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Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

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Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by NickAragua »

January 21, 3036

Alpha-One closes in on the Lyran regional command center. It's pretty heavily defended, but looks a little bit beat up. Delta-One is just forty seconds behind. You've got the drop on them, so you can either deploy closer and start scrapping up close and personal right away, or deploy a little further out.
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Mission objectives:
1. Destroy all gun turrets and withdraw off any map edge.
2. Destroy, disable or cripple 19 enemy units (the two infantry squads count as 1 unit). This will grant us battlefield control (meaning we can grab salvage and recover disabled mechs/mechwarriors).

Deploy your units in any of the highlighted yellow hexes - within three hexes of the east edge of the map.
In addition to controlling your characters' mech, each player should pick one of Delta-One's mechs to control.
None of the buildings have more than 30 CF, so I would advise against walking (or breathing) on them.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by NickAragua »

Player mech stat blocks:

Maj. Rayhan "Gbasden" Ashimov
Gunnery/Piloting: 2/3, Melee Specialist, Gunnery Specialization (Energy)
Awesome AWS-8Q
80 tons
Movement: 3/5
Heat Sinks: 28
Armor: 201 points (battle damage)
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
PPC - Left Torso/Right Torso/Right Arm - 10 - 10 - 6/12/18 (minimum range 3)
Small Laser - Head - 1 - 3 - 1/2/3
Battle Fist (Left Arm)

SMj. An "Isgrimnur" Taalib
Gunnery/Piloting: 2/3, Dodge, Hot Dog
Hatchetman HCT-3F
45 tons
Movement: 4/6/4
Heat Sinks: 11
Armor: 104 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
AC/10 - Right Torso - 3 - 10 - 5/10/15 (20 shots)
Medium Laser x2 - Left Arm, Right Arm- 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
Hatchet - Right Arm (does weight / 5, rounded up damage, same as kick, but using standard location. May not fire weapons in same section when using.)

MSg. Patrick "El Guapo" Allain
Gunnery/Piloting: 2/3, Dodge, Multi-Tasker, Terrain Master [Forest Ranger]
Banshee BNC-3S
95 tons
Movement: 3/5
Heat Sinks: 21
Armor: 240 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
PPC x2 - Left Arm/Right Torso - 10 - 10 - 6/12/18 (minimum range 3)
AC/10 - Left Torso - 3 - 10 - 5/10/15 (20 shots)
Medium Laser x4 - Right Torso - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
SRM/6 - Right Torso - 4 - 12 (6x2) - 3/6/9
Small Laser x2 - Center Torso, Head - 1 - 3 - 1/2/3

Cpl. Manny "Stefan Stirzaker" Campos
Gunnery/Piloting: 2/3, Hopping Jack, Melee Specialist
Catapult CPLT-C1
65 tons
Movement: 4/6/4
Heat Sinks: 15
Armor: 160 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
LRM/15 x2 - Left Arm, Right Arm - 5 - 15 (3x5) - 7/14/21 (16 shots total)
Medium Laser x4 - Left Torso, Right Torso, 2x Center Torso - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9

Cpl. Kesia "Freyland" Hauli
Gunnery/Piloting: 2/3, Weapon Specialization (Medium Laser), Human TRO (tank)
Quickdraw QKD-4GF
60 tons
Movement: 5/8/5
Heat Sinks: 13
Armor: 128 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
SRM/4 - Center Torso - 3 - 8 (4x2) - 3/6/9
LRM/10 - Left Torso - 4 - 10 (2x5) - 7/14/21 (minimum range 7)
Medium Laser x4 - 2x Right Torso, Left Arm, Right Arm - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
Hyper-extending Actuators

SMj. Shi-Wen "Madmarcus" Xu
Gunnery/Piloting: 2/2, Tactical Genius, Some Like it Hot
Wolverine WVR-6M
55 tons
Movement: 5/8/5
Heat Sinks: 14
Armor: 168 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
Large Laser - Right Arm - 8 - 8 - 5/10/15
Medium Laser x2 - Head, Right Arm - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
SRM/6 - Left Torso - 3 - 12 (6x2) - 3/6/9
Command Mech
Extended Torso Twist
Cramped Cockpit

Cpt. Adam "Archinerd" Belak
Gunnery/Piloting: 2/2, Weapon Specialization (LRM/10), Hot Dog
Dervish DV-6M
55 tons
Movement: 5/8/5
Heat Sinks: 10
Armor: 120 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
SRM/2 x2 - Left Arm, Right Arm - 2 - 4 (2x2) - 3/6/9
Medium Laser x2 - Left Arm, Right Arm - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
LRM/10 x2 - Left Torso, Right Torso - 4 - 10 (2x5) - 7/14/21 (minimum range 7)
Hyper-Extending Actuators

SMj. Mab "Paingod" Orme
Gunnery/Piloting: 2/2, Multi-Tasker, Pain Resistance
Griffin GRF-1N
55 tons
Movement: 5/8/5
Heat Sinks: 12
Armor: 152 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
PPC - Right Arm - 10 - 10 - 6/12/18 (minimum range 3)
LRM/10 - Right Torso - 4 - 10 (2x5) - 7/14/21 (minimum range 7)

Special ability and quirk descriptions:
Multi-Tasker: reduces penalty for firing at secondary targets by 1
Pain Resistance: get a +1 on consciousness checks
Weapon Specialization (weapon): get +2 on attacks with that weapon
Hot Dog: get a +1 on heat-related rolls (ammo explosion, shutdown)
Some Like it Hot: ignores weapon accuracy penalty that normally occurs at heat 8
Hopping Jack: jumping reduces weapon attack rolls only by 2 instead of 3
Melee Specialist: +1 damage to physical attacks, +1 to hit with physical attacks
Human TRO (unit type): +1 when rolling critical hits on the given unit type
Terrain Master [Forest Ranger]: -1 MP to move into woods, -1 to attacks against unit if it used MP in woods, +1 to PSRs while in woods
Dodge: May forego physical attacks to subtract 2 from all physical attack rolls vs unit

Hyper-Extending Actuators: May flip arms backwards to fire at targets in rear arc
Extended Torso Twist: May torso twist two hex sides instead of one
Cramped Cockpit: +1 to PSRs (but not physical attacks)
Battlefist: +1 to physical attacks with that arm
Last edited by NickAragua on Fri Nov 02, 2018 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by NickAragua »

Opfor stat blocks

Warhammer WHM-6R
70 tons
Movement: 4/6
Heat Sinks: 18
Armor: 160 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
Small Laser - Left, Right Torso - 1 - 3 - 1/2/3
PPC - Left, Right Arm - 10 - 10 - 6/12/18 (minimum range 3)
Medium Laser - Left, Right Torso - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
SRM/6 - Right Torso - 4 - 12 (6x2) - 3/6/9 (15 shots)
Machine Gun - Left, Right Torso - 0 - 1 - 1/2/3 (200 shots)

Phoenix Hawk PXH-1
45 tons
Movement: 6/9/6
Heat Sinks: 10
Armor: 128 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
Large Laser - Right Arm - 8 - 8 - 5/10/15
Medium Laser x2 - Left Arm, Right Arm - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
Machine Gun - Left Arm, Right Arm - 0 - 1 - 1/2/3

Centurion CN9-A
50 tons
Movement: 4/6
Heat Sinks: 10
Armor: 136 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
AC/10 - Right Arm - 3 - 10 - 5/10/15 (20 shots)
LRM/10 - Left Torso - 5 - 15 (2x5) - 7/14/21 (24 shots)
Medium Laser x2 - Right Torso (one rear facing) - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9

Manticore Heavy Tank
60 tons
Movement: 4/6 (tracked)
Armor: 176
Medium Laser - Front- 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
LRM/10 - turret - 4 - 10 (2x5) - 7/14/21 (minimum range 7)
SRM/6 - turret - 4 - 12 (6x2) - 3/6/9
PPC - turret - 10 - 10 - 6/12/18 (minimum range 3)

Vedette Medium Tank (AC/2)
50 tons
Movement: 5/8 (tracked)
Armor: 96
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
Machine Gun - Front - 0 - 1 - 1/2/3
AC/2 - Turret - 0 - 2 - 8/16/24 (minimum range 6)
SRM/2 - Turret - 0 - 4 (2x2) - 3/6/9

Vedette Medium Tank (Standard)
Movement: 5/8 (tracked)
Armor: 96
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
Machine Gun - Front - 0 - 1 - 1/2/3
AC/5 - Turret - 0 - 5 - 6/12/18 (minimum range 3)

Pegasus Scout Hover Tank (Sensors)
Movement: 8/12 (hover)
Armor: 104
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
Medium Laser - Front - 0 - 5 - 3/6/9
SRM/4 x2 - Turret - 0 - 12 (6x2) - 3/6/9

Bulldog Medium Tank
Movement: 4/6 (tracked)
Armor: 104
Machine Gun - Front - 0 - 1 - 1/2/3
SRM/4 x2 - Turret - 0 - 12 (6x2) - 3/6/9
Large Laser - Turret - 0 - 8 - 5/10/15

Goblin Medium Tank
Movement: 4/6 (tracked)
Armor: 104
Machine Gun - Front - 0 - 1 - 1/2/3
Large Laser - Turret - 0 - 8 - 5/10/15
Carries two squads of infantry

AC/2 Carrier
60 tons
Movement: 3/5 (tracked)
Armor: 48
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
AC/2 x5 - Front - 0 - 2 - 8/16/24 (minimum range 6) (180 shots total)

There are also turrets.
The flamer, mg and small laser turrets all have maximum range of 3, while the rocket launcher turrets have 4/9/15 range brackets but are one-shot. Each rocket does 1 damage. The turret buildings all have 25 CF, except for the small laser/flamer/mg turret trio in the southwest of the base, where each of those building segments have 20 CF.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by NickAragua »

Rules refresher:

Target at weapon's
short range: +0
medium range: +2
long range: +4
minimum range: (minimum weapon range - range to target + 1)
e.g. if you're firing a PPC at something 3 hexes away, the to-hit modifier is 3 - 3 + 1

Modifiers for "to-hit" target numbers:
You walked: +1
You ran: +2
You jumped: +3

Target moved:
3-4 spaces: +1
5-6 spaces: +2
7-10 spaces: +3
11-14 spaces: +4
15+ spaces: +5 (there are higher mods, but nobody goes that fast in this scenario)

"Woods" between you and your target (not including your hex):
+1 per light woods
+2 per heavy woods

Entering light woods costs +1MP
Entering heavy woods costs +2MP
Entering rough terrain costs +1 MP
Entering rubble costs +2 MP and you have to make a PSR
Attempting to turn and enter a new hex while on a road requires a PSR

LOS: mechs are at height 2 (except their legs, which are at height 1). Tanks are at height 1. When trying to determine if you have LOS, if there is an intervening structure that is at equal or higher level than both units, no LOS. Tanks can hide directly behind height 1 objects, however.

if you get a +3 or more modifier from woods on the target, not including the woods that the target is standing in, LOS is blocked and you can't shoot at all.
As usual, the opfor loses initiative entirely, so they move then you move.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by Isgrimnur »

3336, NW.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by El Guapo »

3335, NW.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by El Guapo »

BTW, do you happen to have a link to an online copy of the rules? If so, would you mind adding that link to the "rules summary" post? It's helpful periodically to look back at the detailed rules.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by gbasden »

I'll take Archinerd and start in 3342 and 3343 facing NW
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by Stefan Stirzaker »

I'll put myself and the PainGod's Griffin GRF-1N at 3416 adn 3417 respectively facing SW
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by El Guapo »

Oh, and I'll take Madmarcu's Wolverine. But we're not deploying Delta One yet, right?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by NickAragua »

Sorry I didn't make it clear - Delta-One won't be showing up until the beginning of turn 4. You can make your choices about their placement then.

Once they do detect you, the Lyrans are on the ball and scramble pretty quickly.
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Movement modifier list (north to south):
Pegasus: 4
Vedettes, Phoenix Hawk: 3
Bulldog, Manticore: 2
Warhammer, Centurion, Warhammer: 1
AC/2 Carrier, Goblin, Bulldog: 1
Phoenix Hawk #2, #3: 4
Vedette #2: 2
Pegasus: 3

Hull Down grants the southern Warhammer an additional +1 to the to-hit number as long as the attack crosses over the height one building in front of it.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by NickAragua »

One other thing that may or may not be useful:

You can attempt to set a hex on fire (with lasers and PPCs having better odds than missiles). The wind is blowing north east, so smoke will slowly (one hex a turn) spread in that direction. For example, if you were to set hex 3033 on fire, starting next turn, you'd see light smoke in hexes 3032, 3133, 3134. The next turn, each of those smoke clouds would move one more hex northeast, while the previous three hexes would get new clouds from the fire.

If two or more smoke clouds occupy the same hex (e.g. from multiple fires), then that becomes heavy smoke.

Smoke is like woods for the purposes of line of sight and to-hit modifier, but doesn't cost extra MP to move through. Not sure how useful it'll be for you guys, but worth pointing out.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by El Guapo »

I still I will remain in place and fire my PPC and AC/10 at the Bulldog in 2335.

Should be: 2 (gunnery) + 2 (medium range) + 2 (intervening forests in 3125 and 2535) + 2 (target movement) = 8. Is that right?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by Isgrimnur »

That should leave me with Freyland.

3339, NW.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by El Guapo »

Isgrimnur wrote: Fri Nov 02, 2018 12:09 pm That should leave me with Freyland.

3339, NW.
Delta One is not getting deployed yet.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by NickAragua »

El Guapo wrote: Fri Nov 02, 2018 12:00 pm I still I will remain in place and fire my PPC and AC/10 at the Bulldog in 2335.

Should be: 2 (gunnery) + 2 (medium range) + 2 (intervening forests in 3125 and 2535) + 2 (target movement) = 8. Is that right?
If the LOS line (from center of hex to center of target hex) goes along the edge of a hex, it's technically defender's choice, but in Megamek, it always counts as passing through that hex. So you actually have 4 light woods in the way, and don't have LOS on the Bulldog.
Isgrimnur wrote: Fri Nov 02, 2018 12:09 pm That should leave me with Freyland.

3339, NW.
You can decide where you put the Quickdraw on turn 4, since that's when it'll get there.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by Isgrimnur »

I haven't been paying attention to who's in what.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by El Guapo »

NickAragua wrote: Fri Nov 02, 2018 12:17 pm
El Guapo wrote: Fri Nov 02, 2018 12:00 pm I still I will remain in place and fire my PPC and AC/10 at the Bulldog in 2335.

Should be: 2 (gunnery) + 2 (medium range) + 2 (intervening forests in 3125 and 2535) + 2 (target movement) = 8. Is that right?
If the LOS line (from center of hex to center of target hex) goes along the edge of a hex, it's technically defender's choice, but in Megamek, it always counts as passing through that hex. So you actually have 4 light woods in the way, and don't have LOS on the Bulldog.
Isgrimnur wrote: Fri Nov 02, 2018 12:09 pm That should leave me with Freyland.

3339, NW.
You can decide where you put the Quickdraw on turn 4, since that's when it'll get there.

Does our objective to destroy all "gun turrets" include destroying the rocket turrets? If not, seems silly to fire at them, since they're going to get their one shot each off and then be useless, right?

Either way, I'll fire my PPC at the Warhammer in 2132. If the rocket turrets are included in our objective, then I'll fire my AC/10 at 2330, otherwise I'll also fire it at the Warhammer. Or can I not target the Warhammer because he's "hull down" (e.g., hiding like a coward)?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by NickAragua »

Yeah, rocket launcher turrets are pretty weird. I think what I've come up with is that if you want to destroy buildings then retreat, then you need to actually blow up the buildings. If you're going for battlefield control, then, once the rocket launcher fires its one salvo, it counts as "crippled", and you don't have to destroy the building.

I'll keep a running objective tally as the turns progress.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by El Guapo »

Yeah, seems pointless to shoot at them then, unless I think I can somehow annihilate it before it fires back.

Can I target the Warhammer?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by Isgrimnur »

3135 and engage the Bulldog at 2332.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by NickAragua »

El Guapo wrote: Fri Nov 02, 2018 12:26 pm Yeah, seems pointless to shoot at them then, unless I think I can somehow annihilate it before it fires back.

Can I target the Warhammer?
It becomes meaningful if you decide you can't do battlefield control, in which case you want to blow the buildings up before leaving.

You can target the Warhammer.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by El Guapo »

NickAragua wrote: Fri Nov 02, 2018 12:39 pm
El Guapo wrote: Fri Nov 02, 2018 12:26 pm Yeah, seems pointless to shoot at them then, unless I think I can somehow annihilate it before it fires back.

Can I target the Warhammer?
It becomes meaningful if you decide you can't do battlefield control, in which case you want to blow the buildings up before leaving.

You can target the Warhammer.
Ok. PPC shot at the Warhammer, AC/10 shot at the rocket turret in 2330. I believe there's no penalty for two targets due to my multi-tasker ability.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by NickAragua »

FYI, the Banshee has two PPCs (I wrote the locations correctly, but not the fact that there are two of them).
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by El Guapo »

NickAragua wrote: Fri Nov 02, 2018 12:53 pm FYI, the Banshee has two PPCs (I wrote the locations correctly, but not the fact that there are two of them).
Oh, right. Ok, so fire both PPCs at the Warhammer. I'll hold off on the AC/10 so as to remain at heat zero.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by Stefan Stirzaker »

Move to 3014 (should be six including turning) facing SW. Two x LRMS at the Heavy Manticore. Medium lasers at the sensor tank at 2416
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by NickAragua »

Stefan Stirzaker wrote: Fri Nov 02, 2018 5:25 pm Move to 3014 (should be six including turning) facing SW. Two x LRMS at the Heavy Manticore. Medium lasers at the sensor tank at 2416
Why not 2914? That'll get you 5 hexes moved = bad guys get +2 penalty to hit you, rather than 3014, where it's 4 hexes moved = bad guys get +1 penalty. You don't need to face towards them at the end of your move, you can torso twist one hex side "for free".

Unless you're jumping, in which case never mind.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by Stefan Stirzaker »

2914 sounds good. Sorry was factoring torso twist as an extra mp
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by gbasden »

I'll move to 3040 and fire at the Bulldog in 2335.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by NickAragua »

Whew, that hull-down bonus is larger than I realized - the target number to hit a guy that's hull-down behind cover is increased by 2, in addition to the partial cover bonus of +1.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by El Guapo »

NickAragua wrote: Sat Nov 03, 2018 9:38 pm Whew, that hull-down bonus is larger than I realized - the target number to hit a guy that's hull-down behind cover is increased by 2, in addition to the partial cover bonus of +1.
ugh, so that's what 11+ to hit it? I'll just fire at the rocket towers then, unless there's a better target available odds-wise.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by NickAragua »

10+, but yeah, pretty obnoxious. Which is why he went there. You could always "big bad wolf" him if need be.

Round 1:
Three PPC shots fly out at Stefan as he advances, but, luckily miss. His LRMs impact the side of the Manticore, blowing off large chunks of treads. Out of the large volume of fire, only a burst from a distant Bulldog's AC/2 pings off the left leg.

El Guapo briefly considers taking a shot at a Warhammer hiding behind a building, but it's got too much of an angle. He turns his mech towards a Centurion coming around the north end of the base instead, but the quick targeting switch means the shots whiff. Or maybe it's the smoke trails from the 50-rocket salvo, which whiffs completely.

Isgrimnur and Gbasden both engage the Bulldog in southeast of the base. Isgrimnur's shots go wide or impact the intervening woods, but Gbasden's PPCs land directly on target. If you look really closely, you can see a rather distraught gunner in the turret, who can now take a relaxing view of the outside without using an external camera. A third PPC shot fuses some of the tank's treads, slowing it down greatly.

Other than the single AC/2 to hit on Stefan, enemy weapons fire is quite ineffective.

Raw Data:
Weapon Attack Phase

Weapons fire for Warhammer WHM-6R (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor)
    PPC at Catapult CPLT-C1 (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 10, rolls 4 : misses

    PPC at Catapult CPLT-C1 (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 10, rolls 6 : misses

Weapons fire for Phoenix Hawk PXH-1 (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor)
    Large Laser at Catapult CPLT-C1 (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 11, rolls 10 : misses

Weapons fire for Pegasus Scout Hover Tank (Sensors) (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor)
    Medium Laser at Catapult CPLT-C1 (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 11, rolls 8 : misses

    SRM 4 at Catapult CPLT-C1 (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 11, rolls 8 : misses

    SRM 4 at Catapult CPLT-C1 (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 11, rolls 7 : misses

Weapons fire for Bulldog Medium Tank (Standard) (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor)
    Large Laser at Awesome AWS-8Q #3 (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 11, rolls 7 : misses

Weapons fire for Hatchetman HCT-3F (1st Octopus Overlords)
    AC/10 at Bulldog Medium Tank (Standard) (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor); needs 8, rolls 6 : misses

    Medium Laser at Bulldog Medium Tank (Standard) (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor); needs 10, rolls 7 : misses

    Medium Laser at Bulldog Medium Tank (Standard) (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor); needs 10, rolls 8 : misses

Weapons fire for Goblin Medium Tank (Standard) (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor)
    Large Laser at Awesome AWS-8Q #3 (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 12, rolls 9 : misses

Weapons fire for Vedette Medium Tank (Standard) (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor)
    AC/5 at Catapult CPLT-C1 (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 10, rolls 8 : misses

Weapons fire for Centurion CN9-A (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor)
    AC/10 at Banshee BNC-3S (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 11, rolls 6 : misses

        Checking for accidental fire; needs 3 or below, rolls 11 : no fire..

    LRM 10 at Banshee BNC-3S (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 9, rolls 4 : misses

        Checking for accidental fire; needs 3 or below, rolls 6 : no fire..

Weapons fire for Bulldog Medium Tank (AC2) (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor)
    AC/2 at Catapult CPLT-C1 (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 10, rolls 10 : hits LL
        Catapult CPLT-C1 (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 2 damage to LL.
            16 Armor remaining.

    AC/2 at Catapult CPLT-C1 (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 10, rolls 8 : misses

Weapons fire for Warhammer WHM-6R (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor)
    PPC at Hatchetman HCT-3F (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 9, rolls 7 : misses

        Checking for accidental fire; needs 3 or below, rolls 11 : no fire..

    PPC at Hatchetman HCT-3F (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 9, rolls 5 : misses

        Checking for accidental fire; needs 3 or below, rolls 6 : no fire..

Weapons fire for Manticore Heavy Tank (Standard) (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor)
    PPC at Catapult CPLT-C1 (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 10, rolls 7 : misses

    LRM 10 at Catapult CPLT-C1 (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 10, rolls 7 : misses

    SRM 6 at Catapult CPLT-C1 (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 12, rolls 11 : misses

Weapons fire for Catapult CPLT-C1 (1st Octopus Overlords)
    LRM 15 at Manticore Heavy Tank (Standard) (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor); needs 8, rolls 10 : 9 missile(s) hit (using Left Side table).

        Manticore Heavy Tank (Standard) (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor) takes 5 damage to LS.
            28 Armor remaining.

        Manticore Heavy Tank (Standard) (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor) takes 4 damage to FR.
            38 Armor remaining.
            Chance for motive system damage. Roll is 10; (w/ +2 bonus)
             Heavy damage, +3 to driving skill rolls, 1/2 MP.

    LRM 15 at Manticore Heavy Tank (Standard) (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor); needs 8, rolls 4 : misses

    Medium Laser at Pegasus Scout Hover Tank (Sensors) (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor); needs 11, rolls 6 : misses

    Medium Laser at Pegasus Scout Hover Tank (Sensors) (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor); needs 11, rolls 8 : misses

Weapons fire for Vedette Medium Tank (Standard) #2 (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor)
    AC/5 at Awesome AWS-8Q #3 (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 12, rolls 11 : misses

Weapons fire for Vedette Medium Tank (AC2) (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor)
    AC/2 at Catapult CPLT-C1 (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 12, rolls 9 : misses

Weapons fire for Rocket Launcher/15 Turret (Single) (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor)
    Rocket Launcher 15 at Hatchetman HCT-3F (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 10, rolls 7 : misses

        Checking for accidental fire; needs 3 or below, rolls 5 : no fire..

Weapons fire for Awesome AWS-8Q #3 (1st Octopus Overlords)
    PPC at Bulldog Medium Tank (Standard) (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor); needs 7, rolls 8 : hits TU
        Bulldog Medium Tank (Standard) (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor) takes 10 damage to TU.
            10 Armor remaining.

    PPC at Bulldog Medium Tank (Standard) (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor); needs 7, rolls 10 : hits TU
        Bulldog Medium Tank (Standard) (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor) takes 10 damage to TU.
            0 Armor remaining.

    PPC at Bulldog Medium Tank (Standard) (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor); needs 7, rolls 10 : hits FR
        Bulldog Medium Tank (Standard) (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor) takes 10 damage to FR.
            14 Armor remaining.
            Chance for motive system damage. Roll is 11; (w/ +0 bonus)
             Heavy damage, +3 to driving skill rolls, 1/2 MP.

Weapons fire for Rocket Launcher/15 Turret (Single) #2 (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor)
    Rocket Launcher 15 at Banshee BNC-3S (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 10, rolls 6 : misses

        Checking for accidental fire; needs 3 or below, rolls 12 : no fire..

Weapons fire for Rocket Launcher/20 Turret (Single) (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor)
    Rocket Launcher 20 at Banshee BNC-3S (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 10, rolls 5 : misses

        Checking for accidental fire; needs 3 or below, rolls 8 : no fire..

Weapons fire for Banshee BNC-3S (1st Octopus Overlords)
    PPC at Centurion CN9-A (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor); needs 8, rolls 3 : misses

        Checking for accidental fire; needs 3 or below, rolls 4 : no fire..

    PPC at Centurion CN9-A (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor); needs 8, rolls 7 : misses

        Checking for accidental fire; needs 3 or below, rolls 6 : no fire..

Heat Phase
Banshee BNC-3S (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 20 heat, sinks 20 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Awesome AWS-8Q #3 (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 31 heat, sinks 28 heat and is now at 3 heat.
Catapult CPLT-C1 (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 18 heat, sinks 15 heat and is now at 3 heat.
Hatchetman HCT-3F (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 10 heat, sinks 10 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Warhammer WHM-6R (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor) gains 22 heat, sinks 18 heat and is now at 4 heat.
Phoenix Hawk PXH-1 (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor) gains 10 heat, sinks 10 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Phoenix Hawk PXH-1 #2 (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor) gains 6 heat, sinks 6 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Phoenix Hawk PXH-1 #3 (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor) gains 6 heat, sinks 6 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Centurion CN9-A (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor) gains 9 heat, sinks 9 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Warhammer WHM-6R (Lyran Commonwealth Opfor) gains 22 heat, sinks 18 heat and is now at 4 heat.
Battlefield State:
Enlarge Image
The Bulldog turns around and begins a slow, trundling retreat to the southwest. Tanks continue swarming around Stefan's position, while the Warhammers dig in. The Phoenix Hawks close in on El Guapo and Isgrimnur, firing up their jump jets once again to land in some woods.

Objective update:
Rocket Launcher/15 Turret out of ammo, crippled
Rocket Launcher/15 Turret out of ammo, crippled
Rocket Launcher/20 Turret out of ammo, crippled
Bulldog turret armor breached, crippled

4/19 enemy units crippled, disabled or destroyed

Movement mods:
Pegasus, northern Vedettes: 3
Manticore: 0
Bulldog AC/2: 2
Warhammers: 0
Northern Phoenix Hawk: 3
Southern Phoenix Hawks: 4
Goblin, AC/2 Carrier: 1
Southern Vedette: 3
Last edited by NickAragua on Mon Nov 05, 2018 1:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by El Guapo »

I think that's the battlefield map from before this round.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by NickAragua »

Whoops, copy and pasted the wrong link.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by Isgrimnur »

Any benefit, short or long, to ensuring that Pegasus with all the whippies doesn't make it off-map?
It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by NickAragua »

Neither of the Pegasi are trying to leave the map. The guy in the "unarmed" one just hasn't realized yet that the techs took all his guns apart and haven't put them back together yet.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by El Guapo »

I'll move to 3235, and then fire at the Phoenix Hawk in 2636:

Both PPCs (heat 20)
AC/10 (heat 3)
SRM6 (heat 4)

Walking is 1 heat, right? So 28 - 21 = 7 heat. What's the heat penalty at 7? Might drop the SRM6 shot.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by Isgrimnur »

Jump to 3139, engage PH2.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by NickAragua »

Heat 7 is -1 walk MP, so you'd be a 2/4.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek VIII

Post by El Guapo »

NickAragua wrote: Mon Nov 05, 2018 1:31 pm Heat 7 is -1 walk MP, so you'd be a 2/4.
I'll just stick with the PPCs and AC/10 for now, then.
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