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Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 12:40 am
by Daehawk
Im a huge fan of having my own npcs to order around. A mage with a pet, Star Wars Republic Commandos to order around, just anything that gives me my own little army of sorts. Huge fan.

So in here Id love to have my own WarRig to load with warboys of my choosing and go attack a big base. They would unload and go to town. Go where I told them to and work on their own to get to where I want them. I just want a new game it seems based on my own ideas :P

Also I keep hearing how much this is Mordor just without the nemesis system. Well I tried twice to get into Mordor but never did. Maybe after this game Ill be able to go back and play it too.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 10:15 pm
by Daehawk
Every time I play Mad Max Im reminded of Assassins Creed Black Flag and how much fun I had in it and how much alike they are. So I reinstalled Black Flag and started playing it today. And while playing it I was reminded just how much cooler Mad Max is :)

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 1:30 am
by Daehawk
BIG LOL!! ...I stopped to speak to one of those random npcs out on the road and she says something like "Bloodied knuckles and smoke on the road. Surely this is your work"...and Chum over in the car nearby says "hehehehe its is!! And dont call him Shirley"


Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 3:14 am
by Daehawk
I just got a new paint...white and blue camo. I think its my new favorite.

I also noticed that each car has its own exhaust style when looking at them. Pretty cool.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 5:46 pm
by YellowKing
Overall I'm enjoying it more than Shadow of Mordor, and I haven't been able to quite figure out why. Theme-wise I'm a much bigger Lord of the Rings fan than I am Mad Max. In terms of "stuff" to do they both offer about the same amount of repetition. The combat is better and more challenging in Mordor. The Nemesis system in Mordor offers an intriguing gameplay twist that just doesn't exist in Mad Max. On paper, there's really no reason I should be loving this game as much as I do.

There's just some intangible here I can't figure out that keeps me coming back night after night.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 5:57 pm
by Daehawk
YellowKing wrote:Overall I'm enjoying it more than Shadow of Mordor, and I haven't been able to quite figure out why. Theme-wise I'm a much bigger Lord of the Rings fan than I am Mad Max. In terms of "stuff" to do they both offer about the same amount of repetition. The combat is better and more challenging in Mordor. The Nemesis system in Mordor offers an intriguing gameplay twist that just doesn't exist in Mad Max. On paper, there's really no reason I should be loving this game as much as I do.

There's just some intangible here I can't figure out that keeps me coming back night after night.
Ramming speed? Car explosions?

Enlarge Image

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 6:58 pm
by Brian
Perhaps it's the visceral joy of harpooning some hapless fool and then yanking him into a car covered in spikes. :horse:

This doesn't really have anything to do with the game but I couldn't resist posting...

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 1:52 am
by Daehawk
Fucking bomb races!!!!!!!!!! I was trying to do a race to open a fast travel up way up near another zone to make it easier. Big NOPE not gonna happen. 5 races i get to within sight of the finish and explode. 3 others a enemy beats me there. And when I try to use my gun to shoot out the others tires that works but then the timer runs out and I explode again. Worst part is it doesn't refill those lost after 3 of those tries Im all out of ammo. F it..i just ctrl-alt-del'd it. I give up tonight.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 8:49 am
by YellowKing
Yeah, those are tough. The one that I actually beat I did it by blowing up every other opponent before I even got much out of the starting gate. However, that depends on you having plenty of ammo.

I decided to give up on racing for now - aside from minefields they are my least favorite activity. I may or may not come back to them at some other point.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:28 am
by Daehawk
My top 3 things I dont like to do in order are

Mine fields

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:34 am
by coopasonic
Daehawk wrote:My top 3 things I dont like to do in order are

Mine fields
Convoys are fun. Early on they were a pain and a thing to be avoided, but after a little improvement in the car, annihilating them put a smile on my face. The only thing I didn't like was that disabling the lead truck didn't get you the prize you had to destroy. Ramming a stopped vehicle a couple times to get your prize is a bit anticlimactic.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:18 am
by YellowKing
Yeah, I love convoys because they're one of the few actual challenging things in the game. Nothing beats picking off enemies one by one, narrowly surviving, running and hiding to repair, then ambushing them again.

There was a great sequence the other day when I attacked a convoy and drew the wrath of two cars who got in some T-bones on me and had me completely crippled. I jumped out, as the Magnum Opus was on fire, and ran towards a rock trying to avoid getting run down.

Both cars see me and make a beeline for me. At the last second I dodge out of the way and they both crash into the rock and somehow get stuck. I calmly turn around, level my shotgun at their fuel tanks, and blow them both to hell. :D

And perhaps that's the intangible thing I couldn't quite figure out. There are lots of moments in this game that produce random cinematic action sequences.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 12:04 pm
by Daehawk
Ive had cars miss me and explode under a bridge or hit a wall and blow up. Once I logged in from fast travel and heard an explosion and it was a convoy truck. Its hood ornament was inside the rock face just a little and I couldn't get it. I went down the road for something and when I came back it was sitting in the middle of the road.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 10:33 pm
by Scoop20906
The races suck. The convoy are so much fun and remind me the most of the films. Too bad the races didn't contain more convey missions.

I love cleaning the scum off the map.

I'm almost done with Pink Eye's area. I'm gong to 100 percent this game.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:09 am
by gbasden
YellowKing wrote:Overall I'm enjoying it more than Shadow of Mordor, and I haven't been able to quite figure out why. Theme-wise I'm a much bigger Lord of the Rings fan than I am Mad Max. In terms of "stuff" to do they both offer about the same amount of repetition. The combat is better and more challenging in Mordor. The Nemesis system in Mordor offers an intriguing gameplay twist that just doesn't exist in Mad Max. On paper, there's really no reason I should be loving this game as much as I do.

There's just some intangible here I can't figure out that keeps me coming back night after night.
I am enjoying Mad Max, but I think I'm on the opposite side of the coin from you. I'm not feeling as much draw as I did from killing orcs and dealing with the leaders.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 12:49 am
by Scoop20906
Finished. Enjoyed it. 92% Feels good to finally finish a game before starting a new one.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 11:49 am
by killbot737
I love this game. I have a question:

If you drive cars back to your base do you get a scrap reward for them if you've already got the body type unlocked, or is that just for the scrapmobiles? I just started playing the other day and I find having to smash up the cars after you take out the drivers a bit tedious.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 12:32 pm
by jztemple2
killbot737 wrote:If you drive cars back to your base do you get a scrap reward for them if you've already got the body type unlocked, or is that just for the scrapmobiles? I just started playing the other day and I find having to smash up the cars after you take out the drivers a bit tedious.
That's an interesting question, but I have no answer as I've never driven a bad guy's car back to base except to add it to the collection. I'm guessing that there isn't any reward, but maybe I'll give it a try.

Also, I'm just back from being on a 25 day vacation :shock: and when I fired up Mad Max, I was wondering how much scrap my little workers were going to give me while I was gone. Turns out that the base camps scrap is capped at 2000 and additionally the Stronghold scrap generators are capped at 500 apiece. So not unlimited, but a nice pile of scrap anyway :D

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 4:08 pm
by killbot737
I now hate this game. After spending many hours playing it the save game will no longer load.

Resume Game->Freeze.

So this fucking console bullshit of autosaves (and nothing else) has done me in. Anyone who thinks consoles are superior can suck my scabrous scrotus.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 5:30 pm
by killbot737
For some reason I did have a save from a few hours before the corrupted save. Being a PC gamer I trust no environment and no game! (Plus you make backups whenever you want to mod a game and not screw up your existing game).

So, console fanboys can double suck my scabrous scrotus (it's Max-licious).

I am slightly set back but Max's journey continues!

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 5:39 pm
by Daehawk
I need to get back to this. Not played in 2 weeks and I was doing so well. All Ive doen for 3 days is play Inquisition straight.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 6:46 pm
by wonderpug
Daehawk wrote:I need to get back to this. Not played in 2 weeks and I was doing so well. All Ive doen for 3 days is play Inquisition straight.
And I'm not sure if you're aware but Rebel Galaxy comes out on the 20th. ;)

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 7:08 pm
by Daehawk
Oh yes I cant get that off my mind...I keep checking for a pre order :) That game is really going to mess my play times up :P

All it lacks is co-op multiplayer so we could have an OO group to either clear or control the space lanes in all our different ships.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 8:49 pm
by Max Peck
Patch 4 has dropped.

General Updates for All Platforms:
Map improvements and fixes.
Fixed a problem with a draw bridge's winch in Great Watcher.
Fixed an instance where The Jaw's locks couldn't be destroyed.
Fixed several issues involving projects in Strongholds
Improved performance in several locations
Corrected a couple of annoying softlock issues
Corrected how Warcriers would suddenly stop doing their job if Max would leave the area and then come back without disposing of them.
Fixed a camera problem in some instances
Fixed an instance where Insignias wouldn't be accurately tracked after being destroyed.
Polish of collision meshes against the certain terrain and objects
Fixed a couple of persistent UI issues
Corrected the momentary inability to use Fast Travel after certain Wasteland Missions.
General bug fixes

Win64 Specific Updates:
Steam Controller support added to the game.
Fixed an issue where the Resolution defaulted to a lower setting. Saves should now retain the player selected Resolution.
Fixed an issue where overall volume remained low after adjusting Volume settings.
Fixed a problem with the Refresh Rate setting being reset to 24hz with the previous patch. Those settings now correctly persist through updates.
Fixed a problem with remaining stuck in Jeet's Stronghold after completing the Dinki-Di's mission in some cases.
Fixed a UI conflict issue for Settings not being saved when selecting an option with the mouse and then using the keyboard to change and confirm the change.
Implemented a Virtual Keyboard for when accessing WBPlay credentials fields with a controller.
Implemented a smoother loading screen transition across the screens when using a multiple screens display setup.
Fixed missing images for certain keyboard functions in the Keymapping Options Menu.
Corrected instances where the Pause menu would display incorrect control labels when switching between Keyboard+Mouse controls and a Controller.
Fixed a navigation restriction problem after using Escape to exit certain menu panels.
Fixed the problem with accessing a Challenge Category once that category was completed.
Polished controls in the Map screen to avoid having the "Action" control result in placing a Marker in the map.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:17 am
by YellowKing
This is the game that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends.

I'm still playing this damn game. I think I'm almost at 40 hours. I decided f--- it - I've already put this much time in, I may as well 100% it.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 12:12 pm
by jztemple2
YellowKing wrote:I'm still playing this damn game. I think I'm almost at 40 hours. I decided f--- it - I've already put this much time in, I may as well 100% it.
I got to 40 hours in before I left on a month long trip, but since I got back I just can't get into it. Still, I think I paid $36 USD so I got my one dollar per hours of gaming goodness out of it.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 6:22 pm
by Scoop20906
YellowKing wrote:This is the game that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends.

I'm still playing this damn game. I think I'm almost at 40 hours. I decided f--- it - I've already put this much time in, I may as well 100% it.
I finished the game and cleared the map but I didn't feel like all the extra achievements were worth the effort. I didn't find the different car builds all that interesting or fun to unlock. But overall I loved the game. I wish there had been more convoys to attack.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:56 am
by Moliere
12 hours into the game and while I am enjoying it I can't help but feel I am playing Batman and Shadows of Mordor with different skins. The challenges, maps, achievements, upgrades, and fighting are too similar.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 12:09 pm
by Smoove_B
I only put 30 minutes into it (to verify it worked on my computer) and that was my impression as well - it felt like a re-skin. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but clearly they're getting some mileage out of the design.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 12:39 am
by Daehawk
Ive stepped away too long almost. Forgot the controls. Worst part was the first thing I do is fight a sub boss. I won but I still dont remember how to dodge roll. Have to look that one up now.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:05 pm
by GreenGoo
Decided I better watch the movie before I get into the game. Seems like spoilers would be a problem. So that's the plan for tonight. Watch the movie. Tomorrow, play the game.

I loved the first 2 batmans (have the 3rd waiting to be played) and loved Mordor. I haven't nearly had my fill on that kind of gameplay yet so I'm perfectly happy to know what to expect from the game.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:41 pm
by killbot737
GreenGoo wrote:Decided I better watch the movie before I get into the game. Seems like spoilers would be a problem. So that's the plan for tonight. Watch the movie. Tomorrow, play the game.

I loved the first 2 batmans (have the 3rd waiting to be played) and loved Mordor. I haven't nearly had my fill on that kind of gameplay yet so I'm perfectly happy to know what to expect from the game.

Strangely enough the game seems to exist in a demi-plane. Touching the old movies and the new one as well. I don't think anything spoilerific is given away for either universe.

It's definitely closer to the new movie than the old, but there are hints of Max's older life that turn up on occasion.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 1:24 am
by GreenGoo
Yeah, see when I started the game the cut scene with the chainsaw staff and the bad guy had me thinking it was from the movie and I didn't want to spoil the movie so I stopped playing. Having just about finished the movie, that staff, that bad guy and that scene were clearly separate from the movie and the game cutscene spoiled nothing from the movie.

Oh well, better safe than sorry I guess.

Will give the game some play time soon.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 2:04 am
by Daehawk
Im past the point where I sit a game down then never go back. I keep trying but Ill get an hour in die and lose the last 30 min thanks to no saving anywhere except base and such..Annoys me so much i quit in disgust again. I have 3 strongholds now and am trying to upgrade the 3rd. Not sure how much is left. I met Hope but that was way into the game it felt and not seen her again. Not sure what goes on there. Its a chore now almost...though it still has its fun spots. Not like it was though. the worst is convoys now. Tons of guards all armored and I think I have 5 explosive harpoons. I just cant win.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 11:56 am
by Moliere
I got as far as the Gas Town race before quitting and uninstalling the game. Winning that race became more annoying than fun. Reviewing a walkthrough confirmed that there are just a couple boss fights left so I felt I got my money's worth.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 2:22 pm
by YellowKing
The Gas Town race was by far the hardest part of the game for me - the boss fights didn't come close to that. I had to try it around 15 times before I finally won it, and I was mostly upgraded. The game's really good, but it does get very grindy towards the end.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 2:01 am
by Scoop20906
Gas town race wasn't much fun unless you love throwing your controller at the screen in frustration. So many things to trip you up and then you can't catch up. I much preferred attacking the convoys. I wished there were more of them.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 3:41 pm
by GreenGoo
After just a short time with the game I can see how it might not be as satisfying as other games of this ilk. In Shadows of Mordor, it makes sense that you gain increasingly sophisticated combat techniques as you progress, and in the Batman're Batman, and he's a freakin' ninja, so he's got all sorts of fun things, but Max isn't known for his nimbleness or technique. Typically he just punches the other guy harder than he gets punched. I'm not sure how the game is going to progress much past "block, punch punch punch punch, finish" without losing the Mad Max feel. But if it doesn't progress past that, it'll get pretty dry pretty quick. Now I realize there are other game mechanics besides melee combat, but it still seems like punching people is going to happen a lot.

We'll see.

As noted by others, driving is a bit loose and difficult to control. Right now I just see it as a learning curve, but if after hours of driving I'm not a whole lot better, I'm going to be annoyed.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 4:01 pm
by Moliere
GreenGoo wrote: Max isn't known for his nimbleness or technique. Typically he just punches the other guy harder than he gets punched. I'm not sure how the game is going to progress much past "block, punch punch punch punch, finish" without losing the Mad Max feel. But if it doesn't progress past that, it'll get pretty dry pretty quick. Now I realize there are other game mechanics besides melee combat, but it still seems like punching people is going to happen a lot.
I never bought any of his fighting upgrades. It was enough to Parry, roll away, and punch whoever was closest to me. They almost never ganged up on me even when I was surrounded by 10 guys. Also, I killed more people with my harpoon by drawing them out of the towns and shooting them from the car. Same with all the treasure locations where you always had to kill 4-5 guys before getting the loot.

Re: Mad Max PC world...the new Shadows of Mordor?

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 9:39 pm
by killbot737
That Gastown race is ridiculously hard, even if you're as fully upgraded as you can be when you get there. I had to strip some armor to gain speed and tire traction in order to win.

Fights can be tricky if there are more than 3 or 4 warboys, especially the stabby or armored ones. You can't block everybody! There were a couple refinery fights that I had to rethink (after dying over and over) so I wasn't totally ganged up on. Don't forget to scare them off with a nicely timed shotgun blast.

I waited forever before getting the thunderpoon (tee hee :lol: ). I didn't even know I was doing so, I was going completionist OCD on everything else before I did most of the story missions. I just used the regular harpoon like a maniac on the convoys. Rip off some escort tires and it's a lot easier to finish off the boss.