OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hentzau »

I'm going to be selling a bunch of my old games, minis, etc at a local gaming con auction this October. I have stacks of stuff that I either 1) played once and it never hit the table again 2) loved at one time but haven't played in over 15 years or 3) never even played them once (TI III, I'm looking at you.)

I told my wife I would do this as part of our clutter reduction program at home, plus, I'm going to use that money that I get to pay for the banjo I just bought. :)
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by El Guapo »

hentzau wrote: plus, I'm going to use that money that I get to pay for the banjo I just bought. :)
Do you choose unusual hobbies, or do they choose you?
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

El Guapo wrote:
hentzau wrote: plus, I'm going to use that money that I get to pay for the banjo I just bought. :)
Do you choose unusual hobbies, or do they choose you?
It's my fault. I had him watch Deliverance at my place recently and he was really taken with the idea of making men squeal like a piggie...
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hentzau »

El Guapo wrote:
hentzau wrote: plus, I'm going to use that money that I get to pay for the banjo I just bought. :)
Do you choose unusual hobbies, or do they choose you?
It does seem that I'm a weird hobby magnet. But, I gotta admit, I enjoy the uniqueness of them all.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Tommy20 »

hentzau wrote:It does seem that I'm a weird hobby magnet. But, I gotta admit, I enjoy the uniqueness of them all.
Come on! Tell them about fencing in your backyard!
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by silverjon »

It's not that unusual for people's back yards to be fenced in.

To be fair, adolescent power fantasy tripe is way easier to write than absurd existential horror, and every community has got to start somewhere... right?

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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Jow »

I finally had a chance to play Summoner Wars with my buddy Brandon tonight. After my first few plays, I can safely say I enjoyed it, but getting behind the 8-ball almost immediately in game 3 and not really being able to do anything about it was pretty frustrating. I fully admit I'm a snob when it comes to this, but dice games classically make me cranky and the combination of card luck AND dice in this game has me wondering how often people actually have competitive games.

Game 1 I took the Elves vs. Brandon's Tundra Orcs. I'm not sure if I just "got" the game right away or what, but it felt like I did a really good job in the early-going with preserving my forces and giving him nothing to work with in terms of his own magic pile. One quick two-damage encounter made me realize just how vulnerable the Prince so I kept him in the rear the remainder of the game. By the time the game was over I'd lost two of my three champions but prevented him from getting any of his on the board. I was also clearing the board of all his units pretty consistently. I think if I'd realized the utility of Blazing Step or whatever it's called (especially in terms of pulling off attacks without making myself vulnerable to the Orc summoner's frost wall attack) it wouldn't have gone on as long as it did.

Game 2 was absolutely brutal and honestly not that fun for either of us. I took Dwarves against the Goblins and... well, I pretty much ran him over. Two early drain magics allowed me to keep his summoning down to near nothing and, by skipping summoning entirely in turn 2 (which was a bit risky, admittedly) I was able to drop Gror (the dwarven champion with the Hammer Quake ability) on turn 3. With the way the board was configured, that was pretty much endgame right there. His first attack was boosted by the Heroic event card that allows an extra 2 damage, allowing him to take out three regular goblin units and do two damage to his Summoner and his only wall. Two turns later, he was down to just his summoner with no wall remaining to summon to. I thought I played well but also felt like the combination of cards I drew early just made it completely insurmountable.

We kept the same matchup for game 3. This was just one of those games where a sequence of events at the very beginning seemed to dictate the rest of the game and I could never recover. That sequence of events was basically 2 or 3 different events in the first two turns (Goblin Rage and so on) that both put him right in my face and put me fairly significantly behind on units. This was actually more of what I expected from this matchup but no matter what I did for the rest of the game it felt like I was just bailing water and I couldn't catch a break! The two other walls in my deck were buried in the last 5 or 10 cards of the deck, so I spent the entire game fighting desperately just to have a place todrop units (in fact, one turn he completely locked me out of summoning altogether). The dice betrayed me at just about every turn... one notable turn saw me rolling five attack dice over three separate attacks (including three by the Dwarven "shield-block" hero) and rolling misses on all five. One other instance had me setting up Brandon for losing his Eater by killing the "escort" slinger he was intending to use for food, only to roll '1's two turns in a row trying to take that escort unit out. It was a game I felt like I should have lost much earlier, but by using my walls to build a maze of sorts in one of my corners I actually fought back and made a game of it. I managed to get Thoerker and those walls just in the nick of time to stave off a ridiculous Mook-driven Berserker that nearly took out my shield-block hero AND summoner all by himself. We actually reached a point where, if I'd been able to take out Mook with Thoerker (dwarven hero, 3 ranged attack and magic barrier), I would actually have had a good chance at the comeback, but Brandon's dice were so hot when using Mook to attack Thoerker that I burned through what was left of my magic pile to save his ass, killing ALL of his commons during this process as fuel, and ended up losing him anyway. I conceded when I finally got down to just my Summoner (with 5 of 6 wounds) while Brandon had Sneaks (3 wounds out of 7), Mook (5 wounds of 7) and Blarph (unwounded with four attack power) remaining and I was completely trapped in my own wall-maze.

So yeah... We had fun, but with dice swings and the like I'm not sure this is something I'm going to want to play a lot. Perhaps I take these things too seriously. :)
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

I'm very much a casual board gamer and don't really search for the min/max loopholes in any game, or base my opinions about the game in question on the number of luck based mechanics it incorporates. Most of the folks I game with seem to do so, however. While this may explain why I enjoy Summoners War on a different level than you obviously do, it would probably also go a long way towards explaining why I always lose. :wink:
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Boudreaux »

hepcat wrote:I'm very much a casual board gamer and don't really search for the min/max loopholes in any game, or base my opinions about the game in question on the number of luck based mechanics it incorporates.
I realized I was this type of gamer when, during a game of Power Grid, other players started pulling out calculators on the last turn. That last turn takes 30 minutes with them because of all the math. I joked that they should use an Excel spreadsheet until I actually saw a guy doing just that. :?
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by LordMortis »

hepcat wrote:I'm very much a casual board gamer and don't really search for the min/max loopholes in any game, or base my opinions about the game in question on the number of luck based mechanics it incorporates. Most of the folks I game with seem to do so, however. While this may explain why I enjoy Summoners War on a different level than you obviously do, it would probably also go a long way towards explaining why I always lose. :wink:
For me it depends on the game and the mood. I love beer and pretzel gaming. I love intense strategic gaming. I like luck and lucklessness both. Screaming Chaos Marauders as you dive for a card that someone played can be fun and so can hours of setting up plans in a wargame. I'm not too fond games looking masked as heavy on the strategy where strange pieces of one off luck make or break the game or games of luck that do strange things for no real rhyme or reason. Like in Talisman where you are playing for two to three hours of running around the board and then you draw the card that says "you lose. Go get your shinebox."
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Jow »

Don't get me wrong - I'm not even remotely the heavy metagamer type. I'd never even think of trying to do all the mathy precalculation crap others do in Power Grid, etc. I don't actually have to be in the mood for luck-based games either - I really enjoy games that introduce some luck or randomness while allowing your choices to have a role in how much bad luck affects you.

Dreamblade is a great example of a game that has a luck element that can be manipulated by skillful play. Combat is completely dice-driven (hence the luck factor), but with positioning being so central to the game you can play to mitigate that luck factor by only battling where you stand the least chance of being hurt by bad dice. The dice can still screw you in the end (cus you're not always going to be able to fight just where you want to), but the point is you have options... and options are good.

with only 3 games under my belt it's still early, but I don't feel like Summoner Wars provides that same flexibility. How much positioning matters seems to have a lot to do with what summoner you're playing. With the goblins, for example, they're all about Zerging. If the goblin player gets the right combination of event cards plus a good mix of units at the beginning, you suddenly find yourself forced back to your starting wall, where without the space to maneuver your fate falls completely to the dice. Roll average (2 hits of every 3 dice - hits are generally 3-6) and you'll start to thin the oncoming hordes and maybe even give yourself some breathing room. Roll less than average for any length of time and suddenly you'll start seeing yourself overwhelmed by sheer numbers with fewer units to fight back with and less magic with which to recover. It also works in the opposite direction - if the dwarf player draws both Drain Magic cards early, he can severely stunt the Goblin player's early game and make it very difficult to recover, especially if the dwarf player draws other good cards early. In both scenarios, the winning player was rewarded for playing his superior choices optimally and taking advantage of the luck afforded by dice, but the losing player was penalized with defeat not because he made mistakes, but because he had less to work with based on luck. THAT'S what I don't like.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

I do feel that the Tundra Orcs are a bit overpowered. They're basically just tanks on legs. Ranged is the way to go when facing them but the 3 cell range limit (except for the elven archers) combined with a 2 cell movement allowance makes it all but impossible to use archers and other ranged units successfully. You get one shot and then they close for the coup de grace. If they reduced the movement for Orcs and other heavy units, I'd enjoy the game more.

At the end of the day, perhaps I'm more forgiving when it comes to this game because Colby (the developer) is such a gregarious guy at the cons and because i have a soft spot for small developers.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Jow »

Really? Huh. Maybe the guy I was playing with them just played them wrong, but he began just about every turn in the game with no forces on the board. If I saw one of the Smashers (4 hp, don't roll to hit) I'd basically pile everything I could on it to make sure it didn't survive a second turn. I'm not sure ranged is THE only way to deal with them either - Elven Warriors (with blaze step) allow some nice hit-and-run attacks, and you can use Dwarven Defenders to lock them down and give your spearmen the opportunity to range attack (or move right in and get a free 2 hits in).

Brandon wants me to try out the orcs the next time we play as he has consistently had trouble doing anything with them. i'll let you know how it goes.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

Jow wrote:Really? Huh. Maybe the guy I was playing with them just played them wrong, but he began just about every turn in the game with no forces on the board. If I saw one of the Smashers (4 hp, don't roll to hit) I'd basically pile everything I could on it to make sure it didn't survive a second turn. I'm not sure ranged is THE only way to deal with them either - Elven Warriors (with blaze step) allow some nice hit-and-run attacks, and you can use Dwarven Defenders to lock them down and give your spearmen the opportunity to range attack (or move right in and get a free 2 hits in).

Brandon wants me to try out the orcs the next time we play as he has consistently had trouble doing anything with them. i'll let you know how it goes.
They get one or two less units on the board during setup than most factions, but I find it odd that your friend frequently had no forces on the board. :? Unless he was purposely committing them to suicide runs over and over again, that is. But I'm not sure why he would do that.

But in any case, I would say the orcs are the faction to choose for beginners. between their high hit points, ice walls and the large number of freeze spell cards that lock down any other unit, they can just tear through enemies.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by freelunch »

we've just finished our best weekend of gaming in a while:

Saturday we played:
Buccaneer, currently my favourite <30min easy-to-teach-anyone game.
Thunderstone, one three-player game with my nephew and a friend who dropped in to play (using suggested beginners cards) then a five-player game with them and my two older kids (randomly drawn from the base game and Wrath of the Elements expansion)
Tumblin' Dice, its no Crokinole but it is a fun way to end a session.
Innovation, with my two older kids, brilliant/chaotic Civ-in-under-an-hour card game.

and then today:
Buccaneer with my two youngest kids, my wife and a visiting friend. had to play something to honour talk-like-a-pirate day
Castle Ravenloft, three player - my third run through the first multiplayer scenario that comes with the game. I remain very impressed/excited about this new series/system.
Innovation again, three-player with my 11yo and a friend.
Summoner Wars, a 2-on-2 battle, my 7yo and I as Dwarves and Orcs vs. my 11yo and a friend as Fallen and Vanguard. My side won.
Neuroshima Hex! with my two youngest, I like this game a lot, just wish the combat resolution was less fiddly - my kids get distracted while I'm calculating damage which disrupts the flow of the game.

my kids are just starting two weeks of school holidays so I'm anticipating much boardgaming in the immediate future :)
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Chaosraven »

For Neuroshima Hex, I suggest a small pile of six sided dice. Placing them on units for Initiative Modified by x,y, and z. (i have played this as freeforall from 2player up to 6player, and teams of 2,3 in 2,4, and 6player).
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by freelunch »

Chaosraven wrote:For Neuroshima Hex, I suggest a small pile of six sided dice. Placing them on units for Initiative Modified by x,y, and z. (i have played this as freeforall from 2player up to 6player, and teams of 2,3 in 2,4, and 6player).
that sounds like it'll work well, thanks for the suggestion :)
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Chaosraven »

Arkham (three wins!) with my son, LM, and Remus; then all night EDH with kk the wives and a friend. Bring on the Arkham expansions! We ain't scared!
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

I'll be using the Innsmouth expansion and the item/spell/etc. cards from the small box expansions at Octocon. I'll also be adding in all the investigators since they're not expansion specific.

The Innsmouth expansion is my favorite because it's very light on rules additions/changes. It just adds a federal investigator track to keep the Innsmouth horrors from appearing. It also adds relationship cards which are very small additions to the investigator's back stories.

Should we plan on this for Friday night? If so, I'll see what time I can get into the hall so I can get it set up beforehand. That will cut about 30 to 45 minutes off the playtime.

So far I've got:


game can take 8 so we'll have 3 spots open.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by LordMortis »

hepcat wrote:I'll be using the Innsmouth expansion and the item/spell/etc. cards from the small box expansions at Octocon. I'll also be adding in all the investigators since they're not expansion specific.

The Innsmouth expansion is my favorite because it's very light on rules additions/changes. It just adds a federal investigator track to keep the Innsmouth horrors from appearing. It also adds relationship cards which are very small additions to the investigator's back stories.

Should we plan on this for Friday night? If so, I'll see what time I can get into the hall so I can get it set up beforehand. That will cut about 30 to 45 minutes off the playtime.
Friday sounds good to me.

Last night we both came the closest we ever came to losing and though it got "easy" about 2/3 of way through, for the first 2/3 of the game it looked pretty hopeless. And we also had the easiest win we ever had. Six turns of nothing but luck, sealing closing the first and only four gates to open.

I really like the team work involved in the game.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by RMC »

LordMortis wrote:
hepcat wrote:I'll be using the Innsmouth expansion and the item/spell/etc. cards from the small box expansions at Octocon. I'll also be adding in all the investigators since they're not expansion specific.

The Innsmouth expansion is my favorite because it's very light on rules additions/changes. It just adds a federal investigator track to keep the Innsmouth horrors from appearing. It also adds relationship cards which are very small additions to the investigator's back stories.

Should we plan on this for Friday night? If so, I'll see what time I can get into the hall so I can get it set up beforehand. That will cut about 30 to 45 minutes off the playtime.
Friday sounds good to me.

Last night we both came the closest we ever came to losing and though it got "easy" about 2/3 of way through, for the first 2/3 of the game it looked pretty hopeless. And we also had the easiest win we ever had. Six turns of nothing but luck, sealing closing the first and only four gates to open.

I really like the team work involved in the game.
My group refuses to play Arkham anymore. The guys I play with like to 'win' and even when they try to play nice together, we get our asses kicked everytime in this game.

I wonder if we are playing something wrong? In order to close a portal you have to start at the entry square and fight your way one space at a time to the correct portal exit, and then do something to exit.

The last time we played. with a group of 6 of us. We drew a monster that just had a large attack and basically said, you died if you failed this save, I think it was death.

Then we ended up with a flyer, that kept attacking us and killing us. It seems next to impossible to save..Only a 5 or 6 saves, right? Or something like that.
<sigh> I love the background, but my group has banned the game from the table. They would have banned it from my house, but I own the silly thing.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by LordMortis »

RMC wrote:
LordMortis wrote:
hepcat wrote:I'll be using the Innsmouth expansion and the item/spell/etc. cards from the small box expansions at Octocon. I'll also be adding in all the investigators since they're not expansion specific.

The Innsmouth expansion is my favorite because it's very light on rules additions/changes. It just adds a federal investigator track to keep the Innsmouth horrors from appearing. It also adds relationship cards which are very small additions to the investigator's back stories.

Should we plan on this for Friday night? If so, I'll see what time I can get into the hall so I can get it set up beforehand. That will cut about 30 to 45 minutes off the playtime.
Friday sounds good to me.

Last night we both came the closest we ever came to losing and though it got "easy" about 2/3 of way through, for the first 2/3 of the game it looked pretty hopeless. And we also had the easiest win we ever had. Six turns of nothing but luck, sealing closing the first and only four gates to open.

I really like the team work involved in the game.
My group refuses to play Arkham anymore. The guys I play with like to 'win' and even when they try to play nice together, we get our asses kicked everytime in this game.

I wonder if we are playing something wrong? In order to close a portal you have to start at the entry square and fight your way one space at a time to the correct portal exit, and then do something to exit.

The last time we played. with a group of 6 of us. We drew a monster that just had a large attack and basically said, you died if you failed this save, I think it was death.

Then we ended up with a flyer, that kept attacking us and killing us. It seems next to impossible to save..Only a 5 or 6 saves, right? Or something like that.
<sigh> I love the background, but my group has banned the game from the table. They would have banned it from my house, but I own the silly thing.

We are not sure why we always win even if the game is always close. We have hypothesized it is because we always play with 3 or 4 players and scope seems easier at under 5. The game really does require coordination. If everyone just does their thing then disaster is going to happen. Also we only play the basic set. I don't know how expansions affect the difficulty.

The game reminds me of another coop game, Lord of the Rings, but LotR doesn't seem to have the magic... Or maybe it's because the game is too hard. *shrug*
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

AH is supposed to be difficult. you ARE fighting elder gods, you know. :wink: but as LM says, teamwork is the countermeasure. If someone decides to just do their own thing and pursue trophy gates without giving a hand to his fellow investigators, you're probably going to die.

I enjoy the game as an alternative to a Call of Cthulhu rpg, to be honest. There are so many investigators to choose from, and so many items/spells/weapons/events that you are sure to experience something new each time you play.

Plus, nothing beats the tension from trying to close that last gate before another pops open.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by RMC »

Yeah they are elder gods, but the guys I like to play with are just a little too much in line with I am going to win, and you are going to lose. So the elder gods always win. :)

I guess I always hoped that maybe you could compete against one another, and maybe cooperate a little. But in AH, it is either all or nothing. :)
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

well, it DOES bill itself as a "cooperative" game on the box, in the ads, on FFG's site...well...you get the idea. :wink:
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by RMC »

hepcat wrote:well, it DOES bill itself as a "cooperative" game on the box, in the ads, on FFG's site...well...you get the idea. :wink:
hehehe...Maybe I should blow that part of the box up on a photocopier and pin it to the gaming room walls. :)

Also, I have so many games now, that we tend to play what matches how many people we have. Lately we have been playing RuneWars, which I enjoy a lot and so do the guys, as they all manage to somehow kick my ass every time. Usually in the last turn or so.

<sigh> Maybe I should make one of them start buying the expensive games so I can beat them at it. ;)
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by LordMortis »

RMC wrote:I guess I always hoped that maybe you could compete against one another, and maybe cooperate a little. But in AH, it is either all or nothing. :)
That isn't going to work at all. Self sacrifice comes in to play in almost every game we play. And then there is the whole idea of denying yourself the strengths of your character to help the team. I had the private eye gangster guy last night. His perk is that clue tokens spent get two dice instead of one and his strength is stay in the streets and fight stuff. The result is that he doesn't really pursue clues and his perk goes to waste. If he pursues clues, all he is doing is slowing the people down who are closing the gates.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Jow »

Mmm, Arkham.

That's a shame your group has banned the game RMC. I find that losing that game actually makes me more determined the next time it comes out, and that winning infrequently actually helps me savor the victories that much more. In order to close a gate, here are the steps:

1) Move to the gate.
2) Go through during your encounter phase.
3) Have your first "Other World encounter".
4) Move to the second half of the other world during your next movement step.
5) Have another Other World encounter.
6) Move back to Arkham during your next movement step.
7) Attempt to close the gate during your Arkham Encounter phase.

As for flyers, just to make sure you were playing them properly, flyers spawn like normal monsters, but fly into the skies instead of staying in the city if they move when no investigators are in the streets. The only time they'll return to the city is if they are told to move and an investigator is in one of the street areas at the time.

In terms of difficulty, the base set is actually not too bad. The ratio of Elder Signs to other things in the unique item deck is as low as it's going to get and the base GOOs (great old ones) are not too nasty. Where things change up is with the expansions. The smallbox expansions introduce things like a timing mechanism (King in Yellow - three Act cards relating to the play that's being performed in town. If you reach act III, you lose), heralds (mini baddies that herald the arrival of the GOOs and generally make life more difficult), and so forth. The bigbox expansions add wrinkles like mobile rifts and other such things, plus new GOOs to choose from. I can't speak for the Innsmouth GOOs, but the Kingsport ones are brutal. Here's an example:

Combat rating: -5

Defenses: Magical Resistance and Physical Resistance

Worshippers: Atlach-Nacha is worshipped by the terrible Leng Spiders. Leng Spiders are fast, and their toughness is increased by 2.

Power: Web Between Worlds - While Atlach-Nacha stirs in his slumber, all gate openings are gate bursts. In addition, all Mystic cards are discarded without their special effects taking place.

Attack: The Investigators must, as a group, choose one Ally in play or one investigator. If an Ally is chosen, it is returned to the box. If an investigator is chosen, that investigator is devoured.

Doom Track: 13

Incidentally, for those who don't know, gate bursts are gate openings that DESTROY seals.... so you're never safe.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by LordMortis »

RMC wrote:
hepcat wrote:well, it DOES bill itself as a "cooperative" game on the box, in the ads, on FFG's site...well...you get the idea. :wink:
hehehe...Maybe I should blow that part of the box up on a photocopier and pin it to the gaming room walls. :)

Also, I have so many games now, that we tend to play what matches how many people we have. Lately we have been playing RuneWars, which I enjoy a lot and so do the guys, as they all manage to somehow kick my ass every time. Usually in the last turn or so.

<sigh> Maybe I should make one of them start buying the expensive games so I can beat them at it. ;)
Descent is a good coopetition game, where you all work together and you're ultimately trying to beef yourself up. It's real coopetition but real coopetition games are hard to pull off, where everyone needs to pull together enough to keep the game from failing but there is only one winner.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

Sometimes a purely cooperative game is just the right thing for a gaming group. Personally, I am the worst boardgamer in the various groups I play with in the Chicago area. I will lose almost every time, no matter what the game is. However, I love boardgames and have come to accept my near mythic ability to screw up any strategy I attempt.

That being said, I am human and every now and then I get my ego damaged so much in one night that being able to play a game in which I can just sit back and enjoy the experience, knowing that ultimately the game itself is my nemesis, is a welcome change of pace.

Pandemic, Arkham Horror, Touch of Evil and Last Night and Earth (and hopefully All Things Zombie and Space Hulk: Death Angel when I get them onto a table in the near future) provide me that escapism my badly damaged ego needs in order to continue functioning. :wink:
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hentzau »

And that's why I really enjoy both Shadows Over Camelot and Battlestar Galactica, you get both the overall co-op game play, plus the hidden bad guy element.

And I think I give you a run for your money as the most losingest guy in our circle of friends...
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

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D'OH! How could I forget BSG when listing coop games!?
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by baelthazar »

FWIW, the new Lurker at the Threshold mini-expansion actually makes Arkham Horror a little less difficult, in some ways. Having the "get out of trouble free" ability of the Lurker herald is very nice - even if it comes at the price of possibly getting horribly mutilated when you draw the new cards.

Also some expansions add Elder Gods (the good guys, remember the baddies are Great Old Ones or Outer Gods) that aid in some manner. I think they are cheesy and aid more complexity to an already complex game, but YMMV.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hentzau »

hepcat wrote:D'OH! How could I forget BSG when listing coop games!?
And I didn't mention Castle Ravenloft, even though that is my current obsession...
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

you ARE bringing that to Octocon, right?
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hentzau »

hepcat wrote:you ARE bringing that to Octocon, right?
Oh yeah...
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

then count me in. :D
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Jow »

i actually skipped buying Lurker at the Threshold when it released at Gencon. I already own three of the smallboxes and one of the bigboxes and feel like that's "enough", especially since I haven't gotten the game to the table in a while.

Speaking of things Lovecraft, Fantasy Flight has announced a new game in the Arkham "universe": Mansions of Madness. Here's the blurb from their site about it:

Designed by Corey Konieczka, Mansions of Madness is a macabre game of horror, insanity, and mystery for two to five players. Each game takes place within a pre-designed story that provides players with a unique map and several combinations of plot threads. These threads affect the monsters that investigators may encounter, the clues they need to find, and which climactic story ending they will ultimately experience. One player takes on the role of the keeper, controlling the monsters and other malicious powers within the story. The other players take on the role of investigators, searching for answers while struggling to survive with their minds intact.

Do you dare enter the Mansions of Madness?

Mansions of Madness includes:

1 Rulebook, Investigator Guide, and Keeper Guide
8 Investigator Figures and 24 Monster Figures
Over 300 cards
Over 200 Tokens and Markers
15 detailed Map Tiles
Nearly 70 Puzzle Tiles
1 Ten-Sided Die

I'm intrigued. Hopefully there'll be enough variety in the plot threads to allow for major replay value.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

saw it and immediately started drooling. i am a lovecraft whore and will purchase this the moment it comes out. :oops:

p.s. i wonder if this is ffg's answer to betrayal at house on haunted hill?
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by LordMortis »

hepcat wrote:saw it and immediately started drooling. i am a lovecraft whore and will purchase this the moment it comes out. :oops:
They kept laughing at me yesterday when I read "You come across sleeping horror" or some such nonsense. Nice example to set for your boy, chaosraven.
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