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Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2023 9:47 am
by Daehawk
So are they going to make a Picard spinoff series called Star Trek Legacy? ...which is weird as its the name of a star trek pc game from like 2006.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2023 1:53 pm
by Rumpy
Regarding the latest episode, sure it's nostalgia, overload but I'll take it. This episode was a lot of fun, and the entire season has felt more like Star Trek has been in years. It truly feels like they got the mojo back, so kudos to the current showrunner for listening to the complaints from the past two seasons. Watching season 3 has had me grinning. Why couldn't it have been this way from the start?? There was so much wasted potential in those first two seasons as it never felt like it quite came together. Now we're at Season 3 and it's already almost over.

I know I've been hearing talk of a potential spinoff, but part of me wonders if they wouldn't reverse the decision of the 3rd season being the final one after seeing how much of a better reaction this one is getting and just integrate the spinoff ideas into a 4th season.

I've really grown to like Vadek as a villain. At first she felt two-dimensional, but I hear so much of her father (Christopher Plummer) when she speaks. It's in her cadence and her delivery. It sounds very theatrical, which makes sense as he was a Shakespearean actor.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 11:40 am
by Daehawk
Ive seen people wanting a Shaw spinoff.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 12:38 pm
by hepcat
If it were based on his days as an engineer in the Battle of Wolf 359, I could see that. But he's not really interesting enough to me as a captain.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 1:22 pm
by Rumpy
Yeah, agreed. He feels like a one-note character. Plus, I wouldn't want to see a series give justification for A-hole behavior. I get it, he has issues. But they've pretty much told us all we needed to know about him, which really doesn't need to be expanded on. I also hate the current trend of giving side-characters their own series. Not everything needs its own series.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 6:01 pm
by rittchard
I feel like Jeri Ryan would be the top choice to base a new series around, both the actress and the character. Everyone else could be supporting/guest stars but I’d love to see her as the lead. She has the charisma, the popularity, the acting chops, and her character is still one of the most interesting in the TNG era. I’d like to see them give Ed Speleers a chance but at this point it’s hard to tell if he’s going to make it out of Picard alive. Geordi’s daughter is a cool addition as well.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 9:28 am
by Daehawk
Just in case you want to see that certain ship all over again... BIG SPOILER here.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 10:27 am
by Fireball
Not gonna lie, this episode had me all but sobbing with joy. Nostalgia is an incredibly powerful drug.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 11:34 am
by hepcat
They're offering IMAX theater showings of the final two episodes on April 19th. I've been tempted to look for tickets in the Chicago area.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 11:36 am
by Fireball
I'm going with a couple of friends to the screening in DC next Wednesday.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 11:38 am
by hepcat
Nice! Let us know what it was like. I'm still having trouble finding a theater around here that is showing it. Even though it clearly states "Chicago" in its listing for places where it's being shown.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 11:42 am
by Isgrimnur
Theater: AMC Oakbrook Center 12
City: Chicago, IL
Date: 4/19/2023
Time: 8:15pm

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 11:49 am
by hepcat

oof, only one theater? And it's a drive for me, as well as being a wait list at this point. :(

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 12:16 pm
by Fireball
It's weird how they're doing this. They only did 10 theaters across the country, and tickets were free (but limit 2). Perhaps they weren't confident people would be into it? Their site crashed hard for about an hour yesterday. I think they could have filled many more theaters, and probably sold tickets for cash, but that might not be allowed due to contracts with the actors and production team, who knows.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 1:30 pm
by hepcat
I definitely would have paid cash to see those two episodes on the big screen. However, not if they were 4DX. I'm still using a walker after the last time....

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 9:02 pm
by Sudy
I did enjoy the ending of episode nine. Really makes me wish we'd had the original crew for three seasons though. I think I'd have been more likely to enjoy the plot and characters if it didn't feel so rushed.
- That's an impressive set. I'm stunned they almost lit it as in the TNG series. The movies and now modern Trek have been all about the ultra-dramatic lighting.

- I love to see the D again [not funny], but I don't buy that Stafleet let Geordi rebuild the ship over two decades, or was able to keep it under wraps if so. And the D was "analog"?? Were networks not invented until after 2370?? What is this, Battlestar Galactica?? Obviously, analog must have some other context as they used it. (Right??)

- Most of the scene pleased me. It just looks right to see the cast on the bridge again. And Picard's "engage" is the first time he hasn't looked frail in the series.

- The credits music spin on the TNG theme was wonderful.

- OK, they're going to run a ship that had a complement of 1,000-6,000 people?? Yes, I know they weren't all Starfleet or operational staff. And yes, I know Kirk did it in the movies. And that Data ran the whole ship once. And that the ship can basically run itself. And that the systems they need are probably few (until they get into battle), but come on.

- Why the devil is Warf wearing yellow?

- I didn't like the "Enterprise-E wasn't my fault" joke. That's a little heavy for a mysterious offscreen reference joke. I loved nu-Data-v3.0's "I hope we die quickly" joke though. It was also extremely touching when he placed his hand on Picard's shoulder.

- I understand the convention of compressed travel time, but damn if they can't warp across the quadrant in the blink of an eye now. Did they figure out the whole spore drive thing?

- Frontier Day is a hilariously and obviously disastrous tactical decision.

- The Borg? Again? Really? The writers reinvent them as often as they recycle Brent Spiner. Better tick all those boxes. I love that part of the Villains' plan is to transform Starfleet into a Zord.

- I can't help but feel the villains only transforming those under 25 is some kind of unintended allegory for generation conflict and skewering of Gen-Z.

- I knew from the beginning that Shaw would die calling Seven by her chosen name.

- I thought the Jurati Borg were more or less Federation allies now?! Did I hear correctly that a decade has passed since season two? Regardless, was that just a Borg "sect"? Did something change? The Borg never struck me as a vengeful species, even after the whole First Contact Borg Queen thing. I'm sure it happened in Voyager or something, but it doesn't feel right. They act with purpose, not emotion. I don't know if I buy the Changelings being vengeful either based on my foggy memory of DS9's ending, but they did try to explain some of it. A long time has passed. (Side note: The DS9 finale aired when I was, I think, in 10th grade. I recorded it on VHS (of course). Misspelled "finale" as "finally"... my Japanese fried Kentaro made fun of me and my ego is bruised to this day. Never did re-watch it. We never watched 99.4% of what we recorded from TV.)

- I've accepted that I just can't be objective. TNG was my childhood. When even Red Letter Media is enjoying something I mostly dislike, I'm truly lost. Just wish so much I could enjoy it as much as everyone else seems to be.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 9:18 pm
by hepcat
TOS was my childhood, TNG my college years, and I’m lovin’ this season. I don’t think hating it is a natural reaction of being a big fan of the original shows.

I don’t mind the return of “you know who” considering how they did so. It felts organic to the story. I also loved the whole bit about assimilation by injecting their souped up DNA code into transporter buffers. That was clever.

I kind of figured the Borg were going to be the real big bad after Jack started controlling people. But it was still fun to watch it unfold.
Man, I’m gonna be sad when this ends. :(

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 9:43 pm
by Sudy
hepcat wrote: Thu Apr 13, 2023 9:18 pm TOS was my childhood, TNG my college years, and I’m lovin’ this season. I don’t think hating it is a natural reaction of being a big fan of the original shows.
I'm not suggesting that. And I don't hate it. I want it to be better. When I say TNG was my childhood, I mean that these characters were family to me at a not unchallenging time in my life; and this series and season feel, to me, a little like realizing at age 38 that the "cool" uncle you looked up to as a kid is actually a moronic dickbag.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 9:51 pm
by hepcat
Your phrasing makes it sound more like you’re suddenly realizing that you don’t like any Star Trek…old or new. :?

Let Space Leia take you to a different world where you may be happier.

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She’s reaching for you, Sudy. Give in to her gentle, floating nature and free yourself from all this. You can even choose the color of your light saber.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 10:05 pm
by Sudy

Well, it was a silly analogy but it sounded cool and I'm high.

And no, I still very much love TOS, TNG, DS9, Lower Decks, the TOS movies, and TNG: Generations in particular. Nothing can change that. But much as with the bait Star Wars, I'm one of those fans whose memories are a little tainted by what comes after if I don't like it. Season 3 of Picard could be worse. It's just not one of the ways I saw the characters' futures going.

My saber will be orange, which seems to be the colour pissing off people at the moment.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 10:23 pm
by hepcat

Oh, too bad. Space Leia didn’t like that. There she goes….

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Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:35 pm
by Isgrimnur

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:52 pm
by El Guapo
So basically "Michelle Yeoh is now way too huge to do a Section 31 series, but we've talked her into returning for a movie"? :lol:

Regardless, I'm 1,000% down for it, even if it gets bad reviews. Obviously Yeoh is fantastic, and the Section 31 stuff from DS9 was great.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 4:04 pm
by pr0ner
El Guapo wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:52 pm So basically "Michelle Yeoh is now way too huge to do a Section 31 series, but we've talked her into returning for a movie"? :lol:

Regardless, I'm 1,000% down for it, even if it gets bad reviews. Obviously Yeoh is fantastic, and the Section 31 stuff from DS9 was great.
It was more that the scripts they were getting for a Section 31 series sucked, and the calls for a show about Captain Pike intensified, so they scrapped the series Section 31 series, moved ahead with Strange New Worlds, and the movie is kind of a compromise.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 9:02 pm
by hepcat
I figured that was probably the reason. But I’ll watch Yeoh in just about anything. Hopefully this movie event is fun.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 12:14 am
by Sudy
Wait, how does it take Voyager 8,000 years to return home from the Delta Quadrant when the Enterprise could make it to the center of the galaxy in a two-hour movie?

Spore drive? :lol:

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 6:52 pm
by Sudy
I am shipping Data/Geordi big time.

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Picard Season 3, Episode 10 (finale)
Damn it. OK, they got me with the mid-credits scene. I actually want to see where a spin-off could go. I was fine with everything that happened after "one year later". Felt weird to namedrop Guinan but not see her. But I guess it would have been equally weird if they didn't reference her, being in her bar. NOT a fan of rechristening the Titan. The Titan has a legacy of her own. On the other hand, Seven, Raffi, and Jack running a ship I could get behind. Even though I'm not always a big Raffi fan. But you know what I'd rather see? A Seven-Raffi-Jack ranger show. An Enterprise-G spinoff feels like it would be more of a Discovery/SNW evolution. Even though I haven't liked some of what I've seen, I would like to explore the non-Federation parts of the universe. Just without having the viewpoint of characters actively serving Starfleet.

I am stunned no one got killed off. But... I'm also happy. I can understand why they felt they couldn't end it that way. That was Nemesis. And I think they (at least Paramount) hoped Nemesis wouldn't be the last film, so it felt like an incomplete, extra-somber note to go out on (unlike All Good Things...).

Wow, I thought that was Alice Krige's voice! But I also wasn't sure, as the actor didn't look quite like her. Makes sense, as she only provided the voiceover. But I'm still sour on the Borg storyline. The original queen still being alive was a real "somehow, Palpatine returned" moment. Especially confusing given Agnes's new Borg last season. Where are they?

So, overall I was extremely frustrated by the main plot and most of the characters up until the end. But other than the endless emotional speeches, I thought the characters were pretty good at the end. I wish Worf wasn't played for quite so much comic relief; his character evolved into much more than that in TNG and in DS9. But, it feels like Insurrection in which he conveniently popped up just to make his zit joke and take over security. I'm fully on board with near-human Data though, even though I feel like he needed a full season's arc to develop rather than just a few episodes.

Again, wonderful use of the First Contact theme.

In the end, Q showing up again does it for me. Love John de Lancie so much. And I don't hate Jack Crusher or his actor, just that his character was so rushed and overstuffed. I'm totally on board for a spin-off. That said, Q's return diminishes season two's conclusion (even though I'm happy to have it mini-retconned), as does Data's return diminish season one's. But I appreciate that, at the time those seasons were written, no one had any idea a full reunion would happen. And even if it is the end of these characters, I'm delighted Q's in the last scene. I would have prefered his conversation was with Jean-Luc, but I know it was a post-credits scene/teaser. We had the Q-Picard conclusion last season. I just wish it had gone differently. Given last season though, it makes you wonder if maybe Q has been influencing/interacting with Picards throughout history, and if there may be an even deeper connection.

Edit: Oh, wonderful callback to "there was a young lady from Venus". :lol:
The fuck happened to Laris??

Edit edit:
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Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 7:58 pm
by Punisher
Regarding Q. I think he DID "die" in Season 2.
This Q just takes place before that. Remember to Q, time and space mean nothing so maybe after eons upon eons of living, Q starts dying and just goes back in time to Season2. The Q we see now is Q before all that. The hint is in when he says humans think linearly. Also since Q is omnipotent he also already knows what happened in S2.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 8:46 pm
by hepcat
It was pure fan service, and I loved it. However, I did have trouble swallowing one huge plot point.
The Borg were INCREDIBLY easy to defeat. They basically opened up the front door, sent the schematics for their ship with a giant red arrow pointing at the Death Star single kill port, and then sat back and just did a Curly Joe frustrated face palm while Picard punched them in the head.

However, I’ve decided this was all due to Jack still fighting against the Queen and setting all that up.

As for Q, I’ve had my fill. I would have preferred he stayed dead both linearly and otherwise.

I never grew to like Raffi. However, I did like Elnor. I would have preferred she left the show without any fanfare in favor of his character fighting side by side with Worf.
If they renege on previous promises and there’s a season 4, keep the original crew and continue with the fan service, please.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 1:18 am
by Daehawk

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 1:51 am
by Blackhawk
Better version:

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 12:52 pm
by Daehawk
Wil seems a little teary eyed when he is talking to helm there at the end.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 11:22 pm
by FishPants
Not sure why the twitter videos and the better version posted are region locked, seems like a stupid thing to restrict since it's a walk through right?

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2023 7:06 am
by hepcat
We can’t let American military secrets just go out everywhere, can we?

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2023 8:35 am
by Sudy
Canada banned Wil Wheaton long ago.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2023 11:32 am
by Daehawk
Some pics from Twitter.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2023 10:47 am
by El Guapo
hepcat wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 8:46 pm It was pure fan service, and I loved it. However, I did have trouble swallowing one huge plot point.
The Borg were INCREDIBLY easy to defeat. They basically opened up the front door, sent the schematics for their ship with a giant red arrow pointing at the Death Star single kill port, and then sat back and just did a Curly Joe frustrated face palm while Picard punched them in the head.

However, I’ve decided this was all due to Jack still fighting against the Queen and setting all that up.

As for Q, I’ve had my fill. I would have preferred he stayed dead both linearly and otherwise.

I never grew to like Raffi. However, I did like Elnor. I would have preferred she left the show without any fanfare in favor of his character fighting side by side with Worf.
If they renege on previous promises and there’s a season 4, keep the original crew and continue with the fan service, please.
I think my main questions were:
Why didn't the Borg split off a small number of ships from the assimilated fleet to destroy the Enterprise?

Shouldn't the Titan have been annihilated in two seconds when the entire federation fleet was shooting at it?
This bothered me a little with the Starbase too, but I figured maybe it's specially rigged since this is Earth's defenses.
But seemed silly that the Titan was able to hold out as long as it did.
Again it's fan service stuff and who really cares, but still.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2023 10:59 am
by hepcat
Well, the TItan was initially cloaked.... which, for some odd reason, the Federation AND Borg STILL have trouble detecting.... you'd think after all that time, they'd have figured out a sure-fire countermeasure. But after they lost the cloak, the Keystone Cops of the Borg (i.e. young folks who had been recently assimilated) kept missing them with the majority of their shots. Stevie Wonder would probably have had a higher hit count.

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 4:59 am
by waitingtoconnect
Reminded me a bit of the classic space balls scene…

Re: [TV] New Star Trek Show in Development?

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2023 11:54 pm
by Rumpy
Ok, a little late admittedly, but just watched the season 3 finale, and it's amazing to me just how much better this season is overall compared to the previous two seasons. It really was a step up, not only in the writing but character development. It really felt like a different show in that everything did come together. It felt that for once, the showrunner really understood what made TNG what it was. The difference was night and day. It was also a beautiful and touching tribute to Next-Gen. I would have been happy if we'd only got this 1 season. Bravo, Terry Matalas!
Did anyone stay to the very end to see the scene with Jack unpacking? :shock: