Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by Isgrimnur »

jztemple2 wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 4:22 pm And look at all those lovely prisoners.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by jztemple2 »

For only the second time in Offroad's reign, the Pope has sent him gold.
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A nice sized Empire, except for that big chunk owned by Estonia. A total of 323 counties.
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The succession situation. Two sons split the titles with a granddaughter and great grandson in line as well. I took the chance of dealing with multiple heirs last time and I learned my lesson, someone is going to get disinherited :D.
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I still have four brothers around. One is a disinherited monk, one is in my dungeon and one holds a single county. The last? Check out the image. Everything labeled "England" and outlined in white is his. And a fourteen thousand man army. You can check out his opinion of me, those numbers actually total well over a hundred, so I might be able to feel relaxed. But what happens when the succession occurs? And did you check out his primary heir? The one behind the prison bars? That's my dungeon he's in :think:
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UPDATE: I figured out why my brother Leonard's title succession isn't going to his son, instead to his brother in my prison. The three Kingdom titles my brother Leonard hold all have Saxon Elective succession plans. So those titles won't necessarily stay in the family, nor go to the same person. Another good reason to keep my brother Eadgar in the pokey. I guess that Leonard being an NPC won't take the option to cancel that Saxon Elective plan and go with the simpler Confederate Partition. I'm thinking that maybe I'll figure out some way to get those titles after all.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by jztemple2 »

One of the things I'm not doing is spending money on keeping artifacts intact. There is room in the court for fourteen artifacts to be displayed, I have thirty-two in my possession. While some might be useful at times and can be swapped out when not useful, many are near-duplicates in what they do. So little point in spending gold to fix them. When I remember I try to give them away to give a little boost to folk's opinion. Same goes for my Inventory.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by jztemple2 »

Now here's an interesting situation. Emperor Offroad has two sons. Prince Beorhtnoth is 43 while the current Emperor Offroad is 60. So Beorhtnoth's reign isn't likely to be really long. Beorhtnoth is very focused on Intrigue, which is good to gain power, but he's weak on Stewardship which means he'll be hurting for taxes. And he's a bully. And he has no sons and his wife is already 43 and in jail somewhere to boot.
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Meanwhile, the younger son Ragnarr is 16, so if he becomes Emperor he is likely to have a very long reign. He's good on all his skills. Unfortunately he is Chaste, which is a fertility hit, and he's married to a relative, so there's a chance of inbreeding :roll:. And he's Lazy. But he's also Calm. But mainly, he's young and that might be the deciding factor.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by jztemple2 »

Won a major war against Aquitaine, I now hold 381 counties, the greatness number ever under the Empire.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by jztemple2 »

Back at it again today. I went to bed last night considering making an invasion into that big chunk of Estonia that sits in the middle of Templestan. The idea of taking over that big chunk sounds good, but check out those numbers. King Dunlang would be able to resist me with 20K troops. I might have more than double that, but it is more the idea that having that many troops means he can be besieging several locations which I'll have to counter. Also, my current Emperor Offroad is 65 and while in good health, I'm thinking I don't want to be in the middle of a very long when a succession happens. But of course King Dunlang is fighting five wars right now and his major ally is fighting two as well... :think:
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UPDATE: I decided against going to war now as it is the beginning of December. Poor supply access in winter has really hurt me before. I think I'll not make any decision unlike early next March.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by Isgrimnur »

Duneland is also short of funds.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by jztemple2 »

I decided to use the time to upgrade my siege equipment from onagers to mangonels. I don't want to lose any of my fighting men-at-arms regiments so I have to destroy the existing onager regiment and start up a new mangonel one.
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While that's costly to do, the Pope always seems to come through at just the right time, or maybe at least recently :wink:
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by jztemple2 »

Isgrimnur wrote: Tue Mar 08, 2022 2:37 pm Duneland is also short of funds.
I usually discount that because they might have a way of raising funds quickly. I myself have options to raise 500 gold by selling "trivial titles" or an unknown amount by "extorting subjects". I haven't done it so far but always keep it in the back of my mind, just in case.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by jztemple2 »

Damn, I finally get around to launching war against that big chunk of Estonia and am almost about to win when the vassal whose claim I was fighting for dies from drink. How rude! :D
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I had to find another of my vassals with a claim on the chunk and fight the war all over again. Finally it is mine... or at least one of my vassals.
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And then the damn Vikings show up again.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by jztemple2 »

Well, that's hitting close to home:
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And then this happens in the middle of a Viking invasion
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And so all hail Emperor Ragnarr... err, Emperor Roadrash :D. He now has four empire titles, which isn't something his daddy did, so I'm not sure how they got created. With his other brother disinherited just before daddy died, young Roadrash faces the usual crises a new ruler sees upon ascending to the big throne.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by jztemple2 »

This is so weird. Each time before I had to pick new council members, but this time I had existing ones. And I didn't inherit my father's court values, instead I see this. It will take 21 years for my court grandeur to get back to the level appropriate for this empire. In the meantime it will drastically effect how everyone feels about me.
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And now I have to start the process of getting my five duchies down to two and getting rid of half of my holdings. So at least I can use those to keep the biggest vassals happy.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by jztemple2 »

I'm really unhappy about that whole reset of my court's grandeur and can't figure out how it happened, so I reloaded a save from just before old Offroad croaked and went from there, but without doing a disinherit action. And Emperor Offroad is hanging in there. Check out the map, that's 405 counties 8-). I think I'll see what happens without the disinherit action to the court of the Player Heir.
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UPDATE: Maybe the court mess had something to do with disinheriting the Player Heir, IE the first in line for all those titles? I'm still confused :?
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by jztemple2 »

Nope, I let the old Emperor die without doing any disinheriting and I got the same unhappy court grandeur result:
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So no, I don't want this result with the titles and the realm being divided up. From 405 counties my ruler now commands only 283. That's just too big a drop. So I'm going back to the plan of disinheriting the older, less capable brother and I just I'll just have to deal with the grandeur catastrophe.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by jztemple2 »

Old Offroad is still ticking and just vassalized Aragon to the empire. Check out the map now and especially in the Med. I hold Corsica and part of Sardinia. And a total of 407 counties. Not bad for a realm that started with one county :wink:
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UPDATE: And there's always some folks who aren't happy to be Templestanians. There's a "Gang of Six" who apparently want to visit my dungeon... the hard way.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by jztemple2 »

I finally defeated the "Gang of Six", although that was immediately followed up by another Faction uprising. It took a good hour of real time play to finish up that war and decide what to do with all the prisoners.

I've decided to take a break from this CK3 playthrough. Even after the number of game years spent fighting, I'm still more than a dozen years away from my actual court grandeur matching the expected level so I'm having to deal with a big negative modifier to opinions which means plenty of factions. I can't decide if this is a bad game design decision or just some attempt at being "realistic". Certainly when Louis the Pious succeeded Charlemagne things might not have been as glamorous at court, but most likely not as drastically different as in my CK3 playthrough. So I'm going to take a break and decide what to do. I guess there's always an option of using a cheat mod to raise the glamour rating :roll:
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by Baroquen »

Interesting new patch today. The biggest change that affects me is that now - Tribal Kings have access to the Royal Court. So I finally get my first taste of that DLC. I immediately dove in, and missed the Tutorial message among the notifications. Spent some money and had lackluster results holding court, started a new war, and got into some sort of Fashion event against one of my vassals and it cost me hundreds of prestige, and negative opinion points when I lost it. It was all very strange.

So I punted. I'll come back and start from the save point, and try to handle all of that more smoothly. What a mess.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by El Guapo »

jztemple2 wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 7:33 pm I finally defeated the "Gang of Six", although that was immediately followed up by another Faction uprising. It took a good hour of real time play to finish up that war and decide what to do with all the prisoners.

I've decided to take a break from this CK3 playthrough. Even after the number of game years spent fighting, I'm still more than a dozen years away from my actual court grandeur matching the expected level so I'm having to deal with a big negative modifier to opinions which means plenty of factions. I can't decide if this is a bad game design decision or just some attempt at being "realistic". Certainly when Louis the Pious succeeded Charlemagne things might not have been as glamorous at court, but most likely not as drastically different as in my CK3 playthrough. So I'm going to take a break and decide what to do. I guess there's always an option of using a cheat mod to raise the glamour rating :roll:
I haven't played CK3 since it doesn't play well on my computer, but with CK1 and CK2 I would inevitably lose interest not long after getting to Emperor level. The climb from Count to Duke to King to Emperor was consistently fun, but at a certain point adding yet another duchy to the realm loses its thrill.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by jztemple2 »

El Guapo wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:14 pm
jztemple2 wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 7:33 pm I finally defeated the "Gang of Six", although that was immediately followed up by another Faction uprising. It took a good hour of real time play to finish up that war and decide what to do with all the prisoners.

I've decided to take a break from this CK3 playthrough. Even after the number of game years spent fighting, I'm still more than a dozen years away from my actual court grandeur matching the expected level so I'm having to deal with a big negative modifier to opinions which means plenty of factions. I can't decide if this is a bad game design decision or just some attempt at being "realistic". Certainly when Louis the Pious succeeded Charlemagne things might not have been as glamorous at court, but most likely not as drastically different as in my CK3 playthrough. So I'm going to take a break and decide what to do. I guess there's always an option of using a cheat mod to raise the glamour rating :roll:
I haven't played CK3 since it doesn't play well on my computer, but with CK1 and CK2 I would inevitably lose interest not long after getting to Emperor level. The climb from Count to Duke to King to Emperor was consistently fun, but at a certain point adding yet another duchy to the realm loses its thrill.
That's kind of how I feel about it. I'm on my fourth emperor and I'm seeing a number of events I've seen at least once before. And I didn't see anything in the update that would make a difference.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by Hrdina »

jztemple2 wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 7:33 pmI've decided to take a break from this CK3 playthrough. Even after the number of game years spent fighting, I'm still more than a dozen years away from my actual court grandeur matching the expected level so I'm having to deal with a big negative modifier to opinions which means plenty of factions. I can't decide if this is a bad game design decision or just some attempt at being "realistic". Certainly when Louis the Pious succeeded Charlemagne things might not have been as glamorous at court, but most likely not as drastically different as in my CK3 playthrough. So I'm going to take a break and decide what to do. I guess there's always an option of using a cheat mod to raise the glamour rating :roll:
Too bad, but totally understandable. I've had a couple of CK2/CK3 games where I got to a certain point then wandered off to do something else.

My bet on how things proceed is that a future CK3 update will fix the grandeur issue you encountered, but the save games will not be backward-compatible. :evil:
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by El Guapo »

jztemple2 wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:29 pm
El Guapo wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:14 pm
jztemple2 wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 7:33 pm I finally defeated the "Gang of Six", although that was immediately followed up by another Faction uprising. It took a good hour of real time play to finish up that war and decide what to do with all the prisoners.

I've decided to take a break from this CK3 playthrough. Even after the number of game years spent fighting, I'm still more than a dozen years away from my actual court grandeur matching the expected level so I'm having to deal with a big negative modifier to opinions which means plenty of factions. I can't decide if this is a bad game design decision or just some attempt at being "realistic". Certainly when Louis the Pious succeeded Charlemagne things might not have been as glamorous at court, but most likely not as drastically different as in my CK3 playthrough. So I'm going to take a break and decide what to do. I guess there's always an option of using a cheat mod to raise the glamour rating :roll:
I haven't played CK3 since it doesn't play well on my computer, but with CK1 and CK2 I would inevitably lose interest not long after getting to Emperor level. The climb from Count to Duke to King to Emperor was consistently fun, but at a certain point adding yet another duchy to the realm loses its thrill.
That's kind of how I feel about it. I'm on my fourth emperor and I'm seeing a number of events I've seen at least once before. And I didn't see anything in the update that would make a difference.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by Max Peck »

Apparently the dream of playing through an entire alternate history (Imp -> CK -> EU -> Vicky -> HOI) is still alive.

CK3 to EU4 Converter
Welcome to the CK3 to EU4 Converter project! The goal of this project is to allow a Crusader Kings 3 campaign to be transferred and continued in Europa Universalis 4, so you may continue your game uninterrupted, from 867 to 1821+, and further using our other converters from Imperator and to Victoria 2 and Hearts of Iron 4.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

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Kurth wrote: Mon Mar 28, 2022 1:42 pm Big week for XBOX Game Pass: While Crusader Kings 3 was previously released on PC, its console version will be available day one on Game Pass on March 29.

Time to finish up Cyberpunk 2077.
Hmmm. Has anyone played a strategy game like this on a console before? I'm tempted because I have Game Pass and CK3 doesn't really work on my (pretty old) laptop, but playing it on a game controller seems like a slog.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by Kurth »

El Guapo wrote: Mon Mar 28, 2022 1:45 pm
Kurth wrote: Mon Mar 28, 2022 1:42 pm Big week for XBOX Game Pass: While Crusader Kings 3 was previously released on PC, its console version will be available day one on Game Pass on March 29.

Time to finish up Cyberpunk 2077.
Hmmm. Has anyone played a strategy game like this on a console before? I'm tempted because I have Game Pass and CK3 doesn't really work on my (pretty old) laptop, but playing it on a game controller seems like a slog.
I've had good luck with Civ and with Stellaris, and those are both pretty massive strategy games. But I've never played any of the CK games, so not sure if those data points are relevant.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by Kurth »

Ok. Fired this up on the XBOX earlier this week. I'm intrigued and looking forward to diving in, but the learning curve seems steep based on what I've seen in the tutorial so far (haven't even finished it yet). Any suggestions for a good primer/beginner's guide to get me going in CK3?
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by jztemple2 »

Kurth wrote: Fri Apr 01, 2022 5:35 pm Ok. Fired this up on the XBOX earlier this week. I'm intrigued and looking forward to diving in, but the learning curve seems steep based on what I've seen in the tutorial so far (haven't even finished it yet). Any suggestions for a good primer/beginner's guide to get me going in CK3?
The suggested campaign in Ireland really is a good tutorial to introduce concepts while allowing you to see them in action. I had trouble getting into CK2 but found that the help that CK3 gave me in this campaign really helped me understand the game. After the initial hand holding there will be the occasional suggestions later on at critical points.

For another source, try the Beginner's guide from the official CK3 wiki

Ultimately you'll reach a point where you might want to save and then try something, then reload and try something else.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by Unagi »

I found this helpful:
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by Kurth »

This is me, completely: Xbox Players Are Getting Stuck At The Tutorial In Crusader Kings 3 "There is just so much to learn"
There was plenty of excitement earlier this week when the critically acclaimed Crusader Kings 3 was added to Xbox Game Pass for Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, but it's fair to say some newcomers are having real trouble with it.

Across social media, players have been sharing their struggles with the game's in-depth tutorial, with many pointing out that there's just too much information to take in, and they feel somewhat "stupid" because of it.
I'm going to stop trying to play (i.e., banging my head against a wall) and go watch a bunch of YouTube videos, starting with the one Unagi posted above.

I feel like this game is right up my alley. I just need to get past this learning curve.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by Kurth »

Watched Unagi’s video. Replayed the entire tutorial. And now I feel like I’m starting to get into the swing of things a bit. I’m marrying off people, scheming, fabricating claims and taking over land.

One question that is still plaguing me: How do I see what titles and claims a character has? I see “Titles” and “Claims” listed when I open up a character’s profile, but I can’t seem to find a list. Is there one I’m missing?
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

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Honestly the best way to get over the learning curve of a game like this is to accept that you won't understand what you're doing for a long time, and just try to do all sorts of shit and see what works and what doesn't. It'll generally be a lot of fun (especially the spectacular failures) and you'll pick up the mechanics as you go.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by jztemple2 »

Kurth wrote: Mon Apr 04, 2022 11:02 am One question that is still plaguing me: How do I see what titles and claims a character has? I see “Titles” and “Claims” listed when I open up a character’s profile, but I can’t seem to find a list. Is there one I’m missing?
Unfortunately the screenshot doesn't show my cursor but it is hovering over the words "24 Titles", the word "Titles" is in blue which in this case not only means you can get mouseover info, but in this case both "Titles" and "Claims" are clickable and they open lists that detail those items.
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In CK3, if in doubt, click on it! :D
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by Kurth »

jztemple2 wrote: Mon Apr 04, 2022 5:31 pm
Kurth wrote: Mon Apr 04, 2022 11:02 am One question that is still plaguing me: How do I see what titles and claims a character has? I see “Titles” and “Claims” listed when I open up a character’s profile, but I can’t seem to find a list. Is there one I’m missing?
Unfortunately the screenshot doesn't show my cursor but it is hovering over the words "24 Titles", the word "Titles" is in blue which in this case not only means you can get mouseover info, but in this case both "Titles" and "Claims" are clickable and they open lists that detail those items.
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In CK3, if in doubt, click on it! :D
Thanks for this, but I'm playing on XBOX, and the interface is different. They've done a decent job with the interface, but I'm not convinced yet that this game is going to be the same experience without the mouse interface.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by jztemple2 »

Kurth wrote: Mon Apr 04, 2022 5:50 pm Thanks for this, but I'm playing on XBOX, and the interface is different. They've done a decent job with the interface, but I'm not convinced yet that this game is going to be the same experience without the mouse interface.
Wow, that would really hampering playing the game.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by Isgrimnur »

I used a USB mouse and keyboard with my XBOne while working on my Masters.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by jztemple2 »

A look at the upcoming Fate of Iberia Flavor pack, Dev Diary #95 - Flavor of Iberia
In a region as dynamic and well-documented as Iberia, we were truly spoiled with possible content, and had to make some hard choices as to what would work best in the context of Crusader Kings III. Yet we have filled the Fate of Iberia with flavor content high and low, from fairytales whispered by a fireplace to grand designs of priests and kings. In the Fate of Iberia, you might encounter the Estadea, the wandering dead of Galician myth, the legendary Garduña thieves, great smiths of Toledo, cheese-making Vikings, and Andalusian polymaths dreaming of flight.

For Fate of Iberia we’ve roped in talented content designers from all over our organization to help us pack Iberia full of historical flavor. There is hardly any subject that does not get some love.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by jztemple2 »

The Fate of Iberia Flavor pack coming next week will be accompanied by the free update "Castle" that makes a number of changes to the game, many of them focusing on the Iberian peninsula. Read more about the free update in the latest developer diary, CK3 Dev Diary #98: the Castle's foundation
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by Max Peck »

Apparently I already own this upcoming DLC. Past-me must have purchased the Royal Edition, knowing that future-me would eventually get a surprise gift after forgetting that I had splurged on the fancy package deal.
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by jztemple2 »

Max Peck wrote: Wed May 25, 2022 9:42 am Apparently I already own this upcoming DLC. Past-me must have purchased the Royal Edition, knowing that future-me would eventually get a surprise gift after forgetting that I had splurged on the fancy package deal.
I'm the same way. I was surprised to see that I already own the Fate of Iberia pack. Makes the purchasing decision easier :think:
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Re: Crusader Kings III - The Sequel You Have Been Waiting For

Post by Baroquen »

Well wouldn'tcha know... I've purchased it already too. Well then, I hope I enjoy it! :)
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