolf.) 1 use.
17. Shut Up! (Play this card to mute 1 player for 24 hours of real time). 2 uses.
18. Mind’s Eye (1 scan for wolf or villager on player that has not cast a vote. May be used only after a majority has cast a vote). 1 use
19. Howdy Partner (may PM with 1 other person for 1 day cycle, card effects end at lynch). 5 uses.
20. Scramble (all votes placed against at least 3 players are redistributed randomly to those 3 players. If a majority is reached then a lynch occurs). 1 use.
21. Quantum Shift (if enough votes have been cast against more than 1 player to reach a majority on 1 player then votes will be redirected to player in the lead thus lynching the target. If a tie for the lead then card holder’s preference). 1 use.
22. Swipe (take the card from another player). 3 uses.
23. Swiper no swiping! (no power but if swiped by the swiper they get a useless card). 3 cards possibly in play. Unlimited.
24. Told Ya So! (If played before the lynch the cardholder's true identity will be revealed if he reaches N-1. Role of player announced by Mod). 1 use.
25. KaBoom! (All card powers blocked for the remainder of the day when this card is played). 1 use.
26. Right back at ‘cha! (Power effects carry over into the night. If killed by any means other than lynch then killer will die also). 2 uses.
27. I’ll take seconds! (Use this card to draw randomly 2 cards from the un-used card pile (not given out in random distribution that day). May use only 1 of the drawn cards, player’s choice.). 2 uses.
28. Reveal! (Reveal the cards of 3 chosen players to the card holder only). 2 uses.
29. Puppetmaster. (Card holder may type up any message and send to MOD and have MOD inform the target player that they must post this as a message on the board ASAP). 5 uses.
30. Deadlines! (Play this card to set a deadline for the lynch vote. Choice of 24 hours or 48 hours from time card is played. Player with most votes is lynched at deadline, If tie then no lynch.) 2 uses.
31. A View from Heaven (Play this card and a dead player of your choice gets a free scan of a living player). 2 uses.
32. Daydreamer (No powers thus freeing your mind to roam to whatever subject you desire) 5 cards in play. Unlimited.
What the above sez to me:

I assume that any card that doesn't state it reveals the user can be used without revealing the user. So, there is a little instant death, vote changes, some scanning, a fair bit of 'get out of a lynch' (sometimes redirecting the lynch or votes), powers for the dead (mostly knowledge for the dead or dying), talking with or resurrection of the dead, card stealing/block.

With the number of vote redirects and 'get out of a lynch' cards I expect they'll cause folks to want voting to happen, so as to change the results.

Dead men will tell tales.

Plans will change as cards are stolen or blocked.

I have no idea how this game is going to play out.

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:03 am
by Lassr
bb2112 wrote:Lassr, is there a deadline?
not unless someone plays the deadline card

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:58 am
by El Guapo
bb2112 wrote:No, been down that road too many games. Nobody will join in, and you know it. People have some weird aversion to lynching Remus that I don't fully understand.
Oh no?

 Remus West 

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:13 am
by Newcastle
welcome back !

you're sunny, warm, friendly, happy go-lucky, and nurturing personality were dearly missed.

Re: Story of the Chaos Order of the Dark Mages(WW)-Day 1

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:25 am
by Lassr
Newcastle ---------- kraegor
BB2112 ----------
theohall ---------- stessier
kraegor ----------
Remus West ----------
El Guapo ---------- Remus West
stessier ----------
triggercut ----------
Chaosraven ---------- bb2112
Qantaga ----------
RMC ----------
redrun ----------
Mr. Bubbles ----------
bb2112 1 --------- Chaosraven
stessier 1 ---------- theohall
Remus West 1 -------- El Guapo
kraegor 1 ---------- Newcastle

Majority = 7