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The Votes

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 11:14 am
by msduncan
Thought it might be interesting to list your votes. Everyone knows the Presidential votes, but list some of you state initatives and races and the candidate's party affiliation

My votes:

President: George W. Bush (R)
Senate: Johnny Iassacson (R)
House: Max Burns (my college professor!) (R)

Defining marriage as only between a man and a woman: No

Allowing the Georgia Supreme Court advise federal courts on Georgia Law: Yes.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 11:19 am
by RunningMn9
Voting was pretty easy this time in NJ. No initiatives to vote on.

President: George W. Bush (R)
House: Scott Garrett (R)

I don't even think there were any Democrats running for any of the local offices, so I didn't bother to vote for those spots.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 11:24 am
by Eco-Logic
President: George W. Bush (R)
House: Zach Wamp (R)

State Rep: JoAnn Favors (D) - :shock: I'm no fan of our current state rep and JoAnn runs for office every year so I thought I should give her a chance :)

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 11:38 am
by YellowKing
President: George W. Bush

Governor: Patrick Ballantine (even though he'll lose - NC loves their Democratic governors)

House: Richard Burr (running against a guy named ERSKINE BOWLES. Seriously, could you vote for someone named ERSKINE BOWLES???)

Only addendum of any note is one to allow local municipalities to issue bonds for public works without voter consent in order to attract developers. Umm...I don't think so! I don't know what the party stances are on it, but I don't see how taking away my right to vote on where my local tax money goes could possibly be a good idea.

The rest of the positions I don't know anything about so I'll likely just vote a Republican ticket.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 11:43 am
by Austin
YellowKing wrote:President: George W. Bush

Governor: Patrick Ballantine (even though he'll lose - NC loves their Democratic governors)

House: Richard Burr (running against a guy named ERSKINE BOWLES. Seriously, could you vote for someone named ERSKINE BOWLES???)
The wife's votes mirror YK's. I do hope Ballantine wins. Tax-Hike Mike Easley has not been good for NC manufacturing.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 11:51 am
by Grievous Angel
President: John Kerry (D)
Senate: Barack Obama (D)
House: Melissa Bean (D)

I think Kerry would win Illinois regardless of me, and unless every Illinoisian gets spontaneous brain damage, Obama should beat Alan Keyes by 50 points or more.

The House race is going to be a tight one, though. Phil Crane has been in office for 30+ years, and I have a personal problem with any politician keeping an elected office for that long. Plus, he's been running ads highlighting the fact that Bean doesn't live in the district, but he had his district rezoned to specifically exclude the neighborhoods of his would-be competitors. That strikes me as an exceptionally sleazy and petty political trick.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 11:53 am
by jblank
Great thread MSD!!!

I voted for Kerry for President
Bill Jenkins (R) for Congressman (against token opposition)
Ron Ramsey (R) for State Senate (I know the man, and he is one of the good guys)
and Jason Mumpower (R) for Tennessee House of Representatives (not really a fan of his, but his Democrat opponent is a nut, and one of those guys that runs every year, for every thing.

Still a Moderate to Conservative Democrat, but this years crop of Dem's for "local" races, werent good candidates, and left alot to be desired.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 11:57 am
by RunningMn9
Grievous Angel wrote:That strikes me as an exceptionally sleazy and petty political trick.
If not very amusing for the people that don't live there (like me). :)

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:04 pm
by Captain Caveman
YellowKing wrote:Seriously, could you vote for someone named ERSKINE BOWLES???
Yep, already did. :)

How can you resist the lure of the enormous Erskine eyewear?


Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:10 pm
by hodge313
President: Kerry (D)
Senate: Obama (D)
House: LaHood (R)

I'm just glad that the incessant political phone calls and the political junkmail will finally stop.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:11 pm
by Kratz
President: John Kerry

This is all you need to know.

Oh, and I voted for higher cigarette taxes.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:13 pm
by RunningMn9
jblank wrote:Still a Moderate to Conservative Democrat

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:17 pm
by Ralph-Wiggum
Haven't voted yet, but unless I Phineas Gage type accident on the way to my polling place, I'm pretty sure these will be my votes:

President: El Kerry
Senate: Erskine Bowles (D)
House: David Price (D)
Governor: Easley (D)

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:19 pm
by noxiousdog
jblank wrote:Still a Moderate to Conservative Democrat, but this years crop of Dem's for "local" races, werent good candidates, and left alot to be desired.
Seriously? I thought you were libertarian. When did you switch?

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:20 pm
by triggercut
President: George W. Bush (R)
House of Reps: James Wolf (R)

They had more signs up on the little road to my polling place and it convinced me.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:29 pm
by SuperHiro
Here in rainy-ass Seattle, I haven't voted yet. But here's my ballot

President: Kerry
Senate: Patty Murray (D). I can't believe that milquetoast Nethercutt thinks he can win this one.
House: Jim McDermott (D). Yep, that same McDermott that showed up in Farenheit 9/11. His GOP opponent is a real loon.

Governor: Christine Gregoire (D). This was a toughie. I was giving the libertarian candidate a real hard look. I like Locke but frankly he didn't really do much as Governor (that probably wrecked any outside chance he had to be president). but Dino Rossi scares the shit out of me. And if he gets elected, Gay marriage is dead in WA. Screw that.

Oh and I will vote for the Green Party candidate for state rep. I basically voted the Democrat party line, to ensure that gay marriage goes through in WA.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:32 pm
by jblank
RunningMn9 wrote:
jblank wrote:Still a Moderate to Conservative Democrat
I'll bite, why the question mark? I have said since probably July that I was supporting Kerry, no longer having anything to do with the LP, or its candidates, and am leaning towards the Democratic Party. Where is the confusion? Tell me you arent going to start questioning my political affiliation again.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:35 pm
by jblank
noxiousdog wrote:
jblank wrote:Still a Moderate to Conservative Democrat, but this years crop of Dem's for "local" races, werent good candidates, and left alot to be desired.
Seriously? I thought you were libertarian. When did you switch?
I gave up on the LP back around the time of their convention, and switched to supporting Kerry. At this point, I find myself agreeing more with what is coming out of the Democratic Party, so thats the direction I am heading towards, even though I did support Republicans in 3 of 4 races I voted in today.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:35 pm
by godhugh
triggercut wrote:President: George W. Bush (R)
House of Reps: James Wolf (R)

They had more signs up on the little road to my polling place and it convinced me.
This surprises me.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:36 pm
by jblank
godhugh wrote:
triggercut wrote:President: George W. Bush (R)
House of Reps: James Wolf (R)

They had more signs up on the little road to my polling place and it convinced me.
This surprises me.
Thats gotta be a joke.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:38 pm
by The Meal
godhugh wrote:
triggercut wrote:President: George W. Bush (R)
House of Reps: James Wolf (R)

They had more signs up on the little road to my polling place and it convinced me.
This surprises me.
Uh, trig's making a joke out of yard signs and their effectivenss (something I've often wondered why folks bother -- do they think they're making a difference, or are they after the *appearances* of trying?).


Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:38 pm
by Steron
President : George W. Bush (R)
House : Frank Wolf (R)

NO - Should Loudoun County contract a $15,000,000.00 debt to construct and equip the Franklin Park Performing Arts Center, Dulles South Multi-Purpose Facility, and renovation of and addition to the Loudoun Valley Community Center, and purchase land for Lovettsville Park.

YES - Should Loudoun County contract a $92,605,000.00 debt for Brambleton Area Elementary School, Ashburn/Dulles Middle School, and renovation to existing middle schools, renovation of and addition to Loudoun County High School, and purchase land to build 2 future elementary schools and two middle schools.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:38 pm
by Captain Caveman
No, it's true. I know triggercut and he's quite the flip-flopper. This doesn't surprise me in the least.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:40 pm
by Koz
I haven't voted yet either (waiting for the after-work rush, woo!), but I'll go as follows

Pres: Kerry

And since there's no significant other offices up for grabs (not that I've been paying real close attention), that's about it.

Oh, and NO on the tax cap, and YES on the banning of bear trapping and baiting, but I doubt anyone else here is from Maine.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:41 pm
by msteelers
Kerry for president

Yes on slot machines
Yes on minimum wage increase
No to the high speed rail system

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:43 pm
by jblank
The Meal wrote:
godhugh wrote:
triggercut wrote:President: George W. Bush (R)
House of Reps: James Wolf (R)

They had more signs up on the little road to my polling place and it convinced me.
This surprises me.
Uh, trig's making a joke out of yard signs and their effectivenss (something I've often wondered why folks bother -- do they think they're making a difference, or are they after the *appearances* of trying?).

Actually, things like yard signs and bumper stickers do increase the candidates likelyhood of getting votes. In the mid 90's, I worked for a Virginia State Senator during his campaign, and I remember one study, from a seminar he sent me to, talking about for every 50 bumper stickers they got on cars, they estimated that got 30 undecided voters. Now, I have no idea how they arrived at this conclusion, but it seems to be true that "getting and keeping the name out" can in fact increase the attractiveness of that candidate, and may somehow garner a few votes.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:45 pm
by jblank
Koz wrote:I haven't voted yet either (waiting for the after-work rush, woo!), but I'll go as follows

Pres: Kerry

And since there's no significant other offices up for grabs (not that I've been paying real close attention), that's about it.

Oh, and NO on the tax cap, and YES on the banning of bear trapping and baiting, but I doubt anyone else here is from Maine.
No Koz, I love hearing about local and state referendums. That and amendments, bonds, etc, have always interested me. I am glad some of you are listing the local/state issues, its interesting to read.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:45 pm
by The Meal
jblank, I believe that for local issues and candidates, but I doubt that 50 "W" bumper stickers will translate into 30 votes for Bush.


Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:48 pm
by jblank
The Meal wrote:jblank, I believe that for local issues and candidates, but I doubt that 50 "W" bumper stickers will translate into 30 votes for Bush.

Probably true Neal, that in fact was for a state Senate race, not a Federal one. Still, I think, and have always thought, that signs and stickers are more a "badge" of support if you will.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:48 pm
by msduncan
The Meal wrote:jblank, I believe that for local issues and candidates, but I doubt that 50 "W" bumper stickers will translate into 30 votes for Bush.

I agree. That must only hold true for local candidates. In fact... I'd imagine that it REALLY holds true for local elections where name matters more than party.... and then the non partisan races especially.

BTW -- jblank's avatar is awesome -- who is it? :)

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:49 pm
by LordMortis
Actually, things like yard signs and bumper stickers do increase the candidates likelyhood of getting votes. In the mid 90's, I worked for a Virginia State Senator during his campaign, and I remember one study talking about for every 50 bumper stickers they got on cars, they estimated that got 30 undecided voters. Now, I have no idea how they arrived at this conclusion, but it seems to be true that "getting and keeping the name out" can in fact increase the attractiveness of that candidate, and may somehow garner a few votes.
I have no idea how they come up with their conclusions, but a friend who campaigns for a friend of hers who spends a good deal of time studying the election process tells me that signs are important like they would be in advertising. They are important for name recognition. You are likely to vote for the name you remember if you otherwise are not tied to a party or "know" who you are going to vote for. You want your name remembered and you want to it to be simple and easy to pronounce. You therefore need to get your name out and people used to saying and hearing it.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:49 pm
by jblank
msduncan wrote:
The Meal wrote:jblank, I believe that for local issues and candidates, but I doubt that 50 "W" bumper stickers will translate into 30 votes for Bush.

I agree. That must only hold true for local candidates. In fact... I'd imagine that it REALLY holds true for local elections where name matters more than party.... and then the non partisan races especially.

BTW -- jblank's avatar is awesome -- who is it? :)
She is Aurora Snow, my fav Pron Star. Its the only "suitable" pic I had of her, so for this week, she's the avatar.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:52 pm
by jblank
LordMortis wrote:
Actually, things like yard signs and bumper stickers do increase the candidates likelyhood of getting votes. In the mid 90's, I worked for a Virginia State Senator during his campaign, and I remember one study talking about for every 50 bumper stickers they got on cars, they estimated that got 30 undecided voters. Now, I have no idea how they arrived at this conclusion, but it seems to be true that "getting and keeping the name out" can in fact increase the attractiveness of that candidate, and may somehow garner a few votes.
I have no idea how they come up with their conclusions, but a friend who campaigns for a friend of hers who spends a good deal of time studying the election process tells me that signs are important like they would be in advertising. They are important for name recognition. You are likely to vote for the name you remember if you otherwise are not tied to a party or "know" who you are going to vote for. You want your name remembered and you want to it to be simple and easy to pronounce. You therefore need to get your name out and people used to saying and hearing it.
If I remember right, their science for their conclusion was pretty sound, but it was 1995, so the specifics are a bit foggy. Hope I didnt imply that bumper stickers would help a national candidate all that much, but reading what I posted, it may have come off that way.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:57 pm
by Dramatist
I voted

for President
George Bush (R)

for Congress
Ron Paul (R) also unoppesed, but a nice guy anyway.

no Senator in Texas, in fact about half my ballot had unoppsed races.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:57 pm
by triggercut
Jest fibbin. I darkened my ovals for Kerry and Socas today....

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:59 pm
by SuperHiro
jblank wrote:
msduncan wrote:
The Meal wrote:jblank, I believe that for local issues and candidates, but I doubt that 50 "W" bumper stickers will translate into 30 votes for Bush.

I agree. That must only hold true for local candidates. In fact... I'd imagine that it REALLY holds true for local elections where name matters more than party.... and then the non partisan races especially.

BTW -- jblank's avatar is awesome -- who is it? :)
She is Aurora Snow, my fav Pron Star. Its the only "suitable" pic I had of her, so for this week, she's the avatar.
As the OctO resident pornography joke-maker, I'm well versed in the many genres... as well as the actresses who 'specialize' in said genres.

That said I am very concerned.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 2:13 pm
by LordMortis
Ron Paul was so my candidate for Pres in 88. I even did an interview with him for my local radio station which never aired. :( He is a very likable guy, though he does get a bit extreme at time. I thought the things he was extreme on were a good way to shake things up though. He wrote a fantastic book that he published during his run for presidency. The US Constitution after 200 years If you can find it, I recommend it.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 2:26 pm
by Fireball
President: John F. Kerry

32nd House District: Martin Frost (D)

State House: Malcolm Dade (D)

State Senate: Unopposed Republican incumbent, so I didn't vote

Voted "yes" to increasing pension pay or something like that for municipal workers.

Generally, I voted for every Democrat on the ballot. In races with no Democrat, I voted Libertarian over Republican. In races with just Republicans, I did not vote.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 2:43 pm
by setaside
Eh, my local offices weren't all that exciting.

Pres: Kerry
House: Broomfield
Senate: Nancy Farmer (I think it's time Kit Bond took a break)

The exciting one was a local question. This is a serious, actually printed on the ballot, question up for voting:
Should the Charter of Kansas City be amended by repealing various sections and enacting new sections to read as provided in Second Committee Substitute for Ordinance No. 040924, As Amended, to remove certain operational mandates and to permit the City Council to adopt ordinances to regulate these areas?
hmmm .... what would you have said? Personally I said ... hunh? ... No.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 2:45 pm
by MHS
President: Kerry

Senator: Salazar

Amendment 37: Amendment 37 would require certain Colorado utilities to produce or buy a growing portion of their energy from renewable sources such as wind, solar and geothermal. Proponents argue the goals are achievable and won't produce higher bills for ratepayers. Opponents reply that the measure is needlessly inflexible and could very well result in higher bills.

Voted yes.