[WW] Princess Bride - Signups Closed

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[WW] Princess Bride - Signups Closed

Post by Qantaga »

Originally, I had thought to make an X-Files game. However, my daughter and I re-watched (for the countless time) The Princess Bride a couple of weeks back. So, I started thinking that I might switch over to a Princess Bride game, instead of X-Files. Then, there was a small exchange between Unagi ("Every ship but your four fastest, you mean.") and LordMortis in the Star Wars game that put the icing on the cake.

Here is my general framework. Please, please offer feedback, criticisms, suggestions, etc. on anything that looks amiss or needs improvement.

I took some liberties with the story to fit it into a Werewolf framework (most notably Vizzini's survival).

FAIR WARNING: It is going to look like a massive amount of roles here, but each of the roles is limited in scope. For example, I will have 5 players who are Seer-like, in that they get scans, but they each can only find one specific player. There are two protectors, but they only protect against one faction.

The Roles :




Westley has served as the Dread Pirate Roberts, but has now abandoned that life to be reunited with Buttercup. However, with everything he has learned from Ryan (the Dread Pirate Roberts who preceded Westley), he has detailed knowledge about the original Dread Pirate Roberts. Each night, Westley will perform two tasks. He will scan for the Dread Pirate Roberts (after he is notified that the Pirates are active). He will also be able to protect one player each night from an attack by the Dread Pirate Roberts. He may self-protect. He may not protect the same player two nights in a row. His protection will not thwart the kill attempts by the Evil faction, led by Prince Humperdink.



After your harrowing kidnapping, and subsequent rescue by Westley, you are haunted by memories of Vizzini. Each night, you may scan to try to find Vizzini to expose his new identity to the people of Florin. If you find him, you will be able to steal his tube of iocane powder.

Inigo Montoya


Inigo has been searching most of his life for the six-fingered man who killed his father. Each night, Inigo may scan for the six-fingered man (Count Tyrone Rugen). A successful scan will reveal to him the identity of Count Tyrone Rugen. It will also initiate a duel in which Inigo will avenge his father's death and will result in Rugen's death.



You have the ability to use your brute strength to protect a player of your choice from Prince Humperdink's assassins each night. You may self protect. You may not protect the same person two nights in a row. Your protection is only effective against in thwarting the kill attempts of the Evil faction, led by Prince Humperdink. Your protection will not extend to attacks made by the Dread Pirate Roberts.

Miracle Max


You have the ability to call a mostly dead player back from the great beyond. Once during the game, at any time, you will have the ability to resurrect a player of your choice. However, the player must have died within one game day (the previous night and day deaths only) or they will be past mostly dead. Max will not be revealed by using his power.

The Ancient Booer


You know Prince Humperdink for the true evil that he embodies. Each night, you will scan for Prince Humperdink in an effort to expose his evil to the village.

Villagers of Florin


As a villager, you strive to uncover the source of the evil that is tainting your land, whether it be the Evil of Prince Humperdink and his minions, or the newly returned terror of the Dread Pirate Roberts.


Prince Humperdink


Prince Humperdink tries to portray himself as a good and benevolent ruler, but he is using the kind people of his realm to serve his own evil plans. He will submit the name of the player his evil team wishes to kill each night. He also has a power that can be used once a game (even upon death) to convert a player to his Evil ways. The power can be used at any time, day or night. The conversion will not be effective on the Dread Pirate Roberts, Fezzik, or anone protected by Fezzik at that moment. If Humperdink, is blocked on his first attempt at conversion, he will get one more conversion attempt. However, he must wait a full day/night cycle before he can attempt to convert again. If the second conversion fails, the power will be used up. Obviously, if his conversion is attempted on his death bed and fails, the power will be spent.

Count Tyrone Rugen


You know someone has been tracking you for many years. It has never seemed worrisome to you before, but now you feel a sense of impending doom. You need to find this person as soon as possible and deal with the threat. Once each night, you may scan for Inigo Montoya. If you find him, you will be able to ambush him and kill him before he finds your identity.



If you are lynched, you will be able to sprinkle a vial of iocane powder into the drink of a player of your choice, as long as Buttercup has not found you first (unbeknownst to you) and stolen your vial. Westley is immune to the iocane powder, so he will not die if he is chosen as the player to drink your iocane. If no player dies from Vizzini's iocane, the writeup will not reveal if it was because the vial was stolen or because Westley was selected.


Dread Pirate Roberts


While Westley spent the last few years as the Dread Pirate Roberts, the original Dread Pirate Roberts has fallen on hard times during his retirement in Patagonia. What once seemed riches beyone compare are now almost entirely gone. You have heard rumors that the newest Dread Pirate Roberts has left his ships abandoned and has recently rescued the kidnapped Princess Buttercup. You take this golden opportunity to reclaim your fleet. You now need only to find some of your old crew members and return to your reign of terror to refill your empty coffers. Once each night, you may scan for your crewmembers. If you find one (or if one or both of them finds you), you will be able to communicate freely with them. You will then also be able to begin to kill one player of your choice each evening. However, you will have a choice to make. At night, you can scan for your second crewmember to grow your fleet, or you may attempt to kill a player of your choice, but you may not do both.



You served many years with the Dread Pirate Roberts. Now, that he has reclaimed the ships abandoned by Westley, he is looking for some of his old crew. You have retired to a life as a villager under the rule of Prince Humperdink. Once each night, you may scan for the Dread Pirate Roberts, if you find him, or if he finds you, you will gladly return to his service and will be able to communicate with him. If the Dread Pirate Roberts is killed after the fleet has been activated, the first found Pirate will take over the mantle of the Dread Pirate Roberts. There will be two Pirates, but they are considered normal villagers until they connect with the Dread Pirate Roberts.


There are a lot of roles here, but here's the general outline:


Westley - scans for the Dread Pirate Roberts and protects against any Dread attacks
Buttercup - scans for Vizzini
Inigo - scans for the six-fingered man and kills him, if successful
Fezzik - protects against attacks by Humperdink and the forces of evil
Miracle Max - one-time rez
Ancient Booer - scans for Humperdink

So, basically 4 players to make up one complete Seer, 2 players to make up one complete protector, a Rez, and two conditional powers.


Humperdink - can convert a player to his side once during the game.
Rugen - scans for Inigo and kills him if he finds him (note: If Inigo and Rugen find each other on the same night, Inigo will win the duel and Rugen will die).
Vizzini - berserker with iocane.

So, three evil, with a conversion to gain a fourth, a berserker, and a conditional shot.

Dread Pirates:

Roberts - scans once each night for one of his crewmen. if he finds one, or if they find him, the pirate fleet becomes active. From that point on, they can make a kill attempt each night. Or Roberts can choose to scan for the second crewman instead.
Pirates - Are considered villagers at the start of the game. Scan for Roberts each night.- Are considered villagers at the start of the game and until they are connected with Roberts.

So, a second evil faction that may or may not be activated.

My work dinner ran late tonight, so I still have some tweaks to do to the character writeups, but hopefully you get the general idea.

I welcome any suggestions and corrections.

The game should run well for 16 players or more. If we get close to 20, I'll add one more evil role. If we have less than 16 sign-up, I'll tweak the roles a bit.


1. bb2112
2. PLW
3. Lassr
4. theohall
5. stessier
6. Mr. Bubbles
7. Chaosraven
8. pr0ner
9. Newcastle
10. coopasonic
11. Remus West
12. triggercut
13. tru1cy
14. El Guapo
15. Scoop
16. Unagi
17. Lagom Lite
18. Isgrimnur
19. rshetts2
20. RMC
Last edited by Qantaga on Sun Aug 07, 2011 1:03 am, edited 23 times in total.
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by Qantaga »


General Gameplay

Westley - Westley will issue two orders each night:

1. He will scan for the Dread Pirate Roberts. He will be told only Dread Pirate Roberts or not-Dread Pirate Roberts. However, he will only be able to begin scanning after he is notified that pirate ships have been seen (after the Dread Pirate faction is activated).

2. He will protect one player. That player will be immune to a kill attempt by the Dread Pirate Roberts. He may self-protect. He may not protect the same player on two consecutive nights. He may choose not to protect. His power will not prevent a kill by the Evil faction, led by Prince Humperdink.

Note: Up until the time that the Dread Pirates activate, Westley will be able to scan for Buttercup. Details forthcoming.

Buttercup - Buttercup will scan for Vizzini each night. She will only be told Vizzini or not-Vizzini. If she successfully scans Vizzini, she will steal his vial of iocane powder.

Inigo - Inigo will scan for Rugen each night. He will only be told Rugen or not-Rugen. If he successfully scans Rugen, he will kill him. Inigo will scan first, so in the event that they scan each other on the same night, Inigo will defeat Rugen. He will not be revealed if he kills Rugen.

Fezzik - Fezzik will protect one player each night. That player will be immune to a kill attempt by the Evil faction. That player will also be immune to a conversion attempt by Prince Humperdink that night and the following day. He may self-protect. He may not protect the same player on two consecutive nights. He may choose not to protect. His power will not protect against a kill by the Dread Pirate Roberts.

Miracle Max - Once in the game, Max may issue an order to resurrect a recently killed player. He will only be able to rez a player killed in the previous game day or night cycle. He may send the order at any time, day or night. His rez will not reveal him.

The Ancient Booer - The Ancient Booer will scan each night for Prince Humperdink. She will only be told Humperdink or not-Humperdink.

Prince Humperdink - Prince Humperdink will submit a player to be killed each night. Humperdink will also have the ability to convert one player during the course of the game. His conversion will not work against the Dread Pirate Roberts, an activated Pirate, Fezzik, or a player currently under Fezzik's protection. If he misses on his first conversion attempt, he will get a second attempt, but that attempt will be delayed by a full day/night cycle (for example, if he attempts a conversion in the day cycle and is unsuccessful, he will not be able to convert the next night or day). If he is lynched, before he can submit his conversion order (and still has an eligible conversion or is not limited by the timing of a previous miss), he will get a chance to attempt a conversion before I write up his lynch.

Count Tyrone Rugen - Rugen will scan for Inigo each night. He will only be told Inigo or not-Inigo. If he finds Inigo, he will ambush him and kill him. He will not be revealed if he kills Inigo. If Humperdink dies before Rugen, Rugen will submit the nightly kill target.

Vizzini - Vizzini has a hidden vial of iocane powder. If he is lynched, he will be able to slip the iocane into the drink of a player of his choice. The iocane will not kill Westley. If Buttercup has previously found Vizzini, he will not have the iocane available. He will not be told if Buttercup has found him or not. The write-up will not reveal if the iocane was unsuccessful because Westley was the target or because the iocane was stolen by Buttercup. If Humperdink and Rugen both die before Vizzini, Vizzini will submit the nightly kill target.

Dread Pirate Roberts - The Dread Pirate Roberts will scan for his Pirate crew each night. He will be told Pirate or not-Pirate. If he finds one of them, his Dread Pirate fleet will be activated. They will get access to an OO WW forum. The Dread Pirate Roberts will then make a choice the next night. He may submit the name of a player to kill or he may scan for his other Pirate crewman. He may not do both. If the Dread Pirate Roberts, designated as Cummerbund (known only to him) is killed before he connects with either Pirate, the mantle of the Dread Pirate Roberts will fall to the Pirate designated as Ryan (known only to him). Should Cummerbund and Ryan die, the Dread Pirate fleet will be sunk The remaining Pirate will not know this, so they will still be scanning for the Dread Pirate Roberts, but will in essence be a villager for the remainder of the game.

Updated note: If the Dread Pirate Roberts is killed before he is able to activate a Pirate, his death will reveal him as a villager.

Pirates - There will be two players designated as Pirates. They will be treated as villagers until they connect with the Dread Pirate Roberts. Once activated, they will be considered Pirates. They will get to scan each night for the Dread Pirate Roberts. They will only be told Roberts or not-Roberts. They must either be scanned by Roberts or scan Roberts himself to be activated. If they scan the other Pirate, they will be told not-Roberts. In the event that the Dread Pirate Roberts is killed after the Dread Pirate fleet has been activated, the first Pirate to connect with Roberts will inherit the role of the Dread Pirate Roberts.

Winning Conditions

- Villagers and Good Specials will win if they kill all the Evil team members and all the Dread Pirates. If the Pirate fleet is not activated, they will have to kill the Dread Pirate Roberts. They do not have to kill unactivated Pirates.

- The Evil faction will win if the Dread Pirate faction has been eliminated and if their number equals or exceeds the number of good specials and villagers.

- The Dread Pirate faction will win if the Evil faction has been eliminated and if their number equals or exceeds the number of good specials and villagers.

In the event that the Evil faction and the Dread Pirate faction are both active and have killed off all of the good specials and villagers, they will continue to lynch by day and submit night orders until a winning faction has been determined. In the event of an equal number of Dread Pirates and Evils, with no powers remaining to effect the game during the day cycle, the Dread Pirate faction will win (since their night kill will come first and since they have a harder path to victory).

Turn Order

Each night's turn order:

*Conditional: Should the Dread Pirate fleet activate on the previous night, Westley will be notified that there are black ships on the horizon immediately upon nightfall.

1. Westley's protection applied.
2. Fezzik's protection applied.
3. Dread Pirates' scans.
4. Dread Pirates' kill attempt.
5. Evil's kill attempt.
6. Westley's scan.
7. Buttercup's scan.
8. The Ancient Booer's scan.
9. Inigo's scan.
10. Rugen's scan.

Humperdink may attempt to convert anytime day or night.
Mad Max may submit his rez order anytime day or night.
Last edited by Qantaga on Sat Aug 06, 2011 8:22 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by bb2112 »

This is interesting. A lot of roles, but all pretty low powered, except for Humperdink and Miracle Max.

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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by PLW »

I Need to try this out.
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by Qantaga »

bb2112 wrote: A lot of roles, but all pretty low powered, except for Humperdink and Miracle Max.

Here's my big question:

Have I watered down the Seer too much? It's a bit of a needle in the haystack approach. That way, if the Seer is taken out early, it's not crippling. However, the "Seers" can't build a bank of innocents, since they each are only told the definitive identity of just one player.

Alternate: I could give the Ancient Booer scans for alignment (good/evil) and still keep the Buttercup and Inigo scans, since they provide conditional powers. Then, pull Westley back to just being a protector against Roberts' kills.

So, for some of our vets:

A. Keep the spread out Seer roles?
B. Give the Ancient Booer full good/evil scans (not just for Humperdink)?

I'm off to the airport, so I may not be able to reply for awhile, but I wanted to get this out for discussion.
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by Lassr »

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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by theohall »


I think it would be interesting to attempt your original multi-Seer idea just to see how it plays out.

On a different note, with the way this crowd drops hints, the Pirates will have folks walking the plank on Night 2. Unless the crowd is smart enough to lynch them for hinting.
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by stessier »

IN - even though I haven't read the rules, just your preamble.

One thing to consider (and remember, I haven't read the rules) is that even though each Seer can only find one players, you have to guard against them becoming trusted when they come out. Cause if all 5 come out, what happens? What would stop them from all coming out on Day 1? Asking those type of questions might help you see if it is fair or not.
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by Mr Bubbles »

Count me in.
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by Chaosraven »

IN of course. As far as a Mass Reveal, with 2 Bad Guy Teams the life span of the good specials would be very limited.
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by pr0ner »

In, I suppose.
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by bb2112 »

Qantaga wrote:
bb2112 wrote: A lot of roles, but all pretty low powered, except for Humperdink and Miracle Max.

Here's my big question:

Have I watered down the Seer too much? It's a bit of a needle in the haystack approach. That way, if the Seer is taken out early, it's not crippling. However, the "Seers" can't build a bank of innocents, since they each are only told the definitive identity of just one player.

Alternate: I could give the Ancient Booer scans for alignment (good/evil) and still keep the Buttercup and Inigo scans, since they provide conditional powers. Then, pull Westley back to just being a protector against Roberts' kills.

So, for some of our vets:

A. Keep the spread out Seer roles?
B. Give the Ancient Booer full good/evil scans (not just for Humperdink)?

I'm off to the airport, so I may not be able to reply for awhile, but I wanted to get this out for discussion.
I say let's try it the way you have it written. It doesn't seem unbalanced, so let's see how it plays out.
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by Newcastle »



1. who is "Inigo - scans for the six-fingered man and kills him, if successful" Who's the 6 finger dude. I can make a guess, but much rathter have it spelled out to me. (treat all of us as if we are super dumb, and need everything black & white & annotated).

2. Who are teh pirates who will form up the crew? Are they villagers at teh start of the game? If they are...then about 50% of teh village is composed of potential pirates; giving the pirate crew a potentially easy win, if they get a few rolling. There are 8 rolls, and considering potential 20 signups....the pirates have a pretty good chance of creating a crew. I assume they will be allowed permission to talk within the OO WW forums.

3. Does everyone get a scan or something or have to submit a night order? If so....you need hard, hard deadlines...or else people will game the system and go...OH..."newcastle hasnt been on in 36 hours and hte game is stalled, lets lynch him." . A 24 hour deadline would be applicable, or possibly encourage people get their scans in prior to the lynch to ease downtime. If the deadline is passed, then they lose scan...turn is processed.

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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by coopasonic »


I'm learning... still learning.
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by Remus West »

Aaaaargh. I'll play IN this one, me hearty.
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by Qantaga »

Newcastle wrote:1. who is "Inigo - scans for the six-fingered man and kills him, if successful" Who's the 6 finger dude. I can make a guess, but much rathter have it spelled out to me. (treat all of us as if we are super dumb, and need everything black & white & annotated).

Thanks for pointing that out. The six-fingered man is Count Tyrone Rugen. It's updated in the OP now.
Newcastle wrote:2. Who are teh pirates who will form up the crew? Are they villagers at teh start of the game? If they are...then about 50% of teh village is composed of potential pirates; giving the pirate crew a potentially easy win, if they get a few rolling. There are 8 rolls, and considering potential 20 signups....the pirates have a pretty good chance of creating a crew. I assume they will be allowed permission to talk within the OO WW forums.

There will be two specific players designated as Pirates. They are considered Villagers until "activated" by the Dread Pirate Roberts. No other Villagers will have piratical tendencies. They will have their own OO WW forum if they discover Roberts.
Newcastle wrote:3. Does everyone get a scan or something or have to submit a night order? If so....you need hard, hard deadlines...or else people will game the system and go...OH..."newcastle hasnt been on in 36 hours and hte game is stalled, lets lynch him." . A 24 hour deadline would be applicable, or possibly encourage people get their scans in prior to the lynch to ease downtime. If the deadline is passed, then they lose scan...turn is processed.

Good point. Not everyone will have a scan or nightly orders. However, there is the potential for up to 9 scans on a given night. I will put some sort of deadline in place.
Last edited by Qantaga on Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by Qantaga »

stess brings up a good point with the potential of a mass revewal. I think Chaos is right that it would expose them before they could successfully fulfill their designed purpose. The other factor is that a mass reveal would greatly increase the pirates' chances of finding each other.

I'm racing to my plane, but I'll definitely look closely at this.
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by Newcastle »

What are teh winning conditions for each side? Besides self-claiming Charlie Sheen "winning" statement.

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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by tru1cy »

Digesting the rules. Think I am up for a more traditional game, but I'll watch this thread
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by Qantaga »

Waking up in Phoenix, Arizona (Sedona actually) and ending the day in Phenix City, Alabama is something that I am very glad I don't have to do often. :)
Newcastle wrote:What are teh winning conditions for each side? Besides self-claiming Charlie Sheen "winning" statement.

Working on the details now. Will post everything in the second post in the thread in an hour or so (couldn't get them all typed up at midnight PST last night, but wanted to get the framework up for discussion).
tru1cy wrote:Digesting the rules. Think I am up for a more traditional game, but I'll watch this thread

Noooo. You're going to have to play tru1cy. I don't think I've ever played (or hosted) a game at GT or OO without you being involved. I'll be lost. :)
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by Qantaga »

Gameplay, winning conditions, and turn order updated in second post above.

Any and all suggestions welcome.
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by Chaosraven »

Start the game, I've been dead for three weeks and I am getting a bit ripe.
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by Newcastle »

not sure if this will unbalance the numbers; but might want to split westley's powers to 2 people, rather than 1. Those are 2 different powers...and its nice to spread the love around.

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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by Qantaga »

Newcastle wrote:not sure if this will unbalance the numbers; but might want to split westley's powers to 2 people, rather than 1. Those are 2 different powers...and its nice to spread the love around.

I'll put some thought into that. The reason I went in that direction is because not only would Westley have an instinctual awareness of the original Dread Pirate Roberts, but he would also be the best equipped to thwart his kill attempts. Plus, if the Dread Pirate fleet never activates, it's an empty power. I'll think it through in detail tomorrow. Thanks for the feedback!
Chaosraven wrote:Start the game, I've been dead for three weeks and I am getting a bit ripe.

I was wondering what that smell was. :)

I'll be ready to start it soon. I am going to give it a little longer for sign-ups. I'd like to see if we can get to 16+. I've got a couple of busy work days tomorrow and Friday, but then we should be good. I'm targeting getting roles out over the weekend, so the game will be rolling full steam Monday.

I'm still thinking through stess' warning on the mass reveal and will post more on that tomorrow afternoon.
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by triggercut »

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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by tru1cy »

In :) Now Unagi can lynch me :) Think I have my new Austin :horse: :wub:
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by PLW »

Sorry if this is a generic WW question, but what's revealed on a kill? For example, if the good guys kill Dread Pirate Roberts, will they know it was him? Will they know it was a pirate? What about a villager who could become a pirate but isn't activated? Same thing for the two bad teams. In regular WW, everyone knows that the wolves killed a villager, but here the bad guys might get a pirate and vice-versa. Will the night-killers learn the group of their victim? Will everyone? Will no one? Finally, will we know which group killed at night? Obviously, if you are the other bad group, you know it wasn't you, but can the good guys tell a pirate kill from a bad guy kill?
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by Qantaga »

PLW wrote:Sorry if this is a generic WW question, but what's revealed on a kill? For example, if the good guys kill Dread Pirate Roberts, will they know it was him? Will they know it was a pirate? What about a villager who could become a pirate but isn't activated? Same thing for the two bad teams. In regular WW, everyone knows that the wolves killed a villager, but here the bad guys might get a pirate and vice-versa. Will the night-killers learn the group of their victim? Will everyone? Will no one? Finally, will we know which group killed at night? Obviously, if you are the other bad group, you know it wasn't you, but can the good guys tell a pirate kill from a bad guy kill?

A lot of good questions. Hopefully, this will cover it:

Death will reveal alignment, not roles, whether it be a day lynch or a night kill.

-Good specials and villagers will be revealed as villagers.
-Evil faction (Humperdink, Rugen, Vizzini, converted player) will be revealed as evil.
-Dread Pirate Roberts (activated) and activated Pirates will be revealed as pirate. If the fleet has not been activated, Dread Pirate Roberts or an unactivated Pirate who is killed will be revealed as villager.

The night killers will only learn about the night kill from the game write-up. They will not get information that the general population doesn't also get.

Villagers and good specials will not know which group was responsible for the night's kill.'

Hopefully, that answers your questions, but please let me know if you have others or if I still haven't clarified it completely.
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by redrun »

Wait. A Princess Bride game and I'm just too busy to play.... Outconceivable!
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by bb2112 »

Just to make sure, there could potentially be 2 night kills?

One by the evil dudes?
One by the pirate dudes?
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by Qantaga »

bb2112 wrote:Just to make sure, there could potentially be 2 night kills?

One by the evil dudes?
One by the pirate dudes?

That is correct. There could potentially be 2 night kills.

Of course, the difference is that night kills aren't limited to good players only. Theoretically, the 2 night kills could be that the evil dudes killed a pirate and the pirate dudes kill an evil.
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Planning and Signups

Post by Qantaga »

redrun wrote:Wait. A Princess Bride game and I'm just too busy to play.... Outconceivable!

Busy Schmusy... come play. You know you want to. :)

(Of course, I understand busy, but I wanted to throw a little more temptation your way).
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Signups - Starting Soon

Post by El Guapo »

Ok, I'm in! With a funny "in" post, of course.
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Signups - Starting Soon

Post by Remus West »

El Guapo wrote:Ok, I'm in! With a funny "in" post, of course.
You could say you are incompetant. Or Incontenant. Or that I need to be Institutionalized.
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Signups - Starting Soon

Post by coopasonic »

Remus West wrote:
El Guapo wrote:Ok, I'm in! With a funny "in" post, of course.
You could say you are incompetant. Or Incontenant. Or that I need to be Institutionalized.
Well you spelled one of them right anyhow.
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Signups - Starting Soon

Post by Newcastle »

guesses at #15
- Q's wife?
-Q's father
-Q's boss (whom he will reveal all information too in order to gain mass brownie points)
- Scoop?
-W bush....he's been a lurker all along
- Penelope Cruz, she's a lurker and been digging my role playing since day 1

What bout the unagi guy? Or mssteelers? Or lagom?

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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Signups - Starting Soon

Post by Scoop20906 »

Scoop is IN. 8-)
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Signups - Starting Soon

Post by Qantaga »

Newcastle wrote:guesses at #15
- Scoop?

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Give the man a kewpie doll! :)
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Signups - Starting Soon

Post by Chaosraven »

Yay! (and dangit. I hoped he was 16).
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Re: [WW] Princess Bride - Signups - Starting Soon

Post by bb2112 »

Scoop20906 wrote:Scoop is IN. 8-)
Scoop! Hope you had a good break my man!

How are you going to kill the seer this game? :wink:
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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