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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 8

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:56 am
by El Guapo
Lagom, here's the situation yesterday that gives me pause on Lassr. I cast my vote for coop, making it two votes for coop and two votes for RMC:
Qantaga wrote:Voting:

3. Lassr ----------------> coopasonic
6. Mr Bubbles --------> RMC
10. coopasonic -------> RMC
14. El Guapo ----------> coopasonic
17. Lagom Lite -------> coopasonic, Lassr
20. RMC ----------------> coopasonic

coopasonic (2): RMC, Lassr, Lagom, El Guapo
RMC (2): coopasonic, Mr Bubbles
Lassr (0): Lagom

*Please let me know if I've missed anything.

Players remaining: 6
Majority is 4

Deadline is Wednesday, September 21 at 9:00 pm EST.
Lassr posts right after with this:
Lassr wrote: coop 

Not buying it.
If Lassr's evil, then RMC is good. Why would Lassr at this point vote to put his teammate at n-1 rather than put a villager at n-1, which would put him one vote from winning the game? Bear in mind that in my post voting for coop I said:
As for myself on Coop / RMC, I could go either way. Reading posts last night I'm leaning coop ... [text, vote] ... I could absolutely be swayed on this, so if anyone has any arguments on this, let's hear 'em.
Why wouldn't evil Lassr vote for RMC at this point based on the reasonable hope that I switch to RMC, and possibly that you vote for RMC? If you vote for coop there's still the option of switching back to cast the killing vote and still be on the coop vote (and Lassr could then still argue that RMC is the convert day 9).

This is the key moment from yesterday that gives me some pause about Lassr being evil. Though as noted above, there's also good reasons to think that he is.

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:31 am
by Lagom Lite
Well, the way I see it it would be better for Lassr to wait until you put RMC at n-1, and then pounce on the vote. He'd need you to switch to RMC regardless.

Voting patterns on the final day means very little to me. A baddie could try a last-ditch effort to gain trust, in fact it makes perfect sense to do so.

I'm not sure about Lassr, but I'd rather bet on him than on RMC.

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:11 am
by Lassr
This village is dead. You could let the game slip into night without a lynch but it really wouldn't matter as you would be killed tonight and I would then be lynched tomorrow.

I can argue till I'm blue in the face but would it help?

I am not evil.

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:14 pm
by El Guapo
All right then, no sense in kicking the can down the road any more. There's a reasonable case against Lassr, that's where Lagom is going, I don't really have much to argue with him on regarding it.


May God bless our village. And if it's a miss, the holy days of atonement are about to start.

If Lagom turns out to be evil, I'm going to be pissed. But impressed.

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:18 pm
by Remus West
:binky: :pop: :binky:

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:35 pm
by Lagom Lite

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:43 pm
by Lassr
El Guapo wrote:All right then, no sense in kicking the can down the road any more. There's a reasonable case against Lassr, that's where Lagom is going, I don't really have much to argue with him on regarding it.


May God bless our village. And if it's a miss, the holy days of atonement are about to start.

If Lagom turns out to be evil, I'm going to be pissed. But impressed.

I too will be interested to see if Lagom pulled off the miracle play here also...

oh well.

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:54 pm
by Lagom Lite
Lassr wrote:
El Guapo wrote:All right then, no sense in kicking the can down the road any more. There's a reasonable case against Lassr, that's where Lagom is going, I don't really have much to argue with him on regarding it.


May God bless our village. And if it's a miss, the holy days of atonement are about to start.

If Lagom turns out to be evil, I'm going to be pissed. But impressed.

I too will be interested to see if Lagom pulled off the miracle play here also...

oh well.
Huh, really?

Oh, RMC - you rapscallion... :wub:

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:02 pm
by Qantaga

3. Lassr ----------------> RMC
14. El Guapo ----------> Lassr
17. Lagom Lite -------> Lassr
20. RMC ---------------> Lassr

Lassr (3): Lagom, RMC, El Guapo
RMC (1): Lassr

*Please let me know if I've missed anything.

Players remaining: 4
Majority is 3

Deadline is Wednesday, September 28 at 9:00 pm EST.

Voting is closed.

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:03 pm
by PLW
I can't believe the Dread Pirates pulled this off.

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:05 pm
by El Guapo
PLW wrote:I can't believe the Dread Pirates pulled this off.

Are you bs'ing or are you saying that Lagom and RMC are both pirates? Pirates who activated last night? Seems ridiculously implausible, but that would be kind of awesome. A better result than just RMC being evil and Lassr being innocent, anyhow.

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:09 pm
by Lassr
El Guapo wrote:
PLW wrote:I can't believe the Dread Pirates pulled this off.

Are you bs'ing or are you saying that Lagom and RMC are both pirates? Pirates who activated last night? Seems ridiculously implausible, but that would be kind of awesome. A better result than just RMC being evil and Lassr being innocent, anyhow.
he's messing with you. I was pirate#3. The other 2 pirates are unactivated and dead.

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:10 pm
by El Guapo
I figured.

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:11 pm
by Qantaga
The gloom held sway. The rain eased, but never fully let up that long, dreary day. Lightning flashed and thunder roared from time to time, as if to remind you of the importance of the day at hand.

You know that this may be your last chance to save the village you've known and loved your entire life. You sit on the porch of the Inn and stare into the distance as you try to organize your thoughts. You think back to all the events, conversations, and deaths of the past several days.

You go over each and every clue and nuance in your mind one final time.

Finally, you rise and retreat to the common room of the Inn, where your fellows are gathered around the fireplace.

You walk over and pull a chair up close to the fire, trying to dry the damp not only from your skin, but seemingly from your very soul.

After a long discussion, the four of you rise.

Even though the rain is still falling, something tells you that true resolution to this reign of terror holding Florin captive will only occur out under the storm swollen sky. The others apparently feel the same instinctual tug because, when you rise to make your way outside, they follow you without a word being spoken.

As you gather around the fountain, with the rain slowly soaking your skin, everyone begins to speak in turn in low, but determined, voices.

You know it's time to reach a decision and you are just about to open your mouth to speak when, someone shrugs on a Holocaust Cloak. Then, another Holocaust Cloak is donned.

You're wondering what will happen next when you feel something heavy in your hands. You look down and find, surprisingly, that you are holding a Holocaust Cloak of your own.

You stare at it for a moment, but then quickly put on your own Holocaust Cloak. You decide that if it has appeared out of thin air and been delivered to your hands, there must be a very good reason for such an occurrence.

As your cloak settles comfortably around your shoulders, you hear a strange voice say, "Burn."

Suddenly, your cloak, as well as the other two, catch fire and cast pillars of blinding flames that pierce the darkening sky. You, however, feel no heat whatsoever. As a matter of fact, you feel a seductive power coursing through your veins.

The three of you wearing the cloaks step forward and embrace Lassr.

Lassr is dead.

The flames gradually subside.

You step out of the cloak and let it fall unceremoniously to the ground.

You walk over to the body. Your heart sinks as you see that they are burned completely from head to toe. How will you ever see the runes on such a severely charred body?

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:11 pm
by Qantaga
You settle down next to the body, hoping you don't have to wait too long.

Long moments pass and you don't see any way that you'll be able to distinguish runes that might form on this body. You are afraid they have already come and gone, camoflaged by the deeply burned flesh.

You stand up to stretch.

As you do, an incredibly bright light breaks through the clouds and flashes down to engulf the fountain.

You shield your eyes. Soon, the light dials back to a more comforting glow and you open your eyes. You see the dark storm clouds fleeing from the light and vanishing beyond the horizon. In an instant, the previously gloomy day transforms into a gloriously spectacular day.

"You don't need the runes anymore," says a voice.

You look, startled, as a figure steps from the fountain onto the village square. Even though he came clearly from the fountain, he is completely dry.

He smiles at you. "You don't need the runes because they were my message to you concerning the nature of those who died. Now, there is no more need for runes."

"You see, the one you killed is Evil."

"He is the last of his kind. You, and your fellow villagers have saved Florin from destruction. I knew that Prince Humperdinck was on the verge of corrupting Florin beyond redemption, so my only hope was to obscure everyone's identities in hopes that true goodness would win out and save Florin from its tormentors."

"You saved us all."

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:12 pm
by Qantaga

Grandson: "Wait..."
Grandfather: "What is it? You seem a little upset."
Grandson: "I'm not upset. I'm, uh, you know, just wondering..."
Grandfather: "Wondering what?"
Grandson: "Well, um, if all those people died, what happened to the original story you told me? You know, Buttercup and Inigo and Fezzik and even the Prince and the six-fingered man and Vizzini... They're all dead."
Grandfather: "Their not dead."
Grandson: "Wait, what? You just told me this great, big story where they all died."
Grandfater: "Well, you didn't let me finish, did you?"
Grandson: "???"
Grandfather: "You seem a little tired. Maybe we should finish this tomorrow."
Grandson: "No, I'm fine. Really. Come on, sit down, finish. I'm okay."
Grandfather: "Okay. If you're sure..."

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:12 pm
by Qantaga
Westley walked slowly toward Buttercup.

He gazed down at her perfect face. His heart was full of terror. She had not moved in hours. She was lying perfectly still, arms crossed over her perfect breasts. He had not been able to wake her, even though the dawn had arrived hours ago.

He could not see any evidence that she was breathing. He was afraid that his worst fears had been realized. Had she left him here all alone?

He pulled the obsidian dagger from his belt. He would not allow her to get far ahead of him, if she had started her journey into the world beyond.

He sat beside her. He wouldn't wait much longer, but he wasn't quite ready to release his hope.

As he gazed at her, a blinding flash of light shot past him and illuminated her face. The light was gone in an instant and Westley wondered if he had really seen it or if his worried mind had imagined it.


Buttercup shuddereed. She caught her breath in a great gasp. She opened her eyes and looked at Westley. His heart leapt so gladly that he thought it might burst.

"Westley?" she said.

"Yes, my sweet?" he replied.

"Westley, I had the strangest dream..."

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:12 pm
by Qantaga
The Villagers have won a closely contested battle.

Evil has been defeated.

The Dread Pirate fleet never activated and now sleeps deep in the briny depths of the unforgiving sea.

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:13 pm
by Qantaga
Good game everyone. I'm racing to a meeting, but I'll post the full game details and open the spoiler forums to everyone in about 3 hours.

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:16 pm
by Lassr
hmmm. that was a surprise ending.

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:16 pm
by LordMortis
How well did the three way experience work out? I always love the idea of more than two sides in these games.

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:18 pm
by El Guapo
Sweet! Lassr's post-vote posting had me pretty convinced that we'd missed and lost. Good to see that wasn't the case! Woo victory!

I'm dying to find out who the DPR was, and who Max was.

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:19 pm
by El Guapo
Ohhh, and Buttercup honey. You see, the mod told me you were dead.... and I met this girl, and it's actually kind of serious...

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:19 pm
by Lassr
and if you want to know, I was converted right after I had voted for Remus and I was pirate #3.

our downfall was too many specials survived in the end and pr0ner's 2 protections. pr0ner protecting himself was major blow because he then released his protection list and it was revealed that Lagom could have and most likely was the other target on the night tru1cy died thus meaning he was protected from conversion at the time of Uangi's death (although the conversion was used the day before unbeknownst to everyone else).

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:20 pm
by Lassr
El Guapo wrote:Sweet! Lassr's post-vote posting had me pretty convinced that we'd missed and lost. Good to see that wasn't the case! Woo victory!

I'm dying to find out who the DPR was, and who Max was.
triggercut was DPR. the bad guys had that figured out before I was converted.

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:22 pm
by El Guapo
And the protection the night before virtually excluded the possibility that Lagom was an original evil. If he was, he couldn't have been targeted as the night kill the day before Unagi died. So the only way he could've been original is if Team Evil had foregone the Count kill and just used it on tru1cy / Inigo. But that would mean that Team Evil both threw Unagi under the bus for credibility, AND passed up an extra night kill, which seemed absurdly unlikely. Once I realized that I tossed aside the possibility of Lagom being evil.

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:23 pm
by Lassr
they converted after I released my suspect list that had Unagi, stessier, and coop! That made it difficult on me to get away from Coop (and El Guapo you pointed out a post where I was trying...good job). In the end I had to come back to Coop trying to remain innocent looking and had to try everything to get RMC lynched. We knew Lagom was not possible after pr0ner's reveal.

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:27 pm
by Lagom Lite
Yay! :)

Good game. I was pretty miffed for the first half of the game but then I started to cheer up. I thought the baddies played an interesting game, seems very high-risk.

Why did you let me live? Were you that sure I was going to get lynched/no one would trust me/I'd screw everything up/I would never find Unagi? ;)

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:27 pm
by Lassr
what is so bad is I was so "on" as a good villager (listing all the bad guys) and I was not trying to get activated as a pirate and then to get converted...

at the time of the conversion though I thought it was a blessing because no one was paying attention to me so I figured fine let's kill this village. :doh:

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:30 pm
by Chaosraven
I was Max. Hoping to use the rez to get myself out of a lynch and return a vital player. but the bad guys saw my Play when theohall was lynched. Which sucks, because though I was clueless on Pirates, my final message to Q had 2 of the 3 Bad Guys.

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:30 pm
by Lassr
Lagom Lite wrote:Yay! :)

Good game. I was pretty miffed for the first half of the game but then I started to cheer up. I thought the baddies played an interesting game, seems very high-risk.

Why did you let me live? Were you that sure I was going to get lynched/no one would trust me/I'd screw everything up/I would never find Unagi? ;)
well, we did try to take you out the night pr0ner protected you. Unagi KNEW you would scan him that night and you did. After that we thought pr0ner would protect himself and you had used up your power so we thought we'd play you as the convert. We then went for pr0ner the next night and Oops, he skipped his self protect the previous night and protected himself. Plan foiled! Pr0ner is the hero.

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Day 9

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:33 pm
by Lagom Lite
Lassr wrote:
Lagom Lite wrote:Yay! :)

Good game. I was pretty miffed for the first half of the game but then I started to cheer up. I thought the baddies played an interesting game, seems very high-risk.

Why did you let me live? Were you that sure I was going to get lynched/no one would trust me/I'd screw everything up/I would never find Unagi? ;)
well, we did try to take you out the night pr0ner protected you. Unagi KNEW you would scan him that night and you did. After that we thought pr0ner would protect himself and you had used up your power so we thought we'd play you as the convert. We then went for pr0ner the next night and Oops, he skipped his self protect the previous night and protected himself. Plan foiled! Pr0ner is the hero.
Agreed! pr0ner played an excellent game, though I still don't get why he chose to be so fuzzy about his role.

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Over

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:42 pm
by Qantaga
I had a quick break, so here are the roles:


1. bb2112 - Dread Pirate Roberts (Cummerbund)
2. PLW - Villager
3. Lassr - Pirate (unnamed)
4. theohall - Villager
5. stessier - Vizzini
6. Mr. Bubbles - Buttercup
7. Chaosraven - Miracle Max
8. pr0ner - Fezzik
9. Newcastle - Villager
10. coopasonic - Count Tyrone Rugen
11. Remus West - Villager
12. triggercut - Pirate (Ryan)
13. tru1cy - Inigo Montoya
14. El Guapo - Westley
15. Scoop - Villager
16. Unagi - Prince Humperdink
17. Lagom Lite - The Ancient Booer
18. Isgrimnur - Villager
19. rshetts2 - Villager
20. RMC - Villager

As mentioned, I'll get the rest of the game events and spoiler forum access in 3 hours or so.

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Over

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:52 pm
by triggercut
I was like the second DPR.

Well-played Lagom and the rest of the Castle Crew!

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Over

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:59 pm
by coopasonic
Amusing that our two conversion targets were pirate #2 and then pirate #3 after DPR was already dead.

Having basically all specials in the end game totally screwed us (along with pr0ner blocking us TWICE!), everyone but RMC was provable and then I made the 1 miss left slip and my fate was sealed.

I blame Lagom for the loss.

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Over

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:03 pm
by bb2112
Yeah, I was DPR and you guys killed me day 1! Remus, you bastage!

I really didn't mind too much since I thought the pirate fleet was a longshot, but the really funny thing is both my pirates were instramental in me getting killed too. Thanks Trig and Lassr.

I thought the village was doomed, then it all seemed to come together at the end. Team evil played very well, and without the pirate fleet activating took it down to the wire. Which is amazing because it gave the village a lot of misses.

Good job villagers for the win - In particular El Guapo, Pr0ner LL and Lassr before he got converted. El Guapo is turning into a very impressive WW player.

And congrats to Mr. Bubbles and little bubbles!

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Over

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:04 pm
by Lassr
whoa, triggercut was not DPR. He was Ryan.

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Over

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:10 pm
by rshetts2
Sweet! Nice end game guys. I thought we were screwed half way through but the info from Fezziks protections and the late special reveals really turned things around. We were very lucky the pirates never connected or end game would have been evil vs pirates because for the most part we had very little room for error. Nice job El Guapo, taking your time and making your best guess.

Buttercup needs to lay off the magic mushrooms because that was one freaky dream she had!

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Over

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:12 pm
by coopasonic
bb2112 wrote:El Guapo is turning into a very impressive WW player.
If a bit slow...

Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Over

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:26 pm
by Lagom Lite
coopasonic wrote:
bb2112 wrote:El Guapo is turning into a very impressive WW player.
If a bit slow...